Created new linux test bench and parsing scripts.

This commit is contained in:
Ross Thompson 2021-07-29 20:26:50 -05:00
parent 915d8136e5
commit d8878581f4
2 changed files with 506 additions and 7 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
#! /usr/bin/python3
import sys, fileinput, re
# Ross Thompson
# July 27, 2021
# Rewrite of the linux trace parser.
InstrStartDelim = '=>'
InstrEndDelim = '-----'
InputFile = 'noparse.txt'
#InputFile = 'temp.txt'
OutputFile = 'parsedAll.txt'
def toDict(lst):
'Converts the list of register values to a dictionary'
dct= {}
for item in lst:
regTup = item.split()
dct[regTup[0]] = int(regTup[2], 10)
del dct['pc']
return dct
def whichClass(text, Regs):
'Which instruction class?'
#print(text, Regs)
if text[0:2] == 'ld' or text[0:2] == 'lw' or text[0:2] == 'lh' or text[0:2] == 'lb':
return ('load', WhatAddr(text, Regs), None, WhatMemDestSource(text))
elif text[0:2] == 'sd' or text[0:2] == 'sw' or text[0:2] == 'sh' or text[0:2] == 'sb':
return ('store', WhatAddr(text, Regs), WhatMemDestSource(text), None)
elif text[0:3] == 'amo':
return ('amo', WhatAddrAMO(text, Regs), WhatMemDestSource(text), WhatMemDestSource(text))
elif text[0:2] == 'lr':
return ('lr', WhatAddrLR(text, Regs), None, WhatMemDestSource(text))
elif text[0:2] == 'sc':
return ('sc', WhatAddrSC(text, Regs), WhatMemDestSource(text), None)
return ('other', None, None, None)
def whatChanged(dct0, dct1):
'Compares two dictionaries of instrution registers and indicates which registers changed'
dct = {}
for key in dct0:
if (dct1[key] != dct0[key]):
dct[key] = dct1[key]
return dct
def WhatMemDestSource(text):
''''What is the destination register. Used to compute where the read data is
on a load or the write data on a store.'''
return text.split()[1].split(',')[0]
def WhatAddr(text, Regs):
'What is the data memory address?'
Imm = text.split(',')[1]
(Imm, Src) = Imm.split('(')
Imm = int(Imm.strip(), 10)
Src = Src.strip(')').strip()
RegVal = Regs[Src]
return Imm + RegVal
def WhatAddrAMO(text, Regs):
'What is the data memory address?'
Src = text.split('(')[1]
Src = Src.strip(')').strip()
return Regs[Src]
def WhatAddrLR(text, Regs):
'What is the data memory address?'
Src = text.split('(')[1]
Src = Src.strip(')').strip()
return Regs[Src]
def WhatAddrSC(text, Regs):
'What is the data memory address?'
Src = text.split('(')[1]
Src = Src.strip(')').strip()
return Regs[Src]
def PrintInstr(instr, fp):
if instr[2] == None:
ChangedRegisters = instr[4]
GPR = ''
CSR = []
for key in ChangedRegisters:
if(RegNumber[key] < 32):
GPR = '{:-2d} {:016x}'.format(RegNumber[key], ChangedRegisters[key])
GPR = '{:d} {:x}'.format(RegNumber[key], ChangedRegisters[key])
CSR.extend([key, '{:016x}'.format(ChangedRegisters[key])])
CSR.extend([key, '{:x}'.format(ChangedRegisters[key])])
CSRStr = ' '.join(CSR)
if (HUMAN_READABLE == True):
fp.write('{:016x} {:08x} {:25s}'.format(instr[0], instr[1], instr[2]))
if(len(GPR) != 0):
fp.write(' GPR {}'.format(GPR))
if(instr[3] == 'load' or instr[3] == 'lr'):
fp.write(' MemR {:016x} {:016x} {:016x}'.format(instr[5], 0, instr[7]))
if(instr[3] == 'store'):
fp.write('\t\t\t MemW {:016x} {:016x} {:016x}'.format(instr[5], instr[6], 0))
if(len(CSR) != 0):
fp.write(' CSR {}'.format(CSRStr))
fp.write('{:x} {:x} {:s}'.format(instr[0], instr[1], instr[2].replace(' ', '_')))
if(len(GPR) != 0):
fp.write(' GPR {}'.format(GPR))
if(instr[3] == 'load' or instr[3] == 'lr'):
fp.write(' MemR {:x} {:x} {:x}'.format(instr[5], 0, instr[7]))
if(instr[3] == 'store'):
fp.write(' MemW {:x} {:x} {:x}'.format(instr[5], instr[6], 0))
if(len(CSR) != 0):
fp.write(' CSR {}'.format(CSRStr))
# reg number
RegNumber = {'zero': 0, 'ra': 1, 'sp': 2, 'gp': 3, 'tp': 4, 't0': 5, 't1': 6, 't2': 7, 's0': 8, 's1': 9, 'a0': 10, 'a1': 11, 'a2': 12, 'a3': 13, 'a4': 14, 'a5': 15, 'a6': 16, 'a7': 17, 's2': 18, 's3': 19, 's4': 20, 's5': 21, 's6': 22, 's7': 23, 's8': 24, 's9': 25, 's10': 26, 's11': 27, 't3': 28, 't4': 29, 't5': 30, 't6': 31, 'mhartid': 32, 'mstatus': 33, 'mip': 34, 'mie': 35, 'mideleg': 36, 'medeleg': 37, 'mtvec': 38, 'stvec': 39, 'mepc': 40, 'sepc': 41, 'mcause': 42, 'scause': 43, 'mtval': 44, 'stval': 45}
# initial state
CurrentInstr = ['0', '0', None, 'other', {'zero': 0, 'ra': 0, 'sp': 0, 'gp': 0, 'tp': 0, 't0': 0, 't1': 0, 't2': 0, 's0': 0, 's1': 0, 'a0': 0, 'a1': 0, 'a2': 0, 'a3': 0, 'a4': 0, 'a5': 0, 'a6': 0, 'a7': 0, 's2': 0, 's3': 0, 's4': 0, 's5': 0, 's6': 0, 's7': 0, 's8': 0, 's9': 0, 's10': 0, 's11': 0, 't3': 0, 't4': 0, 't5': 0, 't6': 0, 'mhartid': 0, 'mstatus': 0, 'mip': 0, 'mie': 0, 'mideleg': 0, 'medeleg': 0, 'mtvec': 0, 'stvec': 0, 'mepc': 0, 'sepc': 0, 'mcause': 0, 'scause': 0, 'mtval': 0, 'stval': 0}, {}, None, None, None]
with open (InputFile, 'r') as InputFileFP:
#lines = InputFileFP.readlines()
lineNum = 0
StartLine = 0
EndLine = 0
#instructions = []
MemAdr = 0
lines = []
for line in InputFileFP:
lines.insert(lineNum, line)
if InstrStartDelim in line:
lineNum = 0
StartLine = lineNum
elif InstrEndDelim in line:
EndLine = lineNum
(InstrBits, text) = lines[StartLine].split(':')
InstrBits = int(InstrBits.strip('=> '), 16)
text = text.strip()
PC = int(lines[StartLine+1].split(':')[0][2:], 16)
Regs = toDict(lines[StartLine+2:EndLine])
(Class, Addr, WriteReg, ReadReg) = whichClass(text, Regs)
#print("CWR", Class, WriteReg, ReadReg)
PreviousInstr = CurrentInstr
Changed = whatChanged(PreviousInstr[4], Regs)
if (ReadReg !=None): ReadData = ReadReg
else: ReadData = None
if (WriteReg !=None): WriteData = WriteReg
else: WriteData = None
CurrentInstr = [PC, InstrBits, text, Class, Regs, Changed, Addr, WriteData, ReadData]
#print(CurrentInstr[0:4], PreviousInstr[5], CurrentInstr[6:7], PreviousInstr[8])
# pc, instrbits, text and class come from the last line.
MoveInstrToRegWriteLst = PreviousInstr[0:4]
# updated registers come from the current line.
MoveInstrToRegWriteLst.append(CurrentInstr[5]) # destination regs
# memory address if present comes from the last line.
MoveInstrToRegWriteLst.append(PreviousInstr[6]) # MemAdrM
# write data from the previous line
#MoveInstrToRegWriteLst.append(PreviousInstr[7]) # WriteDataM
if (PreviousInstr[7] != None):
MoveInstrToRegWriteLst.append(Regs[PreviousInstr[7]]) # WriteDataM
# read data from the current line
#MoveInstrToRegWriteLst.append(PreviousInstr[8]) # ReadDataM
if (PreviousInstr[8] != None):
MoveInstrToRegWriteLst.append(Regs[PreviousInstr[8]]) # ReadDataM
PrintInstr(MoveInstrToRegWriteLst, sys.stdout)
lineNum += 1
#for instruction in instructions[1::]:
#with open(OutputFile, 'w') as OutputFileFP:
# print('opened file')

View File

@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
`include "wally-config.vh" `include "wally-config.vh"
`define DEBUG_TRACE 0
module testbench(); module testbench();
parameter waveOnICount = `BUSYBEAR*140000 + `BUILDROOT*3080000; // # of instructions at which to turn on waves in graphical sim parameter waveOnICount = `BUSYBEAR*140000 + `BUILDROOT*3080000; // # of instructions at which to turn on waves in graphical sim
@ -81,8 +83,10 @@ module testbench();
integer data_file_PCD, scan_file_PCD; integer data_file_PCD, scan_file_PCD;
integer data_file_PCM, scan_file_PCM; integer data_file_PCM, scan_file_PCM;
integer data_file_PCW, scan_file_PCW; integer data_file_PCW, scan_file_PCW;
integer data_file_all;
string PCtextF, PCtextF2; string PCtextF, PCtextF2;
string PCtextD, PCtextD2; string PCtextD, PCtextD2;
string PCtextW2;
string PCtextE; string PCtextE;
string PCtextM; string PCtextM;
string PCtextW; string PCtextW;
@ -105,6 +109,33 @@ module testbench();
integer data_file_csr, scan_file_csr; integer data_file_csr, scan_file_csr;
logic IllegalInstrFaultd; logic IllegalInstrFaultd;
logic checkInstrW;
logic [`XLEN-1:0] ExpectedPCW;
logic [31:0] ExpectedInstrW;
string textW;
integer matchCount;
string line;
string token;
string ExpectedTokens [31:0];
integer index;
integer StartIndex, EndIndex;
string command;
integer TokenIndex;
integer MarkerIndex;
integer RegAdr;
logic [`XLEN-1:0] RegValue;
logic [`XLEN-1:0] ExpectedMemAdr, ExpectedMemReadData, ExpectedMemWriteData;
logic [`XLEN-1:0] MemAdrW, WriteDataW;
logic [`XLEN-1:0] CSRMap [string];
logic [`XLEN-1:0] ExpectedCSRValue;
string ExpectedCSR;
integer tempIndex;
integer processingCSR;
integer fault;
// ----------- // -----------
// Error Macro // Error Macro
// ----------- // -----------
@ -113,6 +144,244 @@ module testbench();
$display("processed %0d instructions with %0d warnings", instrs, warningCount); \ $display("processed %0d instructions with %0d warnings", instrs, warningCount); \
$stop; $stop;
initial begin
data_file_all = $fopen({`LINUX_TEST_VECTORS,"all.txt"}, "r");
assign checkInstrW = dut.hart.ieu.InstrValidW & ~dut.hart.StallW;
flopenrc #(`XLEN) MemAdrWReg(clk, reset, dut.hart.FlushW, ~dut.hart.StallW, dut.hart.ieu.dp.MemAdrM, MemAdrW);
flopenrc #(`XLEN) WriteDataWReg(clk, reset, dut.hart.FlushW, ~dut.hart.StallW, dut.hart.WriteDataM, WriteDataW);
always @(negedge clk) begin
// always check PC, instruction bits
if (checkInstrW) begin
// read 1 line of the trace file
matchCount = $fgets(line, data_file_all);
if(`DEBUG_TRACE > 0) $display("line %x", line);
matchCount = $sscanf(line, "%x %x %s", ExpectedPCW, ExpectedInstrW, textW);
//$display("matchCount %d, PCW %x ExpectedInstrW %x textW %x", matchCount, ExpectedPCW, ExpectedInstrW, textW);
// for the life of me I cannot get any build in C or C++ string parsing functions/methods to work.
// Just going to do this char by char.
StartIndex = 0;
TokenIndex = 0;
//$display("len = %d", line.len());
for(index = 0; index < line.len(); index++) begin
//$display("char = %s", line[index]);
if (line[index] == " " || line[index] == "\n") begin
EndIndex = index;
ExpectedTokens[TokenIndex] = line.substr(StartIndex, EndIndex-1);
//$display("In Tokenizer %s", line.substr(StartIndex, EndIndex-1));
StartIndex = EndIndex + 1;
// check PCW
if(PCW != ExpectedPCW) begin
$display("PCW: %016x does not equal ExpectedPCW: %016x", PCW, ExpectedPCW);
// check instruction value
if(dut.hart.ifu.InstrW != ExpectedInstrW) begin
$display("InstrW: %x does not equal ExpectedInstrW: %x", dut.hart.ifu.InstrW, ExpectedInstrW);
MarkerIndex = 3;
processingCSR = 0;
fault = 0;
while(TokenIndex > MarkerIndex) begin
// check GPR
if (ExpectedTokens[MarkerIndex] == "GPR") begin
matchCount = $sscanf(ExpectedTokens[MarkerIndex+1], "%d", RegAdr);
matchCount = $sscanf(ExpectedTokens[MarkerIndex+2], "%x", RegValue);
if(`DEBUG_TRACE > 1) begin
$display("Reg Write Address: %02d ? expected value: %02d", dut.hart.ieu.dp.regf.a3, RegAdr);
$display("RF[%02d]: %016x ? expected value: %016x", RegAdr, dut.hart.ieu.dp.regf.rf[RegAdr], RegValue);
if (dut.hart.ieu.dp.regf.a3 != RegAdr) begin
$display("Reg Write Address: %02d does not equal expected value: %016x", dut.hart.ieu.dp.regf.a3, RegAdr);
fault = 1;
if (dut.hart.ieu.dp.regf.rf[RegAdr] != RegValue) begin
$display("RF[%02d] does not equal expected value: %016x", RegAdr, RegValue);
fault = 1;
MarkerIndex += 3;
// check memory address, read data, and/or write data
end else if(ExpectedTokens[MarkerIndex].substr(0, 2) == "Mem") begin
matchCount = $sscanf(ExpectedTokens[MarkerIndex+1], "%x", ExpectedMemAdr);
matchCount = $sscanf(ExpectedTokens[MarkerIndex+2], "%x", ExpectedMemWriteData);
matchCount = $sscanf(ExpectedTokens[MarkerIndex+3], "%x", ExpectedMemReadData);
if(`DEBUG_TRACE > 2) $display("\tMemAdrW: %016x ? expected: %016x", MemAdrW, ExpectedMemAdr);
// always check address
if (MemAdrW != ExpectedMemAdr) begin
$display("MemAdrW: %016x does not equal expected value: %016x", MemAdrW, ExpectedMemAdr);
fault = 1;
// check read data
if(ExpectedTokens[MarkerIndex] == "MemR" || ExpectedTokens[MarkerIndex] == "MemRW") begin
if(`DEBUG_TRACE > 2) $display("\tReadDataW: %016x ? expected: %016x", dut.hart.ieu.dp.ReadDataW, ExpectedMemReadData);
if (dut.hart.ieu.dp.ReadDataW != ExpectedMemReadData) begin
$display("ReadDataW: %016x does not equal expected value: %016x", dut.hart.ieu.dp.ReadDataW, ExpectedMemReadData);
fault = 1;
// check write data
else if(ExpectedTokens[MarkerIndex] == "MemW" || ExpectedTokens[MarkerIndex] == "MemRW") begin
if(`DEBUG_TRACE > 2) $display("\tWriteDataW: %016x ? expected: %016x", WriteDataW, ExpectedMemWriteData);
if (WriteDataW != ExpectedMemWriteData) begin
$display("WriteDataW: %016x does not equal expected value: %016x", WriteDataW, ExpectedMemWriteData);
fault = 1;
MarkerIndex += 4;
else if(ExpectedTokens[MarkerIndex] == "CSR" || processingCSR) begin
processingCSR = 1;
matchCount = $sscanf(ExpectedTokens[MarkerIndex], "%s", ExpectedCSR);
matchCount = $sscanf(ExpectedTokens[MarkerIndex+1], "%x", ExpectedCSRValue);
"mhartid": begin
if(`DEBUG_TRACE > 3) begin
$display("CSR: %s = %016x, expected = %016x", ExpectedCSR, dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrm.MHARTID_REGW, ExpectedCSRValue);
if (dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrm.MHARTID_REGW != ExpectedCSRValue) begin
$display("CSR: %s = %016x, does not equal expected value %016x", ExpectedCSR, dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrm.MHARTID_REGW, ExpectedCSRValue);
fault = 1;
"mstatus": begin
if(`DEBUG_TRACE > 3) begin
$display("CSR: %s = %016x, expected = %016x", ExpectedCSR, dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrm.MSTATUS_REGW, ExpectedCSRValue);
if (dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrm.MSTATUS_REGW != ExpectedCSRValue) begin
$display("CSR: %s = %016x, does not equal expected value %016x", ExpectedCSR, dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrm.MSTATUS_REGW, ExpectedCSRValue);
fault = 1;
"mtvec": begin
if(`DEBUG_TRACE > 3) begin
$display("CSR: %s = %016x, expected = %016x", ExpectedCSR, dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrm.MTVEC_REGW, ExpectedCSRValue);
if (dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrm.MTVEC_REGW != ExpectedCSRValue) begin
$display("CSR: %s = %016x, does not equal expected value %016x", ExpectedCSR, dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrm.MTVEC_REGW, ExpectedCSRValue);
fault = 1;
"mip": begin
if(`DEBUG_TRACE > 3) begin
$display("CSR: %s = %016x, expected = %016x", ExpectedCSR, dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrm.MIP_REGW, ExpectedCSRValue);
if (dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrm.MIP_REGW != ExpectedCSRValue) begin
$display("CSR: %s = %016x, does not equal expected value %016x", ExpectedCSR, dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrm.MIP_REGW, ExpectedCSRValue);
fault = 1;
"mie": begin
if(`DEBUG_TRACE > 3) begin
$display("CSR: %s = %016x, expected = %016x", ExpectedCSR, dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrm.MIE_REGW, ExpectedCSRValue);
if (dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrm.MIE_REGW != ExpectedCSRValue) begin
$display("CSR: %s = %016x, does not equal expected value %016x", ExpectedCSR, dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrm.MIE_REGW, ExpectedCSRValue);
fault = 1;
"mideleg": begin
if(`DEBUG_TRACE > 3) begin
$display("CSR: %s = %016x, expected = %016x", ExpectedCSR, dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrm.MIDELEG_REGW, ExpectedCSRValue);
if (dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrm.MIDELEG_REGW != ExpectedCSRValue) begin
$display("CSR: %s = %016x, does not equal expected value %016x", ExpectedCSR, dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrm.MIDELEG_REGW, ExpectedCSRValue);
fault = 1;
"medeleg": begin
if(`DEBUG_TRACE > 3) begin
$display("CSR: %s = %016x, expected = %016x", ExpectedCSR, dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrm.MEDELEG_REGW, ExpectedCSRValue);
if (dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrm.MEDELEG_REGW != ExpectedCSRValue) begin
$display("CSR: %s = %016x, does not equal expected value %016x", ExpectedCSR, dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrm.MEDELEG_REGW, ExpectedCSRValue);
fault = 1;
"mepc": begin
if(`DEBUG_TRACE > 3) begin
$display("CSR: %s = %016x, expected = %016x", ExpectedCSR, dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrm.MEPC_REGW, ExpectedCSRValue);
if (dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrm.MEPC_REGW != ExpectedCSRValue) begin
$display("CSR: %s = %016x, does not equal expected value %016x", ExpectedCSR, dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrm.MEPC_REGW, ExpectedCSRValue);
fault = 1;
"mtval": begin
if(`DEBUG_TRACE > 3) begin
$display("CSR: %s = %016x, expected = %016x", ExpectedCSR, dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrm.MTVAL_REGW, ExpectedCSRValue);
if (dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrm.MTVAL_REGW != ExpectedCSRValue) begin
$display("CSR: %s = %016x, does not equal expected value %016x", ExpectedCSR, dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrm.MTVAL_REGW, ExpectedCSRValue);
fault = 1;
"sepc": begin
if(`DEBUG_TRACE > 3) begin
$display("CSR: %s = %016x, expected = %016x", ExpectedCSR, dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrs.SEPC_REGW, ExpectedCSRValue);
if (dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrs.SEPC_REGW != ExpectedCSRValue) begin
$display("CSR: %s = %016x, does not equal expected value %016x", ExpectedCSR, dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrs.SEPC_REGW, ExpectedCSRValue);
fault = 1;
"scause": begin
if(`DEBUG_TRACE > 3) begin
$display("CSR: %s = %016x, expected = %016x", ExpectedCSR, dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrs.genblk1.SCAUSE_REGW, ExpectedCSRValue);
if (dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrs.genblk1.SCAUSE_REGW != ExpectedCSRValue) begin
$display("CSR: %s = %016x, does not equal expected value %016x", ExpectedCSR, dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrs.genblk1.SCAUSE_REGW, ExpectedCSRValue);
fault = 1;
"stvec": begin
if(`DEBUG_TRACE > 3) begin
$display("CSR: %s = %016x, expected = %016x", ExpectedCSR, dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrs.STVEC_REGW, ExpectedCSRValue);
if (dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrs.STVEC_REGW != ExpectedCSRValue) begin
$display("CSR: %s = %016x, does not equal expected value %016x", ExpectedCSR, dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrs.STVEC_REGW, ExpectedCSRValue);
fault = 1;
"stval": begin
if(`DEBUG_TRACE > 3) begin
$display("CSR: %s = %016x, expected = %016x", ExpectedCSR, dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrs.genblk1.STVAL_REGW, ExpectedCSRValue);
if (dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrs.genblk1.STVAL_REGW != ExpectedCSRValue) begin
$display("CSR: %s = %016x, does not equal expected value %016x", ExpectedCSR, dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrs.genblk1.STVAL_REGW, ExpectedCSRValue);
fault = 1;
MarkerIndex += 2;
end // while (TokenIndex > MarkerIndex)
if (fault == 1) begin
// ---------------- // ----------------
// PC Updater Macro // PC Updater Macro
// ---------------- // ----------------
@ -160,6 +429,7 @@ module testbench();
always @(posedge clk) always @(posedge clk)
IllegalInstrFaultd = dut.hart.priv.IllegalInstrFaultM; IllegalInstrFaultd = dut.hart.priv.IllegalInstrFaultM;
/* -----\/----- EXCLUDED -----\/-----
// ------------------------------------- // -------------------------------------
// Special warnings for important faults // Special warnings for important faults
// ------------------------------------- // -------------------------------------
@ -172,10 +442,13 @@ module testbench();
$display("Warning: illegal physical memory access exception at %0t ps, InstrNum %0d, PCM %x, InstrM %s", $time, instrs, dut.hart.ifu.PCM, PCtextM); $display("Warning: illegal physical memory access exception at %0t ps, InstrNum %0d, PCM %x, InstrM %s", $time, instrs, dut.hart.ifu.PCM, PCtextM);
end end
end end
-----/\----- EXCLUDED -----/\----- */
// *** BUG BUG BUG Come back to this.
// ----------------------- // -----------------------
// RegFile Write Hijacking // RegFile Write Hijacking
// ----------------------- // -----------------------
/* -----\/----- EXCLUDED -----\/-----
always @(PCW or dut.hart.ieu.InstrValidW) begin always @(PCW or dut.hart.ieu.InstrValidW) begin
if(dut.hart.ieu.InstrValidW && PCW != 0) begin if(dut.hart.ieu.InstrValidW && PCW != 0) begin
// Hack to compensate for how Wally's MTIME may diverge from QEMU's MTIME (and that is okay) // Hack to compensate for how Wally's MTIME may diverge from QEMU's MTIME (and that is okay)
@ -200,10 +473,12 @@ module testbench();
end else release dut.hart.ieu.dp.WriteDataW; end else release dut.hart.ieu.dp.WriteDataW;
end end
end end
-----/\----- EXCLUDED -----/\----- */
// ---------------- // ----------------
// Big Chunky Block // Big Chunky Block
// ---------------- // ----------------
/* -----\/----- EXCLUDED -----\/-----
always @(reset or dut.hart.ifu.InstrRawD or dut.hart.ifu.PCD) begin// or negedge dut.hart.ifu.StallE) begin // Why do we care about StallE? Everything seems to run fine without it. always @(reset or dut.hart.ifu.InstrRawD or dut.hart.ifu.PCD) begin// or negedge dut.hart.ifu.StallE) begin // Why do we care about StallE? Everything seems to run fine without it.
#2; #2;
// If PCD/InstrD aren't garbage // If PCD/InstrD aren't garbage
@ -263,7 +538,7 @@ module testbench();
// Check if PCD is going to be flushed due to a branch or jump // Check if PCD is going to be flushed due to a branch or jump
if (`BPRED_ENABLED) begin if (`BPRED_ENABLED) begin
PCDwrong = dut.hart.hzu.FlushD || (PCtextE.substr(0,3) == "mret") || dut.hart.priv.InstrPageFaultF || dut.hart.priv.InstrPageFaultD || dut.hart.priv.InstrPageFaultE || dut.hart.priv.InstrPageFaultM; PCDwrong = dut.hart.hzu.FlushD || (PCtextE.substr(0,3) == "mret") || (PCtextE.substr(0,4) == "ecall") || dut.hart.priv.InstrPageFaultF || dut.hart.priv.InstrPageFaultD || dut.hart.priv.InstrPageFaultE || dut.hart.priv.InstrPageFaultM;
end end
// Check PCD, InstrD // Check PCD, InstrD
@ -296,6 +571,7 @@ module testbench();
lastPCD = dut.hart.ifu.PCD; lastPCD = dut.hart.ifu.PCD;
end end
end end
-----/\----- EXCLUDED -----/\----- */
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
///////////////////////////// PC,Instr Checking /////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////// PC,Instr Checking ///////////////////////////////
@ -304,11 +580,13 @@ module testbench();
// -------------- // --------------
// Initialization // Initialization
// -------------- // --------------
/* -----\/----- EXCLUDED -----\/-----
initial begin initial begin
data_file_PCF = $fopen({`LINUX_TEST_VECTORS,"parsedPC.txt"}, "r"); data_file_PCF = $fopen({`LINUX_TEST_VECTORS,"parsedPC.txt"}, "r");
data_file_PCD = $fopen({`LINUX_TEST_VECTORS,"parsedPC.txt"}, "r"); data_file_PCD = $fopen({`LINUX_TEST_VECTORS,"parsedPC.txt"}, "r");
data_file_PCM = $fopen({`LINUX_TEST_VECTORS,"parsedPC.txt"}, "r"); data_file_PCM = $fopen({`LINUX_TEST_VECTORS,"parsedPC.txt"}, "r");
data_file_PCW = $fopen({`LINUX_TEST_VECTORS,"parsedPC.txt"}, "r"); data_file_PCW = $fopen({`LINUX_TEST_VECTORS,"parsedPC.txt"}, "r");
data_file_all = $fopen({`LINUX_TEST_VECTORS,"all.txt"}, "r");
if (data_file_PCW == 0) begin if (data_file_PCW == 0) begin
$display("file couldn't be opened"); $display("file couldn't be opened");
$stop; $stop;
@ -318,6 +596,7 @@ module testbench();
// This makes sure PCM is one instr ahead of PCW // This makes sure PCM is one instr ahead of PCW
`SCAN_PC(data_file_PCM, scan_file_PCM, trashString, trashString, InstrMExpected, PCMexpected); `SCAN_PC(data_file_PCM, scan_file_PCM, trashString, trashString, InstrMExpected, PCMexpected);
end end
-----/\----- EXCLUDED -----/\----- */
// Removed because this is MMU's job // Removed because this is MMU's job
// and it'd take some work to upgrade away from Bus to Cache signals) // and it'd take some work to upgrade away from Bus to Cache signals)
@ -338,6 +617,7 @@ module testbench();
// ------------ // ------------
// PCW Checking // PCW Checking
// ------------ // ------------
/* -----\/----- EXCLUDED -----\/-----
always @(PCW or dut.hart.ieu.InstrValidW) begin always @(PCW or dut.hart.ieu.InstrValidW) begin
if(dut.hart.ieu.InstrValidW && PCW != 0) begin if(dut.hart.ieu.InstrValidW && PCW != 0) begin
if($feof(data_file_PCW)) begin if($feof(data_file_PCW)) begin
@ -345,15 +625,20 @@ module testbench();
end end
`SCAN_PC(data_file_PCM, scan_file_PCM, trashString, trashString, InstrMExpected, PCMexpected); `SCAN_PC(data_file_PCM, scan_file_PCM, trashString, trashString, InstrMExpected, PCMexpected);
`SCAN_PC(data_file_PCW, scan_file_PCW, trashString, trashString, InstrWExpected, PCWexpected); `SCAN_PC(data_file_PCW, scan_file_PCW, PCtextW, PCtextW2, InstrWExpected, PCWexpected);
// If repeated or instruction, we want to skip over it (indicates an interrupt) // If repeated or instruction, we want to skip over it (indicates an interrupt)
if (PCMexpected == PCWexpected) begin if (PCMexpected == PCWexpected) begin
`SCAN_PC(data_file_PCM, scan_file_PCM, trashString, trashString, InstrMExpected, PCMexpected); `SCAN_PC(data_file_PCM, scan_file_PCM, trashString, trashString, InstrMExpected, PCMexpected);
`SCAN_PC(data_file_PCW, scan_file_PCW, trashString, trashString, InstrWExpected, PCWexpected); `SCAN_PC(data_file_PCW, scan_file_PCW, trashString, trashString, InstrWExpected, PCWexpected);
end end
if(~(PCW === PCWexpected)) begin if(~(PCW === PCWexpected)) begin
if(PCtextW.substr(0,4) != "ecall") begin
$display("%0t ps, instr %0d: PCW does not equal PCW expected: %x, %x", $time, instrs, PCW, PCWexpected); $display("%0t ps, instr %0d: PCW does not equal PCW expected: %x, %x", $time, instrs, PCW, PCWexpected);
end else begin
`SCAN_PC(data_file_PCM, scan_file_PCM, trashString, trashString, InstrMExpected, PCMexpected);
`SCAN_PC(data_file_PCW, scan_file_PCW, PCtextW, PCtextW2, InstrWExpected, PCWexpected);
end end
end end
// Skip over faulting instructions because they do not make it to the W stage. // Skip over faulting instructions because they do not make it to the W stage.
@ -364,12 +649,14 @@ module testbench();
end end
-----/\----- EXCLUDED -----/\----- */
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/////////////////////////// RegFile Write Checking //////////////////////////// /////////////////////////// RegFile Write Checking ////////////////////////////
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// -------------- // --------------
// Initialization // Initialization
// -------------- // --------------
/* -----\/----- EXCLUDED -----\/-----
initial begin initial begin
data_file_rf = $fopen({`LINUX_TEST_VECTORS,"parsedRegs.txt"}, "r"); data_file_rf = $fopen({`LINUX_TEST_VECTORS,"parsedRegs.txt"}, "r");
if (data_file_rf == 0) begin if (data_file_rf == 0) begin
@ -412,6 +699,7 @@ module testbench();
end end
endgenerate endgenerate
-----/\----- EXCLUDED -----/\----- */
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//////////////////////// Memory Read/Write Checking ///////////////////////// //////////////////////// Memory Read/Write Checking /////////////////////////
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
@ -442,6 +730,7 @@ module testbench();
// ------------ // ------------
// Read Checker // Read Checker
// ------------ // ------------
/* -----\/----- EXCLUDED -----\/-----
always @(negedge clk) begin always @(negedge clk) begin
if (dut.hart.MemRWM[1] && ~dut.hart.StallM && ~dut.hart.FlushM && dut.hart.ieu.InstrValidM) begin if (dut.hart.MemRWM[1] && ~dut.hart.StallM && ~dut.hart.FlushM && dut.hart.ieu.InstrValidM) begin
if($feof(data_file_memR)) begin if($feof(data_file_memR)) begin
@ -500,6 +789,7 @@ module testbench();
//end //end
end end
end end
-----/\----- EXCLUDED -----/\----- */
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////// CSR Checking ///////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////// CSR Checking /////////////////////////////////
@ -507,6 +797,7 @@ module testbench();
// -------------- // --------------
// Initialization // Initialization
// -------------- // --------------
/* -----\/----- EXCLUDED -----\/-----
initial begin initial begin
data_file_csr = $fopen({`LINUX_TEST_VECTORS,"parsedCSRs.txt"}, "r"); data_file_csr = $fopen({`LINUX_TEST_VECTORS,"parsedCSRs.txt"}, "r");
if (data_file_csr == 0) begin if (data_file_csr == 0) begin
@ -611,8 +902,8 @@ module testbench();
@ -626,6 +917,7 @@ module testbench();
-----/\----- EXCLUDED -----/\----- */
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
@ -650,11 +942,13 @@ module testbench();
if (reset) begin if (reset) begin
PCtextE = "(reset)"; PCtextE = "(reset)";
PCtextM = "(reset)"; PCtextM = "(reset)";
PCtextW = "(reset)"; //PCtextW = "(reset)";
end else begin end else begin
/* -----\/----- EXCLUDED -----\/-----
if (~dut.hart.StallW) if (~dut.hart.StallW)
if (dut.hart.FlushW) PCtextW = "(flushed)"; if (dut.hart.FlushW) PCtextW = "(flushed)";
else PCtextW = PCtextM; else PCtextW = PCtextM;
-----/\----- EXCLUDED -----/\----- */
if (~dut.hart.StallM) if (~dut.hart.StallM)
if (dut.hart.FlushM) PCtextM = "(flushed)"; if (dut.hart.FlushM) PCtextM = "(flushed)";
else PCtextM = PCtextE; else PCtextM = PCtextE;