// N-mode user-level interrupts are depricated per Andrew Waterman 1/13/21
//`define N_SUPPORTED ((MISA >> 13) % 2 == 1)
`define N_SUPPORTED 0
`define M_MODE (2'b11)
`define S_MODE (2'b01)
`define U_MODE (2'b00)
// Microarchitectural Features
`define MEM_DCACHE 0
`define MEM_DTIM 1
`define MEM_ICACHE 0
`define MEM_VIRTMEM 0
`define VECTORED_INTERRUPTS_SUPPORTED 1 // Domenico Ottolia 4/15: Support for vectored interrupts in _tvec csrs. Just implemented in src/privileged/trap.sv around line 75. Pretty sure this should be 1.
// Address space
`define RESET_VECTOR 64'h0000000000001000
// Peripheral Addresses
// Peripheral memory space extends from BASE to BASE+RANGE
// Range should be a thermometer code with 0's in the upper bits and 1s in the lower bits
`define BOOTTIMBASE 32'h00000000 //only needs to go from 0x1000 to 0x2FFF, extending to a power of 2
`define BOOTTIMRANGE 32'h00003FFF
`define CLINTBASE 32'h02000000
`define CLINTRANGE 32'h0000FFFF
`define PLICBASE 32'h0C000000
`define PLICRANGE 32'h03FFFFFF
`define UARTBASE 32'h10000000
`define UARTRANGE 32'h00000007
`define VBD0BASE 32'h10001000
`define VBD0RANGE 32'h000001FF
// differing from Imperas' OVPSim by not having a VND0