Cleanup busdp.

This commit is contained in:
Ross Thompson 2022-01-31 12:11:42 -06:00
parent 31da37dd0f
commit f4e62bcb54
3 changed files with 112 additions and 120 deletions

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@ -82,21 +82,16 @@ module busdp #(parameter WORDSPERLINE, parameter LINELEN)
.d(LSUBusHRDATA), .q(DCacheMemWriteData[(index+1)*`XLEN-1:index*`XLEN]));
assign LocalLSUBusAdr = SelUncachedAdr ? LSUPAdrM : DCacheBusAdr ;
mux2 #(`PA_BITS) localadrmux(DCacheBusAdr, LSUPAdrM, SelUncachedAdr, LocalLSUBusAdr);
assign LSUBusAdr = ({{`PA_BITS-LOGWPL{1'b0}}, WordCount} << $clog2(`XLEN/8)) + LocalLSUBusAdr;
assign PreLSUBusHWDATA = ReadDataLineSetsM[WordCount]; // only in lsu, not ifu
// exclude the subword write for uncached. We don't read the data first so we cannot
// select the subword by masking. Subword write also exists inside the uncore to
// suport subword masking for i/o. I'm not sure if this is necessary.
assign LSUBusHWDATA = SelUncachedAdr ? FinalAMOWriteDataM : PreLSUBusHWDATA; // only in lsu, not ifu
assign LSUBusSize = SelUncachedAdr ? LSUFunct3M : (`XLEN == 32 ? 3'b010 : 3'b011); // ifu: always the XLEN value.
// select between dcache and direct from the BUS. Always selected if no dcache.
mux2 #(`XLEN) UnCachedDataMux(.d0(ReadDataWordM),
mux2 #(`XLEN) lsubushwdatamux(.d0(PreLSUBusHWDATA), .d1(FinalAMOWriteDataM),
.s(SelUncachedAdr), .y(LSUBusHWDATA));
mux2 #(3) lsubussizemux(.d0(`XLEN == 32 ? 3'b010 : 3'b011), .d1(LSUFunct3M),
.s(SelUncachedAdr), .y(LSUBusSize));
mux2 #(`XLEN) UnCachedDataMux(.d0(ReadDataWordM), .d1(DCacheMemWriteData[`XLEN-1:0]),
.s(SelUncachedAdr), .y(ReadDataWordMuxM));
busfsm #(WordCountThreshold, LOGWPL, `MEM_DCACHE)
busfsm(.clk, .reset, .IgnoreRequest, .LSURWM, .DCacheFetchLine, .DCacheWriteLine,

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@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ module lsu (
logic [2:0] LSUFunct3M;
logic [6:0] LSUFunct7M;
logic [1:0] LSUAtomicM;
(* mark_debug = "true" *) logic [`PA_BITS-1:0] PreLSUPAdrM, LocalLSUBusAdr;
(* mark_debug = "true" *) logic [`PA_BITS-1:0] PreLSUPAdrM;
logic [11:0] PreLSUAdrE, LSUAdrE;
logic CPUBusy;
logic DCacheStallM;
@ -100,12 +100,12 @@ module lsu (
logic IgnoreRequest;
logic BusCommittedM, DCacheCommittedM;
flopenrc #(`XLEN) AddressMReg(clk, reset, FlushM, ~StallM, IEUAdrE, IEUAdrM);
// HPTW and Interlock FSM (only needed if VM supported)
// MMU include PMP and is needed if any privileged supported
flopenrc #(`XLEN) AddressMReg(clk, reset, FlushM, ~StallM, IEUAdrE, IEUAdrM);
logic [`XLEN+1:0] IEUAdrExtM;
assign IEUAdrExtM = {2'b00, IEUAdrM};
@ -118,8 +118,7 @@ module lsu (
.LSUAdrE, .PreLSUPAdrM, .CPUBusy, .InterlockStall, .SelHPTW,
end // if (`MEM_VIRTMEM)
else begin
end else begin
assign {InterlockStall, SelHPTW, PTE, PageType, DTLBWriteM, ITLBWriteF} = '0;
assign IgnoreRequest = TrapM;
assign CPUBusy = StallW;
@ -168,10 +167,10 @@ module lsu (
assign LSUStallM = DCacheStallM | InterlockStall | BusStall;
// Hart Memory System
// Either Data Cache or Data Tightly Integrated Memory or just bus interface
@ -207,13 +206,14 @@ module lsu (
dcache(.clk, .reset, .CPUBusy,
.RW(CacheableM ? LSURWM : 2'b00), .FlushCache(FlushDCacheM), .Atomic(CacheableM ? LSUAtomicM : 2'b00),
.NextAdr(LSUAdrE), .PAdr(LSUPAdrM),
.FinalWriteData(FinalWriteDataM), .ReadDataWord(ReadDataWordM), .CacheStall(DCacheStallM),
.CacheMiss(DCacheMiss), .CacheAccess(DCacheAccess),
.IgnoreRequest, .CacheCommitted(DCacheCommittedM),
.CacheBusAdr(DCacheBusAdr), .ReadDataLineSets(ReadDataLineSetsM), .CacheMemWriteData(DCacheMemWriteData),
.CacheFetchLine(DCacheFetchLine), .CacheWriteLine(DCacheWriteLine), .CacheBusAck(DCacheBusAck), .InvalidateCacheM(1'b0));
.RW(CacheableM ? LSURWM : 2'b00), .FlushCache(FlushDCacheM),
.Atomic(CacheableM ? LSUAtomicM : 2'b00), .NextAdr(LSUAdrE), .PAdr(LSUPAdrM),
.FinalWriteData(FinalWriteDataM), .ReadDataWord(ReadDataWordM),
.CacheStall(DCacheStallM), .CacheMiss(DCacheMiss), .CacheAccess(DCacheAccess),
.IgnoreRequest, .CacheCommitted(DCacheCommittedM), .CacheBusAdr(DCacheBusAdr),
.ReadDataLineSets(ReadDataLineSetsM), .CacheMemWriteData(DCacheMemWriteData),
.CacheFetchLine(DCacheFetchLine), .CacheWriteLine(DCacheWriteLine),
.CacheBusAck(DCacheBusAck), .InvalidateCacheM(1'b0));
end else begin : passthrough
assign {ReadDataWordM, DCacheStallM, DCacheCommittedM, DCacheWriteLine, DCacheFetchLine, DCacheBusAdr} = '0;
@ -237,19 +237,16 @@ module lsu (
// Atomic operations
if (`A_SUPPORTED) begin:lrsc
/*atomic atomic(.clk, .reset, .FlushW, .CPUBusy, .MemRead, .PreLSURWM, .LSUAtomicM, .LSUPAdrM,
.SquashSCM, .LSURWM, ... ); *** */
atomic atomic(.clk, .reset, .FlushW, .CPUBusy, .ReadDataM, .WriteDataM, .LSUPAdrM, .LSUFunct7M,
.LSUFunct3M, .LSUAtomicM, .PreLSURWM, .IgnoreRequest, .DTLBMissM,
.FinalAMOWriteDataM, .SquashSCW, .LSURWM);
atomic atomic(.clk, .reset, .FlushW, .CPUBusy, .ReadDataM, .WriteDataM, .LSUPAdrM,
.LSUFunct7M, .LSUFunct3M, .LSUAtomicM, .PreLSURWM, .IgnoreRequest,
.DTLBMissM, .FinalAMOWriteDataM, .SquashSCW, .LSURWM);
end else begin:lrsc
assign SquashSCW = 0; assign LSURWM = PreLSURWM; assign FinalAMOWriteDataM = WriteDataM;