forked from Github_Repos/cvw
Merge branch 'main' of
This commit is contained in:
@ -136,6 +136,7 @@
// FPU division architecture
`define RADIX 32'h4
@ -145,6 +145,7 @@
// FPU division architecture
`define RADIX 32'h4
@ -139,6 +139,7 @@
`define BTB_SIZE 10
// FPU division architecture
`define RADIX 32'h4
@ -138,6 +138,7 @@
`define BTB_SIZE 10
// FPU division architecture
`define RADIX 32'h4
@ -139,6 +139,7 @@
`define BTB_SIZE 10
// FPU division architecture
`define RADIX 32'h4
@ -138,6 +138,7 @@
`define BTB_SIZE 10
// FPU division architecture
`define RADIX 32'h4
@ -141,6 +141,7 @@
`define BTB_SIZE 10
// FPU division architecture
`define RADIX 32'h4
@ -141,6 +141,7 @@
`define BTB_SIZE 10
// FPU division architecture
`define RADIX 32'h4
@ -141,6 +141,7 @@
`define BTB_SIZE 10
// FPU division architecture
`define RADIX 32'h4
@ -150,14 +150,14 @@ module controller(
ControlsD = `CTRLW'b0_000_00_00_000_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_00_1; // Non-implemented instruction
7'b0110011: if (Funct7D == 7'b0000000 | Funct7D == 7'b0100000)
ControlsD = `CTRLW'b1_000_00_00_000_0_1_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_00_0; // R-type
else if (Funct7D == 7'b0000001 & `M_SUPPORTED)
else if (Funct7D == 7'b0000001 & (`M_SUPPORTED | (`ZMMUL_SUPPORTED & ~Funct3D[2])))
ControlsD = `CTRLW'b1_000_00_00_011_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_1_00_0; // Multiply/divide
ControlsD = `CTRLW'b0_000_00_00_000_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_00_1; // Non-implemented instruction
7'b0110111: ControlsD = `CTRLW'b1_100_01_00_000_0_0_0_1_0_0_0_0_0_00_0; // lui
7'b0111011: if ((Funct7D == 7'b0000000 | Funct7D == 7'b0100000) & `XLEN == 64)
ControlsD = `CTRLW'b1_000_00_00_000_0_1_0_0_1_0_0_0_0_00_0; // R-type W instructions for RV64i
else if (Funct7D == 7'b0000001 & `M_SUPPORTED & `XLEN == 64)
else if (Funct7D == 7'b0000001 & (`M_SUPPORTED | (`ZMMUL_SUPPORTED & ~Funct3D[2])) & `XLEN == 64)
ControlsD = `CTRLW'b1_000_00_00_011_0_0_0_0_1_0_0_0_1_00_0; // W-type Multiply/Divide
ControlsD = `CTRLW'b0_000_00_00_000_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_00_1; // Non-implemented instruction
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ module ifu (
input logic [1:0] STATUS_MPP, // Status CSR: previous machine privilege level
input logic sfencevmaM, // Virtual memory address fence, invalidate TLB entries
output logic ITLBMissF, // ITLB miss causes HPTW (hardware pagetable walker) walk
output logic InstrDAPageFaultF, // ITLB hit needs to update dirty or access bits
output logic InstrUpdateDAF, // ITLB hit needs to update dirty or access bits
input var logic [7:0] PMPCFG_ARRAY_REGW[`PMP_ENTRIES-1:0], // PMP configuration from privileged unit
input var logic [`XLEN-1:0] PMPADDR_ARRAY_REGW[`PMP_ENTRIES-1:0], // PMP address from privileged unit
output logic InstrAccessFaultF, // Instruction access fault
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ module ifu (
if(`C_SUPPORTED) begin : Spill
spill #(`ICACHE_SUPPORTED) spill(.clk, .reset, .StallD, .FlushD, .PCF, .PCPlus4F, .PCNextF, .InstrRawF,
.InstrDAPageFaultF, .IFUCacheBusStallD, .ITLBMissF, .PCNextFSpill, .PCFSpill, .SelNextSpillF, .PostSpillInstrRawF, .CompressedF);
.InstrUpdateDAF, .IFUCacheBusStallD, .ITLBMissF, .PCNextFSpill, .PCFSpill, .SelNextSpillF, .PostSpillInstrRawF, .CompressedF);
end else begin : NoSpill
assign PCNextFSpill = PCNextF;
assign PCFSpill = PCF;
@ -185,12 +185,12 @@ module ifu (
.InstrAccessFaultF, .LoadAccessFaultM(), .StoreAmoAccessFaultM(),
.InstrPageFaultF, .LoadPageFaultM(), .StoreAmoPageFaultM(),
.LoadMisalignedFaultM(), .StoreAmoMisalignedFaultM(),
.AtomicAccessM(1'b0),.ExecuteAccessF(1'b1), .WriteAccessM(1'b0), .ReadAccessM(1'b0),
end else begin
assign {ITLBMissF, InstrAccessFaultF, InstrPageFaultF, InstrDAPageFaultF} = '0;
assign {ITLBMissF, InstrAccessFaultF, InstrPageFaultF, InstrUpdateDAF} = '0;
assign PCPF = PCFExt[`PA_BITS-1:0];
assign CacheableF = '1;
assign SelIROM = '0;
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ module spill #(
input logic [31:0] InstrRawF, // Instruction from the IROM, I$, or bus. Used to check if the instruction if compressed
input logic IFUCacheBusStallD, // I$ or bus are stalled. Transition to second fetch of spill after the first is fetched
input logic ITLBMissF, // ITLB miss, ignore memory request
input logic InstrDAPageFaultF, // Ignore memory request if the hptw support write and a DA page fault occurs (hptw is still active)
input logic InstrUpdateDAF, // Ignore memory request if the hptw support write and a DA page fault occurs (hptw is still active)
output logic [`XLEN-1:0] PCNextFSpill, // The next PCF for one of the two memory addresses of the spill
output logic [`XLEN-1:0] PCFSpill, // PCF for one of the two memory addresses of the spill
output logic SelNextSpillF, // During the transition between the two spill operations, the IFU should stall the pipeline
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ module spill #(
assign SpillF = &PCF[$clog2(SPILLTHRESHOLD)+1:1];
assign TakeSpillF = SpillF & ~IFUCacheBusStallD & ~(ITLBMissF | (`SVADU_SUPPORTED & InstrDAPageFaultF));
assign TakeSpillF = SpillF & ~IFUCacheBusStallD & ~(ITLBMissF | (`SVADU_SUPPORTED & InstrUpdateDAF));
always_ff @(posedge clk)
if (reset | FlushD) CurrState <= #1 STATE_READY;
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ module lsu (
input logic [1:0] STATUS_MPP, // Machine previous privilege mode
input logic [`XLEN-1:0] PCFSpill, // Fetch PC
input logic ITLBMissF, // ITLB miss causes HPTW (hardware pagetable walker) walk
input logic InstrDAPageFaultF, // ITLB hit needs to update dirty or access bits
input logic InstrUpdateDAF, // ITLB hit needs to update dirty or access bits
output logic [`XLEN-1:0] PTE, // Page table entry write to ITLB
output logic [1:0] PageType, // Type of page table entry to write to ITLB
output logic ITLBWriteF, // Write PTE to ITLB
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ module lsu (
logic DTLBMissM; // DTLB miss causes HPTW walk
logic DTLBWriteM; // Writes PTE and PageType to DTLB
logic DataDAPageFaultM; // DTLB hit needs to update dirty or access bits
logic DataUpdateDAM; // DTLB hit needs to update dirty or access bits
logic LSULoadAccessFaultM; // Load acces fault
logic LSUStoreAmoAccessFaultM; // Store access fault
logic IgnoreRequestTLB; // On either ITLB or DTLB miss, ignore miss so HPTW can handle
@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ module lsu (
hptw hptw(.clk, .reset, .MemRWM, .AtomicM, .ITLBMissF, .ITLBWriteF,
.DTLBMissM, .DTLBWriteM, .InstrDAPageFaultF, .DataDAPageFaultM,
.DTLBMissM, .DTLBWriteM, .InstrUpdateDAF, .DataUpdateDAM,
.FlushW, .DCacheStallM, .SATP_REGW, .PCFSpill,
.ReadDataM(ReadDataM[`XLEN-1:0]), // ReadDataM is LLEN, but HPTW only needs XLEN
@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ module lsu (
.StoreAmoAccessFaultM(LSUStoreAmoAccessFaultM), .InstrPageFaultF(), .LoadPageFaultM,
.LoadMisalignedFaultM, .StoreAmoMisalignedFaultM, // *** these faults need to be supressed during hptw.
.AtomicAccessM(|LSUAtomicM), .ExecuteAccessF(1'b0),
.WriteAccessM(PreLSURWM[0]), .ReadAccessM(PreLSURWM[1]),
@ -51,16 +51,18 @@ module mdu(
// Divider
// Start a divide when a new division instruction is received and the divider isn't already busy or finishing
// When IDIV_ON_FPU is set, use the FPU divider instead
if (`IDIV_ON_FPU) begin
// In ZMMUL, with M_SUPPORTED = 0, omit the divider
if ((`IDIV_ON_FPU) || (!`M_SUPPORTED)) begin:nodiv
assign QuotM = 0;
assign RemM = 0;
assign DivBusyE = 0;
end else begin
end else begin:div
intdivrestoring div(.clk, .reset, .StallM, .FlushE, .DivSignedE(~Funct3E[0]), .W64E, .IntDivE,
.ForwardedSrcAE, .ForwardedSrcBE, .DivBusyE, .QuotM, .RemM);
// Result multiplexer
// For ZMMUL, QuotM and RemM are tied to 0, so the mux automatically simplifies
case (Funct3M)
3'b000: PrelimResultM = ProdM[`XLEN-1:0]; // mul
@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ module hptw (
input logic ITLBMissF,
input logic DTLBMissM,
input logic FlushW,
input logic InstrDAPageFaultF,
input logic DataDAPageFaultM,
input logic InstrUpdateDAF,
input logic DataUpdateDAM,
output logic [`XLEN-1:0] PTE, // page table entry to TLBs
output logic [1:0] PageType, // page type to TLBs
output logic ITLBWriteF, DTLBWriteM, // write TLB with new entry
@ -87,21 +87,23 @@ module hptw (
logic [`XLEN-1:0] TranslationVAdr;
logic [`XLEN-1:0] NextPTE;
logic UpdatePTE;
logic HPTWDAPageFault;
logic HPTWUpdateDA;
logic [`PA_BITS-1:0] HPTWReadAdr;
logic SelHPTWAdr;
logic [`XLEN+1:0] HPTWAdrExt;
logic ITLBMissOrDAFaultF;
logic DTLBMissOrDAFaultM;
logic LSUAccessFaultM;
logic [`PA_BITS-1:0] HPTWAdr;
logic [1:0] HPTWRW;
logic [2:0] HPTWSize; // 32 or 64 bit access
statetype WalkerState, NextWalkerState, InitialWalkerState;
// map hptw access faults onto either the original LSU load/store fault or instruction access fault
assign LoadAccessFaultM = WalkerState == IDLE ? LSULoadAccessFaultM : (LSULoadAccessFaultM | LSUStoreAmoAccessFaultM) & DTLBWalk & MemRWM[1] & ~MemRWM[0];
assign StoreAmoAccessFaultM = WalkerState == IDLE ? LSUStoreAmoAccessFaultM : (LSULoadAccessFaultM | LSUStoreAmoAccessFaultM) & DTLBWalk & MemRWM[0];
assign HPTWInstrAccessFaultM = WalkerState == IDLE ? 1'b0: (LSUStoreAmoAccessFaultM | LSULoadAccessFaultM) & ~DTLBWalk;
assign LSUAccessFaultM = LSULoadAccessFaultM | LSUStoreAmoAccessFaultM;
assign LoadAccessFaultM = WalkerState == IDLE ? LSULoadAccessFaultM : LSUAccessFaultM & DTLBWalk & MemRWM[1] & ~MemRWM[0];
assign StoreAmoAccessFaultM = WalkerState == IDLE ? LSUStoreAmoAccessFaultM : LSUAccessFaultM & DTLBWalk & MemRWM[0];
assign HPTWInstrAccessFaultM = WalkerState == IDLE ? 1'b0: LSUAccessFaultM & ~DTLBWalk;
// Extract bits from CSRs and inputs
@ -127,8 +129,8 @@ module hptw (
if(`SVADU_SUPPORTED) begin : hptwwrites
logic ReadAccess, WriteAccess;
logic InvalidRead, InvalidWrite;
logic UpperBitsUnequalPageFault;
logic InvalidRead, InvalidWrite, InvalidOp;
logic UpperBitsUnequal;
logic OtherPageFault;
logic [1:0] EffectivePrivilegeMode;
logic ImproperPrivilege;
@ -147,7 +149,7 @@ module hptw (
mux2 #(`PA_BITS) HPTWWriteAdrMux(HPTWReadAdr, HPTWWriteAdr, SelHPTWWriteAdr, HPTWAdr);
assign {Dirty, Accessed} = PTE[7:6];
assign WriteAccess = MemRWM[0] | (|AtomicM);
assign WriteAccess = MemRWM[0]; // implies | (|AtomicM);
assign SetDirty = ~Dirty & DTLBWalk & WriteAccess;
assign ReadAccess = MemRWM[1];
@ -157,24 +159,24 @@ module hptw (
// Check for page faults
vm64check vm64check(.SATP_MODE(SATP_REGW[`XLEN-1:`XLEN-`SVMODE_BITS]), .VAdr(TranslationVAdr),
.SV39Mode(), .UpperBitsUnequalPageFault);
.SV39Mode(), .UpperBitsUnequal);
assign InvalidRead = ReadAccess & ~Readable & (~STATUS_MXR | ~Executable);
assign InvalidWrite = WriteAccess & ~Writable;
assign OtherPageFault = DTLBWalk? ImproperPrivilege | InvalidRead | InvalidWrite | UpperBitsUnequalPageFault | Misaligned | ~Valid :
ImproperPrivilege | ~Executable | UpperBitsUnequalPageFault | Misaligned | ~Valid;
assign InvalidOp = DTLBWalk ? (InvalidRead | InvalidWrite) : ~Executable;
assign OtherPageFault = ImproperPrivilege | InvalidOp | UpperBitsUnequal | Misaligned | ~Valid;
// hptw needs to know if there is a Dirty or Access fault occuring on this
// memory access. If there is the PTE needs to be updated seting Access
// and possibly also Dirty. Dirty is set if the operation is a store/amo.
// However any other fault should not cause the update.
assign HPTWDAPageFault = ValidLeafPTE & (~Accessed | SetDirty) & ~OtherPageFault;
assign HPTWUpdateDA = ValidLeafPTE & (~Accessed | SetDirty) & ~OtherPageFault;
assign HPTWRW[0] = (WalkerState == UPDATE_PTE);
assign UpdatePTE = (WalkerState == LEAF) & HPTWDAPageFault;
assign UpdatePTE = (WalkerState == LEAF) & HPTWUpdateDA;
end else begin // block: hptwwrites
assign NextPTE = ReadDataM;
assign HPTWAdr = HPTWReadAdr;
assign HPTWDAPageFault = '0;
assign HPTWUpdateDA = '0;
assign UpdatePTE = '0;
assign HPTWRW[0] = '0;
@ -182,8 +184,8 @@ module hptw (
// Enable and select signals based on states
assign StartWalk = (WalkerState == IDLE) & TLBMiss;
assign HPTWRW[1] = (WalkerState == L3_RD) | (WalkerState == L2_RD) | (WalkerState == L1_RD) | (WalkerState == L0_RD);
assign DTLBWriteM = (WalkerState == LEAF & ~HPTWDAPageFault) & DTLBWalk;
assign ITLBWriteF = (WalkerState == LEAF & ~HPTWDAPageFault) & ~DTLBWalk;
assign DTLBWriteM = (WalkerState == LEAF & ~HPTWUpdateDA) & DTLBWalk;
assign ITLBWriteF = (WalkerState == LEAF & ~HPTWUpdateDA) & ~DTLBWalk;
// FSM to track PageType based on the levels of the page table traversed
flopr #(2) PageTypeReg(clk, reset, NextPageType, PageType);
@ -262,7 +264,7 @@ module hptw (
else NextWalkerState = LEAF;
L0_RD: if (DCacheStallM) NextWalkerState = L0_RD;
else NextWalkerState = LEAF;
else NextWalkerState = IDLE;
UPDATE_PTE: if(DCacheStallM) NextWalkerState = UPDATE_PTE;
else NextWalkerState = LEAF;
@ -273,8 +275,8 @@ module hptw (
assign SelHPTW = WalkerState != IDLE;
assign HPTWStall = (WalkerState != IDLE) | (WalkerState == IDLE & TLBMiss);
assign ITLBMissOrDAFaultF = ITLBMissF | (`SVADU_SUPPORTED & InstrDAPageFaultF);
assign DTLBMissOrDAFaultM = DTLBMissM | (`SVADU_SUPPORTED & DataDAPageFaultM);
assign ITLBMissOrDAFaultF = ITLBMissF | (`SVADU_SUPPORTED & InstrUpdateDAF);
assign DTLBMissOrDAFaultM = DTLBMissM | (`SVADU_SUPPORTED & DataUpdateDAM);
// HTPW address/data/control muxing
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ module mmu #(parameter TLB_ENTRIES = 8, IMMU = 0) (
// Faults
output logic InstrAccessFaultF, LoadAccessFaultM, StoreAmoAccessFaultM, // access fault sources
output logic InstrPageFaultF, LoadPageFaultM, StoreAmoPageFaultM, // page fault sources
output logic DAPageFault, // page fault due to setting dirty or access bit
output logic UpdateDA, // page fault due to setting dirty or access bit
output logic LoadMisalignedFaultM, StoreAmoMisalignedFaultM, // misaligned fault sources
// PMA checker signals
input logic AtomicAccessM, ExecuteAccessF, WriteAccessM, ReadAccessM, // access type
@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ module mmu #(parameter TLB_ENTRIES = 8, IMMU = 0) (
logic Translate; // Translation occurs when virtual memory is active and DisableTranslation is off
logic TLBHit; // Hit in TLB
logic TLBPageFault; // Page fault from TLB
logic ReadNoAmoAccessM; // Read that is not part of atomic operation causes Load faults. Otherwise StoreAmo faults
// only instantiate TLB if Virtual Memory is supported
if (`VIRTMEM_SUPPORTED) begin:tlb
@ -84,7 +85,7 @@ module mmu #(parameter TLB_ENTRIES = 8, IMMU = 0) (
.PrivilegeModeW, .ReadAccess, .WriteAccess,
.DisableTranslation, .PTE, .PageTypeWriteVal,
.TLBWrite, .TLBFlush, .TLBPAdr, .TLBMiss, .TLBHit,
.Translate, .TLBPageFault, .DAPageFault);
.Translate, .TLBPageFault, .UpdateDA);
end else begin:tlb// just pass address through as physical
assign Translate = 0;
assign TLBMiss = 0;
@ -118,6 +119,8 @@ module mmu #(parameter TLB_ENTRIES = 8, IMMU = 0) (
assign PMPLoadAccessFaultM = 0;
assign ReadNoAmoAccessM = ReadAccessM & ~WriteAccessM;// AMO causes StoreAmo rather than Load fault
// Access faults
// If TLB miss and translating we want to not have faults from the PMA and PMP checkers.
assign InstrAccessFaultF = (PMAInstrAccessFaultF | PMPInstrAccessFaultF) & ~TLBMiss;
@ -132,11 +135,11 @@ module mmu #(parameter TLB_ENTRIES = 8, IMMU = 0) (
2'b10: DataMisalignedM = VAdr[1] | VAdr[0]; // lw, sw, flw, fsw, lwu
2'b11: DataMisalignedM = |VAdr[2:0]; // ld, sd, fld, fsd
assign LoadMisalignedFaultM = DataMisalignedM & ReadAccessM;
assign StoreAmoMisalignedFaultM = DataMisalignedM & (WriteAccessM | AtomicAccessM);
assign LoadMisalignedFaultM = DataMisalignedM & ReadNoAmoAccessM;
assign StoreAmoMisalignedFaultM = DataMisalignedM & WriteAccessM;
// Specify which type of page fault is occurring
assign InstrPageFaultF = TLBPageFault & ExecuteAccessF;
assign LoadPageFaultM = TLBPageFault & ReadAccessM;
assign StoreAmoPageFaultM = TLBPageFault & (WriteAccessM | AtomicAccessM);
assign LoadPageFaultM = TLBPageFault & ReadNoAmoAccessM;
assign StoreAmoPageFaultM = TLBPageFault & WriteAccessM;
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ module tlb #(parameter TLB_ENTRIES = 8, ITLB = 0) (
output logic TLBHit,
output logic Translate,
output logic TLBPageFault,
output logic DAPageFault
output logic UpdateDA
logic [TLB_ENTRIES-1:0] Matches, WriteEnables, PTE_Gs; // used as the one-hot encoding of WriteIndex
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ module tlb #(parameter TLB_ENTRIES = 8, ITLB = 0) (
.PrivilegeModeW, .ReadAccess, .WriteAccess, .DisableTranslation, .TLBFlush,
.PTEAccessBits, .CAMHit, .Misaligned, .TLBMiss, .TLBHit, .TLBPageFault,
.DAPageFault, .SV39Mode, .Translate);
.UpdateDA, .SV39Mode, .Translate);
tlblru #(TLB_ENTRIES) lru(.clk, .reset, .TLBWrite, .TLBFlush, .Matches, .CAMHit, .WriteEnables);
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ module tlbcontrol #(parameter ITLB = 0) (
output logic TLBMiss,
output logic TLBHit,
output logic TLBPageFault,
output logic DAPageFault,
output logic UpdateDA,
output logic SV39Mode,
output logic Translate
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ module tlbcontrol #(parameter ITLB = 0) (
logic [1:0] EffectivePrivilegeMode;
logic PTE_D, PTE_A, PTE_U, PTE_X, PTE_W, PTE_R, PTE_V; // Useful PTE Control Bits
logic UpperBitsUnequalPageFault;
logic UpperBitsUnequal;
logic TLBAccess;
logic ImproperPrivilege;
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ module tlbcontrol #(parameter ITLB = 0) (
assign TLBAccess = ReadAccess | WriteAccess;
// Check that upper bits are legal (all 0s or all 1s)
vm64check vm64check(.SATP_MODE, .VAdr, .SV39Mode, .UpperBitsUnequalPageFault);
vm64check vm64check(.SATP_MODE, .VAdr, .SV39Mode, .UpperBitsUnequal);
// unswizzle useful PTE bits
assign {PTE_D, PTE_A} = PTEAccessBits[7:6];
@ -77,12 +77,12 @@ module tlbcontrol #(parameter ITLB = 0) (
assign ImproperPrivilege = ((EffectivePrivilegeMode == `U_MODE) & ~PTE_U) |
((EffectivePrivilegeMode == `S_MODE) & PTE_U);
if(`SVADU_SUPPORTED) begin : hptwwrites
assign DAPageFault = Translate & TLBHit & ~PTE_A & ~TLBPageFault;
assign TLBPageFault = (Translate & TLBHit & (ImproperPrivilege | ~PTE_X | UpperBitsUnequalPageFault | Misaligned | ~PTE_V));
assign UpdateDA = Translate & TLBHit & ~PTE_A & ~TLBPageFault;
assign TLBPageFault = Translate & TLBHit & (ImproperPrivilege | ~PTE_X | UpperBitsUnequal | Misaligned | ~PTE_V);
end else begin
// fault for software handling if access bit is off
assign DAPageFault = ~PTE_A;
assign TLBPageFault = (Translate & TLBHit & (ImproperPrivilege | ~PTE_X | DAPageFault | UpperBitsUnequalPageFault | Misaligned | ~PTE_V));
assign UpdateDA = ~PTE_A;
assign TLBPageFault = Translate & TLBHit & (ImproperPrivilege | ~PTE_X | UpdateDA | UpperBitsUnequal | Misaligned | ~PTE_V);
end else begin:dtlb // Data TLB fault checking
logic InvalidRead, InvalidWrite;
@ -99,12 +99,12 @@ module tlbcontrol #(parameter ITLB = 0) (
// low.
assign InvalidWrite = WriteAccess & ~PTE_W;
if(`SVADU_SUPPORTED) begin : hptwwrites
assign DAPageFault = Translate & TLBHit & (~PTE_A | WriteAccess & ~PTE_D) & ~TLBPageFault;
assign TLBPageFault = (Translate & TLBHit & (ImproperPrivilege | InvalidRead | InvalidWrite | UpperBitsUnequalPageFault | Misaligned | ~PTE_V));
assign UpdateDA = Translate & TLBHit & (~PTE_A | WriteAccess & ~PTE_D) & ~TLBPageFault;
assign TLBPageFault = (Translate & TLBHit & (ImproperPrivilege | InvalidRead | InvalidWrite | UpperBitsUnequal | Misaligned | ~PTE_V));
end else begin
// Fault for software handling if access bit is off or writing a page with dirty bit off
assign DAPageFault = ~PTE_A | WriteAccess & ~PTE_D;
assign TLBPageFault = (Translate & TLBHit & (ImproperPrivilege | InvalidRead | InvalidWrite | DAPageFault | UpperBitsUnequalPageFault | Misaligned | ~PTE_V));
assign UpdateDA = ~PTE_A | WriteAccess & ~PTE_D;
assign TLBPageFault = (Translate & TLBHit & (ImproperPrivilege | InvalidRead | InvalidWrite | UpdateDA | UpperBitsUnequal | Misaligned | ~PTE_V));
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ module vm64check (
input logic [`SVMODE_BITS-1:0] SATP_MODE,
input logic [`XLEN-1:0] VAdr,
output logic SV39Mode,
output logic UpperBitsUnequalPageFault
output logic UpperBitsUnequal
if (`XLEN == 64) begin
@ -42,9 +42,9 @@ module vm64check (
logic eq_63_47, eq_46_38;
assign eq_46_38 = &(VAdr[46:38]) | ~|(VAdr[46:38]);
assign eq_63_47 = &(VAdr[63:47]) | ~|(VAdr[63:47]);
assign UpperBitsUnequalPageFault = SV39Mode ? ~(eq_63_47 & eq_46_38) : ~eq_63_47;
assign UpperBitsUnequal = SV39Mode ? ~(eq_63_47 & eq_46_38) : ~eq_63_47;
end else begin
assign SV39Mode = 0;
assign UpperBitsUnequalPageFault = 0;
assign UpperBitsUnequal = 0;
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ module wallypipelinedcore (
logic ICacheMiss;
logic ICacheAccess;
logic BreakpointFaultM, EcallFaultM;
logic InstrDAPageFaultF;
logic InstrUpdateDAF;
logic BigEndianM;
logic FCvtIntE;
logic CommittedF;
@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ module wallypipelinedcore (
.STATUS_MPP, .ITLBWriteF, .sfencevmaM, .ITLBMissF,
// pmp/pma (inside mmu) signals.
// integer execution unit: integer register file, datapath and controller
ieu ieu(.clk, .reset,
@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ module wallypipelinedcore (
.HPTWInstrAccessFaultM, // connects to privilege
.StoreAmoMisalignedFaultM, // connects to privilege
.StoreAmoAccessFaultM, // connects to privilege
.PCFSpill, .ITLBMissF, .PTE, .PageType, .ITLBWriteF, .SelHPTW,
@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ module wallypipelinedcore (
// multiply/divide unit
if (`M_SUPPORTED) begin:mdu
mdu mdu(.clk, .reset, .StallM, .StallW, .FlushE, .FlushM, .FlushW,
.ForwardedSrcAE, .ForwardedSrcBE,
.Funct3E, .Funct3M, .IntDivE, .W64E,
@ -23,40 +23,42 @@
module riscvassertions;
initial begin
assert (`PMP_ENTRIES == 0 | `PMP_ENTRIES==16 | `PMP_ENTRIES==64) else $error("Illegal number of PMP entries: PMP_ENTRIES must be 0, 16, or 64");
assert (`S_SUPPORTED | `VIRTMEM_SUPPORTED == 0) else $error("Virtual memory requires S mode support");
assert (`IDIV_BITSPERCYCLE == 1 | `IDIV_BITSPERCYCLE==2 | `IDIV_BITSPERCYCLE==4) else $error("Illegal number of divider bits/cycle: IDIV_BITSPERCYCLE must be 1, 2, or 4");
assert (`F_SUPPORTED | ~`D_SUPPORTED) else $error("Can't support double fp (D) without supporting float (F)");
assert (`D_SUPPORTED | ~`Q_SUPPORTED) else $error("Can't support quad fp (Q) without supporting double (D)");
assert (`F_SUPPORTED | ~`ZFH_SUPPORTED) else $error("Can't support half-precision fp (ZFH) without supporting float (F)");
assert (`DCACHE_SUPPORTED | ~`F_SUPPORTED | `FLEN <= `XLEN) else $error("Data cache required to support FLEN > XLEN because AHB bus width is XLEN");
$display("IDIV_ON_FPU = %b M_SUPPORTED %b comb %b\n", `IDIV_ON_FPU, `M_SUPPORTED, ((`IDIV_ON_FPU) || (!`M_SUPPORTED)));
assert (`PMP_ENTRIES == 0 || `PMP_ENTRIES==16 || `PMP_ENTRIES==64) else $error("Illegal number of PMP entries: PMP_ENTRIES must be 0, 16, or 64");
assert (`S_SUPPORTED || `VIRTMEM_SUPPORTED == 0) else $error("Virtual memory requires S mode support");
assert (`IDIV_BITSPERCYCLE == 1 || `IDIV_BITSPERCYCLE==2 || `IDIV_BITSPERCYCLE==4) else $error("Illegal number of divider bits/cycle: IDIV_BITSPERCYCLE must be 1, 2, or 4");
assert (`F_SUPPORTED || ~`D_SUPPORTED) else $error("Can't support double fp (D) without supporting float (F)");
assert (`D_SUPPORTED || ~`Q_SUPPORTED) else $error("Can't support quad fp (Q) without supporting double (D)");
assert (`F_SUPPORTED || ~`ZFH_SUPPORTED) else $error("Can't support half-precision fp (ZFH) without supporting float (F)");
assert (`DCACHE_SUPPORTED || ~`F_SUPPORTED || `FLEN <= `XLEN) else $error("Data cache required to support FLEN > XLEN because AHB bus width is XLEN");
assert (`I_SUPPORTED ^ `E_SUPPORTED) else $error("Exactly one of I and E must be supported");
assert (`FLEN<=`XLEN | `DCACHE_SUPPORTED | `DTIM_SUPPORTED) else $error("Wally does not support FLEN > XLEN unleses data cache or DTIM is supported");
assert (`DCACHE_WAYSIZEINBYTES <= 4096 | (!`DCACHE_SUPPORTED) | `VIRTMEM_SUPPORTED == 0) else $error("DCACHE_WAYSIZEINBYTES cannot exceed 4 KiB when caches and vitual memory is enabled (to prevent aliasing)");
assert (`DCACHE_LINELENINBITS >= 128 | (!`DCACHE_SUPPORTED)) else $error("DCACHE_LINELENINBITS must be at least 128 when caches are enabled");
assert (`FLEN<=`XLEN || `DCACHE_SUPPORTED || `DTIM_SUPPORTED) else $error("Wally does not support FLEN > XLEN unleses data cache or DTIM is supported");
assert (`DCACHE_WAYSIZEINBYTES <= 4096 || (!`DCACHE_SUPPORTED) || `VIRTMEM_SUPPORTED == 0) else $error("DCACHE_WAYSIZEINBYTES cannot exceed 4 KiB when caches and vitual memory is enabled (to prevent aliasing)");
assert (`DCACHE_LINELENINBITS >= 128 || (!`DCACHE_SUPPORTED)) else $error("DCACHE_LINELENINBITS must be at least 128 when caches are enabled");
assert (`DCACHE_LINELENINBITS < `DCACHE_WAYSIZEINBYTES*8) else $error("DCACHE_LINELENINBITS must be smaller than way size");
assert (`ICACHE_WAYSIZEINBYTES <= 4096 | (!`ICACHE_SUPPORTED) | `VIRTMEM_SUPPORTED == 0) else $error("ICACHE_WAYSIZEINBYTES cannot exceed 4 KiB when caches and vitual memory is enabled (to prevent aliasing)");
assert (`ICACHE_LINELENINBITS >= 32 | (!`ICACHE_SUPPORTED)) else $error("ICACHE_LINELENINBITS must be at least 32 when caches are enabled");
assert (`ICACHE_WAYSIZEINBYTES <= 4096 || (!`ICACHE_SUPPORTED) || `VIRTMEM_SUPPORTED == 0) else $error("ICACHE_WAYSIZEINBYTES cannot exceed 4 KiB when caches and vitual memory is enabled (to prevent aliasing)");
assert (`ICACHE_LINELENINBITS >= 32 || (!`ICACHE_SUPPORTED)) else $error("ICACHE_LINELENINBITS must be at least 32 when caches are enabled");
assert (`ICACHE_LINELENINBITS < `ICACHE_WAYSIZEINBYTES*8) else $error("ICACHE_LINELENINBITS must be smaller than way size");
assert (2**$clog2(`DCACHE_LINELENINBITS) == `DCACHE_LINELENINBITS | (!`DCACHE_SUPPORTED)) else $error("DCACHE_LINELENINBITS must be a power of 2");
assert (2**$clog2(`DCACHE_WAYSIZEINBYTES) == `DCACHE_WAYSIZEINBYTES | (!`DCACHE_SUPPORTED)) else $error("DCACHE_WAYSIZEINBYTES must be a power of 2");
assert (2**$clog2(`ICACHE_LINELENINBITS) == `ICACHE_LINELENINBITS | (!`ICACHE_SUPPORTED)) else $error("ICACHE_LINELENINBITS must be a power of 2");
assert (2**$clog2(`ICACHE_WAYSIZEINBYTES) == `ICACHE_WAYSIZEINBYTES | (!`ICACHE_SUPPORTED)) else $error("ICACHE_WAYSIZEINBYTES must be a power of 2");
assert (2**$clog2(`ITLB_ENTRIES) == `ITLB_ENTRIES | `VIRTMEM_SUPPORTED==0) else $error("ITLB_ENTRIES must be a power of 2");
assert (2**$clog2(`DTLB_ENTRIES) == `DTLB_ENTRIES | `VIRTMEM_SUPPORTED==0) else $error("DTLB_ENTRIES must be a power of 2");
assert (2**$clog2(`DCACHE_LINELENINBITS) == `DCACHE_LINELENINBITS || (!`DCACHE_SUPPORTED)) else $error("DCACHE_LINELENINBITS must be a power of 2");
assert (2**$clog2(`DCACHE_WAYSIZEINBYTES) == `DCACHE_WAYSIZEINBYTES || (!`DCACHE_SUPPORTED)) else $error("DCACHE_WAYSIZEINBYTES must be a power of 2");
assert (2**$clog2(`ICACHE_LINELENINBITS) == `ICACHE_LINELENINBITS || (!`ICACHE_SUPPORTED)) else $error("ICACHE_LINELENINBITS must be a power of 2");
assert (2**$clog2(`ICACHE_WAYSIZEINBYTES) == `ICACHE_WAYSIZEINBYTES || (!`ICACHE_SUPPORTED)) else $error("ICACHE_WAYSIZEINBYTES must be a power of 2");
assert (2**$clog2(`ITLB_ENTRIES) == `ITLB_ENTRIES || `VIRTMEM_SUPPORTED==0) else $error("ITLB_ENTRIES must be a power of 2");
assert (2**$clog2(`DTLB_ENTRIES) == `DTLB_ENTRIES || `VIRTMEM_SUPPORTED==0) else $error("DTLB_ENTRIES must be a power of 2");
assert (`UNCORE_RAM_RANGE >= 56'h07FFFFFF) else $warning("Some regression tests will fail if UNCORE_RAM_RANGE is less than 56'h07FFFFFF");
assert (`ZICSR_SUPPORTED == 1 | (`PMP_ENTRIES == 0 & `VIRTMEM_SUPPORTED == 0)) else $error("PMP_ENTRIES and VIRTMEM_SUPPORTED must be zero if ZICSR not supported.");
assert (`ZICSR_SUPPORTED == 1 | (`S_SUPPORTED == 0 & `U_SUPPORTED == 0)) else $error("S and U modes not supported if ZICSR not supported");
assert (`U_SUPPORTED | (`S_SUPPORTED == 0)) else $error ("S mode only supported if U also is supported");
assert (`VIRTMEM_SUPPORTED == 0 | (`DTIM_SUPPORTED == 0 & `IROM_SUPPORTED == 0)) else $error("Can't simultaneously have virtual memory and DTIM_SUPPORTED/IROM_SUPPORTED because local memories don't translate addresses");
assert (`DCACHE_SUPPORTED | `VIRTMEM_SUPPORTED ==0) else $error("Virtual memory needs dcache");
assert (`ICACHE_SUPPORTED | `VIRTMEM_SUPPORTED ==0) else $error("Virtual memory needs icache");
assert ((`DCACHE_SUPPORTED == 0 & `ICACHE_SUPPORTED == 0) | `BUS_SUPPORTED) else $error("Dcache and Icache requires DBUS_SUPPORTED.");
assert (`DCACHE_LINELENINBITS <= `XLEN*16 | (!`DCACHE_SUPPORTED)) else $error("DCACHE_LINELENINBITS must not exceed 16 words because max AHB burst size is 1");
assert (`ZICSR_SUPPORTED == 1 || (`PMP_ENTRIES == 0 && `VIRTMEM_SUPPORTED == 0)) else $error("PMP_ENTRIES and VIRTMEM_SUPPORTED must be zero if ZICSR not supported.");
assert (`ZICSR_SUPPORTED == 1 || (`S_SUPPORTED == 0 && `U_SUPPORTED == 0)) else $error("S and U modes not supported if ZICSR not supported");
assert (`U_SUPPORTED || (`S_SUPPORTED == 0)) else $error ("S mode only supported if U also is supported");
assert (`VIRTMEM_SUPPORTED == 0 || (`DTIM_SUPPORTED == 0 && `IROM_SUPPORTED == 0)) else $error("Can't simultaneously have virtual memory and DTIM_SUPPORTED/IROM_SUPPORTED because local memories don't translate addresses");
assert (`DCACHE_SUPPORTED || `VIRTMEM_SUPPORTED ==0) else $error("Virtual memory needs dcache");
assert (`ICACHE_SUPPORTED || `VIRTMEM_SUPPORTED ==0) else $error("Virtual memory needs icache");
assert ((`DCACHE_SUPPORTED == 0 && `ICACHE_SUPPORTED == 0) || `BUS_SUPPORTED) else $error("Dcache and Icache requires DBUS_SUPPORTED.");
assert (`DCACHE_LINELENINBITS <= `XLEN*16 || (!`DCACHE_SUPPORTED)) else $error("DCACHE_LINELENINBITS must not exceed 16 words because max AHB burst size is 1");
assert (`DCACHE_LINELENINBITS % 4 == 0) else $error("DCACHE_LINELENINBITS must hold 4, 8, or 16 words");
assert (`DCACHE_SUPPORTED | `A_SUPPORTED == 0) else $error("Atomic extension (A) requires cache on Wally.");
assert (`IDIV_ON_FPU == 0 | `F_SUPPORTED) else $error("IDIV on FPU needs F_SUPPORTED");
assert (`SSTC_SUPPORTED == 0 | (`S_SUPPORTED)) else $error("SSTC requires S_SUPPORTED");
assert (`DCACHE_SUPPORTED || (`A_SUPPORTED == 0)) else $error("Atomic extension (A) requires cache on Wally.");
assert (`IDIV_ON_FPU == 0 || `F_SUPPORTED) else $error("IDIV on FPU needs F_SUPPORTED");
assert (`SSTC_SUPPORTED == 0 || (`S_SUPPORTED)) else $error("SSTC requires S_SUPPORTED");
assert ((`ZMMUL_SUPPORTED == 0) || (`M_SUPPORTED ==0)) else $error("At most one of ZMMUL_SUPPORTED and M_SUPPORTED can be enabled");
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