forked from Github_Repos/cvw
Merge branch 'main' of into main
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ set -e
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
module testbench();
parameter waveOnICount = `BUSYBEAR*140000 + `BUILDROOT*0459700; // # of instructions at which to turn on waves in graphical sim
parameter waveOnICount = `BUSYBEAR*140000 + `BUILDROOT*0900000; // # of instructions at which to turn on waves in graphical sim
parameter stopICount = `BUSYBEAR*143898 + `BUILDROOT*0000000; // # instructions at which to halt sim completely (set to 0 to let it run as far as it can)
@ -103,6 +103,7 @@ module testbench();
logic [99:0] StartCSRexpected[63:0];
string StartCSRname[99:0];
integer data_file_csr, scan_file_csr;
logic IllegalInstrFaultd;
// -----------
// Error Macro
@ -153,21 +154,22 @@ module testbench();
clk <= 1; # 5; clk <= 0; # 5;
// -------------------
// Additional Hardware
// -------------------
always @(posedge clk)
IllegalInstrFaultd = dut.hart.priv.IllegalInstrFaultM;
// -------------------------------------
// Special warnings for important faults
// -------------------------------------
always @(dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrm.MCAUSE_REGW) begin
if (dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrm.MCAUSE_REGW == 2 && instrs > 1) begin
$display("!!!!!! illegal instruction !!!!!!!!!!");
$display("(as a reminder, MCAUSE and MEPC are set by this)");
$display("at %0t ps, PCM %x, instr %0d, dut.hart.lsu.dcache.MemPAdrM %x", $time, dut.hart.ifu.PCM, instrs, dut.hart.lsu.dcache.MemPAdrM);
// This is sometimes okay if the source code intentionally causes it.
$display("Warning: illegal instruction exception at %0t ps, InstrNum %0d, PCM %x, InstrM %s", $time, instrs, dut.hart.ifu.PCM, PCtextM);
if (dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrm.MCAUSE_REGW == 5 && instrs != 0) begin
$display("!!!!!! illegal (physical) memory access !!!!!!!!!!");
$display("(as a reminder, MCAUSE and MEPC are set by this)");
$display("at %0t ps, PCM %x, instr %0d, dut.hart.lsu.dcache.MemPAdrM %x", $time, dut.hart.ifu.PCM, instrs, dut.hart.lsu.dcache.MemPAdrM);
$display("Warning: illegal physical memory access exception at %0t ps, InstrNum %0d, PCM %x, InstrM %s", $time, instrs, dut.hart.ifu.PCM, PCtextM);
@ -185,8 +187,14 @@ module testbench();
// Hack to compensate for QEMU's incorrect MSTATUS
end else if (PCtextW.substr(0,3) == "csrr" && PCtextW.substr(10,16) == "mstatus") begin
force dut.hart.ieu.dp.regf.wd3 = dut.hart.ieu.dp.WriteDataW & ~64'ha00000000;
end else
release dut.hart.ieu.dp.regf.wd3;
end else release dut.hart.ieu.dp.regf.wd3;
// Hack to compensate for QEMU's correct but different MTVAL (according to spec, storing the faulting instr is an optional feature)
if (PCtextW.substr(0,3) == "csrr" && PCtextW.substr(10,14) == "mtval") begin
force dut.hart.ieu.dp.WriteDataW = 0;
// Hack to compensate for QEMU's correct but different mhpmcounter's (these too are optional)
end else if (PCtextW.substr(0,3) == "csrr" && PCtextW.substr(10,20) == "mhpmcounter") begin
force dut.hart.ieu.dp.WriteDataW = 0;
end else release dut.hart.ieu.dp.WriteDataW;
@ -204,7 +212,6 @@ module testbench();
lastPC2 <= lastPC;
// If PCD isn't going to be flushed
if (~PCDwrong || lastPC == PCDexpected) begin
// Stop if we've reached the end
if($feof(data_file_PCF)) begin
$display("no more PC data to read... CONGRATULATIONS!!!");
@ -253,29 +260,7 @@ module testbench();
// Check if PCD is going to be flushed due to a branch or jump
if (`BPRED_ENABLED) begin
PCDwrong = dut.hart.hzu.FlushD; //Old version: dut.hart.ifu.bpred.bpred.BPPredWrongE; <-- This old version failed to account for MRET.
end else begin
casex (lastInstrDExpected[31:0])
32'b00000000001000000000000001110011, // URET
32'b00010000001000000000000001110011, // SRET
32'b00110000001000000000000001110011, // MRET
PCDwrong = 1;
32'bXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX1001000000000010, // C.EBREAK:
32'bXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX000XXXXX1110011: // Something that's not CSRR*
PCDwrong = 0; // tbh don't really know what should happen here
32'b000110000000XXXXXXXXXXXXX1110011, // CSR* SATP, *
32'bXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX1001XXXXX0000010: // C.JALR //this is RV64 only so no C.JAL
PCDwrong = 1;
PCDwrong = 0;
PCDwrong = dut.hart.hzu.FlushD || (PCtextE.substr(0,3) == "mret"); //Old version: dut.hart.ifu.bpred.bpred.BPPredWrongE; <-- This old version failed to account for MRET.
// Check PCD, InstrD
@ -358,9 +343,8 @@ module testbench();
`SCAN_PC(data_file_PCM, scan_file_PCM, trashString, trashString, InstrMExpected, PCMexpected);
`SCAN_PC(data_file_PCW, scan_file_PCW, trashString, trashString, InstrWExpected, PCWexpected);
// If repeated instr
// If repeated or instruction, we want to skip over it (indicates an interrupt)
if (PCMexpected == PCWexpected) begin
// Increment file pointers past the repeated instruction.
`SCAN_PC(data_file_PCM, scan_file_PCM, trashString, trashString, InstrMExpected, PCMexpected);
`SCAN_PC(data_file_PCW, scan_file_PCW, trashString, trashString, InstrWExpected, PCWexpected);
@ -369,6 +353,11 @@ module testbench();
// Skip over faulting instructions because they do not make it to the W stage.
if (IllegalInstrFaultd) begin
`SCAN_PC(data_file_PCM, scan_file_PCM, trashString, trashString, InstrMExpected, PCMexpected);
`SCAN_PC(data_file_PCW, scan_file_PCW, trashString, trashString, InstrWExpected, PCWexpected);
@ -527,47 +516,61 @@ module testbench();
// --------------
// Checker Macros
// --------------
string MSTATUSstring = "MSTATUS"; // string variables seem to compare more reliably than string literals (they gave me a lot of hassle), but *** there's probably a better way to do this
// String variables seem to compare more reliably than string literals (they gave me a lot of hassle),
// but *** there's probably a better way to do this.
// You can't just use the "__name" variables though because you need to declare variables before using them.
string MSTATUSstring = "MSTATUS";
string MIPstring = "MIP";
string MEPCstring = "MEPC";
string MCAUSEstring = "MCAUSE";
string MTVALstring = "MTVAL";
string SEPCstring = "SEPC";
string SCAUSEstring = "SCAUSE";
string SSTATUSstring = "SSTATUS";
logic [63:0] expectedCSR;
string expectedCSRname;
`define CHECK_CSR2(CSR, PATH) \
logic [63:0] expected``CSR``; \
string CSR; \
string ``CSR``name = `"CSR`"; \
string expected``CSR``name; \
always @(``PATH``.``CSR``_REGW) begin \
// MIP is not checked because QEMU bodges it (MTIP in particular), and even if QEMU reported it correctly, the timing would still be off \
if ($time > 1 && (``CSR``name != MIPstring)) begin \
// This is some feeble hackery designed to control the order in which CSRs are checked \
// when multiple change at the same time. \
if (``CSR``name == SEPCstring) #1; \
if (``CSR``name == SCAUSEstring) #2; \
if (``CSR``name == SSTATUSstring) #3; \
scan_file_csr = $fscanf(data_file_csr, "%s\n", expected``CSR``name); \
scan_file_csr = $fscanf(data_file_csr, "%x\n", expected``CSR``); \
if(expected``CSR``name.icompare(``CSR``name)) begin \
$display("%0t ps, PCM %x %s, instr %0d: %s changed, expected %s", $time, dut.hart.ifu.PCM, PCtextM, instrs, `"CSR`", expected``CSR``name); \
if (instrs == 0 && ~reset) begin \
for(integer j=0; j<totalCSR; j++) begin \
if(!StartCSRname[j].icompare(``CSR``name)) begin \
if(``PATH``.``CSR``_REGW != StartCSRexpected[j]) begin \
$display("%0t ps, PCM %x %s, instr %0d: %s does not equal %s expected: %x, %x", $time, dut.hart.ifu.PCM, PCtextM, instrs, ``CSR``name, StartCSRname[j], ``PATH``.``CSR``_REGW, StartCSRexpected[j]); \
end \
end \
end \
if (``CSR``name == MSTATUSstring) begin \
if (``PATH``.``CSR``_REGW != ((``expected``CSR) | 64'ha00000000)) begin \
$display("%0t ps, PCM %x %s, instr %0d: %s (should be MSTATUS) does not equal %s expected: %x, %x", $time, dut.hart.ifu.PCM, PCtextM, instrs, ``CSR``name, expected``CSR``name, ``PATH``.``CSR``_REGW, (``expected``CSR) | 64'ha00000000); \
end \
end else \
if (``PATH``.``CSR``_REGW != ``expected``CSR[$bits(``PATH``.``CSR``_REGW)-1:0]) begin \
$display("%0t ps, PCM %x %s, instr %0d: %s does not equal %s expected: %x, %x", $time, dut.hart.ifu.PCM, PCtextM, instrs, ``CSR``name, expected``CSR``name, ``PATH``.``CSR``_REGW, ``expected``CSR); \
end \
$display("CSRs' intital states look good"); \
end else begin \
if (!(`BUILDROOT == 1 && ``CSR``name == MSTATUSstring)) begin \
for(integer j=0; j<totalCSR; j++) begin \
if(!StartCSRname[j].icompare(``CSR``name)) begin \
if(``PATH``.``CSR``_REGW != StartCSRexpected[j]) begin \
$display("%0t ps, PCM %x %s, instr %0d: %s does not equal %s expected: %x, %x", $time, dut.hart.ifu.PCM, PCtextM, instrs, ``CSR``name, StartCSRname[j], ``PATH``.``CSR``_REGW, StartCSRexpected[j]); \
end \
// MIP is not checked because QEMU bodges it (MTIP in particular), and even if QEMU reported it correctly, the timing would still be off \
// MTVAL is not checked on illegal instr faults because QEMU chooses not to implement the behavior where MTVAL is written with the faulting instruction \
if (~reset && ``CSR``name != MIPstring && ~(IllegalInstrFaultd && ``CSR``name == MTVALstring)) begin \
// This is some feeble hackery designed to control the order in which CSRs are checked \
// when multiple change at the same time. \
// *** it would be better for each CSR to have its own testvector file \
// so as to avoid this awkward ordering problem. \
if (``CSR``name == MEPCstring) #1; \
if (``CSR``name == MCAUSEstring) #2; \
if (``CSR``name == MTVALstring) #3; \
if (``CSR``name == SEPCstring) #1; \
if (``CSR``name == SCAUSEstring) #2; \
if (``CSR``name == SSTATUSstring) #3; \
scan_file_csr = $fscanf(data_file_csr, "%s\n", expectedCSRname); \
scan_file_csr = $fscanf(data_file_csr, "%x\n", expectedCSR); \
if(expectedCSRname.icompare(``CSR``name)) begin \
$display("%0t ps, PCM %x %s, instr %0d: %s changed, expected %s", $time, dut.hart.ifu.PCM, PCtextM, instrs, `"CSR`", expectedCSRname); \
end \
if (``CSR``name == MSTATUSstring) begin \
if (``PATH``.``CSR``_REGW != ((expectedCSR) | 64'ha00000000)) begin \
$display("%0t ps, PCM %x %s, instr %0d: %s (should be MSTATUS) does not equal %s expected: %x, %x", $time, dut.hart.ifu.PCM, PCtextM, instrs, ``CSR``name, expectedCSRname, ``PATH``.``CSR``_REGW, expectedCSR | 64'ha00000000); \
end \
end else begin \
if (``PATH``.``CSR``_REGW != expectedCSR[$bits(``PATH``.``CSR``_REGW)-1:0]) begin \
$display("%0t ps, PCM %x %s, instr %0d: %s does not equal %s expected: %x, %x", $time, dut.hart.ifu.PCM, PCtextM, instrs, ``CSR``name, expectedCSRname, ``PATH``.``CSR``_REGW, expectedCSR); \
end \
end \
end \
Reference in New Issue
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