Fixed bug in the lsu's write back data. If an AMO was uncached it would not be corrected executed because the write data to the bus would not include the amoalu.

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Ross Thompson 2022-01-12 17:41:39 -06:00
parent 861450c4d6
commit 654a33bf92
2 changed files with 5 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -374,7 +374,10 @@ module lsu
assign LocalLSUBusAdr = SelUncachedAdr ? LSUPAdrM : DCacheBusAdr ;
assign LSUBusAdr = ({{`PA_BITS-LOGWPL{1'b0}}, WordCount} << $clog2(`XLEN/8)) + LocalLSUBusAdr;
assign PreLSUBusHWDATA = ReadDataLineSetsM[WordCount];
assign LSUBusHWDATA = SelUncachedAdr ? WriteDataM : PreLSUBusHWDATA; // *** why is this not FinalWriteDataM? which does not work.
// exclude the subword write for uncached. We don't read the data first so we cannot
// select the subword by masking. Subword write also exists inside the uncore to
// suport subword masking for i/o. I'm not sure if this is necessary.
assign LSUBusHWDATA = SelUncachedAdr ? FinalAMOWriteDataM : PreLSUBusHWDATA;
if (`XLEN == 32) assign LSUBusSize = SelUncachedAdr ? LSUFunct3M : 3'b010;
else assign LSUBusSize = SelUncachedAdr ? LSUFunct3M : 3'b011;