Optimized the ebu's beat counting.

This commit is contained in:
Ross Thompson 2022-10-05 10:58:23 -05:00
parent 9e2cfadd7d
commit e6b36d0c02

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@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ module ebu
logic BeatCntEn;
logic [4-1:0] NextBeatCount, BeatCount, BeatCountDelayed;
logic FinalBeat;
logic FinalBeat, FinalBeatD;
logic [2:0] LocalBurstType;
logic CntReset;
logic [3:0] Threshold;
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ module ebu
case (CurrState)
IDLE: if (both) NextState = ARBITRATE;
else NextState = IDLE;
ARBITRATE: if (HREADY & FinalBeat & ~(LSUReq & IFUReq)) NextState = IDLE;
ARBITRATE: if (HREADY & FinalBeatD & ~(LSUReq & IFUReq)) NextState = IDLE;
else NextState = ARBITRATE;
default: NextState = IDLE;
@ -154,31 +154,29 @@ module ebu
// Controller needs to count beats.
flopenr #(4)
.reset(~HRESETn | CntReset | FinalBeat),
.reset(~HRESETn | CntReset | FinalBeatD),
// Used to store data from data phase of AHB.
flopenr #(4)
.reset(~HRESETn | CntReset),
assign NextBeatCount = BeatCount + 1'b1;
assign CntReset = NextState == IDLE;
assign FinalBeat = (BeatCountDelayed == Threshold); // Detect when we are waiting on the final access.
assign FinalBeat = (BeatCount == Threshold); // Detect when we are waiting on the final access.
assign BeatCntEn = (NextState == ARBITRATE & HREADY);
logic [2:0] HBURSTD;
flopenr #(3) HBURSTReg(.clk(HCLK), .reset(~HRESETn), .en(HTRANS == 2'b10), .d(HBURST), .q(HBURSTD));
// Used to store data from data phase of AHB.
flopenr #(1)
.reset(~HRESETn | CntReset),
// unlike the bus fsm in lsu/ifu, we need to derive the number of beats from HBURST.
always_comb begin
0: Threshold = 4'b0000;
3: Threshold = 4'b0011; // INCR4
5: Threshold = 4'b0111; // INCR8
@ -196,7 +194,7 @@ module ebu
assign IFUDisable = CurrState == ARBITRATE;
assign IFUSelect = (NextState == ARBITRATE) ? 1'b0 : IFUReq;
// Controller 1 (LSU)
assign LSUDisable = CurrState == ARBITRATE ? 1'b0 : (IFUReqD & ~(HREADY & FinalBeat));
assign LSUDisable = CurrState == ARBITRATE ? 1'b0 : (IFUReqD & ~(HREADY & FinalBeatD));
assign LSUSelect = NextState == ARBITRATE ? 1'b1: LSUReq;
flopr #(1) ifureqreg(clk, ~HRESETn, IFUReq, IFUReqD);