modified testbench to not allow Wally to generate its own interrupts (because of fundamental interrupt imprecision limitations)

This commit is contained in:
bbracker 2021-09-04 19:49:26 -04:00
parent c463f177e9
commit b3bc3cf6d0

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@ -30,8 +30,7 @@
module testbench();
parameter waveOnICount = `BUSYBEAR*140000 + `BUILDROOT*3080000; // # of instructions at which to turn on waves in graphical sim
parameter stopICount = `BUSYBEAR*143898 + `BUILDROOT*0000000; // # instructions at which to halt sim completely (set to 0 to let it run as far as it can)
parameter waveOnICount = `BUSYBEAR*140000 + `BUILDROOT*6779000; // # of instructions at which to turn on waves in graphical sim
string ProgramAddrMapFile, ProgramLabelMapFile;
@ -72,9 +71,9 @@ module testbench();
// Signal Declarations
// -------------------
// Testbench Core
integer instrs;
integer warningCount = 0;
// PC, Instr Checking
integer errorCount = 0;
// P, Instr Checking
logic [`XLEN-1:0] PCW;
integer data_file_all;
@ -137,12 +136,16 @@ module testbench();
// Error Macro
// -----------
`define ERROR \
$display("processed %0d instructions with %0d warnings", instrs, warningCount); \
errorCount +=1; \
$display("processed %0d instructions with %0d warnings", InstrCountW, warningCount); \
initial begin
data_file_all = $fopen({`LINUX_TEST_VECTORS,"all.txt"}, "r");
InstrCountW = '0;
force dut.hart.priv.SwIntM = 0;
force dut.hart.priv.TimerIntM = 0;
force dut.hart.priv.ExtIntM = 0;
/* -----\/----- EXCLUDED -----\/-----
@ -160,7 +163,7 @@ module testbench();
flopenrc #(`XLEN) PCWReg(clk, reset, dut.hart.FlushW, ~dut.hart.ieu.dp.StallW, dut.hart.ifu.PCM, PCW);
flopenr #(1) TrapWReg(clk, reset, ~dut.hart.StallW, dut.hart.hzu.TrapM, TrapW);
// because qemu does not match exactly to wally it is necessary to read the the
// Because qemu does not match exactly to wally it is necessary to read the the
// trace in the memory stage and detect if anything in wally must be overwritten.
// This includes mtimer, interrupts, and various bits in mstatus and xtval.
@ -242,7 +245,7 @@ module testbench();
if(ExpectedCSRArrayM[NumCSRM].substr(1, 5) == "cause" && (ExpectedCSRArrayValueM[NumCSRM][`XLEN-1] == 1'b1)) begin
//what type?
ExpectedIntType = ExpectedCSRArrayValueM[NumCSRM] & 64'h0000_000C;
$display("%t: CSR = %s. Forcing interrupt of cause = %x", $time, ExpectedCSRArrayM[NumCSRM], ExpectedCSRArrayValueM[NumCSRM]);
$display("%tns, %d instrs: CSR = %s. Forcing interrupt of cause = %x", $time, InstrCountW, ExpectedCSRArrayM[NumCSRM], ExpectedCSRArrayValueM[NumCSRM]);
if(ExpectedIntType == 0) begin
force dut.hart.priv.SwIntM = 1'b1;
@ -262,11 +265,11 @@ module testbench();
// override on special conditions
if (ExpectedMemAdrM == 'h10000005) begin
//$display("%t: Overwriting read data from CLINT.", $time);
//$display("%tns, %d instrs: Overwriting read data from CLINT.", $time, InstrCountW);
force dut.hart.ieu.dp.ReadDataM = ExpectedMemReadDataM;
if(textM.substr(0,5) == "rdtime") begin
$display("%t: Overwrite read value of CSR on read of MTIME in memory stage.", $time);
$display("%tns, %d instrs: Overwrite read value of CSR on read of MTIME in memory stage.", $time, InstrCountW);
force dut.hart.priv.csr.CSRReadValM = ExpectedRegValueM;
@ -325,25 +328,35 @@ module testbench();
if(~dut.hart.StallW) begin
if(textM.substr(0,5) == "rdtime") begin
$display("%t:Releasing force of CSRReadValM.", $time);
$display("%tns, %d instrs: Releasing force of CSRReadValM.", $time, InstrCountW);
release dut.hart.priv.csr.CSRReadValM;
//release dut.hart.ieu.dp.regf.wd3;
if (ExpectedMemAdrM == 'h10000005) begin
//$display("%t: releasing force of ReadDataM.", $time);
//$display("%tns, %d instrs: releasing force of ReadDataM.", $time, InstrCountW);
release dut.hart.ieu.dp.ReadDataM;
// remove forces on interrupts
// force interrupts to 0
for(NumCSRMIndex = 0; NumCSRMIndex < NumCSRM; NumCSRMIndex++) begin
if(ExpectedCSRArrayM[NumCSRMIndex].substr(1, 5) == "cause" && (ExpectedCSRArrayValueM[NumCSRMIndex][`XLEN-1] == 1'b1)) begin
//what type?
$display("%t: Releasing all forces on interrupts", $time);
ExpectedIntType = ExpectedCSRArrayValueM[NumCSRM] & 64'h0000_000C;
$display("%tns, %d instrs: CSR = %s. Forcing interrupt of cause = %x back to 0", $time, InstrCountW, ExpectedCSRArrayM[NumCSRM], ExpectedCSRArrayValueM[NumCSRM]);
release dut.hart.priv.SwIntM;
release dut.hart.priv.TimerIntM;
release dut.hart.priv.ExtIntM;
if(ExpectedIntType == 0) begin
force dut.hart.priv.SwIntM = 1'b0;
$display("Force SwIntM");
else if(ExpectedIntType == 4) begin
force dut.hart.priv.TimerIntM = 1'b0;
$display("Force TimeIntM");
else if(ExpectedIntType == 8) begin
force dut.hart.priv.ExtIntM = 1'b0;
$display("Force ExtIntM");
@ -355,6 +368,8 @@ module testbench();
// always check PC, instruction bits
if (checkInstrW) begin
InstrCountW += 1;
// turn on waves at certain point
if (InstrCountW == waveOnICount) $stop;
// check PCW
fault = 0;
if(PCW != ExpectedPCW) begin
@ -504,7 +519,6 @@ module testbench();
if(!`DontHaltOnCSRMisMatch) fault = 1;
"mtval": begin
if(`DEBUG_TRACE > 0) begin
$display("CSR: %s = %016x, expected = %016x", ExpectedCSRArrayW[NumCSRPostWIndex], dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrm.MTVAL_REGW, ExpectedCSRArrayValueW[NumCSRPostWIndex]);
@ -514,7 +528,6 @@ module testbench();
if(!`DontHaltOnCSRMisMatch) fault = 1;
"sepc": begin
if(`DEBUG_TRACE > 0) begin
$display("CSR: %s = %016x, expected = %016x", ExpectedCSRArrayW[NumCSRPostWIndex], dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrs.SEPC_REGW, ExpectedCSRArrayValueW[NumCSRPostWIndex]);
@ -552,23 +565,8 @@ module testbench();
endcase // case (ExpectedCSRArrayW[NumCSRPostWIndex])
/* -----\/----- EXCLUDED -----\/-----
if(CurrentInterruptForce) begin
CurrentInterruptForce = 1'b0;
// remove forces on interrupts
$display("%t: Releasing all forces on interrupts", $time);
release dut.hart.priv.SwIntM;
release dut.hart.priv.TimerIntM;
release dut.hart.priv.ExtIntM;
-----/\----- EXCLUDED -----/\----- */
end // for (NumCSRPostWIndex = 0; NumCSRPostWIndex < NumCSRW; NumCSRPostWIndex++)
if (fault == 1) begin
if (fault == 1) begin `ERROR end
end // if (checkInstrW)
end // always @ (negedge clk)
@ -589,7 +587,6 @@ module testbench();
// --------------
instrs = 0;
reset <= 1; # 22; reset <= 0;
// initial loading of memories