forked from Github_Repos/cvw
Fixed bug with interlock fsm. The interlock fsm should suppress bus and cache requests by the cpu
only at the start of a request. Pending interrupt was used to start one of these suppressions; however because of the way the cache's fsm was separated from the bus fsm, the cache now made requests to the bus fsm. On a miss with write back, the inital fetch is handled correctly. However if an interrupt becam pending then the the next request (eviction) made by the cache was also suppressed. This keeps the d cache fsm stuck in the STATE_MISS_EVICT_DIRTY state as it think it has made a request to the bus fsm, but the pending interrupt ignored the request. The solution is to modify how cpu requests are suppressed. Instead of relying on pending interrupt it is better to use interrupt which will be disabled if the dcache is currently processing the evict.
This commit is contained in:
@ -13,9 +13,7 @@ add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group hazards /testbench/dut/hart/hzu/Ret
add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group hazards -color Pink /testbench/dut/hart/hzu/TrapM
add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group hazards /testbench/dut/hart/hzu/LoadStallD
add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group hazards /testbench/dut/hart/hzu/StoreStallD
add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group hazards /testbench/dut/hart/hzu/IfuStallF
add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group hazards /testbench/dut/hart/hzu/LSUStall
add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group hazards /testbench/dut/hart/MulDivStallD
add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group hazards /testbench/dut/hart/hzu/DivBusyE
add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group traps /testbench/dut/hart/priv/priv/trap/ExceptionM
add wave -noupdate -group HDU -expand -group traps /testbench/dut/hart/priv/priv/trap/InstrMisalignedFaultM
@ -173,22 +171,15 @@ add wave -noupdate -group {alu execution stage} /testbench/dut/hart/ieu/dp/SrcBE
add wave -noupdate -group icache -color Gold /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/icache/cachefsm/CurrState
add wave -noupdate -group icache /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/icache/ReadDataWord
add wave -noupdate -group icache /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/icache/SelAdr
add wave -noupdate -group icache /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/icache/LsuAdrE
add wave -noupdate -group icache /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/icache/LsuPAdrM
add wave -noupdate -group icache /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/icache/RAdr
add wave -noupdate -group icache /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/icache/PreLsuPAdrM
add wave -noupdate -group icache -expand -group {fsm out and control} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/icache/CacheHit
add wave -noupdate -group icache -expand -group {fsm out and control} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/icache/CacheStall
add wave -noupdate -group icache -expand -group {fsm out and control} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/icache/ReadDataLineSets
add wave -noupdate -group icache -expand -group memory /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/IfuBusAdr
add wave -noupdate -group icache -expand -group memory /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/IfuBusHRDATA
add wave -noupdate -group icache -expand -group memory /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/IfuBusAck
add wave -noupdate -group icache -expand -group memory /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/icache/icache/CacheMemWriteData
add wave -noupdate -group icache /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/SpillSupport/SpillDataLine0
add wave -noupdate -group AHB -color Gold /testbench/dut/hart/ebu/BusState
add wave -noupdate -group AHB /testbench/dut/hart/ebu/NextBusState
add wave -noupdate -group AHB -expand -group {input requests} /testbench/dut/hart/ebu/AtomicMaskedM
add wave -noupdate -group AHB -expand -group {input requests} /testbench/dut/hart/ebu/LsuBusSize
add wave -noupdate -group AHB /testbench/dut/hart/ebu/HCLK
add wave -noupdate -group AHB /testbench/dut/hart/ebu/HRESETn
add wave -noupdate -group AHB /testbench/dut/hart/ebu/HRDATA
@ -214,11 +205,10 @@ add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -color Gold /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/MEM_VI
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/SelHPTW
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/InterlockStall
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/LSUStall
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/LsuBusAdr
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/ReadDataM
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/WriteDataM
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -color Gold /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/cachefsm/CurrState
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/FinalWriteData
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/SRAMLineWriteEnableM
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/SRAMWordWriteEnableM
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/SRAMWayWriteEnable
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/SRAMWordEnable
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/SelAdr
@ -231,75 +221,73 @@ add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group flush
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group flush /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/VictimTag
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group flush /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/CacheBusAdr
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group flush /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/WordCount
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group flush /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/CacheableM
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group flush /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/FlushAdr
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group flush /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/FlushAdrQ
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group flush /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/FlushWay
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/CacheMemWriteData
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/WayHit
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/IgnoreRequest
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[0]/WriteEnable}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[0]/SetValid}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[0]/SetDirty}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 -label TAG {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[0]/CacheTagMem/StoredData}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[0]/DirtyBits}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[0]/ValidBits}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 -expand -group Way0Word0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[0]/word[0]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 -expand -group Way0Word0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[0]/word[0]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 -expand -group Way0Word1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[0]/word[1]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 -expand -group Way0Word1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[0]/word[1]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 -expand -group Way0Word2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[0]/word[2]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 -expand -group Way0Word2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[0]/word[2]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 -expand -group Way0Word3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[0]/word[3]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 -expand -group Way0Word3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[0]/word[3]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[1]/DirtyBits}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[1]/ValidBits}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[1]/SetDirty}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[1]/WriteEnable}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[1]/WriteWordEnable}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 -label TAG {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[1]/CacheTagMem/StoredData}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 -expand -group Way1Word0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[1]/word[0]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 -expand -group Way1Word0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[1]/word[0]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 -expand -group Way1Word1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[1]/word[1]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 -expand -group Way1Word1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[1]/word[1]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 -expand -group Way1Word2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[1]/word[2]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 -expand -group Way1Word2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[1]/word[2]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 -expand -group Way1Word3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[1]/word[3]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 -expand -group Way1Word3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[1]/word[3]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[2]/WriteEnable}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[2]/SetValid}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[2]/SetDirty}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 -label TAG {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[2]/CacheTagMem/StoredData}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[2]/DirtyBits}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[2]/ValidBits}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 -expand -group Way2Word0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[2]/word[0]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 -expand -group Way2Word0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[2]/word[0]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 -expand -group Way2Word1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[2]/word[1]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 -expand -group Way2Word1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[2]/word[1]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 -expand -group Way2Word2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[2]/word[2]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 -expand -group Way2Word2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[2]/word[2]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 -expand -group Way2Word3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[2]/word[3]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 -expand -group Way2Word3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[2]/word[3]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[3]/WriteEnable}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[3]/SetValid}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[3]/SetDirty}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[3]/ClearDirty}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[3]/VDWriteEnable}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 -label TAG {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[3]/CacheTagMem/StoredData}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[3]/DirtyBits}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[3]/ValidBits}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 -expand -group Way3Word0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[3]/word[0]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 -expand -group Way3Word0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[3]/word[0]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 -expand -group Way3Word1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[3]/word[1]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 -expand -group Way3Word1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[3]/word[1]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 -expand -group Way3Word2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[3]/word[2]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 -expand -group Way3Word2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[3]/word[2]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 -expand -group Way3Word3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[3]/word[3]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 -expand -group Way3Word3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[3]/word[3]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group valid/dirty /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/SetValid
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group valid/dirty /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/ClearValid
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group valid/dirty /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/SetDirty
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group valid/dirty /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/ClearDirty
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[0]/WriteEnable}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[0]/SetValid}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[0]/SetDirty}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 -label TAG {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[0]/CacheTagMem/StoredData}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[0]/DirtyBits}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[0]/ValidBits}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 -expand -group Way0Word0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[0]/word[0]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 -expand -group Way0Word0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[0]/word[0]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 -expand -group Way0Word1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[0]/word[1]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 -expand -group Way0Word1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[0]/word[1]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 -expand -group Way0Word2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[0]/word[2]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 -expand -group Way0Word2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[0]/word[2]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 -expand -group Way0Word3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[0]/word[3]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 -expand -group Way0Word3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[0]/word[3]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[1]/DirtyBits}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[1]/ValidBits}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[1]/SetDirty}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[1]/WriteEnable}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[1]/WriteWordEnable}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 -label TAG {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[1]/CacheTagMem/StoredData}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 -expand -group Way1Word0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[1]/word[0]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 -expand -group Way1Word0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[1]/word[0]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 -expand -group Way1Word1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[1]/word[1]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 -expand -group Way1Word1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[1]/word[1]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 -expand -group Way1Word2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[1]/word[2]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 -expand -group Way1Word2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[1]/word[2]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 -expand -group Way1Word3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[1]/word[3]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way1 -expand -group Way1Word3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[1]/word[3]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[2]/WriteEnable}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[2]/SetValid}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[2]/SetDirty}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 -label TAG {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[2]/CacheTagMem/StoredData}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[2]/DirtyBits}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[2]/ValidBits}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 -expand -group Way2Word0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[2]/word[0]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 -expand -group Way2Word0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[2]/word[0]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 -expand -group Way2Word1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[2]/word[1]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 -expand -group Way2Word1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[2]/word[1]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 -expand -group Way2Word2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[2]/word[2]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 -expand -group Way2Word2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[2]/word[2]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 -expand -group Way2Word3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[2]/word[3]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way2 -expand -group Way2Word3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[2]/word[3]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[3]/WriteEnable}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[3]/SetValid}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[3]/SetDirty}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[3]/ClearDirty}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[3]/VDWriteEnable}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 -label TAG {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[3]/CacheTagMem/StoredData}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[3]/DirtyBits}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[3]/ValidBits}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 -expand -group Way3Word0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[3]/word[0]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 -expand -group Way3Word0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[3]/word[0]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 -expand -group Way3Word1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[3]/word[1]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 -expand -group Way3Word1 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[3]/word[1]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 -expand -group Way3Word2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[3]/word[2]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 -expand -group Way3Word2 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[3]/word[2]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 -expand -group Way3Word3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[3]/word[3]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 -expand -group Way3Word3 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[3]/word[3]/CacheDataMem/StoredData}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group valid/dirty /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/SetValid
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group valid/dirty /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/ClearValid
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group valid/dirty /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/SetDirty
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group valid/dirty /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/ClearDirty
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/RAdr
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[0]/WayHit}
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way0 {/testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/MemWay[0]/Valid}
@ -323,23 +311,20 @@ add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group Victim /testb
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group Victim /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/VictimWay
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group Victim /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/VictimDirtyWay
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group Victim /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/VictimDirty
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {CPU side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/RW
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {CPU side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/LsuAdrE
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {CPU side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/IEUAdrM
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {CPU side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/LsuPAdrM
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {CPU side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/CacheableM
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {CPU side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/FlushCache
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {CPU side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/FinalWriteData
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {CPU side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/ReadDataWord
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {CPU side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/CacheStall
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {CPU side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/RW
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {CPU side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/IEUAdrM
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {CPU side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/FlushCache
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {CPU side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/FinalWriteData
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {CPU side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/ReadDataWord
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {CPU side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/CacheStall
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group status /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/WayHit
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group status -color {Medium Orchid} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/CacheHit
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group status /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/WordCount
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Memory Side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/CacheBusAdr
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Memory Side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/CacheFetchLine
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Memory Side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/CacheWriteLine
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Memory Side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/CacheBusAck
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Memory Side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/CacheMemWriteData
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Memory Side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/CacheBusAdr
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Memory Side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/CacheFetchLine
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Memory Side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/CacheWriteLine
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Memory Side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/CacheBusAck
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Memory Side} /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/CacheMemWriteData
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dtlb /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dmmu/dmmu/tlb/tlb/tlbcontrol/EffectivePrivilegeMode
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dtlb /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dmmu/dmmu/tlb/tlb/tlbcontrol/Translate
add wave -noupdate -expand -group lsu -group dtlb /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dmmu/dmmu/tlb/tlb/tlbcontrol/DisableTranslation
@ -476,7 +461,6 @@ add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/PCSrcE
add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/hart/ieu/c/BranchTakenE
add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/hart/ieu/c/BranchE
add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/PCLinkE
add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/LsuBusSize
add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/PCF
add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/uncore/uart/uart/u/LSR
add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/uncore/uart/uart/u/DLM
@ -486,22 +470,13 @@ add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/BPPredWrongM
add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/InvalidateICacheM
add wave -noupdate -expand -group ifu /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/PCF
add wave -noupdate -expand -group ifu /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/PostSpillInstrRawF
add wave -noupdate -expand -group ifu /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/IfuStallF
add wave -noupdate -expand -group ifu -expand -group {Bus FSM} -color Gold /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/busfsm/BusCurrState
add wave -noupdate -expand -group ifu -expand -group {Bus FSM} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/BusStall
add wave -noupdate -expand -group ifu -expand -group {Bus FSM} -color Orange /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/IfuBusRead
add wave -noupdate -expand -group ifu -expand -group {Bus FSM} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/IfuBusAdr
add wave -noupdate -expand -group ifu -expand -group {Bus FSM} -color Orange /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/IfuBusAck
add wave -noupdate -expand -group ifu -expand -group {Bus FSM} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/IfuBusHRDATA
add wave -noupdate -expand -group ifu -expand -group Spills /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/SpillSupport/Spill
add wave -noupdate -expand -group ifu -expand -group Spills -color Gold /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/SpillSupport/CurrState
add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/LsuBusAdr
add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/LsuBusWrite
add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/LsuBusHWDATA
add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/LsuBusAck
add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/hart/lsu/dcache/dcache/VictimTag
TreeUpdate [SetDefaultTree]
WaveRestoreCursors {{Cursor 6} {5187387 ns} 1} {{Cursor 5} {5144964 ns} 0}
WaveRestoreCursors {{Cursor 6} {5187387 ns} 1} {{Cursor 5} {88705641 ns} 0}
quietly wave cursor active 2
configure wave -namecolwidth 250
configure wave -valuecolwidth 314
@ -517,4 +492,4 @@ configure wave -griddelta 40
configure wave -timeline 0
configure wave -timelineunits ns
WaveRestoreZoom {5144901 ns} {5145101 ns}
WaveRestoreZoom {88705577 ns} {88705705 ns}
@ -39,8 +39,7 @@ module interlockfsm
input logic ITLBWriteF,
input logic DTLBMissM,
input logic DTLBWriteM,
input logic ExceptionM,
input logic PendingInterruptM,
input logic TrapM,
input logic DCacheStall,
output logic InterlockStall,
@ -111,8 +110,8 @@ module interlockfsm
assign SelReplayCPURequest = (InterlockNextState == STATE_T0_REPLAY);
assign SelHPTW = (InterlockCurrState == STATE_T3_DTLB_MISS) | (InterlockCurrState == STATE_T4_ITLB_MISS) |
(InterlockCurrState == STATE_T5_ITLB_MISS) | (InterlockCurrState == STATE_T7_DITLB_MISS);
assign IgnoreRequest = (InterlockCurrState == STATE_T0_READY & (ITLBMissF | DTLBMissM | ExceptionM | PendingInterruptM)) |
assign IgnoreRequest = (InterlockCurrState == STATE_T0_READY & (ITLBMissF | DTLBMissM | TrapM)) |
((InterlockCurrState == STATE_T0_REPLAY)
& (ExceptionM | PendingInterruptM));
& (TrapM));
@ -44,8 +44,7 @@ module lsu
input logic [2:0] Funct3M,
input logic [6:0] Funct7M,
input logic [1:0] AtomicM,
input logic ExceptionM,
input logic PendingInterruptM,
input logic TrapM,
input logic FlushDCacheM,
output logic CommittedM,
output logic SquashSCW,
@ -136,13 +135,13 @@ module lsu
assign AnyCPUReqM = (|MemRWM) | (|AtomicM);
interlockfsm interlockfsm (.clk, .reset, .AnyCPUReqM, .ITLBMissF, .ITLBWriteF,
.DTLBMissM, .DTLBWriteM, .ExceptionM, .PendingInterruptM, .DCacheStall,
.DTLBMissM, .DTLBWriteM, .TrapM, .DCacheStall,
.InterlockStall, .SelReplayCPURequest, .SelHPTW,
hptw hptw(.clk, .reset, .SATP_REGW, .PCF, .IEUAdrM,
.ITLBMissF(ITLBMissF & ~PendingInterruptM),
.DTLBMissM(DTLBMissM & ~PendingInterruptM),
.ITLBMissF(ITLBMissF & ~TrapM),
.DTLBMissM(DTLBMissM & ~TrapM),
.MemRWM, .PTE, .PageType, .ITLBWriteF, .DTLBWriteM,
.DCacheStall, .HPTWAdr, .HPTWRead, .HPTWSize, .AnyCPUReqM);
@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ module wallypipelinedhart (
// CPU interface
.MemRWM, .Funct3M, .Funct7M(InstrM[31:25]),
.AtomicM, .ExceptionM, .PendingInterruptM,
.AtomicM, .TrapM,
.CommittedM, .DCacheMiss, .DCacheAccess,
Reference in New Issue
Block a user