added missing files

This commit is contained in:
Katherine Parry 2022-07-03 21:40:47 -07:00
parent 1b4584e825
commit 010a05f583
7 changed files with 69 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ module cvtshiftcalc(
// | `NF-1 zeros | Mantissa | 0's if nessisary |
// - otherwise:
// | LzcInM | 0's if nessisary |
// change to int shift to the left one
assign CvtShiftIn = ToInt ? {{`XLEN{1'b0}}, XManM[`NF]&~CvtCalcExpM[`NE], XManM[`NF-1]|(CvtCalcExpM[`NE]&XManM[`NF]), XManM[`NF-2:0], {`CVTLEN-`XLEN{1'b0}}} :
CvtResDenormUfM ? {{`NF-1{1'b0}}, XManM, {`CVTLEN-`NF+1{1'b0}}} :
{CvtLzcInM, {`NF+1{1'b0}}};

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@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ module fcvt (
// - shifted right by XLEN (XLEN)
// - shift left to normilize (-1-ZeroCnt)
// - newBias to make the biased exponent
// oldexp - biasold +newbias - (ZeroCnt+1)&(XDenormE|IntToFp)
assign CvtCalcExpE = {1'b0, OldExp} - (`NE+1)'(`BIAS) + {2'b0, NewBias} - {{`NE{1'b0}}, XDenormE|IntToFp} - {{`NE-`LOGCVTLEN+1{1'b0}}, (ZeroCnt&{`LOGCVTLEN{XDenormE|IntToFp}})};
// find if the result is dnormal or underflows
// - if Calculated expoenent is 0 or negitive (and the input/result is not exactaly 0)

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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
`include "wally-config.vh"
module negateintres(
input logic XSgnM,
input logic [`NORMSHIFTSZ-1:0] Shifted,
input logic Signed,
input logic Int64,
input logic Plus1,
output logic [1:0] NegResMSBS,
output logic [`XLEN+1:0] NegRes
// round and negate the positive res if needed
assign NegRes = XSgnM ? -({2'b0, Shifted[`NORMSHIFTSZ-1:`NORMSHIFTSZ-`XLEN]}+{{`XLEN+1{1'b0}}, Plus1}) : {2'b0, Shifted[`NORMSHIFTSZ-1:`NORMSHIFTSZ-`XLEN]}+{{`XLEN+1{1'b0}}, Plus1};
assign NegResMSBS = Signed ? Int64 ? NegRes[`XLEN:`XLEN-1] : NegRes[32:31] :
Int64 ? NegRes[`XLEN+1:`XLEN] : NegRes[33:32];

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@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ module resultselect(
// signed | -2^31 | -2^63 |
// unsigned | 0 | 0 |
// - positive infinity and out of range negitive input and NaNs
// - positive infinity and out of range positive input and NaNs
// | int | long |
// signed | 2^31-1 | 2^63-1 |
// unsigned | 2^32-1 | 2^64-1 |

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@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
`include "wally-config.vh"
module roundsign(
input logic PSgnM, ZSgnEffM,
input logic InvZM,
input logic XSgnM,
input logic YSgnM,
input logic NegSumM,
input logic FmaOp,
input logic DivOp,
input logic CvtOp,
input logic CvtResSgnM,
output logic RoundSgn
logic FmaResSgnTmp;
logic DivSgn;
// is the result negitive
// if p - z is the Sum negitive
// if -p + z is the Sum positive
// if -p - z then the Sum is negitive
assign FmaResSgnTmp = NegSumM^PSgnM; //*** move to execute stage
// assign FmaResSgnTmp = InvZM&(ZSgnEffM)&NegSumM | InvZM&PSgnM&~NegSumM | (ZSgnEffM&PSgnM);
assign DivSgn = XSgnM^YSgnM;
// Sign for rounding calulation
assign RoundSgn = (FmaResSgnTmp&FmaOp) | (CvtResSgnM&CvtOp) | (DivSgn&DivOp);

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@ -4,12 +4,14 @@ module lzc #(parameter WIDTH = 1) (
output logic [$clog2(WIDTH+1)-1:0] ZeroCnt
/* verilator lint_off CMPCONST */
/* verilator lint_off WIDTH */
logic [$clog2(WIDTH+1)-1:0] i;
int i;
always_comb begin
i = 0;
while (~num[WIDTH-1-(32)'(i)] & $unsigned(i) <= $unsigned(($clog2(WIDTH+1))'(WIDTH-1))) i = i+1; // search for leading one
while (~num[WIDTH-1-i] & (i < WIDTH)) i = i+1; // search for leading one
ZeroCnt = i;
/* verilator lint_on WIDTH */
/* verilator lint_on CMPCONST */

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@ -641,7 +641,7 @@ module testbenchfp;
.Xe(XExp), .Ye(YExp), .Ze(ZExp),
.Xm(XMan), .Ym(YMan), .Zm(ZMan),
.XZeroE(XZero), .YZeroE(YZero), .ZZeroE(ZZero),
.FOpCtrlE(OpCtrlVal), .FmtE(ModFmt), .Sm, .NegSumE, .InvZE, .FmaNormCntE, .ZSgnEffE, .Ps,
.FOpCtrlE(OpCtrlVal), .FmtE(ModFmt), .Sm, .NegSumE, .InvA(InvZE), .FmaNormCntE, .ZSgnEffE, .Ps,
.Pe, .AddendStickyE, .KillProdE);
postprocess postprocess(.XSgnM(XSgn), .YSgnM(YSgn), .PostProcSelM(UnitVal[1:0]),
@ -818,7 +818,15 @@ end
// check if result is correct
// - wait till the division result is done or one extra cylcle for early termination (to simulate the EM pipline stage)
if(~((Res === Ans | NaNGood | NaNGood === 1'bx) & (ResFlg === AnsFlg | AnsFlg === 5'bx))&((~DivStart&DivDone)^~(UnitVal == `DIVUNIT))&(UnitVal !== `CVTINTUNIT)&(UnitVal !== `CMPUNIT)) begin
if(~((Res === Ans | NaNGood | NaNGood === 1'bx) & (ResFlg === AnsFlg | AnsFlg === 5'bx))&((UnitVal !== `DIVUNIT))&(UnitVal !== `CVTINTUNIT)&(UnitVal !== `CMPUNIT)) begin
errors += 1;
$display("There is an error in %s", Tests[TestNum]);
$display("inputs: %h %h %h\nSrcA: %h\n Res: %h %h\n Ans: %h %h", X, Y, Z, SrcA, Res, ResFlg, Ans, AnsFlg);
// division
else if(~((Res === Ans | NaNGood | NaNGood === 1'bx) & (ResFlg === AnsFlg | AnsFlg === 5'bx))&(~DivStart&DivDone)&(UnitVal !== `CVTINTUNIT)&(UnitVal !== `CMPUNIT)) begin
errors += 1;
$display("There is an error in %s", Tests[TestNum]);
$display("inputs: %h %h %h\nSrcA: %h\n Res: %h %h\n Ans: %h %h", X, Y, Z, SrcA, Res, ResFlg, Ans, AnsFlg);