forked from Github_Repos/cvw
small bug fixes to 64 bit library
This commit is contained in:
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ cause_ecall:
// The following code works for both RV32 and RV64.
// RV64 alone would be easier using double-word adds and stores
li x28, 0x100 // Desired offset from the present time
li x28, 0x30 // Desired offset from the present time
la x29, 0x02004000 // MTIMECMP register in CLINT
la x30, 0x0200BFF8 // MTIME register in CLINT
lw x7, 0(x30) // low word of MTIME
@ -158,9 +158,7 @@ end_trap_triggers:
// Set up the exception Handler, keeping the original handler in x4.
la x1, trap_handler_\MODE\()
.if (\VECTORED\() == 1)
ori x1, x1, 0x1 // set mode field of tvec to 1, forcing vectored interrupts
ori x1, x1, \VECTORED // set mode field of tvec to VECTORED, which will force vectored interrupts if it's 1.
.if (\MODE\() == m)
csrrw x4, \MODE\()tvec, x1 // x4 reserved for "default" trap handler address that needs to be restored before halting this test.
@ -172,6 +170,10 @@ end_trap_triggers:
li a1, 0
li a2, 0 // reset trap handler inputs to zero
la x29, 0x02004000 // MTIMECMP register in CLINT
li x30, 0xFFFFFFFF
sd x30, 0(x29) // set mtimecmp to 0xFFFFFFFF to really make sure time interrupts don't go off immediately after being enabled
j trap_handler_end_\MODE\() // skip the trap handler when it is being defined.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -214,17 +216,17 @@ trap_handler_\MODE\():
// *** ASSUMES that a cause value of 0 for an interrupt is unimplemented
// otherwise, a vectored interrupt handler should jump to trap_handler_\MODE\() + 4 * Interrupt cause code
// No matter the value of VECTORED, exceptions (not interrupts) are handled in an unvecotred way
j s_soft_interrupt_\MODE\() // 1: instruction access fault // the zero spot is taken up by the instruction to skip this table.
j soft_interrupt_\MODE\() // 1: instruction access fault // the zero spot is taken up by the instruction to skip this table.
j segfault_\MODE\() // 2: reserved
j m_soft_interrupt_\MODE\() // 3: breakpoint
j soft_interrupt_\MODE\() // 3: breakpoint
j segfault_\MODE\() // 4: reserved
j s_time_interrupt_\MODE\() // 5: load access fault
j time_interrupt_\MODE\() // 5: load access fault
j segfault_\MODE\() // 6: reserved
j m_time_interrupt_\MODE\() // 7: store access fault
j time_interrupt_\MODE\() // 7: store access fault
j segfault_\MODE\() // 8: reserved
j s_ext_interrupt_\MODE\() // 9: ecall from S-mode
j ext_interrupt_\MODE\() // 9: ecall from S-mode
j segfault_\MODE\() // 10: reserved
j m_ext_interrupt_\MODE\() // 11: ecall from M-mode
j ext_interrupt_\MODE\() // 11: ecall from M-mode
// 12 through >=16 are reserved or designated for platform use
@ -250,7 +252,6 @@ trap_unvectored_\MODE\():
li x5, 0x122 // mask bits to select SPP, SPIE, and SIE.
and x5, x5, x1
sd x5, 0(x16) // store masked out status bits to the output
addi x6, x6, 8
@ -265,7 +266,6 @@ trap_unvectored_\MODE\():
and x5, x5, x1
bnez x5, trapreturn_\MODE\() // return from interrupt
// Other trap handling is specified in the vector Table
csrr x1, \MODE\()cause
slli x1, x1, 3 // multiply cause by 8 to get offset in vector Table
la x5, exception_vector_table_\MODE\()
add x5, x5, x1 // compute address of vector in Table
@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ trapreturn_finished_\MODE\():
csrw \MODE\()epc, x1 // update the epc with address of next instruction
ld x5, -16(sp) // restore registers from stack before returning
ld x1, -8(sp)
csrw \MODE\()ip, 0x0 // clear interrupt pending register to indicate interrupt has been handled
// *** this should be handled by indirectly clearing this bit csrw \MODE\()ip, 0x0 // clear interrupt pending register to indicate interrupt has been handled
\MODE\()ret // return from trap
@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ ecallhandler_changetosupervisormode_\MODE\():
// Force mstatus.MPP (bits 12:11) to 00 to enter user mode after mret
li x1, 0b1100000000000
csrc mstatus, x1
csrc \MODE\()status, x1
j trapreturn_\MODE\()
@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ addr_misaligned_\MODE\():
j trapreturn_\MODE\()
s_soft_interrupt_\MODE\(): // these labels are here to make sure the code compiles, but don't actually do anything yet
li x5, 0x7EC // write 0x7EC (looks like VEC) to the output before the mcause and extras to indicate that this trap was handled with a vector table.
sd x5, 0(x16)
addi x6, x6, 8
@ -409,30 +409,19 @@ s_soft_interrupt_\MODE\(): // these labels are here to make sure the code compil
sw x0, 0(x28)
j trap_unvectored_\MODE\()
li x5, 0x7EC
sd x5, 0(x16)
addi x6, x6, 8
addi x16, x16, 8
la x28, 0x02000000 // Reset by clearing MSIP interrupt from CLINT
sw x0, 0(x28)
la x29, 0x02004000 // MTIMECMP register in CLINT
li x30, 0xFFFFFFFF
sd x30, 0(x29) // reset interrupt by setting mtimecmp to 0xFFFFFFFF
j trap_unvectored_\MODE\()
li x5, 0x7EC
sd x5, 0(x16)
addi x6, x6, 8
addi x16, x16, 8
j trap_unvectored_\MODE\()
li x5, 0x7EC
sd x5, 0(x16)
addi x6, x6, 8
addi x16, x16, 8
j trap_unvectored_\MODE\()
li x5, 0x7EC
sd x5, 0(x16)
addi x6, x6, 8
@ -442,17 +431,6 @@ s_ext_interrupt_\MODE\():
sw x0, 40(x28) // write a 0 to the first output pin (reset interrupt)
j trap_unvectored_\MODE\()
li x5, 0x7EC
sd x5, 0(x16)
addi x6, x6, 8
addi x16, x16, 8
li x28, 0x10060000 // reset interrupt by clearing all the GPIO bits
sw x0, 8(x28) // disable the first pin as an output
sw x0, 40(x28) // write a 0 to the first output pin (reset interrupt)
j trap_unvectored_\MODE\()
// Table of trap behavior
// lists what to do on each exception (not interrupts)
// unexpected exceptions should cause segfaults for easy detection
@ -720,87 +698,6 @@ trap_handler_end_\MODE\(): // place to jump to so we can skip the trap handler a
addi x16, x16, 8
// // The following tests involve causing many of the interrupts and exceptions that are easily done in a few lines
// // This effectively includes everything that isn't to do with page faults (virtual memory)
// // cause a misaligned address trap
// auipc x28, 0 // get current PC, which is aligned
// addi x28, x28, 0x1 // add 1 to pc to create misaligned address
// jalr x28 // cause instruction address midaligned trap
// .endm
// la x28, 0x0 // address zero is an address with no memory
// jalr x28 // cause instruction access trap
// .endm
// .word 0x00000000 // a 32 bit zros is an illegal instruction
// .endm
// .macro CAUSE_BREAKPNT // ****
// ebreak
// .endm
// auipc x28, 0 // get current PC, which is aligned
// addi x28, x28, 1
// lw x29, 0(x28) // load from a misaligned address
// .endm
// .macro CAUSE_LOAD_ACC
// la x28, 0 // 0 is an address with no memory
// lw x29, 0(x28) // load from unimplemented address
// .endm
// auipc x28, 0 // get current PC, which is aligned
// addi x28, x28, 1
// sw x29, 0(x28) // store to a misaligned address
// .endm
// la x28, 0 // 0 is an address with no memory
// sw x29, 0(x28) // store to unimplemented address
// .endm
// .macro CAUSE_ECALL
// // *** ASSUMES you have already gone to the mode you need to call this from.
// ecall
// .endm
// // The following code works for both RV32 and RV64.
// // RV64 alone would be easier using double-word adds and stores
// li x28, 0x100 // Desired offset from the present time
// la x29, 0x02004000 // MTIMECMP register in CLINT
// la x30, 0x0200BFF8 // MTIME register in CLINT
// lw x7, 0(x30) // low word of MTIME
// lw x31, 4(x30) // high word of MTIME
// add x28, x7, x28 // add desired offset to the current time
// bgtu x28, x7, nowrap // check new time exceeds current time (no wraparound)
// addi x31, x31, 1 // if wrap, increment most significant word
// sw x31,4(x29) // store into most significant word of MTIMECMP
// nowrap:
// sw x28, 0(x29) // store into least significant word of MTIMECMP
// loop: j loop // wait until interrupt occurs
// .endm
// la x28, 0x02000000 // MSIP register in CLINT
// li x29, 1 // 1 in the lsb
// sw x29, 0(x28) // Write MSIP bit
// .endm
// li x28, 0x10060000 // load base GPIO memory location
// li x29, 0x1
// sw x29, 8(x28) // enable the first pin as an output
// sw x29, 28(x28) // set first pin to high interrupt enable
// sw x29, 40(x28) // write a 1 to the first output pin (cause interrupt)
// .endm
.macro END_TESTS
// invokes one final ecall to return to machine mode then terminates this program, so the output is
// 0x8: termination called from U mode
Reference in New Issue
Block a user