forked from Github_Repos/cvw
When a timer interrupt occurs it should be routed to the machine interrupt pending MTIP even if MIDELEG[5] = 1 when the current privilege mode is Machine. This is true for all the interrupts. The interrupt should not be masked even though it is delegated to a lower privilege. Since the CPU is currently in machine mode the interrupt must be taken if MIE. Additionally added a new qemu script which pipes together all the parsing and post processing scripts to produce the singular all.txt trace without the massivie intermediate files.
209 lines
7.6 KiB
Executable File
209 lines
7.6 KiB
Executable File
#! /usr/bin/python3
import sys, fileinput, re
# Ross Thompson
# July 27, 2021
# Rewrite of the linux trace parser.
InstrStartDelim = '=>'
InstrEndDelim = '-----'
#InputFile = 'noparse.txt'
#InputFile = sys.stdin
#InputFile = 'temp.txt'
#OutputFile = 'parsedAll.txt'
def toDict(lst):
'Converts the list of register values to a dictionary'
dct= {}
for item in lst:
regTup = item.split()
dct[regTup[0]] = int(regTup[2], 10)
del dct['pc']
return dct
def whichClass(text, Regs):
'Which instruction class?'
#print(text, Regs)
if text[0:2] == 'ld' or text[0:2] == 'lw' or text[0:2] == 'lh' or text[0:2] == 'lb':
return ('load', WhatAddr(text, Regs), None, WhatMemDestSource(text))
elif text[0:2] == 'sd' or text[0:2] == 'sw' or text[0:2] == 'sh' or text[0:2] == 'sb':
return ('store', WhatAddr(text, Regs), WhatMemDestSource(text), None)
elif text[0:3] == 'amo':
return ('amo', WhatAddrAMO(text, Regs), WhatMemDestSource(text), WhatMemDestSource(text))
elif text[0:2] == 'lr':
return ('lr', WhatAddrLR(text, Regs), None, WhatMemDestSource(text))
elif text[0:2] == 'sc':
return ('sc', WhatAddrSC(text, Regs), WhatMemDestSource(text), None)
return ('other', None, None, None)
def whatChanged(dct0, dct1):
'Compares two dictionaries of instrution registers and indicates which registers changed'
dct = {}
for key in dct0:
if (dct1[key] != dct0[key]):
dct[key] = dct1[key]
return dct
def WhatMemDestSource(text):
''''What is the destination register. Used to compute where the read data is
on a load or the write data on a store.'''
return text.split()[1].split(',')[0]
def WhatAddr(text, Regs):
'What is the data memory address?'
Imm = text.split(',')[1]
(Imm, Src) = Imm.split('(')
Imm = int(Imm.strip(), 10)
Src = Src.strip(')').strip()
RegVal = Regs[Src]
return Imm + RegVal
def WhatAddrAMO(text, Regs):
'What is the data memory address?'
Src = text.split('(')[1]
Src = Src.strip(')').strip()
return Regs[Src]
def WhatAddrLR(text, Regs):
'What is the data memory address?'
Src = text.split('(')[1]
Src = Src.strip(')').strip()
return Regs[Src]
def WhatAddrSC(text, Regs):
'What is the data memory address?'
Src = text.split('(')[1]
Src = Src.strip(')').strip()
return Regs[Src]
def PrintInstr(instr, fp):
if instr[2] == None:
ChangedRegisters = instr[4]
GPR = ''
CSR = []
for key in ChangedRegisters:
# filter out csr which are not checked.
if(key in RegNumber):
if(RegNumber[key] < 32):
GPR = '{:-2d} {:016x}'.format(RegNumber[key], ChangedRegisters[key])
GPR = '{:d} {:x}'.format(RegNumber[key], ChangedRegisters[key])
CSR.extend([key, '{:016x}'.format(ChangedRegisters[key])])
CSR.extend([key, '{:x}'.format(ChangedRegisters[key])])
CSRStr = ' '.join(CSR)
if (HUMAN_READABLE == True):
fp.write('{:016x} {:08x} {:25s}'.format(instr[0], instr[1], instr[2]))
if(len(GPR) != 0):
fp.write(' GPR {}'.format(GPR))
if(instr[3] == 'load' or instr[3] == 'lr'):
fp.write(' MemR {:016x} {:016x} {:016x}'.format(instr[5], 0, instr[7]))
if(instr[3] == 'store'):
fp.write('\t\t\t MemW {:016x} {:016x} {:016x}'.format(instr[5], instr[6], 0))
if(len(CSR) != 0):
fp.write(' CSR {}'.format(CSRStr))
fp.write('{:x} {:x} {:s}'.format(instr[0], instr[1], instr[2].replace(' ', '_')))
if(len(GPR) != 0):
fp.write(' GPR {}'.format(GPR))
if(instr[3] == 'load' or instr[3] == 'lr'):
fp.write(' MemR {:x} {:x} {:x}'.format(instr[5], 0, instr[7]))
if(instr[3] == 'store'):
fp.write(' MemW {:x} {:x} {:x}'.format(instr[5], instr[6], 0))
if(len(CSR) != 0):
fp.write(' CSR {}'.format(CSRStr))
# reg number
RegNumber = {'zero': 0, 'ra': 1, 'sp': 2, 'gp': 3, 'tp': 4, 't0': 5, 't1': 6, 't2': 7, 's0': 8, 's1': 9, 'a0': 10, 'a1': 11, 'a2': 12, 'a3': 13, 'a4': 14, 'a5': 15, 'a6': 16, 'a7': 17, 's2': 18, 's3': 19, 's4': 20, 's5': 21, 's6': 22, 's7': 23, 's8': 24, 's9': 25, 's10': 26, 's11': 27, 't3': 28, 't4': 29, 't5': 30, 't6': 31, 'mhartid': 32, 'mstatus': 33, 'mip': 34, 'mie': 35, 'mideleg': 36, 'medeleg': 37, 'mtvec': 38, 'stvec': 39, 'mepc': 40, 'sepc': 41, 'mcause': 42, 'scause': 43, 'mtval': 44, 'stval': 45}
# initial state
CurrentInstr = ['0', '0', None, 'other', {'zero': 0, 'ra': 0, 'sp': 0, 'gp': 0, 'tp': 0, 't0': 0, 't1': 0, 't2': 0, 's0': 0, 's1': 0, 'a0': 0, 'a1': 0, 'a2': 0, 'a3': 0, 'a4': 0, 'a5': 0, 'a6': 0, 'a7': 0, 's2': 0, 's3': 0, 's4': 0, 's5': 0, 's6': 0, 's7': 0, 's8': 0, 's9': 0, 's10': 0, 's11': 0, 't3': 0, 't4': 0, 't5': 0, 't6': 0, 'mhartid': 0, 'mstatus': 0, 'mip': 0, 'mie': 0, 'mideleg': 0, 'medeleg': 0, 'mtvec': 0, 'stvec': 0, 'mepc': 0, 'sepc': 0, 'mcause': 0, 'scause': 0, 'mtval': 0, 'stval': 0}, {}, None, None, None]
#with open (InputFile, 'r') as InputFileFP:
#lines = InputFileFP.readlines()
lineNum = 0
StartLine = 0
EndLine = 0
#instructions = []
MemAdr = 0
lines = []
for line in fileinput.input('-'):
lines.insert(lineNum, line)
if InstrStartDelim in line:
lineNum = 0
StartLine = lineNum
elif InstrEndDelim in line:
EndLine = lineNum
(InstrBits, text) = lines[StartLine].split(':')
InstrBits = int(InstrBits.strip('=> '), 16)
text = text.strip()
PC = int(lines[StartLine+1].split(':')[0][2:], 16)
Regs = toDict(lines[StartLine+2:EndLine])
(Class, Addr, WriteReg, ReadReg) = whichClass(text, Regs)
#print("CWR", Class, WriteReg, ReadReg)
PreviousInstr = CurrentInstr
Changed = whatChanged(PreviousInstr[4], Regs)
if (ReadReg !=None): ReadData = ReadReg
else: ReadData = None
if (WriteReg !=None): WriteData = WriteReg
else: WriteData = None
CurrentInstr = [PC, InstrBits, text, Class, Regs, Changed, Addr, WriteData, ReadData]
#print(CurrentInstr[0:4], PreviousInstr[5], CurrentInstr[6:7], PreviousInstr[8])
# pc, instrbits, text and class come from the last line.
MoveInstrToRegWriteLst = PreviousInstr[0:4]
# updated registers come from the current line.
MoveInstrToRegWriteLst.append(CurrentInstr[5]) # destination regs
# memory address if present comes from the last line.
MoveInstrToRegWriteLst.append(PreviousInstr[6]) # MemAdrM
# write data from the previous line
#MoveInstrToRegWriteLst.append(PreviousInstr[7]) # WriteDataM
if (PreviousInstr[7] != None):
MoveInstrToRegWriteLst.append(Regs[PreviousInstr[7]]) # WriteDataM
# read data from the current line
#MoveInstrToRegWriteLst.append(PreviousInstr[8]) # ReadDataM
if (PreviousInstr[8] != None):
MoveInstrToRegWriteLst.append(Regs[PreviousInstr[8]]) # ReadDataM
PrintInstr(MoveInstrToRegWriteLst, sys.stdout)
lineNum += 1
#for instruction in instructions[1::]:
#with open(OutputFile, 'w') as OutputFileFP:
# print('opened file')