forked from Github_Repos/cvw
Merge branch 'main' of into main
This commit is contained in:
@ -46,6 +46,8 @@ module fctrl (
output logic [2:0] FrmM, // FP rounding mode
output logic [`FMTBITS-1:0] FmtE, FmtM, // FP format
output logic DivStartE, // Start division or squareroot
output logic XEnE, YEnE, ZEnE,
output logic YEnForwardE, ZEnForwardE,
output logic FWriteIntE, FWriteIntM, // Write to integer register
output logic [2:0] OpCtrlE, OpCtrlM, // Select which opperation to do in each component
output logic [1:0] FResSelE, FResSelM, FResSelW, // Select one of the results that finish in the memory stage
@ -173,23 +175,18 @@ module fctrl (
assign FmtD = ((Funct7D[6:3] == 4'b0100)&OpD[4]) ? Rs2D[1:0] : Funct7D[1:0];
// // signals to help readability
// assign IntToFp = OpCtrl[2];
// assign CvtOp = (PostProcSelE == 2'b00)&(FResSelE == 2'b01);
// assign FmaOp = (PostProcSelE == 2'b10)&(FResSelE == 2'b01);
// assign Sqrt = OpCtrl[0];
// // is there an input of infinity or NaN being used
// assign InfIn = (XInf&~(IntToFp&CvtOp))|(YInf&~CvtOp)|(ZInf&FmaOp);
// assign NaNIn = (XNaN&~(IntToFp&CvtOp))|(YNaN&~CvtOp)|(ZNaN&FmaOp);
// // enables:
// // X - all except int->fp, store, load, mv int->fp
// // Y - all except cvt, mv, load, class
// // Z - fma ops only
// assign XEnE = ;
// assign YEnE = ~((FResSel==2'b10));
// assign ZEnE = FmaOp&~OpCtrlE[2];
// enables:
// X - all except int->fp, store, load, mv int->fp
// Y - all except cvt, mv, load, class
// Z - fma ops only
// load/store mv int->fp cvt int->fp
assign XEnE = ~(((FResSelE==2'b10)&~FWriteIntE)|((FResSelE==2'b11)&FRegWriteE)|((FResSelE==2'b01)&(PostProcSelE==2'b00)&OpCtrlE[2]));
// load/class mv cvt
assign YEnE = ~(((FResSelE==2'b10)&(FWriteIntE|FRegWriteE))|(FResSelE==2'b11)|((FResSelE==2'b01)&(PostProcSelE==2'b00)));
assign ZEnE = (PostProcSelE==2'b10)&(FResSelE==2'b01)&(~OpCtrlE[2]|OpCtrlE[1]);
assign YEnForwardE = ~(((FResSelE==2'b10)&(FWriteIntE|FRegWriteE))|(FResSelE==2'b11)|((FResSelE==2'b01)&(PostProcSelE==2'b00)));
assign ZEnForwardE = (PostProcSelE==2'b10)&(FResSelE==2'b01)&~OpCtrlE[2];
// Final Res Sel:
// fp int
@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ module fhazard(
input logic FRegWriteM, FRegWriteW, // is the fp register being written to
input logic [4:0] RdM, RdW, // the adress being written to
input logic [1:0] FResSelM, // the result being selected
input logic XEnE, YEnE, ZEnE,
output logic FStallD, // stall the decode stage
output logic [1:0] ForwardXE, ForwardYE, ForwardZE // select a forwarded value
@ -47,33 +48,34 @@ module fhazard(
ForwardZE = 2'b00; // choose FRD3E
FStallD = 0;
//*** this hazard unit is waiting for all three inputs, change so that if an input isnt used then don't wait
// if the needed value is in the memory stage - input 1
if ((Adr1E == RdM) & FRegWriteM)
// if the result will be FResM (can be taken from the memory stage)
if(FResSelM == 2'b00) ForwardXE = 2'b10; // choose FResM
else FStallD = 1; // otherwise stall
// if the needed value is in the writeback stage
else if ((Adr1E == RdW) & FRegWriteW) ForwardXE = 2'b01; // choose FPUResult64W
if ((Adr1E == RdM) & FRegWriteM)
// if the result will be FResM (can be taken from the memory stage)
if(FResSelM == 2'b00) ForwardXE = 2'b10; // choose FResM
else FStallD = 1; // otherwise stall
// if the needed value is in the writeback stage
else if ((Adr1E == RdW) & FRegWriteW) ForwardXE = 2'b01; // choose FPUResult64W
// if the needed value is in the memory stage - input 2
if ((Adr2E == RdM) & FRegWriteM)
// if the result will be FResM (can be taken from the memory stage)
if(FResSelM == 2'b00) ForwardYE = 2'b10; // choose FResM
else FStallD = 1; // otherwise stall
// if the needed value is in the writeback stage
else if ((Adr2E == RdW) & FRegWriteW) ForwardYE = 2'b01; // choose FPUResult64W
if ((Adr2E == RdM) & FRegWriteM)
// if the result will be FResM (can be taken from the memory stage)
if(FResSelM == 2'b00) ForwardYE = 2'b10; // choose FResM
else FStallD = 1; // otherwise stall
// if the needed value is in the writeback stage
else if ((Adr2E == RdW) & FRegWriteW) ForwardYE = 2'b01; // choose FPUResult64W
// if the needed value is in the memory stage - input 3
if ((Adr3E == RdM) & FRegWriteM)
// if the result will be FResM (can be taken from the memory stage)
if(FResSelM == 2'b00) ForwardZE = 2'b10; // choose FResM
else FStallD = 1; // otherwise stall
// if the needed value is in the writeback stage
else if ((Adr3E == RdW) & FRegWriteW) ForwardZE = 2'b01; // choose FPUResult64W
if ((Adr3E == RdM) & FRegWriteM)
// if the result will be FResM (can be taken from the memory stage)
if(FResSelM == 2'b00) ForwardZE = 2'b10; // choose FResM
else FStallD = 1; // otherwise stall
// if the needed value is in the writeback stage
else if ((Adr3E == RdW) & FRegWriteW) ForwardZE = 2'b01; // choose FPUResult64W
@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ module flags(
input logic NaNIn, // is a NaN input being used
input logic [`FMTBITS-1:0] OutFmt, // output format
input logic XZero, YZero, // inputs are zero
input logic XNaN, YNaN, // inputs are NaN
input logic Sqrt, // Sqrt?
input logic ToInt, // convert to integer
input logic IntToFp, // convert integer to floating point
@ -153,11 +152,11 @@ module flags(
// | | | | or the res rounds up out of bounds
// | | | | and the res didn't underflow
// | | | | |
assign IntInvalid = XNaN|XInf|(ShiftGtIntSz&~FullRe[`NE+1])|((Xs&~Signed)&(~((CvtCe[`NE]|(~|CvtCe))&~Plus1)))|(CvtNegResMsbs[1]^CvtNegResMsbs[0]);
assign IntInvalid = NaNIn|InfIn|(ShiftGtIntSz&~FullRe[`NE+1])|((Xs&~Signed)&(~((CvtCe[`NE]|(~|CvtCe))&~Plus1)))|(CvtNegResMsbs[1]^CvtNegResMsbs[0]);
// |
// or when the positive res rounds up out of range
assign SigNaN = (XSNaN&~(IntToFp&CvtOp)) | (YSNaN&~CvtOp) | (ZSNaN&FmaOp);
assign FmaInvalid = ((XInf | YInf) & ZInf & (FmaPs ^ FmaAs) & ~XNaN & ~YNaN) | (XZero & YInf) | (YZero & XInf);
assign FmaInvalid = ((XInf | YInf) & ZInf & (FmaPs ^ FmaAs) & ~NaNIn) | (XZero & YInf) | (YZero & XInf);
assign DivInvalid = ((XInf & YInf) | (XZero & YZero))&~Sqrt | (Xs&Sqrt);
assign Invalid = SigNaN | (FmaInvalid&FmaOp) | (DivInvalid&DivOp);
@ -73,6 +73,8 @@ module fpu (
logic [1:0] PostProcSelE, PostProcSelM; // select result in the post processing unit
logic [4:0] Adr1E, Adr2E, Adr3E; // adresses of each input
logic IllegalFPUInstrM;
logic XEnE, YEnE, ZEnE;
logic YEnForwardE, ZEnForwardE;
// regfile signals
logic [`FLEN-1:0] FRD1D, FRD2D, FRD3D; // Read Data from FP register - decode stage
@ -163,8 +165,8 @@ module fpu (
// calculate FP control signals
fctrl fctrl (.Funct7D(InstrD[31:25]), .OpD(InstrD[6:0]), .Rs2D(InstrD[24:20]), .Funct3D(InstrD[14:12]), .InstrD,
.StallE, .StallM, .StallW, .FlushE, .FlushM, .FlushW, .FRM_REGW, .STATUS_FS, .FDivBusyE,
.reset, .clk, .IllegalFPUInstrD, .FRegWriteM, .FRegWriteW, .FrmM, .FmtE, .FmtM,
.DivStartE, .FWriteIntE, .FWriteIntM, .OpCtrlE, .OpCtrlM, .IllegalFPUInstrM,
.reset, .clk, .IllegalFPUInstrD, .FRegWriteM, .FRegWriteW, .FrmM, .FmtE, .FmtM, .YEnForwardE, .ZEnForwardE,
.DivStartE, .FWriteIntE, .FWriteIntM, .OpCtrlE, .OpCtrlM, .IllegalFPUInstrM, .XEnE, .YEnE, .ZEnE,
.FResSelE, .FResSelM, .FResSelW, .PostProcSelE, .PostProcSelM, .Adr1E, .Adr2E, .Adr3E);
// FP register file
@ -193,7 +195,7 @@ module fpu (
// Hazard unit for FPU
// - determines if any forwarding or stalls are needed
fhazard fhazard(.Adr1E, .Adr2E, .Adr3E, .FRegWriteM, .FRegWriteW, .RdM, .RdW, .FResSelM,
.FStallD, .ForwardXE, .ForwardYE, .ForwardZE);
.XEnE, .YEnE(YEnForwardE), .ZEnE(ZEnForwardE), .FStallD, .ForwardXE, .ForwardYE, .ForwardZE);
// forwarding muxs
mux3 #(`FLEN) fxemux (FRD1E, FPUResultW, PreFpResM, ForwardXE, XE);
@ -233,11 +235,11 @@ module fpu (
// - splits FP inputs into their various parts
// - does some classifications (SNaN, NaN, Denorm, Norm, Zero, Infifnity)
unpack unpack (.X(XE), .Y(YE), .Z(ZE), .Fmt(FmtE), .Xs(XsE), .Ys(YsE), .Zs(ZsE),
.Xe(XeE), .Ye(YeE), .Ze(ZeE), .Xm(XmE), .Ym(YmE), .Zm(ZmE),
.Xe(XeE), .Ye(YeE), .Ze(ZeE), .Xm(XmE), .Ym(YmE), .Zm(ZmE), .YEn(YEnE),
.YSNaN(YSNaNE), .ZSNaN(ZSNaNE), .XDenorm(XDenormE), .ZDenorm(ZDenormE),
.XZero(XZeroE), .YZero(YZeroE), .ZZero(ZZeroE), .XInf(XInfE), .YInf(YInfE),
.ZInf(ZInfE), .XExpMax(XExpMaxE));
.ZEn(ZEnE), .ZInf(ZInfE), .XExpMax(XExpMaxE));
// fused multiply add
// - fadd/fsub
@ -135,8 +135,8 @@ module postprocess (
assign Sqrt = OpCtrl[0];
// is there an input of infinity or NaN being used
assign InfIn = (XInf&~(IntToFp&CvtOp))|(YInf&~CvtOp)|(ZInf&FmaOp);
assign NaNIn = (XNaN&~(IntToFp&CvtOp))|(YNaN&~CvtOp)|(ZNaN&FmaOp);
assign InfIn = XInf|YInf|ZInf;
assign NaNIn = XNaN|YNaN|ZNaN;
// choose the ouptut format depending on the opperation
// - fp -> fp: OpCtrl contains the percision of the output
@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ module postprocess (
flags flags(.XSNaN, .YSNaN, .ZSNaN, .XInf, .YInf, .ZInf, .InfIn, .XZero, .YZero,
.Xs, .Sqrt, .ToInt, .IntToFp, .Int64, .Signed, .OutFmt, .CvtCe,
.XNaN, .YNaN, .NaNIn, .FmaAs, .FmaPs, .R, .IntInvalid, .DivByZero,
.NaNIn, .FmaAs, .FmaPs, .R, .IntInvalid, .DivByZero,
.UfL, .S, .UfPlus1, .CvtOp, .DivOp, .FmaOp, .FullRe, .Plus1,
.Me, .CvtNegResMsbs, .Invalid, .Overflow, .PostProcFlg);
@ -280,14 +280,14 @@ module specialcase(
// other: 32 bit unsinged res should be sign extended as if it were a signed number
if(Xs&~XNaN) // signed negitive
if(Xs&~NaNIn) // signed negitive
if(Int64) OfIntRes = {1'b1, {`XLEN-1{1'b0}}};
else OfIntRes = {{`XLEN-32{1'b1}}, 1'b1, {31{1'b0}}};
else // signed positive
if(Int64) OfIntRes = {1'b0, {`XLEN-1{1'b1}}};
else OfIntRes = {{`XLEN-32{1'b0}}, 1'b0, {31{1'b1}}};
if(Xs&~XNaN) OfIntRes = {`XLEN{1'b0}}; // unsigned negitive
if(Xs&~NaNIn) OfIntRes = {`XLEN{1'b0}}; // unsigned negitive
else OfIntRes = {`XLEN{1'b1}}; // unsigned positive
@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
module unpack (
input logic [`FLEN-1:0] X, Y, Z, // inputs from register file
input logic [`FMTBITS-1:0] Fmt, // format signal 00 - single 01 - double 11 - quad 10 - half
input logic XEn, YEn, ZEn,
output logic Xs, Ys, Zs, // sign bits of XYZ
output logic [`NE-1:0] Xe, Ye, Ze, // exponents of XYZ (converted to largest supported precision)
output logic [`NF:0] Xm, Ym, Zm, // mantissas of XYZ (converted to largest supported precision)
@ -46,15 +47,15 @@ module unpack (
logic XFracZero, YFracZero, ZFracZero; // is the fraction zero
logic YExpMax, ZExpMax; // is the exponent all 1s
unpackinput unpackinputX (.In(X), .Fmt, .Sgn(Xs), .Exp(Xe), .Man(Xm),
unpackinput unpackinputX (.In(X), .Fmt, .Sgn(Xs), .Exp(Xe), .Man(Xm), .En(XEn),
.NaN(XNaN), .SNaN(XSNaN), .ExpNonZero(XExpNonZero),
.Zero(XZero), .Inf(XInf), .ExpMax(XExpMax), .FracZero(XFracZero));
unpackinput unpackinputY (.In(Y), .Fmt, .Sgn(Ys), .Exp(Ye), .Man(Ym),
unpackinput unpackinputY (.In(Y), .Fmt, .Sgn(Ys), .Exp(Ye), .Man(Ym), .En(YEn),
.NaN(YNaN), .SNaN(YSNaN), .ExpNonZero(YExpNonZero),
.Zero(YZero), .Inf(YInf), .ExpMax(YExpMax), .FracZero(YFracZero));
unpackinput unpackinputZ (.In(Z), .Fmt, .Sgn(Zs), .Exp(Ze), .Man(Zm),
unpackinput unpackinputZ (.In(Z), .Fmt, .Sgn(Zs), .Exp(Ze), .Man(Zm), .En(ZEn),
.NaN(ZNaN), .SNaN(ZSNaN), .ExpNonZero(ZExpNonZero),
.Zero(ZZero), .Inf(ZInf), .ExpMax(ZExpMax), .FracZero(ZFracZero));
// is the input denormalized
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
module unpackinput (
input logic [`FLEN-1:0] In, // inputs from register file
// input logic En, // enable the input
input logic En, // enable the input
input logic [`FMTBITS-1:0] Fmt, // format signal 00 - single 01 - double 11 - quad 10 - half
output logic Sgn, // sign bits of XYZ
output logic [`NE-1:0] Exp, // exponents of XYZ (converted to largest supported precision)
@ -263,8 +263,8 @@ module unpackinput (
// Output logic
assign FracZero = ~|Frac; // is the fraction zero?
assign Man = {ExpNonZero, Frac}; // add the assumed one (or zero if denormal or zero) to create the significand
assign NaN = (ExpMax & ~FracZero)|BadNaNBox; // is the input a NaN?
assign NaN = ((ExpMax & ~FracZero)|BadNaNBox)&En; // is the input a NaN?
assign SNaN = NaN&~Frac[`NF-1]&~BadNaNBox; // is the input a singnaling NaN?
assign Inf = ExpMax & FracZero; // is the input infinity?
assign Inf = ExpMax & FracZero &En; // is the input infinity?
assign Zero = ~ExpNonZero & FracZero; // is the input zero?
@ -66,9 +66,9 @@ module testbenchfp;
logic [`XLEN-1:0] IntRes, CmpRes; // Results from each unit
logic [4:0] FmaFlg, CvtFlg, DivFlg, CmpFlg; // Outputed flags
logic AnsNaN, ResNaN, NaNGood;
logic XSgn, YSgn, ZSgn; // sign of the inputs
logic [`NE-1:0] XExp, YExp, ZExp; // exponent of the inputs
logic [`NF:0] XMan, YMan, ZMan; // mantissas of the inputs
logic Xs, Ys, Zs; // sign of the inputs
logic [`NE-1:0] Xe, Ye, Ze; // exponent of the inputs
logic [`NF:0] Xm, Ym, Zm; // mantissas of the inputs
logic XNaN, YNaN, ZNaN; // is the input NaN
logic XSNaN, YSNaN, ZSNaN; // is the input a signaling NaN
logic XDenorm, ZDenorm; // is the input denormalized
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ module testbenchfp;
logic [`NE+1:0] Se;
logic ZmSticky;
logic KillProd;
logic [$clog2(3*`NF+7)-1:0] NCnt;
logic [$clog2(3*`NF+7)-1:0] SCnt;
logic [3*`NF+5:0] Sm;
logic InvA;
logic NegSum;
@ -650,14 +650,14 @@ module testbenchfp;
// extract the inputs (X, Y, Z, SrcA) and the output (Ans, AnsFlg) from the current test vector
readvectors readvectors (.clk, .Fmt(FmtVal), .ModFmt, .TestVector(TestVectors[VectorNum]), .VectorNum, .Ans(Ans), .AnsFlg(AnsFlg), .SrcA,
.XSgnE(XSgn), .YSgnE(YSgn), .ZSgnE(ZSgn), .Unit (UnitVal),
.XExpE(XExp), .YExpE(YExp), .ZExpE(ZExp), .TestNum, .OpCtrl(OpCtrlVal),
.XManE(XMan), .YManE(YMan), .ZManE(ZMan), .DivStart,
.XDenormE(XDenorm), .ZDenormE(ZDenorm),
.XZeroE(XZero), .YZeroE(YZero), .ZZeroE(ZZero),
.XInfE(XInf), .YInfE(YInf), .ZInfE(ZInf), .XExpMaxE(XExpMax),
.Xs, .Ys, .Zs, .Unit(UnitVal),
.Xe, .Ye, .Ze, .TestNum, .OpCtrl(OpCtrlVal),
.Xm, .Ym, .Zm, .DivStart,
.XNaN, .YNaN, .ZNaN,
.XDenorm, .ZDenorm,
.XZero, .YZero, .ZZero,
.XInf, .YInf, .ZInf, .XExpMax,
.X, .Y, .Z);
@ -673,34 +673,34 @@ module testbenchfp;
// instantiate devices under test
fma fma(.Xs(XSgn), .Ys(YSgn), .Zs(ZSgn),
.Xe(XExp), .Ye(YExp), .Ze(ZExp),
.Xm(XMan), .Ym(YMan), .Zm(ZMan),
fma fma(.Xs(Xs), .Ys(Ys), .Zs(Zs),
.Xe(Xe), .Ye(Ye), .Ze(Ze),
.Xm(Xm), .Ym(Ym), .Zm(Zm),
.XZero, .YZero, .ZZero, .Ss, .Se,
.FOpCtrl(OpCtrlVal), .Fmt(ModFmt), .Sm, .NegSum, .InvA, .NCnt, .As, .Ps,
.OpCtrl(OpCtrlVal), .Fmt(ModFmt), .Sm, .NegSum, .InvA, .SCnt, .As, .Ps,
.Pe, .ZmSticky, .KillProd);
postprocess postprocess(.Xs(XSgn), .Ys(YSgn), .PostProcSel(UnitVal[1:0]),
.Ze(ZExp), .ZDenorm(ZDenorm), .FOpCtrl(OpCtrlVal), .DivQm(Quot), .DivQe(DivCalcExp),
.Xm(XMan), .Ym(YMan), .Zm(ZMan), .CvtCe(CvtCalcExpE), .DivS(DivSticky), .FmaSs(Ss),
postprocess postprocess(.Xs(Xs), .Ys(Ys), .PostProcSel(UnitVal[1:0]),
.Ze(Ze), .ZDenorm(ZDenorm), .OpCtrl(OpCtrlVal), .DivQm(Quot), .DivQe(DivCalcExp),
.Xm(Xm), .Ym(Ym), .Zm(Zm), .CvtCe(CvtCalcExpE), .DivS(DivSticky), .FmaSs(Ss),
.XNaN(XNaN), .YNaN(YNaN), .ZNaN(ZNaN), .CvtResDenormUf(CvtResDenormUfE),
.XZero(XZero), .YZero(YZero), .ZZero(ZZero), .CvtShiftAmt(CvtShiftAmtE),
.XInf(XInf), .YInf(YInf), .ZInf(ZInf), .CvtCs(CvtResSgnE), .ToInt(WriteIntVal),
.XSNaN(XSNaN), .YSNaN(YSNaN), .ZSNaN(ZSNaN), .CvtLzcIn(CvtLzcInE), .IntZero,
.FmaKillProd(KillProd), .FmaZmS(ZmSticky), .FmaPe(Pe), .DivDone, .FmaSe(Se),
.FmaSm(Sm), .FmaNegSum(NegSum), .FmaInvA(InvA), .FmaNCnt(NCnt), .DivEarlyTermShift(EarlyTermShift), .FmaAs(As), .FmaPs(Ps), .Fmt(ModFmt), .Frm(FrmVal),
.FmaSm(Sm), .FmaNegSum(NegSum), .FmaInvA(InvA), .FmaSCnt(SCnt), .DivEarlyTermShift(EarlyTermShift), .FmaAs(As), .FmaPs(Ps), .Fmt(ModFmt), .Frm(FrmVal),
.PostProcFlg(Flg), .PostProcRes(FpRes), .FCvtIntRes(IntRes));
fcvt fcvt (.Xs(XSgn), .Xe(XExp), .Xm(XMan), .Int(SrcA), .ToInt(WriteIntVal),
.XZero(XZero), .XDenorm(XDenorm), .FOpCtrl(OpCtrlVal), .IntZero,
fcvt fcvt (.Xs(Xs), .Xe(Xe), .Xm(Xm), .Int(SrcA), .ToInt(WriteIntVal),
.XZero(XZero), .XDenorm(XDenorm), .OpCtrl(OpCtrlVal), .IntZero,
.Fmt(ModFmt), .Ce(CvtCalcExpE), .ShiftAmt(CvtShiftAmtE), .ResDenormUf(CvtResDenormUfE), .Cs(CvtResSgnE), .LzcIn(CvtLzcInE));
fcmp fcmp (.FmtE(ModFmt), .FOpCtrlE(OpCtrlVal), .XSgnE(XSgn), .YSgnE(YSgn), .XExpE(XExp), .YExpE(YExp),
.XManE(XMan), .YManE(YMan), .XZeroE(XZero), .YZeroE(YZero), .CmpIntResE(CmpRes),
.XNaNE(XNaN), .YNaNE(YNaN), .XSNaNE(XSNaN), .YSNaNE(YSNaN), .FSrcXE(X), .FSrcYE(Y), .CmpNVE(CmpFlg[4]), .CmpFpResE(FpCmpRes));
divsqrt divsqrt(.clk, .reset, .FmtE(ModFmt), .XManE(XMan), .YManE(YMan), .XExpE(XExp), .YExpE(YExp),
fcmp fcmp (.Fmt(ModFmt), .OpCtrl(OpCtrlVal), .Xs, .Ys, .Xe, .Ye,
.Xm, .Ym, .XZero, .YZero, .CmpIntRes(CmpRes),
.XNaN, .YNaN, .XSNaN, .YSNaN, .X, .Y, .CmpNV(CmpFlg[4]), .CmpFpRes(FpCmpRes));
divsqrt divsqrt(.clk, .reset, .FmtE(ModFmt), .XmE(Xm), .YmE(Ym), .XeE(Xe), .YeE(Ye),
.XInfE(XInf), .YInfE(YInf), .XZeroE(XZero), .YZeroE(YZero), .XNaNE(XNaN), .YNaNE(YNaN), .DivStartE(DivStart),
.StallE(1'b0), .StallM(1'b0), .DivStickyM(DivSticky), .DivBusy, .DivCalcExpM(DivCalcExp),
.EarlyTermShiftM(EarlyTermShift), .QuotM(Quot), .DivDone);
.StallE(1'b0), .StallM(1'b0), .DivSM(DivSticky), .DivBusy, .QeM(DivCalcExp),
.EarlyTermShiftM(EarlyTermShift), .QmM(Quot), .DivDone);
assign CmpFlg[3:0] = 0;
@ -868,10 +868,10 @@ end
// Testfloat outputs 800... for both the largest integer values for both positive and negitive numbers but
// the riscv spec specifies 2^31-1 for positive values out of range and NaNs ie 7fff...
else if ((UnitVal === `CVTINTUNIT) & ~(((WriteIntVal&~OpCtrlVal[0]&AnsFlg[4]&XSgn&(Res[`XLEN-1:0] === (`XLEN)'(0))) |
(WriteIntVal&OpCtrlVal[0]&AnsFlg[4]&(~XSgn|XNaN)&OpCtrlVal[1]&(Res[`XLEN-1:0] === {1'b0, {`XLEN-1{1'b1}}})) |
(WriteIntVal&OpCtrlVal[0]&AnsFlg[4]&(~XSgn|XNaN)&~OpCtrlVal[1]&(Res[`XLEN-1:0] === {{`XLEN-32{1'b0}}, 1'b0, {31{1'b1}}})) |
(~(WriteIntVal&~OpCtrlVal[0]&AnsFlg[4]&XSgn&~XNaN)&(Res === Ans | NaNGood | NaNGood === 1'bx))) & (ResFlg === AnsFlg | AnsFlg === 5'bx))) begin
else if ((UnitVal === `CVTINTUNIT) & ~(((WriteIntVal&~OpCtrlVal[0]&AnsFlg[4]&Xs&(Res[`XLEN-1:0] === (`XLEN)'(0))) |
(WriteIntVal&OpCtrlVal[0]&AnsFlg[4]&(~Xs|XNaN)&OpCtrlVal[1]&(Res[`XLEN-1:0] === {1'b0, {`XLEN-1{1'b1}}})) |
(WriteIntVal&OpCtrlVal[0]&AnsFlg[4]&(~Xs|XNaN)&~OpCtrlVal[1]&(Res[`XLEN-1:0] === {{`XLEN-32{1'b0}}, 1'b0, {31{1'b1}}})) |
(~(WriteIntVal&~OpCtrlVal[0]&AnsFlg[4]&Xs&~XNaN)&(Res === Ans | NaNGood | NaNGood === 1'bx))) & (ResFlg === AnsFlg | AnsFlg === 5'bx))) begin
errors += 1;
$display("There is an error in %s", Tests[TestNum]);
$display("inputs: %h %h %h\nSrcA: %h\n Res: %h %h\n Ans: %h %h", X, Y, Z, SrcA, Res, ResFlg, Ans, AnsFlg);
@ -924,18 +924,19 @@ module readvectors (
output logic [`FLEN-1:0] Ans,
output logic [`XLEN-1:0] SrcA,
output logic [4:0] AnsFlg,
output logic XSgnE, YSgnE, ZSgnE, // sign bits of XYZ
output logic [`NE-1:0] XExpE, YExpE, ZExpE, // exponents of XYZ (converted to largest supported precision)
output logic [`NF:0] XManE, YManE, ZManE, // mantissas of XYZ (converted to largest supported precision)
output logic XNaNE, YNaNE, ZNaNE, // is XYZ a NaN
output logic XSNaNE, YSNaNE, ZSNaNE, // is XYZ a signaling NaN
output logic XDenormE, ZDenormE, // is XYZ denormalized
output logic XZeroE, YZeroE, ZZeroE, // is XYZ zero
output logic XInfE, YInfE, ZInfE, // is XYZ infinity
output logic XExpMaxE,
output logic Xs, Ys, Zs, // sign bits of XYZ
output logic [`NE-1:0] Xe, Ye, Ze, // exponents of XYZ (converted to largest supported precision)
output logic [`NF:0] Xm, Ym, Zm, // mantissas of XYZ (converted to largest supported precision)
output logic XNaN, YNaN, ZNaN, // is XYZ a NaN
output logic XSNaN, YSNaN, ZSNaN, // is XYZ a signaling NaN
output logic XDenorm, ZDenorm, // is XYZ denormalized
output logic XZero, YZero, ZZero, // is XYZ zero
output logic XInf, YInf, ZInf, // is XYZ infinity
output logic XExpMax,
output logic DivStart,
output logic [`FLEN-1:0] X, Y, Z
logic XEn, YEn, ZEn;
// apply test vectors on rising edge of clk
// Format of vectors Inputs(1/2/3)_AnsFlg
@ -1257,8 +1258,12 @@ module readvectors (
unpack unpack(.X, .Y, .Z, .FmtE(ModFmt), .XSgnE, .YSgnE, .ZSgnE, .XExpE, .YExpE, .ZExpE,
.XManE, .YManE, .ZManE, .XNaNE, .YNaNE, .ZNaNE, .XSNaNE, .YSNaNE, .ZSNaNE,
.XDenormE, .ZDenormE, .XZeroE, .YZeroE, .ZZeroE, .XInfE, .YInfE, .ZInfE,
assign XEn = ~((Unit == `CVTINTUNIT)&OpCtrl[2]);
assign YEn = ~((Unit == `CVTINTUNIT)|(Unit == `CVTFPUNIT));
assign ZEn = (Unit == `FMAUNIT);
unpack unpack(.X, .Y, .Z, .Fmt(ModFmt), .Xs, .Ys, .Zs, .Xe, .Ye, .Ze,
.Xm, .Ym, .Zm, .XNaN, .YNaN, .ZNaN, .XSNaN, .YSNaN, .ZSNaN,
.XDenorm, .ZDenorm, .XZero, .YZero, .ZZero, .XInf, .YInf, .ZInf,
.XEn, .YEn, .ZEn, .XExpMax);
Reference in New Issue
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