forked from Github_Repos/cvw
Merge branch 'main' of
This commit is contained in:
@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 307c77b26e070ae85ffea665ad9b642b40e33c86
Subproject commit ad04e119a5d846a1c11159786ad3382cf5ad3649
@ -7,9 +7,14 @@ allClean: clean all
../../addins/embench-iot/ --builddir=bd_speed --arch riscv32 --chip generic --board rv32wallyverilog --ldflags="-nostartfiles ../../../config/riscv32/boards/rv32wallyverilog/startup/crt0.S" --cflags="-nostartfiles"
../../addins/embench-iot/ --builddir=bd_size --arch riscv32 --chip generic --board rv32wallyverilog --ldflags="-nostdlib" --cflags="-nostdlib" --dummy-libs="libgcc libm libc crt0"
find ../../addins/embench-iot/bd_speed/ -type f ! -name "*.*" | while read f; do cp "$$f" "$$f.elf"; done
../../addins/embench-iot/ --builddir=bd_size --arch riscv32 --chip generic --board rv32wallyverilog --ldflags="-nostdlib -nostartfiles" --cflags="-msave-restore" --dummy-libs="libgcc libm libc crt0"
sim: size speed
sim: modelSimBuild size speed
modelSimBuild: objdump
find ../../addins/embench-iot/bd_speed/ -type f -name "*.elf" | while read f; do riscv64-unknown-elf-elf2hex --bit-width 32 --input "$$f" --output "$$f.memfile"; done
find ../../addins/embench-iot/bd_speed/ -type f -name "*.elf.objdump" | while read f; do $$f; done
../../addins/embench-iot/ --builddir=bd_size
@ -18,10 +23,7 @@ speed:
../../addins/embench-iot/ --builddir=bd_speed --target-module run_wally --cpu-mhz=50
riscv64-unknown-elf-objdump -S ../../addins/embench-iot/bd_speed/src/aha-mont64/aha-mont64 > ../../addins/embench-iot/bd_speed/src/aha-mont64/aha-mont64.objdump
riscv64-unknown-elf-objdump -S ../../addins/embench-iot/bd_speed/src/cubic/cubic > ../../addins/embench-iot/bd_speed/src/cubic/cubic.objdump
riscv64-unknown-elf-objdump -S ../../addins/embench-iot/bd_speed/src/md5sum/md5sum > ../../addins/embench-iot/bd_speed/src/md5sum/md5sum.objdump
riscv64-unknown-elf-objdump -S ../../addins/embench-iot/bd_speed/src/statemate/statemate > ../../addins/embench-iot/bd_speed/src/statemate/statemate.objdump
find ../../addins/embench-iot/bd_speed/ -type f -name "*.elf" | while read f; do riscv64-unknown-elf-objdump -S "$$f" > "$$f.objdump"; done
rm -rf ../../addins/embench-iot/bd_speed/
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ vlib work
# start and run simulation
# remove +acc flag for faster sim during regressions if there is no need to access internal signals
# $num = the added words after the call
vlog +incdir+../config/$1 +incdir+../config/shared ../testbench/ ../src/fpu/*.sv -suppress 2583,7063,8607,2697
vlog +incdir+../config/$1 +incdir+../config/shared ../testbench/ ../src/fpu/*.sv ../src/generic/*.sv -suppress 2583,7063,8607,2697
vsim -voptargs=+acc work.testbenchfp -G TEST=$2
@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ module fcvt (
input logic XSNaNE, // is the input a signaling NaN
input logic [2:0] FrmE, // rounding mode 000 = rount to nearest, ties to even 001 = round twords zero 010 = round down 011 = round up 100 = round to nearest, ties to max magnitude
input logic [`FPSIZES/3:0] FmtE, // the input's precision (11=quad 01=double 00=single 10=half)
output logic [`FLEN-1:0] CvtResE, // the fp to fp conversion's result
output logic [`XLEN-1:0] CvtIntResE, // the fp to fp conversion's result
output logic [4:0] CvtFlgE // the fp to fp conversion's flags
output logic [`FLEN-1:0] CvtResE, // the fp conversion result
output logic [`XLEN-1:0] CvtIntResE, // the int conversion result
output logic [4:0] CvtFlgE // the conversion's flags
// OpCtrls:
@ -39,9 +39,10 @@ module fcvt (
logic [`FPSIZES/3:0] OutFmt; // format of the output
logic [`XLEN-1:0] PosInt; // the positive integer input
logic [`XLEN-1:0] TrimInt; // integer trimmed to the correct size
logic [`LGLEN-1:0] LzcIn; // input to the Leading Zero Counter (priority encoder)
logic [`NE:0] CalcExp; // the calculated expoent
logic [$clog2(`LGLEN):0] ShiftAmt; // how much to shift by
logic [$clog2(`LGLEN)-1:0] ShiftAmt; // how much to shift by
logic [`LGLEN+`NF:0] ShiftIn; // number to be shifted
logic ResDenormUf;// does the result underflow or is denormalized
logic ResUf; // does the result underflow
@ -71,6 +72,7 @@ module fcvt (
logic Int64; // is the integer 64 bits?
logic IntToFp; // is the opperation an int->fp conversion?
logic ToInt; // is the opperation an fp->int conversion?
logic [$clog2(`LGLEN)-1:0] ZeroCnt; // output from the LZC
// seperate OpCtrl for code readability
@ -91,18 +93,11 @@ module fcvt (
// negation
// negate the input if the input is a negitive singed integer
// - remove leading ones if the input is a unsigned 32-bit integer
// Negitive input
// 64-bit input : negate the input
// 32-bit input : trim to 32-bits and negate the input
// Positive input
// 64-bit input : do nothing
// 32-bit input : trim to 32-bits
// 1) negate the input if the input is a negitive singed integer
// 2) trim the input to the proper size (kill the 32 most significant zeroes if needed)
assign PosInt = ResSgn ? Int64 ? -ForwardedSrcAE : {{`XLEN-32{1'b0}}, -ForwardedSrcAE[31:0]} :
Int64 ? ForwardedSrcAE : {{`XLEN-32{1'b0}}, ForwardedSrcAE[31:0]};
assign PosInt = ResSgn ? -ForwardedSrcAE : ForwardedSrcAE;
assign TrimInt = {{`XLEN-32{Int64}}, {32{1'b1}}} & PosInt;
// lzc
@ -111,16 +106,10 @@ module fcvt (
// choose the input to the leading zero counter i.e. priority encoder
// int -> fp : | positive integer | 00000... (if needed) |
// fp -> fp : | fraction | 00000... (if needed) |
assign LzcIn = IntToFp ? {PosInt, {`LGLEN-`XLEN{1'b0}}} : // I->F
{XManE[`NF-1:0], {`LGLEN-`NF{1'b0}}}; // F->F
assign LzcIn = IntToFp ? {TrimInt, {`LGLEN-`XLEN{1'b0}}} :
{XManE[`NF-1:0], {`LGLEN-`NF{1'b0}}};
// lglen is the largest possible value of ZeroCnt (NF or XLEN) hence normcnt must be log2(lglen) bits
logic [$clog2(`LGLEN):0] i, ZeroCnt;
always_comb begin
i = 0;
while (~LzcIn[`LGLEN-1-i] & i <= `LGLEN-1) i = i+1; // search for leading one
ZeroCnt = i;
lzc #(`LGLEN) lzc (.num(LzcIn), .ZeroCnt);
@ -154,9 +143,9 @@ module fcvt (
// - only shift fp -> fp if the intital value is denormalized
// - this is a problem because the input to the lzc was the fraction rather than the mantissa
// - rather have a few and-gates than an extra bit in the priority encoder??? *** is this true?
assign ShiftAmt = ToInt ? CalcExp[$clog2(`LGLEN):0]&{$clog2(`LGLEN)+1{~CalcExp[`NE]}} :
ResDenormUf&~IntToFp ? ($clog2(`LGLEN)+1)'(`NF-1)+CalcExp[$clog2(`LGLEN):0] :
assign ShiftAmt = ToInt ? CalcExp[$clog2(`LGLEN)-1:0]&{$clog2(`LGLEN){~CalcExp[`NE]}} :
ResDenormUf&~IntToFp ? ($clog2(`LGLEN))'(`NF-1)+CalcExp[$clog2(`LGLEN)-1:0] :
// shift
// fp -> int: | `XLEN zeros | Mantissa | 0's if nessisary | << CalcExp
@ -272,7 +261,7 @@ module fcvt (
// - shift left to normilize (-1-ZeroCnt)
// - newBias to make the biased exponent
assign CalcExp = {1'b0, OldExp} - (`NE+1)'(`BIAS) + {2'b0, NewBias} - {{`NE{1'b0}}, XOrigDenormE|IntToFp} - {{`NE-$clog2(`LGLEN){1'b0}}, (ZeroCnt&{$clog2(`LGLEN)+1{XOrigDenormE|IntToFp}})};
assign CalcExp = {1'b0, OldExp} - (`NE+1)'(`BIAS) + {2'b0, NewBias} - {{`NE{1'b0}}, XOrigDenormE|IntToFp} - {{`NE-$clog2(`LGLEN)+1{1'b0}}, (ZeroCnt&{$clog2(`LGLEN){XOrigDenormE|IntToFp}})};
// find if the result is dnormal or underflows
// - if Calculated expoenent is 0 or negitive (and the input/result is not exactaly 0)
// - can't underflow an integer to Fp conversion
@ -568,7 +557,7 @@ module fcvt (
// - do so if the result underflows, is zero (the exp doesnt calculate correctly). or the integer input is 0
// - dont set to zero if fp input is zero but not using the fp input
// - dont set to zero if int input is zero but not using the int input
assign KillRes = (ResUf|(XZeroE&~IntToFp)|(~|PosInt&IntToFp));
assign KillRes = (ResUf|(XZeroE&~IntToFp)|(~|TrimInt&IntToFp));
if (`FPSIZES == 1) begin
// IEEE sends a payload while Riscv says to send a canonical quiet NaN
@ -755,7 +744,7 @@ module fcvt (
NaNRes = {{`Q_LEN-`H_LEN{1'b1}}, 1'b0, {`H_NE+1{1'b1}}, {`H_NF-1{1'b0}}};
// determine the infinity result
// - if the input was infinity or rounding mode RZ, RU, RD (and not rounding the value) then output the maximum normalized floating point number with the correct sign
// - if the input overflows in rounding mode RZ, RU, RD (and not rounding the value) then output the maximum normalized floating point number with the correct sign
// - otherwise: output infinity with the correct sign
// - kill the infinity singal if the input isn't fp
InfRes = (~XInfE|IntToFp)&((FrmE[1:0]==2'b01) | (FrmE[1:0]==2'b10&~ResSgn) | (FrmE[1:0]==2'b11&ResSgn)) ? {{`Q_LEN-`H_LEN{1'b1}}, ResSgn, {`H_NE-1{1'b1}}, 1'b0, {`H_NF{1'b1}}} : {{`Q_LEN-`H_LEN{1'b1}}, ResSgn, {`H_NE{1'b1}}, (`H_NF)'(0)};
@ -409,22 +409,10 @@ module loa( //
lzc lzc(.f, .NormCntE);
lzc #(3*`NF+7) lzc (.num(f), .ZeroCnt(NormCntE));
module lzc(
input logic [3*`NF+6:0] f,
output logic [$clog2(3*`NF+7)-1:0] NormCntE // normalization shift
logic [$clog2(3*`NF+7)-1:0] i;
always_comb begin
i = 0;
while (~f[3*`NF+6-i] & $unsigned(i) <= $unsigned($clog2(3*`NF+7)'(3)*($clog2(3*`NF+7))'(`NF)+($clog2(3*`NF+7))'(6))) i = i+1; // search for leading one
NormCntE = i;
@ -465,7 +453,7 @@ module fma2(
logic ResultSgn, ResultSgnTmp; // Result sign
logic [`NE+1:0] SumExp; // exponent of the normalized sum
logic [`NE+1:0] FullResultExp; // ResultExp with bits to determine sign and overflow
logic [`NF+2:0] NormSum; // normalized sum
logic [`NF+1:0] NormSum; // normalized sum
logic NormSumSticky; // sticky bit calulated from the normalized sum
logic SumZero; // is the sum zero
logic ResultDenorm; // is the result denormalized
@ -582,7 +570,7 @@ module normalize(
input logic KillProdM, // is the product set to zero
input logic ZOrigDenormM,
input logic AddendStickyM, // the sticky bit caclulated from the aligned addend
output logic [`NF+2:0] NormSum, // normalized sum
output logic [`NF+1:0] NormSum, // normalized sum
output logic SumZero, // is the sum zero
output logic NormSumSticky, UfSticky, // sticky bits
output logic [`NE+1:0] SumExp, // exponent of the normalized sum
@ -599,7 +587,7 @@ module normalize(
// Normalization
//*** insert bias-bias simplification in pictures/ whiteboard... if still there
//*** insert bias-bias simplification in pictures
// Determine if the sum is zero
assign SumZero = ~(|SumM);
@ -707,27 +695,27 @@ module normalize(
assign LZAPlus2 = SumShifted[3*`NF+8];
// the only possible mantissa for a plus two is all zeroes - a one has to propigate all the way through a sum. so we can leave the bottom statement alone
assign CorrSumShifted = LZAPlus1 ? SumShifted[3*`NF+6:1] : SumShifted[3*`NF+5:0];
assign NormSum = CorrSumShifted[3*`NF+5:2*`NF+3];
assign NormSum = CorrSumShifted[3*`NF+5:2*`NF+4];
// Calculate the sticky bit
if (`FPSIZES == 1) begin
assign NormSumSticky = |CorrSumShifted[2*`NF+2:0];
assign NormSumSticky = |CorrSumShifted[2*`NF+3:0];
end else if (`FPSIZES == 2) begin
// 3*NF+5 - NF1 - 3
assign NormSumSticky = (|CorrSumShifted[2*`NF+2:0]) |
assign NormSumSticky = (|CorrSumShifted[2*`NF+3:0]) |
end else if (`FPSIZES == 3) begin
assign NormSumSticky = (|CorrSumShifted[2*`NF+2:0]) |
(|CorrSumShifted[3*`NF+2-`NF1:2*`NF+3]&((FmtM==`FMT1)|(FmtM==`FMT2))) |
assign NormSumSticky = (|CorrSumShifted[2*`NF+3:0]) |
(|CorrSumShifted[3*`NF+3-`NF1:2*`NF+4]&((FmtM==`FMT1)|(FmtM==`FMT2))) |
end else if (`FPSIZES == 4) begin
assign NormSumSticky = (|CorrSumShifted[2*`NF+2:0]) |
(|CorrSumShifted[3*`NF+2-`D_NF:2*`NF+3]&((FmtM==1)|(FmtM==0)|(FmtM==2))) |
(|CorrSumShifted[3*`NF+2-`S_NF:3*`NF+3-`D_NF]&((FmtM==0)|(FmtM==2))) |
assign NormSumSticky = (|CorrSumShifted[2*`NF+3:0]) |
(|CorrSumShifted[3*`NF+3-`D_NF:2*`NF+4]&((FmtM==1)|(FmtM==0)|(FmtM==2))) |
(|CorrSumShifted[3*`NF+3-`S_NF:3*`NF+4-`D_NF]&((FmtM==0)|(FmtM==2))) |
@ -745,7 +733,7 @@ module fmaround(
input logic [`FPSIZES/3:0] FmtM, // precision 1 = double 0 = single
input logic [2:0] FrmM, // rounding mode
input logic UfSticky, // sticky bit for underlow calculation
input logic [`NF+2:0] NormSum, // normalized sum
input logic [`NF+1:0] NormSum, // normalized sum
input logic AddendStickyM, // addend's sticky bit
input logic NormSumSticky, // normalized sum's sticky bit
input logic ZZeroM, // is Z zero
@ -799,83 +787,53 @@ module fmaround(
if (`FPSIZES == 1) begin
// determine guard, round, and least significant bit of the result
assign Guard = NormSum[2];
assign Round = NormSum[1];
assign LSBNormSum = NormSum[3];
assign LSBNormSum = NormSum[2];
// used to determine underflow flag
assign UfGuard = NormSum[1];
assign UfRound = NormSum[0];
assign UfLSBNormSum = NormSum[2];
// determine sticky
assign Sticky = UfSticky | NormSum[0];
end else if (`FPSIZES == 2) begin
// \/-------------NF---------------,
// | NF1 | 3 | |
// | NF1 | 2 | |
// '-------NF1------^
// determine guard, round, and least significant bit of the result
assign Guard = FmtM ? NormSum[2] : NormSum[`NF-`NF1+2];
assign Round = FmtM ? NormSum[1] : NormSum[`NF-`NF1+1];
assign LSBNormSum = FmtM ? NormSum[3] : NormSum[`NF-`NF1+3];
assign LSBNormSum = FmtM ? NormSum[2] : NormSum[`NF-`NF1+2];
// used to determine underflow flag
assign UfGuard = FmtM ? NormSum[1] : NormSum[`NF-`NF1+1];
assign UfRound = FmtM ? NormSum[0] : NormSum[`NF-`NF1];
assign UfLSBNormSum = FmtM ? NormSum[2] : NormSum[`NF-`NF1+2];
// determine sticky
assign Sticky = UfSticky | (FmtM ? NormSum[0] : NormSum[`NF-`NF1]);
end else if (`FPSIZES == 3) begin
always_comb begin
case (FmtM)
`FMT: begin
// determine guard, round, and least significant bit of the result
Guard = NormSum[2];
Round = NormSum[1];
LSBNormSum = NormSum[3];
LSBNormSum = NormSum[2];
// used to determine underflow flag
UfGuard = NormSum[1];
UfRound = NormSum[0];
UfLSBNormSum = NormSum[2];
// determine sticky
Sticky = UfSticky | NormSum[0];
`FMT1: begin
// determine guard, round, and least significant bit of the result
Guard = NormSum[`NF-`NF1+2];
Round = NormSum[`NF-`NF1+1];
LSBNormSum = NormSum[`NF-`NF1+3];
LSBNormSum = NormSum[`NF-`NF1+2];
// used to determine underflow flag
UfGuard = NormSum[`NF-`NF1+1];
UfRound = NormSum[`NF-`NF1];
UfLSBNormSum = NormSum[`NF-`NF1+2];
// determine sticky
Sticky = UfSticky | NormSum[`NF-`NF1];
`FMT2: begin
// determine guard, round, and least significant bit of the result
Guard = NormSum[`NF-`NF2+2];
Round = NormSum[`NF-`NF2+1];
LSBNormSum = NormSum[`NF-`NF2+3];
LSBNormSum = NormSum[`NF-`NF2+2];
// used to determine underflow flag
UfGuard = NormSum[`NF-`NF2+1];
UfRound = NormSum[`NF-`NF2];
UfLSBNormSum = NormSum[`NF-`NF2+2];
// determine sticky
Sticky = UfSticky | NormSum[`NF-`NF2];
default: begin
Guard = 1'bx;
Round = 1'bx;
LSBNormSum = 1'bx;
UfGuard = 1'bx;
UfRound = 1'bx;
UfLSBNormSum = 1'bx;
Sticky = 1'bx;
@ -885,56 +843,40 @@ module fmaround(
case (FmtM)
2'h3: begin
// determine guard, round, and least significant bit of the result
Guard = NormSum[2];
Round = NormSum[1];
LSBNormSum = NormSum[3];
LSBNormSum = NormSum[2];
// used to determine underflow flag
UfGuard = NormSum[1];
UfRound = NormSum[0];
UfLSBNormSum = NormSum[2];
// determine sticky
Sticky = UfSticky | NormSum[0];
2'h1: begin
// determine guard, round, and least significant bit of the result
Guard = NormSum[`NF-`D_NF+2];
Round = NormSum[`NF-`D_NF+1];
LSBNormSum = NormSum[`NF-`D_NF+3];
LSBNormSum = NormSum[`NF-`D_NF+2];
// used to determine underflow flag
UfGuard = NormSum[`NF-`D_NF+1];
UfRound = NormSum[`NF-`D_NF];
UfLSBNormSum = NormSum[`NF-`D_NF+2];
// determine sticky
Sticky = UfSticky | NormSum[`NF-`D_NF];
2'h0: begin
// determine guard, round, and least significant bit of the result
Guard = NormSum[`NF-`S_NF+2];
Round = NormSum[`NF-`S_NF+1];
LSBNormSum = NormSum[`NF-`S_NF+3];
LSBNormSum = NormSum[`NF-`S_NF+2];
// used to determine underflow flag
UfGuard = NormSum[`NF-`S_NF+1];
UfRound = NormSum[`NF-`S_NF];
UfLSBNormSum = NormSum[`NF-`S_NF+2];
// determine sticky
Sticky = UfSticky | NormSum[`NF-`S_NF];
2'h2: begin
// determine guard, round, and least significant bit of the result
Guard = NormSum[`NF-`H_NF+2];
Round = NormSum[`NF-`H_NF+1];
LSBNormSum = NormSum[`NF-`H_NF+3];
LSBNormSum = NormSum[`NF-`H_NF+2];
// used to determine underflow flag
UfGuard = NormSum[`NF-`H_NF+1];
UfRound = NormSum[`NF-`H_NF];
UfLSBNormSum = NormSum[`NF-`H_NF+2];
// determine sticky
Sticky = UfSticky | NormSum[`NF-`H_NF];
// used to determine underflow flag
assign UfLSBNormSum = Round;
// determine sticky
assign Sticky = UfSticky | UfRound;
// Deterimine if a small number was supposed to be subtrated
@ -944,28 +886,28 @@ module fmaround(
always_comb begin
// Determine if you add 1
case (FrmM)
3'b000: CalcPlus1 = Guard & (Round | ((Sticky)&~(~Round&SubBySmallNum)) | (~Round&~(Sticky)&LSBNormSum&~SubBySmallNum));//round to nearest even
3'b000: CalcPlus1 = Round & ((Sticky| LSBNormSum)&~SubBySmallNum);//round to nearest even
3'b001: CalcPlus1 = 0;//round to zero
3'b010: CalcPlus1 = ResultSgnTmp & ~(SubBySmallNum & ~Guard & ~Round);//round down
3'b011: CalcPlus1 = ~ResultSgnTmp & ~(SubBySmallNum & ~Guard & ~Round);//round up
3'b100: CalcPlus1 = (Guard & (Round | ((Sticky)&~(~Round&SubBySmallNum)) | (~Round&~(Sticky)&~SubBySmallNum)));//round to nearest max magnitude
3'b010: CalcPlus1 = ResultSgnTmp & ~(SubBySmallNum & ~Round);//round down
3'b011: CalcPlus1 = ~ResultSgnTmp & ~(SubBySmallNum & ~Round);//round up
3'b100: CalcPlus1 = Round & ~SubBySmallNum;//round to nearest max magnitude
default: CalcPlus1 = 1'bx;
// Determine if you add 1 (for underflow flag)
case (FrmM)
3'b000: UfCalcPlus1 = UfGuard & (UfRound | (UfSticky&UfRound|~UfSubBySmallNum) | (~Sticky&UfLSBNormSum&~UfSubBySmallNum));//round to nearest even
3'b000: UfCalcPlus1 = UfRound & ((UfSticky| UfLSBNormSum)&~UfSubBySmallNum);//round to nearest even
3'b001: UfCalcPlus1 = 0;//round to zero
3'b010: UfCalcPlus1 = ResultSgnTmp & ~(UfSubBySmallNum & ~UfGuard & ~UfRound);//round down
3'b011: UfCalcPlus1 = ~ResultSgnTmp & ~(UfSubBySmallNum & ~UfGuard & ~UfRound);//round up
3'b100: UfCalcPlus1 = (UfGuard & (UfRound | (UfSticky&~(~UfRound&UfSubBySmallNum)) | (~Sticky&~UfSubBySmallNum)));//round to nearest max magnitude
3'b010: UfCalcPlus1 = ResultSgnTmp & ~(UfSubBySmallNum & ~UfRound);//round down
3'b011: UfCalcPlus1 = ~ResultSgnTmp & ~(UfSubBySmallNum & ~UfRound);//round up
3'b100: UfCalcPlus1 = UfRound & ~UfSubBySmallNum;//round to nearest max magnitude
default: UfCalcPlus1 = 1'bx;
// Determine if you subtract 1
case (FrmM)
3'b000: CalcMinus1 = 0;//round to nearest even
3'b001: CalcMinus1 = SubBySmallNum & ~Guard & ~Round;//round to zero
3'b010: CalcMinus1 = ~ResultSgnTmp & ~Guard & ~Round & SubBySmallNum;//round down
3'b011: CalcMinus1 = ResultSgnTmp & ~Guard & ~Round & SubBySmallNum;//round up
3'b001: CalcMinus1 = SubBySmallNum & ~Round;//round to zero
3'b010: CalcMinus1 = ~ResultSgnTmp & ~Round & SubBySmallNum;//round down
3'b011: CalcMinus1 = ResultSgnTmp & ~Round & SubBySmallNum;//round up
3'b100: CalcMinus1 = 0;//round to nearest max magnitude
default: CalcMinus1 = 1'bx;
@ -973,9 +915,9 @@ module fmaround(
// If an answer is exact don't round
assign Plus1 = CalcPlus1 & (Sticky | Guard | Round);
assign UfPlus1 = UfCalcPlus1 & (Sticky | UfGuard);//UfRound is part of sticky
assign Minus1 = CalcMinus1 & (Sticky | Guard | Round);
assign Plus1 = CalcPlus1 & (Sticky | Round);
assign UfPlus1 = UfCalcPlus1 & (Sticky | UfRound);//UfRound is part of sticky
assign Minus1 = CalcMinus1 & (Sticky | Round);
// Compute rounded result
if (`FPSIZES == 1) begin
@ -1011,7 +953,7 @@ module fmaround(
assign NormSumTruncated = NormSum[`NF+2:3];
assign NormSumTruncated = NormSum[`NF+1:2];
assign {FullResultExp, ResultFrac} = {SumExp, NormSumTruncated} + RoundAdd;
assign ResultExp = FullResultExp[`NE-1:0];
@ -1083,12 +1025,12 @@ module fmaflags(
// Set Underflow flag if the number is too small to be represented in normal numbers
// - Don't set the underflow flag if the result is exact
assign Underflow = (SumExp[`NE+1] | ((SumExp == 0) & (Round|Guard|Sticky)))&~(XNaNM|YNaNM|ZNaNM|XInfM|YInfM|ZInfM);
assign Underflow = (SumExp[`NE+1] | ((SumExp == 0) & (Round|Sticky)))&~(XNaNM|YNaNM|ZNaNM|XInfM|YInfM|ZInfM);
// exp is negitive result is denorm exp was denorm but rounded to norm and if given an unbounded exponent it would stay denormal
assign UnderflowFlag = (FullResultExp[`NE+1] | ((FullResultExp == 0) | ((FullResultExp == 1) & (SumExp == 0) & ~(UfPlus1&UfLSBNormSum)))&(Round|Guard|Sticky))&~(XNaNM|YNaNM|ZNaNM|XInfM|YInfM|ZInfM);
assign UnderflowFlag = (FullResultExp[`NE+1] | ((FullResultExp == 0) | ((FullResultExp == 1) & (SumExp == 0) & ~(UfPlus1&UfLSBNormSum)))&(Round|Sticky))&~(XNaNM|YNaNM|ZNaNM|XInfM|YInfM|ZInfM);
// Set Inexact flag if the result is diffrent from what would be outputed given infinite precision
// - Don't set the underflow flag if an underflowed result isn't outputed
assign Inexact = (Sticky|Overflow|Guard|Round|Underflow)&~(XNaNM|YNaNM|ZNaNM|XInfM|YInfM|ZInfM);
assign Inexact = (Sticky|Overflow|Round|Underflow)&~(XNaNM|YNaNM|ZNaNM|XInfM|YInfM|ZInfM);
// Combine flags
// - FMA can't set the Divide by zero flag
@ -96,9 +96,9 @@ module unpack (
// extract the exponent, converting the smaller exponent into the larger precision if nessisary
// - if the original precision had a denormal number convert the exponent value 1
assign XExpE = FmtE ? X[`FLEN-2:`NF] : XOrigDenormE ? {1'b0, {`NE-`NE1{1'b1}}, (`NE1-1)'(1)} : {XLen1[`LEN1-2], {`NE-`NE1{~XLen1[`LEN1-2]&~XExpZero|XExpMaxE}}, XLen1[`LEN1-3:`NF1]};
assign YExpE = FmtE ? Y[`FLEN-2:`NF] : YOrigDenormE ? {1'b0, {`NE-`NE1{1'b1}}, (`NE1-1)'(1)} : {YLen1[`LEN1-2], {`NE-`NE1{~YLen1[`LEN1-2]&~YExpZero|YExpMaxE}}, YLen1[`LEN1-3:`NF1]};
assign ZExpE = FmtE ? Z[`FLEN-2:`NF] : ZOrigDenormE ? {1'b0, {`NE-`NE1{1'b1}}, (`NE1-1)'(1)} : {ZLen1[`LEN1-2], {`NE-`NE1{~ZLen1[`LEN1-2]&~ZExpZero|ZExpMaxE}}, ZLen1[`LEN1-3:`NF1]};
assign XExpE = FmtE ? X[`FLEN-2:`NF] : XOrigDenormE ? {1'b0, {`NE-`NE1{1'b1}}, (`NE1-1)'(1)} : {XLen1[`LEN1-2], {`NE-`NE1{~XLen1[`LEN1-2]}}, XLen1[`LEN1-3:`NF1]};
assign YExpE = FmtE ? Y[`FLEN-2:`NF] : YOrigDenormE ? {1'b0, {`NE-`NE1{1'b1}}, (`NE1-1)'(1)} : {YLen1[`LEN1-2], {`NE-`NE1{~YLen1[`LEN1-2]}}, YLen1[`LEN1-3:`NF1]};
assign ZExpE = FmtE ? Z[`FLEN-2:`NF] : ZOrigDenormE ? {1'b0, {`NE-`NE1{1'b1}}, (`NE1-1)'(1)} : {ZLen1[`LEN1-2], {`NE-`NE1{~ZLen1[`LEN1-2]}}, ZLen1[`LEN1-3:`NF1]};
// is the input (in it's original format) denormalized
assign XOrigDenormE = FmtE ? 0 : ~|XLen1[`LEN1-2:`NF1] & ~XFracZero;
@ -257,9 +257,9 @@ module unpack (
// also need to take into account possible zero/denorm/inf/NaN values
// convert the larger precision's exponent to use the largest precision's bias
XExpE = XOrigDenormE ? {1'b0, {`NE-`NE1{1'b1}}, (`NE1-1)'(1)} : {XLen1[`LEN1-2], {`NE-`NE1{~XLen1[`LEN1-2]&~XExpZero|XExpMaxE}}, XLen1[`LEN1-3:`NF1]};
YExpE = YOrigDenormE ? {1'b0, {`NE-`NE1{1'b1}}, (`NE1-1)'(1)} : {YLen1[`LEN1-2], {`NE-`NE1{~YLen1[`LEN1-2]&~YExpZero|YExpMaxE}}, YLen1[`LEN1-3:`NF1]};
ZExpE = ZOrigDenormE ? {1'b0, {`NE-`NE1{1'b1}}, (`NE1-1)'(1)} : {ZLen1[`LEN1-2], {`NE-`NE1{~ZLen1[`LEN1-2]&~ZExpZero|ZExpMaxE}}, ZLen1[`LEN1-3:`NF1]};
XExpE = XOrigDenormE ? {1'b0, {`NE-`NE1{1'b1}}, (`NE1-1)'(1)} : {XLen1[`LEN1-2], {`NE-`NE1{~XLen1[`LEN1-2]}}, XLen1[`LEN1-3:`NF1]};
YExpE = YOrigDenormE ? {1'b0, {`NE-`NE1{1'b1}}, (`NE1-1)'(1)} : {YLen1[`LEN1-2], {`NE-`NE1{~YLen1[`LEN1-2]}}, YLen1[`LEN1-3:`NF1]};
ZExpE = ZOrigDenormE ? {1'b0, {`NE-`NE1{1'b1}}, (`NE1-1)'(1)} : {ZLen1[`LEN1-2], {`NE-`NE1{~ZLen1[`LEN1-2]}}, ZLen1[`LEN1-3:`NF1]};
// extract the fraction and add the nessesary trailing zeros
XFracE = {XLen1[`NF1-1:0], (`NF-`NF1)'(0)};
@ -282,9 +282,9 @@ module unpack (
// also need to take into account possible zero/denorm/inf/NaN values
// convert the smallest precision's exponent to use the largest precision's bias
XExpE = XOrigDenormE ? {1'b0, {`NE-`NE2{1'b1}}, (`NE2-1)'(1)} : {XLen2[`LEN2-2], {`NE-`NE2{~XLen2[`LEN2-2]&~XExpZero|XExpMaxE}}, XLen2[`LEN2-3:`NF2]};
YExpE = YOrigDenormE ? {1'b0, {`NE-`NE2{1'b1}}, (`NE2-1)'(1)} : {YLen2[`LEN2-2], {`NE-`NE2{~YLen2[`LEN2-2]&~YExpZero|YExpMaxE}}, YLen2[`LEN2-3:`NF2]};
ZExpE = ZOrigDenormE ? {1'b0, {`NE-`NE2{1'b1}}, (`NE2-1)'(1)} : {ZLen2[`LEN2-2], {`NE-`NE2{~ZLen2[`LEN2-2]&~ZExpZero|ZExpMaxE}}, ZLen2[`LEN2-3:`NF2]};
XExpE = XOrigDenormE ? {1'b0, {`NE-`NE2{1'b1}}, (`NE2-1)'(1)} : {XLen2[`LEN2-2], {`NE-`NE2{~XLen2[`LEN2-2]}}, XLen2[`LEN2-3:`NF2]};
YExpE = YOrigDenormE ? {1'b0, {`NE-`NE2{1'b1}}, (`NE2-1)'(1)} : {YLen2[`LEN2-2], {`NE-`NE2{~YLen2[`LEN2-2]}}, YLen2[`LEN2-3:`NF2]};
ZExpE = ZOrigDenormE ? {1'b0, {`NE-`NE2{1'b1}}, (`NE2-1)'(1)} : {ZLen2[`LEN2-2], {`NE-`NE2{~ZLen2[`LEN2-2]}}, ZLen2[`LEN2-3:`NF2]};
// extract the fraction and add the nessesary trailing zeros
XFracE = {XLen2[`NF2-1:0], (`NF-`NF2)'(0)};
@ -447,9 +447,9 @@ module unpack (
// convert the double precsion exponent into quad precsion
XExpE = XOrigDenormE ? {1'b0, {`Q_NE-`D_NE{1'b1}}, (`D_NE-1)'(1)} : {XLen1[`D_LEN-2], {`Q_NE-`D_NE{~XLen1[`D_LEN-2]&~XExpZero|XExpMaxE}}, XLen1[`D_LEN-3:`D_NF]};
YExpE = YOrigDenormE ? {1'b0, {`Q_NE-`D_NE{1'b1}}, (`D_NE-1)'(1)} : {YLen1[`D_LEN-2], {`Q_NE-`D_NE{~YLen1[`D_LEN-2]&~YExpZero|YExpMaxE}}, YLen1[`D_LEN-3:`D_NF]};
ZExpE = ZOrigDenormE ? {1'b0, {`Q_NE-`D_NE{1'b1}}, (`D_NE-1)'(1)} : {ZLen1[`D_LEN-2], {`Q_NE-`D_NE{~ZLen1[`D_LEN-2]&~ZExpZero|ZExpMaxE}}, ZLen1[`D_LEN-3:`D_NF]};
XExpE = XOrigDenormE ? {1'b0, {`Q_NE-`D_NE{1'b1}}, (`D_NE-1)'(1)} : {XLen1[`D_LEN-2], {`Q_NE-`D_NE{~XLen1[`D_LEN-2]}}, XLen1[`D_LEN-3:`D_NF]};
YExpE = YOrigDenormE ? {1'b0, {`Q_NE-`D_NE{1'b1}}, (`D_NE-1)'(1)} : {YLen1[`D_LEN-2], {`Q_NE-`D_NE{~YLen1[`D_LEN-2]}}, YLen1[`D_LEN-3:`D_NF]};
ZExpE = ZOrigDenormE ? {1'b0, {`Q_NE-`D_NE{1'b1}}, (`D_NE-1)'(1)} : {ZLen1[`D_LEN-2], {`Q_NE-`D_NE{~ZLen1[`D_LEN-2]}}, ZLen1[`D_LEN-3:`D_NF]};
// extract the fraction and add the nessesary trailing zeros
XFracE = {XLen1[`D_NF-1:0], (`Q_NF-`D_NF)'(0)};
@ -471,9 +471,9 @@ module unpack (
// also need to take into account possible zero/denorm/inf/NaN values
// convert the single precsion exponent into quad precsion
XExpE = XOrigDenormE ? {1'b0, {`Q_NE-`S_NE{1'b1}}, (`S_NE-1)'(1)} : {XLen2[`S_LEN-2], {`Q_NE-`S_NE{~XLen2[`S_LEN-2]&~XExpZero|XExpMaxE}}, XLen2[`S_LEN-3:`S_NF]};
YExpE = YOrigDenormE ? {1'b0, {`Q_NE-`S_NE{1'b1}}, (`S_NE-1)'(1)} : {YLen2[`S_LEN-2], {`Q_NE-`S_NE{~YLen2[`S_LEN-2]&~YExpZero|YExpMaxE}}, YLen2[`S_LEN-3:`S_NF]};
ZExpE = ZOrigDenormE ? {1'b0, {`Q_NE-`S_NE{1'b1}}, (`S_NE-1)'(1)} : {ZLen2[`S_LEN-2], {`Q_NE-`S_NE{~ZLen2[`S_LEN-2]&~ZExpZero|ZExpMaxE}}, ZLen2[`S_LEN-3:`S_NF]};
XExpE = XOrigDenormE ? {1'b0, {`Q_NE-`S_NE{1'b1}}, (`S_NE-1)'(1)} : {XLen2[`S_LEN-2], {`Q_NE-`S_NE{~XLen2[`S_LEN-2]}}, XLen2[`S_LEN-3:`S_NF]};
YExpE = YOrigDenormE ? {1'b0, {`Q_NE-`S_NE{1'b1}}, (`S_NE-1)'(1)} : {YLen2[`S_LEN-2], {`Q_NE-`S_NE{~YLen2[`S_LEN-2]}}, YLen2[`S_LEN-3:`S_NF]};
ZExpE = ZOrigDenormE ? {1'b0, {`Q_NE-`S_NE{1'b1}}, (`S_NE-1)'(1)} : {ZLen2[`S_LEN-2], {`Q_NE-`S_NE{~ZLen2[`S_LEN-2]}}, ZLen2[`S_LEN-3:`S_NF]};
// extract the fraction and add the nessesary trailing zeros
XFracE = {XLen2[`S_NF-1:0], (`Q_NF-`S_NF)'(0)};
@ -495,9 +495,9 @@ module unpack (
// also need to take into account possible zero/denorm/inf/NaN values
// convert the half precsion exponent into quad precsion
XExpE = XOrigDenormE ? {1'b0, {`Q_NE-`H_NE{1'b1}}, (`H_NE-1)'(1)} : {XLen3[`H_LEN-2], {`Q_NE-`H_NE{~XLen3[`H_LEN-2]&~XExpZero|XExpMaxE}}, XLen3[`H_LEN-3:`H_NF]};
YExpE = YOrigDenormE ? {1'b0, {`Q_NE-`H_NE{1'b1}}, (`H_NE-1)'(1)} : {YLen3[`H_LEN-2], {`Q_NE-`H_NE{~YLen3[`H_LEN-2]&~YExpZero|YExpMaxE}}, YLen3[`H_LEN-3:`H_NF]};
ZExpE = ZOrigDenormE ? {1'b0, {`Q_NE-`H_NE{1'b1}}, (`H_NE-1)'(1)} : {ZLen3[`H_LEN-2], {`Q_NE-`H_NE{~ZLen3[`H_LEN-2]&~ZExpZero|ZExpMaxE}}, ZLen3[`H_LEN-3:`H_NF]};
XExpE = XOrigDenormE ? {1'b0, {`Q_NE-`H_NE{1'b1}}, (`H_NE-1)'(1)} : {XLen3[`H_LEN-2], {`Q_NE-`H_NE{~XLen3[`H_LEN-2]}}, XLen3[`H_LEN-3:`H_NF]};
YExpE = YOrigDenormE ? {1'b0, {`Q_NE-`H_NE{1'b1}}, (`H_NE-1)'(1)} : {YLen3[`H_LEN-2], {`Q_NE-`H_NE{~YLen3[`H_LEN-2]}}, YLen3[`H_LEN-3:`H_NF]};
ZExpE = ZOrigDenormE ? {1'b0, {`Q_NE-`H_NE{1'b1}}, (`H_NE-1)'(1)} : {ZLen3[`H_LEN-2], {`Q_NE-`H_NE{~ZLen3[`H_LEN-2]}}, ZLen3[`H_LEN-3:`H_NF]};
// extract the fraction and add the nessesary trailing zeros
XFracE = {XLen3[`H_NF-1:0], (`Q_NF-`H_NF)'(0)};
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
//leading zero counter i.e. priority encoder
module lzc #(parameter WIDTH=1) (
input logic [WIDTH-1:0] num,
output logic [$clog2(WIDTH)-1:0] ZeroCnt
/* verilator lint_off CMPCONST */
logic [$clog2(WIDTH)-1:0] i;
always_comb begin
i = 0;
while (~num[WIDTH-1-(32)'(i)] & $unsigned(i) <= $unsigned(($clog2(WIDTH))'(WIDTH-1))) i = i+1; // search for leading one
ZeroCnt = i;
/* verilator lint_on CMPCONST */
@ -1174,13 +1174,13 @@ end
// check if the non-fma test is correct
if(~((Res === Ans | NaNGood | NaNGood === 1'bx) & (ResFlg === AnsFlg | AnsFlg === 5'bx))&(UnitVal !== `CVTINTUNIT)) begin
if(~((Res === Ans | NaNGood | NaNGood === 1'bx) & (ResFlg === AnsFlg | AnsFlg === 5'bx))&(UnitVal !== `CVTINTUNIT)&(UnitVal !== `CMPUNIT)) begin
errors += 1;
$display("There is an error in %s", Tests[TestNum]);
$display("inputs: %h %h %h\nSrcA: %h\n Res: %h %h\n Ans: %h %h", X, Y, Z, SrcA, Res, ResFlg, Ans, AnsFlg);
// TestFloat sets the result to all 1's when there is an invalid result, however in
// it says
// for an unsigned integer result 0 is also okay
@ -1470,7 +1470,7 @@ module readvectors (
Ans = TestVector[8];
2'b10: begin // half
X = {{`FLEN-`H_LEN{1'b1}}, TestVector[12+3*(`H_LEN)-1:12+(`H_LEN)]};
X = {{`FLEN-`H_LEN{1'b1}}, TestVector[12+2*(`H_LEN)-1:12+(`H_LEN)]};
Y = {{`FLEN-`H_LEN{1'b1}}, TestVector[12+(`H_LEN)-1:12]};
Ans = TestVector[8];
Reference in New Issue
Block a user