forked from Github_Repos/cvw
313 lines
10 KiB
313 lines
10 KiB
# 31 March 2021
# Modified: 4 April 2021
# Generate directed and random test vectors for RISC-V Design Validation.
# libraries
from datetime import datetime
from random import randint
from random import seed
from random import getrandbits
# functions
def writeTrapHandlers(storecmd):
global testnum
[reg1, reg2, reg3] = [30, 29, 28]
[reg4, reg5] = [27, 26]
lines = "\n# Trap Handler: Machine Timer Interupt\n"
lines += "_timerM_trap_handler:\n"
lines += "li x" + str(reg1) + ", MASK_XLEN(0x2A)\n"
lines += "la x" + str(reg2) + ", 0x2004000\n"
lines += str(storecmd) + " x" + str(reg1) + ", 0(x" + str(reg2) + ")\n"
lines += "csrrw x" + str(reg3) + ", mepc, x0\n"
lines += "addi x"+ str(reg3) + ", x" + str(reg3) + ", MASK_XLEN(0x4)\n"
lines += "mret\n"
lines += "\n# Trap Handler: Supervisor Timer Interupt\n"
lines += "_timerS_trap_handler:\n"
lines += "li x" + str(reg4) + ", MASK_XLEN(0x20)\n"
lines += "csrrc x0, mip, x" + str(reg4) + "\n"
lines += "csrrw x" + str(reg5) + ", mepc, x0\n"
lines += "addi x"+ str(reg5) + ", x" + str(reg5) + ", MASK_XLEN(0x4)\n"
lines += "mret\n"
lines += "\n# Trap Handler: User Timer Interupt\n"
lines += "_timerU_trap_handler:\n"
lines += "li x" + str(reg4) + ", MASK_XLEN(0x10)\n"
lines += "csrrc x0, mip, x" + str(reg4) + "\n"
lines += "csrrw x" + str(reg5) + ", mepc, x0\n"
lines += "addi x"+ str(reg5) + ", x" + str(reg5) + ", MASK_XLEN(0x4)\n"
lines += "mret\n"
lines += "\n# Trap Handler: Machine Software Interupt\n"
lines += "_softwareM_trap_handler:\n"
lines += "li x" + str(reg1) + ", MASK_XLEN(0x0)\n" # clear MSIP bit in CLINT
lines += "la x" + str(reg2) + ", 0x2000000\n"
lines += str(storecmd) + " x" + str(reg1) + ", 0(x" + str(reg2) + ")\n"
lines += "csrrw x" + str(reg3) + ", mepc, x0\n"
lines += "addi x"+ str(reg3) + ", x" + str(reg3) + ", MASK_XLEN(0x4)\n"
lines += "mret\n"
lines += "\n# Trap Handler: Supervisor Software Interupt\n"
lines += "_softwareS_trap_handler:\n"
lines += "li x" + str(reg4) + ", MASK_XLEN(0x2)\n"
lines += "csrrc x0, mip, x" + str(reg4) + "\n"
lines += "csrrw x" + str(reg5) + ", mepc, x0\n"
lines += "addi x"+ str(reg5) + ", x" + str(reg5) + ", MASK_XLEN(0x4)\n"
lines += "mret\n"
lines += "\n# Trap Handler: User Software Interupt\n"
lines += "_softwareU_trap_handler:\n"
lines += "li x" + str(reg4) + ", MASK_XLEN(0x1)\n"
lines += "csrrc x0, mip, x" + str(reg4) + "\n"
lines += "csrrw x" + str(reg5) + ", mepc, x0\n"
lines += "addi x"+ str(reg5) + ", x" + str(reg5) + ", MASK_XLEN(0x4)\n"
lines += "mret\n"
lines += "\n# Trap Handler: Machine External Interupt\n"
lines += "_externalM_trap_handler:\n"
#lines += "li x" + str(reg1) + ", MASK_XLEN(0x0)\n" # clear MSIP bit in CLINT
#lines += "la x" + str(reg2) + ", 0x2000000\n"
#lines += str(storecmd) + " x" + str(reg1) + ", 0(x" + str(reg2) + ")\n"
lines += "csrrw x" + str(reg3) + ", mepc, x0\n"
lines += "addi x"+ str(reg3) + ", x" + str(reg3) + ", MASK_XLEN(0x4)\n"
lines += "mret\n"
lines += "\n# Trap Handler: Supervisor External Interupt\n"
lines += "_externalS_trap_handler:\n"
lines += "li x" + str(reg4) + ", MASK_XLEN(0x200)\n"
lines += "csrrc x0, mip, x" + str(reg4) + "\n"
lines += "csrrw x" + str(reg5) + ", mepc, x0\n"
lines += "addi x"+ str(reg5) + ", x" + str(reg5) + ", MASK_XLEN(0x4)\n"
lines += "mret\n"
lines += "\n# Trap Handler: User External Interupt\n"
lines += "_externalU_trap_handler:\n"
lines += "li x" + str(reg4) + ", MASK_XLEN(0x100)\n"
lines += "csrrc x0, mip, x" + str(reg4) + "\n"
lines += "csrrw x" + str(reg5) + ", mepc, x0\n"
lines += "addi x"+ str(reg5) + ", x" + str(reg5) + ", MASK_XLEN(0x4)\n"
lines += "mret\n"
def getInteruptEnableValues():
if test == "timerM":
mstatusE = 0x8
mieE = 0x80
elif test == "timerS":
mstatusE = 0x2
mieE = 0x20
elif test == "timerU":
mstatusE = 0x1
mieE = 0x10
elif test == "softwareM":
mstatusE = 0x8
mieE = 0x8
elif test == "softwareS":
mstatusE = 0x2
mieE = 0x2
elif test == "softwareU":
mstatusE = 0x1
mieE = 0x1
elif test == "externalM":
mstatusE = 0x8
mieE = 0x800
elif test == "externalS":
mstatusE = 0x2
mieE = 0x200
elif test == "externalU":
mstatusE = 0x1
mieE = 0x100
return [mstatusE, mieE]
def getMcause():
b = 1 << (xlen-1)
if test == "timerM":
b = b + 0x7
elif test == "timerS":
b = b + 0x5
elif test == "timerU":
b = b + 0x4
elif test == "softwareM":
b = b + 0x3
elif test == "softwareS":
b = b + 0x1
elif test == "softwareU":
b = b
elif test == "externalM":
b = b + 0xB
elif test == "externalS":
b = b + 0x9
elif test == "externalU":
b = b + 0x8
return b
def writeVectors(a, xlen, storecmd):
global testnum
[reg1, reg2, reg3] = [1, 2, 3]
[reg5, reg8] = [5, 8]
[reg9, reg10, reg11, reg12] = [9, 10, 11, 12]
lines = f"\n# Testcase {testnum}: {test} Interupt\n"
# mcause code
expected = getMcause()
lines = lines + "li x" + str(reg1) + ", MASK_XLEN(" + formatstr.format(expected) + ")\n"
if (testnum == 0): expected = 0
[mstatusE, mieE] = getInteruptEnableValues()
# set interupt enable bit in mstatus
lines += "li x" + str(reg3) + ", MASK_XLEN(" + str(mstatusE) + ")\n"
lines += "csrrs x0, mstatus, x" + str(reg3) + "\n"
# set timer interupt enable bit in mie
lines += "li x" + str(reg9) + ", MASK_XLEN(" + str(mieE) + ")\n"
lines += "csrrs x0, mie, x" + str(reg3) + "\n"
# Save and set trap handler address for interrupt
lines += "la x" + str(reg5) + ", _" + test + "_trap_handler\n"
# save orignal mtvec address
lines += "csrrw x" + str(reg12) + ", mtvec, x" + str(reg5) + "\n"
# cause timer interupt
if test == "timerM":
lines += "li x" + str(reg8) + ", MASK_XLEN(0)\n"
lines += str(storecmd) + " x" + str(reg8) + ", " + str(wordsize*testnum)+ "(x6)\n"
lines += "la x" + str(reg8) + ", 0x2004000\n"
lines += "li x" + str(reg3) + ", MASK_XLEN(0)\n"
# save old value of mtimecmp and then set mtimecmp to zero
lines += "lw x" + str(reg11) + ", 0(x" + str(reg8) + ")\n"
lines += str(storecmd) + " x" + str(reg3) + ", 0(x" + str(reg8) + ")\n"
elif test == "timerS":
lines += "li x" + str(reg3) + ", MASK_XLEN(0x20)\n"
lines += "csrrs x0, mip, x" + str(reg3) + "\n"
elif test == "timerU":
lines += "li x" + str(reg3) + ", MASK_XLEN(0x10)\n"
lines += "csrrs x0, mip, x" + str(reg3) + "\n"
# cause software interupt
if test == "softwareM":
lines += "la x" + str(reg8) + ", 0x2000000\n" # Write to the MSIP bit in CLINT
lines += "li x" + str(reg3) + ", MASK_XLEN(0x1)\n"
lines += str(storecmd) + " x" + str(reg3) + ", 0(x" + str(reg8) + ")\n"
elif test == "softwareS":
lines += "li x" + str(reg3) + ", MASK_XLEN(0x2)\n"
lines += "csrrs x0, mip, x" + str(reg3) + "\n"
elif test == "softwareU":
lines += "li x" + str(reg3) + ", MASK_XLEN(0x1)\n"
lines += "csrrs x0, mip, x" + str(reg3) + "\n"
# cause external interupt
# Not sure how to cause an external machine interupt yet
# will writing to PLIC just cause it? (where is the ExtIntM located in PLIC)
#if test == "externalM":
#lines += "la x" + str(reg8) + ", 0x2000000\n" # Write to the MSIP bit in CLINT
#lines += "li x" + str(reg3) + ", MASK_XLEN(0x1)\n"
#lines += str(storecmd) + " x" + str(reg3) + ", 0(x" + str(reg8) + ")\n"
if test == "externalS":
lines += "li x" + str(reg3) + ", MASK_XLEN(0x200)\n"
lines += "csrrs x0, mip, x" + str(reg3) + "\n"
elif test == "externalU":
lines += "li x" + str(reg3) + ", MASK_XLEN(0x100)\n"
lines += "csrrs x0, mip, x" + str(reg3) + "\n"
#lines += "wfi\n" # wait for interupt to be taken
lines += "nop\nnop\n"
lines += "csrrw " + " x" + str(reg2) + ", mcause, x" + str(reg1) + "\n"
# reset mtvec
lines += "csrrw x0, mtvec, x" + str(reg12) + "\n"
lines += storecmd + " x" + str(reg2) + ", " + str(wordsize*testnum) + "(x6)\n"
lines += "RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x7, x" + str(reg2) +", "+formatstr.format(expected)+")\n"
if (xlen == 32):
line = formatrefstr.format(expected)+"\n"
line = formatrefstr.format(expected % 2**32)+"\n" + formatrefstr.format(expected >> 32) + "\n"
testnum = testnum+1
# main body
# change these to suite your tests
tests = ["timerM"] #, "timerS", "timerU", "softwareM", "softwareS", "softwareU"]
author = ""
xlens = [64, 32]
numrand = 100;
# setup
seed(0) # make tests reproducible
# generate files for each test
for xlen in xlens:
formatstrlen = str(int(xlen/4))
formatstr = "0x{:0" + formatstrlen + "x}" # format as xlen-bit hexadecimal number
formatrefstr = "{:08x}" # format as xlen-bit hexadecimal number with no leading 0x
if (xlen == 32):
storecmd = "sw"
wordsize = 4
storecmd = "sd"
wordsize = 8
for test in tests:
imperaspath = "../../../imperas-riscv-tests/riscv-test-suite/rv" + str(xlen) + "p/"
basename = "WALLY-IE"
fname = imperaspath + "src/" + basename + ".S"
refname = imperaspath + "references/" + basename + ".reference_output"
testnum = 0
# print custom header part
f = open(fname, "w")
r = open(refname, "w")
line = "///////////////////////////////////////////\n"
lines="// "+fname+ "\n// " + author + "\n"
line ="// Created " + str(
# insert generic header
h = open("../testgen_header.S", "r")
for line in h:
# print directed and random test vectors
for i in range(0,numrand):
a = getrandbits(xlen)
writeVectors(a, xlen, storecmd)
# print footer
h = open("../testgen_footer.S", "r")
for line in h:
# Finish
lines = ".fill " + str(testnum) + ", " + str(wordsize) + ", -1\n"
lines = lines + "\nRV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END\n"