Integrated FPU

This commit is contained in:
Katherine Parry 2021-04-03 20:52:26 +00:00
parent d21006d048
commit d7b1379ab8
11 changed files with 284063 additions and 104315 deletions

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@ -64,35 +64,35 @@ module align(zman, ae, aligncnt, xzero, yzero, zzero, zdenorm, proddenorm, t, bs
ps = 0;
// And to using product as primary operand in adder I exponent gen
killprod = 0;
killprod = xzero | yzero;
// d = aligncnt
// p = 53
if ($signed(aligncnt) <= $signed(-105)) begin //d<=-2p+1
if ($signed(aligncnt) <= $signed(-103)) begin //d<=-2p+1
//product ancored case with saturated shift
sumshift = 163; // 3p+4
sumshiftzero = 0;
shift = {~zdenorm,zman,163'b0} >> sumshift;
t = {shift[215:52]};
t = zzero ? 0 : {shift[215:52]};
bs = |(shift[51:0]);
//zexpsel = 0;
end else if($signed(aligncnt) <= $signed(0)) begin // -2p+1<d<=2
end else if($signed(aligncnt) <= $signed(1)) begin // -2p+1<d<=2
// set d<=2 to d<=0
// product ancored or cancellation
// warning: set to 55 rather then 56. was there a typo in the book?
sumshift = 55-aligncnt; // p + 3 - d
sumshift = 57-aligncnt; // p + 3 - d
sumshiftzero = 0;
shift = {~zdenorm,zman,163'b0} >> sumshift;
t = {shift[215:52]};
t = zzero ? 0 : {shift[215:52]};
bs = |(shift[51:0]);
//zexpsel = 0;
end else if ($signed(aligncnt)<=$signed(52)) begin // 2 < d <= p+2
end else if ($signed(aligncnt)<=$signed(55)) begin // 2 < d <= p+2
// another typo in book? above was 55 changed to 52
// addend ancored case
// used to be 56 \/ somthing doesn't seem right too many typos
sumshift = 55-aligncnt;
sumshift = 57-aligncnt;
sumshiftzero = 0;
shift = {~zdenorm,zman, 163'b0} >> sumshift;
t = {shift[215:52]};
t = zzero ? 0 : {shift[215:52]};
bs = |(shift[51:0]);
//zexpsel = 1;
end else begin // d >= p+3
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ module align(zman, ae, aligncnt, xzero, yzero, zzero, zdenorm, proddenorm, t, bs
sumshift = 0;
sumshiftzero = 1;
shift = {~zdenorm,zman, 163'b0} >> sumshift;
t = {shift[215:52]};
t = zzero ? 0 : {shift[215:52]};
bs = |(shift[51:0]);
killprod = 1;
//ps = 1;

View File

@ -84,8 +84,10 @@ module expgen(xexp, yexp, zexp,
// This should not increas the critical path because the time to
// check if a round overflows is shorter than the actual round and
// is masked by the bypass mux and two 10 bit adder delays.
assign aligncnt = zexp -ae - 1 + ~xdenorm + ~ydenorm - ~zdenorm;
assign aligncnt0 = - 1 + ~xdenorm + ~ydenorm - ~zdenorm;
assign aligncnt1 = - 1 + {12'b0,~xdenorm} + {12'b0,~ydenorm} - {12'b0,~zdenorm};
assign aligncnt = zexp -ae - 1 + {12'b0,~xdenorm} + {12'b0,~ydenorm} - {12'b0,~zdenorm};
//assign aligncnt = zexp -ae - 1 + ~xdenorm + ~ydenorm - ~zdenorm;
//assign aligncnt = zexp - ae;// KEP use all of ae
// Select exponent (usually from product except in case of huge addend)
@ -107,7 +109,7 @@ module expgen(xexp, yexp, zexp,
// check for exponent out of bounds after add
assign de = resultdenorm | sumzero ? 0 : de0;
assign sumof = de[12];
assign sumof = ~de[12] && de > 2046;
assign sumuf = de == 0 && ~sumzero && ~resultdenorm;
// bypass occurs before rounding or taking early results

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
module flag(xnan, ynan, znan, xinf, yinf, zinf, prodof, sumof, sumuf,
psign, zsign, xzero, yzero, vbits,
psign, zsign, xzero, yzero, zzero, vbits, killprod,
inf, nan, invalid, overflow, underflow, inexact);
@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ module flag(xnan, ynan, znan, xinf, yinf, zinf, prodof, sumof, sumuf,
input zsign; // Sign of z
input xzero; // x = 0
input yzero; // y = 0
input zzero; // y = 0
input killprod;
input [1:0] vbits; // R and S bits of result
output inf; // Some source is Inf
output nan; // Some source is NaN
@ -73,8 +75,7 @@ module flag(xnan, ynan, znan, xinf, yinf, zinf, prodof, sumof, sumuf,
// 1) Any input is denormalized
// 2) Output would be denormalized or smaller
assign underflow = (sumuf && ~inf && ~prodinf && ~nan);
assign underflow = (sumuf && ~inf && ~prodinf && ~nan) || (killprod & zzero & ~(yzero | xzero));
// Set the inexact flag for the following cases:
// 1) Multiplication inexact

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@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ module normalize(sum, zexp, invz, normcnt, ae, aligncnt, sumshift, sumshiftzero,
logic [9:0] sumshifttmp;
logic [163:0] sumshiftedtmp; // shifted sum
logic sticky;
logic tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3;
logic tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4, tmp5;
// When the sum is zero, normalization does not apply and only the
// sticky bit must be computed. Otherwise, the sum is right-shifted
@ -68,16 +68,16 @@ logic tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3;
// p = 53
// ea + eb = ae
// set d<=2 to d<=0
if ($signed(aligncnt)<=$signed(0)) begin //d<=2
if ($signed(aligncnt)<=$signed(1)) begin //d<=2
// product anchored or cancellation
if ($signed(ae-normcnt+2) >= $signed(-1022)) begin //ea+eb-l+2 >= emin
//normal result
sumshifted = sum << (55+normcnt); // p+2+l
de0 = xzero|yzero ? zexp : ae-normcnt+2+xdenorm+ydenorm;
resultdenorm = |sum & ~|de0;
sumshifted = resultdenorm ? sum << sumshift : sum << (55+normcnt); // p+2+l
v = sumshifted[162:109];
sticky = (|sumshifted[108:0]) | bs;
resultdenorm = 0;
//de0 = ae-normcnt+2-1023;
de0 = xzero|yzero ? zexp : ae-normcnt+2+xdenorm+ydenorm;
end else begin
sumshifted = sum << (1080+ae);
v = sumshifted[162:109];
@ -87,38 +87,50 @@ logic tmp,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3;
end else begin // extract normalized bits
sumshifttmp = sumshift - 2;
sumshifttmp = {1'b0,sumshift} - 2;
sumshifted = sumshifttmp[9] ? sum : sum << sumshifttmp;
tmp1 = (sumshifted[163] & ~zdenorm & ~sumshifttmp[9]);
tmp2 = (zdenorm | sumshifttmp[9] || sumshifted[162]);
tmp1 = (sumshifted[163] & ~sumshifttmp[9]);
tmp2 = (sumshifttmp[9] || sumshifted[162]);
tmp3 = sumshifted[161];
tmp4 = sumshifted[160];
tmp5 = sumshifted[159];
// for some reason use exp = zexp + {0,1,2}
// the book says exp = zexp + {-1,0,1}
if(sumshiftzero) begin
v = sum[162:109];
sticky = sum[108:0] | bs;
de0 = zexp;
end else if(sumshifted[163] & ~zdenorm & ~sumshifttmp[9])begin
end else if(sumshifted[163] & ~sumshifttmp[9])begin
v = sumshifted[162:109];
sticky = (|sumshifted[108:0]) | bs;
de0 = zexp +2;
end else if (zdenorm | sumshifttmp[9] || sumshifted[162]) begin
end else if ((sumshifttmp[9] & sumshift[0]) || sumshifted[162]) begin
v = sumshifted[161:108];
sticky = (|sumshifted[107:0]) | bs;
de0 = zexp+1;
end else if (sumshifted[161]) begin
end else if (sumshifted[161] || (sumshifttmp[9] & sumshift[1])) begin
v = sumshifted[160:107];
sticky = (|sumshifted[106:0]) | bs;
//de0 = zexp-1;
de0 = zexp;
end else begin
end else if(sumshifted[160]) begin
v = sumshifted[159:106];
sticky = (|sumshifted[105:0]) | bs;
//de0 = zexp-1;
de0 = zexp-1;
end else if(sumshifted[159]) begin
v = sumshifted[158:105];
sticky = (|sumshifted[104:0]) | bs;
//de0 = zexp-1;
de0 = zexp-2;
end else begin
v = sumshifted[160:107];
sticky = (|sumshifted[106:0]) | bs;
//de0 = zexp-1;
de0 = zexp;
resultdenorm = 0;
resultdenorm = ~(|de0);

View File

@ -1,11 +1,16 @@
8020007ffdffffff 9beffff7fff7fffe 000ffffffff7fffe 0000000000000000 000ffffffff7fffe Wrong zdenorm unflw 475303
3cafffffffffffff 3fd0000000000000 3cafffffffffffff 3c8ffffffffffffb 3cb3ffffffffffff Wrong 706913
bfbfffff007fffff 000fffffffffffff 000bffffffc00000 0015000007dc0000 000a00000fb80000 Wrong ydenorm zdenorm 1675647
00114508bde544e1 3caffffffffffffe 800010000003fffe 801008000001fffe 800010000003fffd Wrong zdenorm 2310057
800ffffffdffffff bfcffe00003ffffe 800ffff01ffffffe 80160018103bfbff 800c00302077f7ff Wrong xdenorm zdenorm 2475205
bcafffffffffffff 3fd0000000000001 bcafffffffffffff bc8ffffffffffffd bcb4000000000000 Wrong 3776249
bfc0000000800008 43d0001000000002 c3cffffbffff8000 c3a00000007e008a c3d20000000fc011 Wrong 3804445
bfefffffffffffff 3fefffffffffffff bff0000000000001 b950000000000000 c000000000000000 Wrong 4338155
37ea3353806450ba bffffffffffffffe b803fffffffff7ff b7c19a9c032205b3 b8108cd4e019102e Wrong 5143755
8010000000803fff 3ff0000000000001 000fffe07fffffff fff0000000000000 8000001f80804001 Wrong zdenorm w=-inf 5246469
b7fffff80000001f 001ffffffffffffe 800fffffffff07ff 8000000000000000 800fffffffff07ff Wrong w=-zero zdenorm unflw 5723787
0010000000000000 bf4fdffffff7fffe 800ffffffffffffe 800003fbfffffefe 801003fbfffffefe Wrong zdenorm 308227
0010000000000000 be6fffffbffffff7 8000000000000000 800000001fffffc0 800000000fffffe0 Wrong 313753
001ffffffffffffe 3fddfbffffffffff 000ffffffffffffe 000efdfffffffffd 001efdfffffffffd Wrong zdenorm 551371
3befe000ffffffff 800ffffffffffffe 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 8000000000000000 Wrong ydenorm unflw 665575
000007fffffffffe 3f6ffffffe01fffe 000ffffffffffffe 00000007ffffff7e 00100007ffffff7e Wrong xdenorm zdenorm 768727
3fdffffffffffffe 000ffffffffffffe 8000000000000001 7feffffffffffff6 0007fffffffffffe Wrong ydenorm zdenorm 1049939
7fe0000000000001 4000000000000000 ffefffffffffffff 7ff0000000000000 7cb8000000000000 Wrong w=+inf 2602745
000fff000000000f 3ff00800001fffff 8010000000000000 7f7bfe007ff8381e 000006ff801ffe0e Wrong xdenorm 3117277
8000000000000001 40211275ffe5ee3c 0000000000000001 fcfe24ebffcbdc78 8000000000000008 Wrong xdenorm zdenorm 3148591
801fffffffffffff bfdffffffffffffe 0000000000021fff 0000000000021ffe 0010000000021ffe Wrong zdenorm 3537867
801ffffffffffffe 0010000000000001 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 8000000000000000 Wrong unflw 3564269
bca0000000000001 000fffffc000001e 8000000000000000 8000000000000001 8000000000000000 Wrong ydenorm 3717769
bcafffffffffffff 800ffffffffffffe 8000000000000000 0000000000000002 0000000000000001 Wrong ydenorm 3807413
7fec5fed92358a74 400000001bffffff ffefc0003ffffffe 7ff0000000000000 7fe8ffdb47bad466 Wrong w=+inf 3889689
bfdfffffffffffff 3fdf1f3616aa73e1 3fd0000000000001 3fd07064f4aac611 3f7c193d2ab1843f Wrong 4099063
3fd07dfffffffffe 8010000000000001 0000000000000001 ffe07dfffffffffb 80041f7fffffffff Wrong zdenorm 4716133

Binary file not shown.

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@ -26,13 +26,13 @@ void main() {
char ans[81];
char flags[3];
int rn,rz,rm,rp;
long stop = 5723787;
long stop = 4099063;
int debug = 1;
//my_string = (char *) malloc (nbytes + 1);
//bytes_read = getline (&my_string, &nbytes, stdin);
for(n=0; n < 2013; n++) {//613 for 10000
for(n=0; n < 613; n++) {//613 for 10000
if(getline(&ln,&nbytes,fp) < 0 || feof(fp)) break;
if(k == stop && debug == 1) break;

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -1,476 +0,0 @@
`include "../../../config/rv64icfd/wally-config.vh"
module fputop (
input logic [2:0] FrmD,
input logic reset,
input logic clear,
input logic clk,
input logic [31:0] InstrD,
input logic [`XLEN-1:0] SrcAE,
input logic [`XLEN-1:0] SrcAW,
output logic [31:0] FSROutW,
output logic DivSqrtDoneE,
output logic FInvalInstrD,
output logic [`XLEN-1:0] FPUResultW);
//For readability and ease of modification, logic signals will be
//instantiated as they occur within the pipeline. This will keep local
//signals, modules, and combinational logic closely defined.
//used for OSU DP-size hardware to wally XLEN interfacing
integer XLENDIFF;
assign XLENDIFF = `XLEN - 64;
integer XLENDIFFN;
assign XLENDIFFN = 63 - `XLEN;
logic PipeEnableDE;
logic PipeEnableEM;
logic PipeEnableMW;
logic PipeClearDE;
logic PipeClearEM;
logic PipeClearMW;
//temporarily assign pipe clear and enable signals
//to never flush & always be running
assign PipeClear = 1'b0;
assign PipeEnable = 1'b1;
always_comb begin
PipeEnableDE = PipeEnable;
PipeEnableEM = PipeEnable;
PipeEnableMW = PipeEnable;
PipeClearDE = PipeClear;
PipeClearEM = PipeClear;
PipeClearMW = PipeClear;
//wally-spec D stage control logic signal instantiation
logic IllegalFPUInstrFaultD;
logic FRegWriteD;
logic [2:0] FResultSelD;
//logic [2:0] FrmD;
logic PD;
logic DivSqrtStartD;
logic [3:0] OpCtrlD;
logic WriteIntD;
//top-level controller for FPU
fctrl ctrl (.Funct7D(InstrD[31:25]), .OpD(InstrD[6:0]), .Rs2D(InstrD[24:20]), .Rs1D(InstrD[19:15]), .FrmW(InstrD[14:12]), .WriteEnD(FRegWriteD), .DivSqrtStartD(DivSqrtStartD), .WriteSelD(FResultSelD), .OpCtrlD(OpCtrlD), .FmtD(PD), .WriteIntD(WriteIntD));
//instantiation of D stage regfile signals (includes some W stage signals
//for easy reference)
logic [2:0] FrmW;
logic WriteEnW;
logic [4:0] RdW, Rs1D, Rs2D, Rs3D;
logic [`XLEN-1:0] WriteDataW;
logic [`XLEN-1:0] ReadData1D, ReadData2D, ReadData3D;
//regfile instantiation
freg3adr fpregfile (FrmW, reset, PipeClear, clk, RdW, WriteEnW, Rs1D, Rs2D, Rs3D, WriteDataW, ReadData1D, ReadData2D, ReadData3D);
always_comb begin
FrmW = InstrD[14:12];
//wally-spec E stage control logic signal instantiation
logic FRegWriteE;
logic [2:0] FResultSelE;
logic [2:0] FrmE;
logic PE;
logic DivSqrtStartE;
logic [3:0] OpCtrlE;
//instantiation of E stage regfile signals
logic [4:0] RdE;
logic [`XLEN-1:0] ReadData1E, ReadData2E, ReadData3E;
//instantiation of E/M stage div/sqrt signals
logic DivSqrtDone, DivDenormM;
logic [63:0] DivResultM;
logic [4:0] DivFlagsM;
logic [63:0] DivOp1, DivOp2;
logic [2:0] DivFrm;
logic DivOpType;
logic DivP;
logic DivOvEn, DivUnEn;
logic DivStart;
//instantiate E stage FMA signals here
//instantiation of E stage add/cvt signals
logic [63:0] AddSumE, AddSumTcE;
logic [3:0] AddSelInvE;
logic [10:0] AddExpPostSumE;
logic AddCorrSignE, AddOp1NormE, AddOp2NormE, AddOpANormE, AddOpBNormE, AddInvalidE;
logic AddDenormInE, AddSwapE, AddNormOvflowE, AddSignAE;
logic [63:0] AddFloat1E, AddFloat2E;
logic [10:0] AddExp1DenormE, AddExp2DenormE, AddExponentE;
logic [63:0] AddOp1E, AddOp2E;
logic [2:0] AddRmE;
logic [3:0] AddOpTypeE;
logic AddPE, AddOvEnE, AddUnEnE;
//instantiation of E stage cmp signals
logic [7:0] WE, XE;
logic ANaNE, BNaNE, AzeroE, BzeroE;
logic [63:0] CmpOp1E, CmpOp2E;
logic [1:0] CmpSelE;
//instantiation of E/M stage fsgn signals (due to bypass logic)
logic [63:0] SgnOp1E, SgnOp2E;
logic [1:0] SgnOpCodeE, SgnOpCodeM;
logic [63:0] SgnResultE, SgnResultM;
logic [4:0] SgnFlagsE, SgnFlagsM;
//fpregfile D/E pipe registers
flopenrc #(64) (clk, reset, PipeClearDE, PipeEnableDE, ReadData1D, ReadData1E);
flopenrc #(64) (clk, reset, PipeClearDE, PipeEnableDE, ReadData2D, ReadData2E);
flopenrc #(64) (clk, reset, PipeClearDE, PipeEnableDE, ReadData3D, ReadData3E);
//other D/E pipe registers
flopenrc #(1) (clk, reset, PipeClearDE, PipeEnableDE, FRegWriteD, FRegWriteE);
flopenrc #(3) (clk, reset, PipeClearDE, PipeEnableDE, FResultsSelD, FResultsSelE);
flopenrc #(3) (clk, reset, PipeClearDE, PipeEnableDE, FrmD, FrmE);
flopenrc #(1) (clk, reset, PipeClearDE, PipeEnableDE, PD, PE);
flopenrc #(4) (clk, reset, PipeClearDE, PipeEnableDE, OpCtrlD, OpCtrlE);
flopenrc #(1) (clk, reset, PipeClearDE, PipeEnableDE, DivSqrtStartD, DivSqrtStartE);
//fma1 ();
//first and only instance of floating-point divider
fpdivsqrt (DivSqrtDone, DivResultM, DivFlagsM, DivDenormM, DivOp1, DivOp2, DivFrm, DivOpType, DivP, DivOvEn, DivUnEn, DivStart, reset, clk);
//first of two-stage instance of floating-point add/cvt unit
fpaddcvt1 fpadd1 (AddSumE, AddSumTcE, AddSelInvE, AddExpPostSumE, AddCorrSignE, AddOp1NormE, AddOp2NormE, AddOpANormE, AddOpBNormE, AddInvalidE, AddDenormInE, AddConvertE, AddSwapE, AddNormOvflowE, AddSignAE, AddFloat1E, AddFloat2E, AddExp1DenormE, AddExp2DenormE, AddExponentE, AddOp1E, AddOp2E, AddRmE, AddOpTypeE, AddPE, AddOvEnE, AddUnEnE);
//first of two-stage instance of floating-point comparator
fpcmp1 fpcmp1 (WE, XE, ANaNE, BNaNE, AzeroE, BzeroE, CmpOp1E, CmpOp2E, CmpSelE);
//first and only instance of floating-point sign converter
fpusgn fpsgn (SgnOpCodeE, SgnResultE, SgnFlagsE, SgnOp1, SgnOp2);
//interface between XLEN size datapath and double-precision sized
//floating-point results
//define offsets for LSB zero extension or truncation
always_comb begin
//truncate to 64 bits
//(causes warning during compilation - case never reached)
if(`XLEN > 64) begin
DivOp1 <= ReadData1E[`XLEN:`XLEN-64];
DivOp2 <= ReadData2E[`XLEN:`XLEN-64];
AddOp1E <= ReadData1E[`XLEN:`XLEN-64];
AddOp2E <= ReadData2E[`XLEN:`XLEN-64];
CmpOp1E <= ReadData1E[`XLEN:`XLEN-64];
CmpOp2E <= ReadData2E[`XLEN:`XLEN-64];
SgnOp1E <= ReadData1E[`XLEN:`XLEN-64];
SgnOp2E <= ReadData2E[`XLEN:`XLEN-64];
//zero extend to 64 bits
else begin
DivOp1 <= {ReadData1E,{64-`XLEN{1'b0}}};
DivOp2 <= {ReadData2E,{64-`XLEN{1'b0}}};
AddOp1E <= {ReadData1E,{64-`XLEN{1'b0}}};
AddOp2E <= {ReadData2E,{64-`XLEN{1'b0}}};
CmpOp1E <= {ReadData1E,{64-`XLEN{1'b0}}};
CmpOp2E <= {ReadData2E,{64-`XLEN{1'b0}}};
SgnOp1E <= {ReadData1E,{64-`XLEN{1'b0}}};
SgnOp2E <= {ReadData2E,{64-`XLEN{1'b0}}};
//assign op codes
AddOpTypeE[3:0] <= OpCtrlE[3:0];
CmpSelE[1:0] <= OpCtrlE[1:0];
DivOpType <= OpCtrlE[0];
SgnOpCodeE[1:0] <= OpCtrlE[1:0];
//E stage control signal interfacing between wally spec and OSU fp hardware
//op codes
//wally-spec M stage control logic signal instantiation
logic FRegWriteM;
logic [2:0] FResultSelM;
logic [2:0] FrmM;
logic PM;
logic [3:0] OpCtrlM;
//instantiate M stage FMA signals here
//instantiation of M stage regfile signals
logic [4:0] RdM;
logic [`XLEN-1:0] ReadData1M, ReadData2M, ReadData3M;
//instantiation of M stage add/cvt signals
logic [63:0] AddResultM;
logic [4:0] AddFlagsM;
logic AddDenormM;
logic [63:0] AddSumM, AddSumTcM;
logic [3:0] AddSelInvM;
logic [10:0] AddExpPostSumM;
logic AddCorrSignM, AddOp1NormM, AddOp2NormM, AddOpANormM, AddOpBNormM, AddInvalidM;
logic AddDenormInM, AddSwapM, AddNormOvflowM, AddSignAM;
logic [63:0] AddFloat1M, AddFloat2M;
logic [10:0] AddExp1DenormM, AddExp2DenormM, AddExponentM;
logic [63:0] AddOp1M, AddOp2M;
logic [2:0] AddRmM;
logic [3:0] AddOpTypeM;
logic AddPM, AddOvEnM, AddUnEnM;
//instantiation of M stage cmp signals
logic CmpInvalidM;
logic [1:0] CmpFCCM;
logic [7:0] WM, XM;
logic ANaNM, BNaNM, AzeroM, BzeroM;
logic [63:0] CmpOp1M, CmpOp2M;
logic [1:0] CmpSelM;
//fma E/M pipe registers
//fpadd E/M pipe registers
flopenrc #(64) (clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, AddSumE, AddSumM);
flopenrc #(64) (clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, AddSumTcE, AddSumTcM);
flopenrc #(4) (clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, AddSelInvE, AddSelInvM);
flopenrc #(11) (clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, AddExpPostSumE, AddExpPostSumM);
flopenrc #(1) (clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, AddCorrSignE, AddCorrSignM);
flopenrc #(1) (clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, AddOp1NormE, AddOp1NormM);
flopenrc #(1) (clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, AddOp2NormE, AddOp2NormM);
flopenrc #(1) (clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, AddOpANormE, AddOpANormM);
flopenrc #(1) (clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, AddOpBNormE, AddOpBNormM);
flopenrc #(1) (clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, AddInvalidE, AddInvalidM);
flopenrc #(1) (clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, AddDenormInE, AddDenormInM);
flopenrc #(1) (clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, AddConvertE, AddConvertM);
flopenrc #(1) (clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, AddSwapE, AddSwapM);
flopenrc #(1) (clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, AddNormOvflowE, AddNormOvflowM);
flopenrc #(1) (clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, AddSignAE, AddSignM);
flopenrc #(64) (clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, AddFloat1E, AddFloat1M);
flopenrc #(64) (clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, AddFloat2E, AddFloat2M);
flopenrc #(11) (clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, AddExp1DenormE, AddExp1DenormM);
flopenrc #(11) (clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, AddExp2DenormE, AddExp2DenormM);
flopenrc #(11) (clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, AddExponentE, AddExponentM);
flopenrc #(64) (clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, AddOp1E, AddOp1M);
flopenrc #(64) (clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, AddOp2E, AddOp2M);
flopenrc #(3) (clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, AddRmE, AddRmM);
flopenrc #(4) (clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, AddOpTypeE, AddOpTypeM);
flopenrc #(1) (clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, AddPE, AddPM);
flopenrc #(1) (clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, AddOvEnE, AddOvEnM);
flopenrc #(1) (clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, AddUnEnE, AddUnEnM);
//fpcmp E/M pipe registers
flopenrc #(8) (clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, WE, WM);
flopenrc #(8) (clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, XE, XM);
flopenrc #(1) (clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, ANaNE, ANaNM);
flopenrc #(1) (clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, BNaNE, BNaNM);
flopenrc #(1) (clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, AzeroE, AzeroM);
flopenrc #(1) (clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, BzeroE, BzeroM);
flopenrc #(64) (clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, CmpOp1E, CmpOp1M);
flopenrc #(64) (clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, CmpOp2E, CmpOp2M);
flopenrc #(2) (clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, CmpSelE, CmpSelM);
//put this in for the event we want to delay fsgn - will otherwise bypass
//fpsgn E/M pipe registers
flopenrc #(2) (clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, SgnOpCodeE, SgnOpCodeM);
flopenrc #(64) (clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, SgnResultE, SgnResultM);
flopenrc #(5) (clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, SgnFlagsE, SgnFlagsM);
//other E/M pipe registers
flopenrc #(1) (clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, FRegWriteE, FRegWriteM);
flopenrc #(3) (clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, FResultsSelE, FResultsSelM);
flopenrc #(3) (clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, FrmE, FrmM);
flopenrc #(1) (clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, PE, PM);
flopenrc #(4) (clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, OpCtrlE, OpCtrlM);
//fma2 ();
//second instance of two-stage floating-point add/cvt unit
fpaddcvt2 fpadd2 (AddResultM, AddFlagsM, AddDenormM, AddSumM, AddSumTcM, AddSelInvM, AddExpPostSumM, AddCorrSignM, AddOp1NormM, AddOp2NormM, AddOpANormM, AddOpBNormM, AddInvalidM, AddDenormInM, AddConvertM, AddSwapM, AddNormOvflowM, AddSignAM, AddFloat1M, AddFloat2M, AddExp1DenormM, AddExp2DenormM, AddExponentM, AddOp1M, AddOp2M, AddRmM, AddOpTypeM, AddPM, AddOvEnM, AddUnEnM);
//second instance of two-stage floating-point comparator
fpcmp2 fpcmp2 (CmpInvalidM, CmpFCCM, ANaNM, BNaNM, AzeroM, BzeroM, WM, XM, CmpSelM, CmpOp1M, CmpOp2M);
//wally-spec W stage control logic signal instantiation
logic FRegWriteW;
logic [2:0] FResultSelW;
logic PW;
//instantiate W stage fma signals here
//instantiation of W stage div/sqrt signals
logic DivDenormW;
logic [63:0] DivResultW;
logic [4:0] DivFlagsW;
//instantiation of W stage regfile signals
logic [`XLEN-1:0] ReadData1W, ReadData2W, ReadData3W;
//instantiation of W stage add/cvt signals
logic [63:0] AddResultW;
logic [4:0] AddFlagsW;
logic AddDenormW;
//instantiation of W stage cmp signals
logic CmpInvalidW;
logic [1:0] CmpFCCW;
//fma M/W pipe registers
//fpdiv M/W pipe registers
flopenrc #(64) (clk, reset, PipeClearMW, PipeEnableMW, DivResultM, DivResultW);
flopenrc #(5) (clk, reset, PipeClearMW, PipeEnableMW, DivFlagsM, DivFlagsW);
flopenrc #(1) (clk, reset, PipeClearMW, PipeEnableMW, DivDenormM, DivDenormW);
//fpadd M/W pipe registers
flopenrc #(64) (clk, reset, PipeClearMW, PipeEnableMW, AddResultM, AddResultW);
flopenrc #(5) (clk, reset, PipeClearMW, PipeEnableMW, AddFlagsM, AddFlagsW);
flopenrc #(1) (clk, reset, PipeClearMW, PipeEnableMW, AddDenormM, AddDenormW);
//fpcmp M/W pipe registers
flopenrc #(1) (clk, reset, PipeClearMW, PipeEnableMW, CmpInvalidM, CmpInvalidW);
flopenrc #(2) (clk, reset, PipeClearMW, PipeEnableMW, CmpFCCM, CmpFCCW);
//fpsgn M/W pipe registers
flopenrc #(64) (clk, reset, PipeClearMW, PipeEnableMw, SgnResultM, SgnResultW);
flopenrc #(5) (clk, reset, PipeClearMw, PipeEnableMw, SgnFlagsM, SgnFlagsW);
//other M/W pipe registers
flopenrc #(1) (clk, reset, PipeClearMW, PipeEnableMW, FRegWriteM, FRegWriteW);
flopenrc #(3) (clk, reset, PipeClearMW, PipeEnableMW, FResultsSelM, FResultsSelW);
flopenrc #(1) (clk, reset, PipeClearMW, PipeEnableMW, PM, PW);
//flag signal mux via in-line ternaries
logic [4:0] FPUFlagsW;
//if bit 2 is active set to sign flags - otherwise:
//iff bit one is high - if bit zero is active set to fma flags - otherwise
//set to cmp flags
//iff bit one is low - if bit zero is active set to add/cvt flags - otherwise
//set to div/sqrt flags
assign FPUFlagsW = (FResultSelW[2]) ? (SgnFlagsW) : (
(FResultSelW[1]) ?
( (FResultSelW[0]) ? (5'b00000) : ({CmpInvalidW,4'b0000}) )
: ( (FResultSelW[0]) ? (AddFlagsW) : (DivFlagsW) )
//result mux via in-line ternaries
logic [63:0] FPUResultDirW;
//the uses the same logic as for flag signals
assign FPUResultDirW = (FResultSelW[2]) ? (SgnResultW) : (
(FResultSelW[1]) ?
( (FResultSelW[0]) ? (64'b0) : ({62'b0,CmpFCCW}) )
: ( (FResultSelW[0]) ? (AddResultW) : (DivResultW) )
//interface between XLEN size datapath and double-precision sized
//floating-point results
//define offsets for LSB zero extension or truncation
always_comb begin
//zero extension
if(`XLEN > 64) begin
FPUResultW <= {FPUResultDirW,{XLENDIFF{1'b0}}};
else begin
FPUResultW <= FPUResultDirW[63:64-`XLEN];

View File

@ -88,8 +88,13 @@ module wallypipelinedhart (
logic DivBusyE;
logic [4:0] SetFflagsM;
logic [2:0] FRM_REGW;
logic DivDoneW;
logic FloatRegWriteW;
logic SquashSCW;
logic [31:0] FSROutW;
logic DivSqrtDoneE;
logic FInvalInstrD;
logic [`XLEN-1:0] FPUResultW;
// memory management unit signals
logic ITLBWriteF, DTLBWriteM;
@ -144,16 +149,17 @@ module wallypipelinedhart (
muldiv mdu(.*); // multiply and divide unit
/* fpu fpu(.*); // floating point unit
hazard hzu(.*); // global stall and flush control
// Priveleged block operates in M and W stages, handling CSRs and exceptions
privileged priv(.*);
fpu fpu(.*); // floating point unit
// add FPU here, with SetFflagsM, FRM_REGW
// presently stub out SetFlagsM and FloatRegWriteW
assign SetFflagsM = 0;
assign FloatRegWriteW = 0;
//assign SetFflagsM = 0;
//assign FloatRegWriteW = 0;

View File

@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ string tests32i[] = {
if (`A_SUPPORTED) tests = {tests, tests64a};
// tests = {tests64a, tests};
tests = {tests, tests64p};
// tests = {tests, tests64p};
end else begin // RV32
// *** add the 32 bit bp tests
tests = {tests32i};