forked from Github_Repos/cvw
121 lines
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121 lines
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// fpu.S
// Written: 28 March 2023
// Purpose: Test coverage for FPU
// A component of the CORE-V-WALLY configurable RISC-V project.
// Copyright (C) 2021-23 Harvey Mudd College & Oklahoma State University
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH SHL-2.1
// Licensed under the Solderpad Hardware License v 2.1 (the “License”); you may not use this file
// except in compliance with the License, or, at your option, the Apache License version 2.0. You
// may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, any work distributed under the
// either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
// and limitations under the License.
// load code to initalize stack, handle interrupts, terminate
#include "WALLY-init-lib.h"
#bseti t0, zero, 14 # turn on FPU
csrs mstatus, t0
#Pull denormalized FP number from memory and pass it to fclass.S for coverage
la t0, TestData1
flw ft0, 0(t0)
fclass.s t1, ft0
#Result Sign Test Coverage
la t0, TestData2
flw ft0, 0(t0)
flw ft1, 4(t0)
fadd.s ft2, ft0, ft1 #Adds coverage for inf as arg for FADD
flw ft2, 4(t0)
fmsub.s ft3, ft0, ft1, ft2 #Adds coverage for fmaAs or Z Sign Bit
# Test legal instructions not covered elsewhere
flq ft0, 0(a0)
flh ft0, 8(a0)
fsq ft0, 0(a0)
fsh ft0, 8(a0)
# Tests for fpu/
fcvt.h.s ft1, ft0
fcvt.q.s ft2, ft0
fcvt.h.w ft3, a0
fcvt.h.wu ft3, a0
fcvt.h.l ft3, a0
| ft3, a0
fcvt.w.h a0, ft3
fcvt.wu.h a0, ft3
fcvt.l.h a0, ft3
| a0, ft3
fcvt.q.w ft3, a0
fcvt.q.wu ft3, a0
fcvt.q.l ft3, a0
| ft3, a0
fcvt.w.q a0, ft3
fcvt.wu.q a0, ft3
fcvt.l.q a0, ft3
| a0, ft3
// Tests verfying that half and quad floating point convertion instructions are not supported by rv64gc
# fcvt.h.d ft3, ft0 // Somehow this instruction is taking the route on line 124
// idea: enable the Q extension for this to work properly? A: Q and halfs not supported in rv64gc
# fcvt.h.w ft3, a0
# fcvt.w.h a0, ft0
# fcvt.q.w ft3, a0
# fcvt.w.q a0, ft0
# fcvt.q.d ft3, ft0
# Completing branch coverage in
.word 0x38007553 // Testing the all False case for 119 - funct7 under, op = 101 0011
.word 0x40000053 // Line 145 All False Test case - illegal instruction?
.word 0xd0400053 // Line 156 All False Test case - illegal instruction?
.word 0xc0400053 // Line 162 All False Test case - illegal instruction?
.word 0xd2400053 // Line 168 All False Test case - illegal instruction?
.word 0xc2400053 // Line 174 All False Test case - illegal instruction?
# Increasing conditional coverage in
.word 0xc5000007 // Attempting to toggle (Op7 != 7) to 0 on line 97 in fctrl, not sure what instruction this works out to
.word 0xe0101053 // toggling (Rs2D == 0) to 0 on line 139 in fctrl. Illegal Intsr (like fclass but incorrect rs2)
.word 0xe0100053 // toggling (Rs2D == 0) to 0 on line 141 in fctrl. Illegal Intsr (like fmv but incorrect rs2)
.word 0x40500053 // toggling (Rs2D[4:2] == 0) to 0 on line 145 in fctrl.
.word 0x40300053 // toggling SupportFmt2 to 0 on line 145 in fctrl.
.word 0x42100053 // toggling (Rs2D[1:0] != 1) to 0 on line 147 in fctrl. Illegal Instr
.word 0xf0100053 // toggling (Rs2D == 0) to 0 on line 143 in fctrl. Illegal Instr
# Test illegal instructions are detected
.word 0x00000007 // illegal floating-point load (bad Funct3)
.word 0x00000027 // illegal floating-point store (bad Funct3)
.word 0x58F00053 // illegal fsqrt (bad Rs2D)
.word 0x20007053 // illegal fsgnj (bad Funct3)
.word 0x28007053 // illegal fmin/max (bad Funct3)
.word 0xA0007053 // illegal fcmp (bad Funct3)
.word 0xE0007053 // illegal fclass/fmv (bad Funct3)
.word 0xF0007053 // illegal fmv (bad Funct3)
.word 0x43007053 // illegal fcvt.d.* (bad Rs2D)
.word 0x42207053 // illegal fcvt.d.* (bad Rs2D[1])
j done
.section .data
.align 3
.int 0x00100000 #Denormalized FP number
.word 0x60000001 #Random FP Number (Pos)
.word 0x7f800000 #INF |