Ross Thompson 3a9bc1e8c1 Updated the fpga bios code to emulate the same behavior as qemu's bootloader and it also copies
the flash card to dram.
Fixed latch issue in the sd card reader.
2021-09-26 13:22:23 -05:00

155 lines
2.3 KiB

# start by writting the clock divider to 4 setting SDC to 25MHz
la x3, 0x12100
li x4, -4
sw x4, 0x0(x3)
# start by writting the clock divider to 1 setting SDC to 100MHZ
la x3, 0x12100
li x4, 1
sw x4, 0x0(x3)
# wait until the SDC is done with initialization
li x4, 0x1
lw x5, 4(x3)
and x5, x5, x4
bne x5, x4, wait_sdc_done_init
# now that it is done lets setup for a read
li x6, 0x20000000
sd x6, 0x10(x3) # write address register
# send read by writting to command register
li x7, 0x4
sw x7, 0x8(x3)
li x4, 0x2
lw x5, 4(x3)
and x5, x5, x4
beq x5, x4, wait_sdc_done_read
# copy data from mailbox
li x11, 0x80000000
li x9, 0
li x8, 512/8
ld x10, 0x18(x3) # read the mailbox
sd x10, 0x0(x11) # write to dram
addi x9, x9, 1
addi x11, x11, 8
blt x9, x8, copy_sdc
# second read of sdc
# now that it is done lets setup for a read
li x6, 0x20000200
sd x6, 0x10(x3) # write address register
# send read by writting to command register
li x7, 0x4
sw x7, 0x8(x3)
li x4, 0x2
lw x5, 4(x3)
and x5, x5, x4
beq x5, x4, wait_sdc_done_read2
# copy data from mailbox
li x11, 0x80000200
li x9, 0
li x8, 512/8
ld x10, 0x18(x3) # read the mailbox
sd x10, 0x0(x11) # write to dram
addi x9, x9, 1
addi x11, x11, 8
blt x9, x8, copy_sdc2
# write to gpio
li x2, 0xFF
la x3, 0x10012000
# +8 is output enable
# +C is output value
addi x4, x3, 8
addi x5, x3, 0xC
# write initial value of 0xFF to GPO
sw x2, 0x0(x5)
# enable output
sw x2, 0x0(x4)
# before jumping to led loop
# lets try writting to dram.
li x21, 0
li x23, 4096*16 # 64KB of data
li x22, 0x80000000
li x24, 0
add x25, x22, x24
sw x24, 0(x25)
addi x24, x24, 4
blt x24, x23, write_loop
li x24, 0
add x25, x22, x24
lw x21, 0(x25)
# check value
bne x21, x24, fail_loop
addi x24, x24, 4
blt x24, x23, read_loop
# delay
li x20, PERIOD
addi x20, x20, -1
bge x20, x0, delay1
# new GPO
addi x2, x2, 1
sw x2, 0x0(x5)
j loop
# delay
li x20, PERIOD/20
addi x20, x20, -1
bge x20, x0, fail_delay1
# clear GPO
sw x0, 0x0(x5)
# delay
li x20, PERIOD/20
addi x20, x20, -1
bge x20, x0, fail_delay2
# write GPO
sw x2, 0x0(x5)
j fail_loop