2021-08-10 17:57:16 +00:00
2022-01-01 23:50:23 +00:00
`include " wally-config.vh "
2022-05-19 16:32:30 +00:00
module fcvtfp (
2021-10-14 22:25:31 +00:00
input logic [ 10 : 0 ] XExpE , // input's exponent
input logic [ 52 : 0 ] XManE , // input's mantissa
input logic XSgnE , // input's sign
input logic XZeroE , // is the input zero
input logic XDenormE , // is the input denormalized
input logic XInfE , // is the input infinity
input logic XNaNE , // is the input a NaN
input logic XSNaNE , // is the input a signaling NaN
input logic [ 2 : 0 ] FrmE , // rounding mode 000 = rount to nearest, ties to even 001 = round twords zero 010 = round down 011 = round up 100 = round to nearest, ties to max magnitude
input logic FmtE , // the input's precision (1 = double 0 = single)
output logic [ 63 : 0 ] CvtFpResE , // the fp to fp conversion's result
output logic [ 4 : 0 ] CvtFpFlgE ) ; // the fp to fp conversion's flags
logic [ 12 : 0 ] DSExp ; // double to single precision exponent
logic Denorm ; // is the double to single precision result denormalized
logic Shift ; // do you shift the double precision exponent (if single precision result is denormalized)
logic [ 51 : 0 ] SDFrac ; // single to double precision fraction
logic [ 25 : 0 ] DSFrac ; // double to single precision fraction
logic [ 77 : 0 ] DSFracShifted ; // single precision fraction shifted for double precision
logic Sticky , UfSticky , Guard , Round , LSBFrac , UfGuard , UfRound , UfLSBFrac ; // rounding bits
logic CalcPlus1 , UfCalcPlus1 , Plus1 , UfPlus1 ; // do you add one to the result
logic [ 12 : 0 ] DSExpFull ; // full double to single exponent
logic [ 22 : 0 ] DSResFrac ; // final double to single fraction
logic [ 7 : 0 ] DSResExp ; // final double to single exponent
logic [ 10 : 0 ] SDExp ; // final single to double precision exponent
logic Overflow , Underflow , Inexact ; // flags
logic [ 31 : 0 ] DSRes ; // double to single precision result
2022-04-17 16:53:10 +00:00
// add support for all formats
// consider reordering code blocks so upconverting is in one region of the file
// and downconverting is in the other region.
2021-10-14 22:25:31 +00:00
2022-04-17 16:53:10 +00:00
// LZC: Leading Zero Counter
2021-10-14 22:25:31 +00:00
2022-04-17 16:53:10 +00:00
// *** consider sharing this with fcvtint
// *** emphasize parallel structure between the two
// *** add a priorityencoder module to generic (similar to priorityonehot) and use it
2021-10-14 22:25:31 +00:00
// LZC - find the first 1 in the input's mantissa
2021-08-10 17:57:16 +00:00
logic [ 8 : 0 ] i , NormCnt ;
always_comb begin
i = 0 ;
2022-01-31 01:07:35 +00:00
while ( ~ XManE [ 52 - i ] & i < = 52 ) i = i + 1 ; // search for leading one
2021-08-10 17:57:16 +00:00
NormCnt = i ;
2021-10-14 22:25:31 +00:00
// Expoents
// convert the single precion exponent to single precision.
// - subtract the double precision exponent (1023) and add the
// single precsision exponent (127)
// - if the input is zero then kill the exponent
2021-08-10 17:57:16 +00:00
2021-10-14 22:25:31 +00:00
assign DSExp = ( { 2 'b0 , XExpE } - 13 'd1023 + 13 'd127 ) & { 13 { ~ XZeroE } } ;
// is the converted double to single precision exponent in the denormalized range
assign Denorm = $signed ( DSExp ) < = 0 & $signed ( DSExp ) > $signed ( - ( 13 'd23 ) ) ;
// caluculate the final single to double precsion exponent
// - subtract the single precision bias (127) and add the double
// precision bias (127)
// - if the result is zero or denormalized, kill the exponent
assign SDExp = XExpE - ( { 2 'b0 , NormCnt & { 9 { ~ XZeroE } } } ) + ( { 11 { XDenormE } } & 1024 - 127 ) ; //*** seems ineffecient
2021-08-10 17:57:16 +00:00
2021-10-14 22:25:31 +00:00
// Fraction
2021-08-10 17:57:16 +00:00
2021-10-14 22:25:31 +00:00
// normalize the single precision fraction for double precsion
// - needed for denormal single precsion values
assign SDFrac = XManE [ 51 : 0 ] < < NormCnt ;
2021-08-10 17:57:16 +00:00
2021-10-14 22:25:31 +00:00
// check if the double precision mantissa needs to be shifted
// - the mantissa needs to be shifted if the single precision result is denormal
assign Shift = Denorm | ( ( $signed ( DSExp ) > $signed ( - ( 13 'd25 ) ) ) & DSExp [ 12 ] ) ;
// shift the mantissa
assign DSFracShifted = { XManE , 25 'b0 } > > ( ( - DSExp + 1 ) & { 13 { Shift } } ) ; //***might be some optimization here
assign DSFrac = DSFracShifted [ 76 : 51 ] ;
// Rounder
2021-08-10 17:57:16 +00:00
// used to determine underflow flag
2021-10-14 22:25:31 +00:00
assign UfSticky = | DSFracShifted [ 50 : 0 ] ;
assign UfGuard = DSFrac [ 1 ] ;
assign UfRound = DSFrac [ 0 ] ;
assign UfLSBFrac = DSFrac [ 2 ] ;
2021-08-10 17:57:16 +00:00
assign Sticky = UfSticky | UfRound ;
2021-10-14 22:25:31 +00:00
assign Guard = DSFrac [ 2 ] ;
assign Round = DSFrac [ 1 ] ;
assign LSBFrac = DSFrac [ 3 ] ;
2021-08-10 17:57:16 +00:00
2022-03-19 19:39:03 +00:00
always_comb begin // ***remove guard bit
2021-08-10 17:57:16 +00:00
// Determine if you add 1
case ( FrmE )
3 'b000 : CalcPlus1 = Guard & ( Round | ( Sticky ) | ( ~ Round & ~ Sticky & LSBFrac ) ) ; //round to nearest even
3 'b001 : CalcPlus1 = 0 ; //round to zero
3 'b010 : CalcPlus1 = XSgnE ; //round down
3 'b011 : CalcPlus1 = ~ XSgnE ; //round up
3 'b100 : CalcPlus1 = ( Guard & ( Round | ( Sticky ) | ( ~ Round & ~ Sticky ) ) ) ; //round to nearest max magnitude
default : CalcPlus1 = 1 ' bx ;
// Determine if you add 1 (for underflow flag)
case ( FrmE )
3 'b000 : UfCalcPlus1 = UfGuard & ( UfRound | UfSticky | ( ~ UfRound & ~ UfSticky & UfLSBFrac ) ) ; //round to nearest even
3 'b001 : UfCalcPlus1 = 0 ; //round to zero
3 'b010 : UfCalcPlus1 = XSgnE ; //round down
3 'b011 : UfCalcPlus1 = ~ XSgnE ; //round up
3 'b100 : UfCalcPlus1 = ( UfGuard & ( UfRound | UfSticky | ( ~ UfRound & ~ UfSticky ) ) ) ; //round to nearest max magnitude
default : UfCalcPlus1 = 1 ' bx ;
2021-10-14 22:25:31 +00:00
// if an answer is exact don't round
2021-08-10 17:57:16 +00:00
assign Plus1 = CalcPlus1 & ( Sticky | UfGuard | Guard | Round ) ;
assign UfPlus1 = UfCalcPlus1 & ( Sticky | UfGuard ) ;
2021-10-14 22:25:31 +00:00
// round the double to single precision result
assign { DSExpFull , DSResFrac } = { DSExp & { 13 { ~ Denorm } } , DSFrac [ 25 : 3 ] } + { 35 'b0 , Plus1 } ;
assign DSResExp = DSExpFull [ 7 : 0 ] ;
// Flags
// calculate the flags
// - overflow, underflow and inexact can only be set by the double to single precision opperation
// - don't set underflow or overflow if the input is NaN or Infinity
// - don't set the inexact flag if the input is NaN
assign Overflow = $signed ( DSExpFull ) > = $signed ( { 5 'b0 , { 8 { 1 'b1 } } } ) & ~ ( XNaNE | XInfE ) ;
assign Underflow = ( ( $signed ( DSExpFull ) < = 0 ) & ( ( Sticky | Guard | Round ) | ( XManE [ 52 ] & ~ | DSFrac ) | ( | DSFrac & ~ Denorm ) ) | ( ( DSExpFull = = 1 ) & Denorm & ~ ( UfPlus1 & UfLSBFrac ) ) ) & ~ ( XNaNE | XInfE ) ;
2021-08-10 17:57:16 +00:00
assign Inexact = ( Sticky | Guard | Round | Underflow | Overflow ) & ~ ( XNaNE ) ;
2021-10-14 22:25:31 +00:00
// pack the flags together and choose the result based on the opperation
assign CvtFpFlgE = FmtE ? { XSNaNE , 1 'b0 , Overflow , Underflow , Inexact } : { XSNaNE , 4 'b0 } ;
2021-08-10 17:57:16 +00:00
2021-10-14 22:25:31 +00:00
// Result Selection
2022-01-05 16:25:08 +00:00
if ( `IEEE754 ) begin
2022-01-01 23:50:23 +00:00
// select the double to single precision result
assign DSRes = XNaNE ? { XSgnE , { 8 { 1 'b1 } } , 1 'b1 , XManE [ 50 : 29 ] } :
Underflow & ~ Denorm ? { XSgnE , 30 'b0 , CalcPlus1 & ( | FrmE [ 1 : 0 ] | Shift ) } :
Overflow | XInfE ? ( ( FrmE [ 1 : 0 ] = = 2 'b01 ) | ( FrmE [ 1 : 0 ] = = 2 'b10 & ~ XSgnE ) | ( FrmE [ 1 : 0 ] = = 2 'b11 & XSgnE ) ) & ~ XInfE ? { XSgnE , 8 'hfe , { 23 { 1 'b1 } } } :
{ XSgnE , 8 'hff , 23 'b0 } :
{ XSgnE , DSResExp , DSResFrac } ;
// select the final result based on the opperation
2022-03-19 19:39:03 +00:00
//*** in al units before putting into : ? put in a seperate signal
2022-01-01 23:50:23 +00:00
assign CvtFpResE = FmtE ? { { 32 { 1 'b1 } } , DSRes } : { XSgnE , SDExp , SDFrac [ 51 ] | XNaNE , SDFrac [ 50 : 0 ] } ;
end else begin
// select the double to single precision result
assign DSRes = XNaNE ? { 1 'b0 , { 8 { 1 'b1 } } , 1 'b1 , 22 'b0 } :
Underflow & ~ Denorm ? { XSgnE , 30 'b0 , CalcPlus1 & ( | FrmE [ 1 : 0 ] | Shift ) } :
Overflow | XInfE ? ( ( FrmE [ 1 : 0 ] = = 2 'b01 ) | ( FrmE [ 1 : 0 ] = = 2 'b10 & ~ XSgnE ) | ( FrmE [ 1 : 0 ] = = 2 'b11 & XSgnE ) ) & ~ XInfE ? { XSgnE , 8 'hfe , { 23 { 1 'b1 } } } :
{ XSgnE , 8 'hff , 23 'b0 } :
{ XSgnE , DSResExp , DSResFrac } ;
// select the final result based on the opperation
assign CvtFpResE = FmtE ? { { 32 { 1 'b1 } } , DSRes } : { XSgnE & ~ XNaNE , SDExp , SDFrac [ 51 ] | XNaNE , SDFrac [ 50 : 0 ] & { 51 { ~ XNaNE } } } ;
2021-08-10 17:57:16 +00:00
endmodule // fpadd