forked from Github_Repos/cvw
fixed error in divsqrt
This commit is contained in:
@ -97,14 +97,14 @@
`define CVTLEN ((`NF<`XLEN) ? (`XLEN) : (`NF))
`define LLEN ((`FLEN<`XLEN) ? (`XLEN) : (`FLEN))
`define LOGCVTLEN $unsigned($clog2(`CVTLEN+1))
`define NORMSHIFTSZ ((`DIVLEN+`NF+3) > (3*`NF+8) ? (`DIVLEN+`NF+3) : (3*`NF+9))
`define CORRSHIFTSZ ((`DIVLEN+`NF+3) > (3*`NF+8) ? (`DIVLEN+`NF+3) : (3*`NF+6))
`define NORMSHIFTSZ ((`QLEN+`NF+3) > (3*`NF+8) ? (`QLEN+`NF+3) : (3*`NF+9))
`define CORRSHIFTSZ ((`DIVRESLEN+`NF+3) > (3*`NF+8) ? (`DIVRESLEN+`NF+3) : (3*`NF+6))
// division constants
`define RADIX 32'h4
`define DIVCOPIES 32'h4
`define DIVLEN ((`NF < `XLEN) ? (`XLEN + 2) : (`NF + 2))
`define DIVLEN ((`NF < `XLEN) ? (`XLEN) : (`NF + 3))
`define DIVRESLEN ((`NF>`XLEN) ? `NF+4 : `XLEN)
`define LOGR ((`RADIX==2) ? 32'h1 : 32'h2)
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
# fma - test fma
# sub - test subtraction
# div - test division
# sqrt - test square ro
# sqrt - test square root
# all - test everything
vsim -do "do rv64fp mul"
vsim -do "do rv64fp $1"
@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
# cvtint - test integer conversion unit (fcvtint)
# cvtfp - test floating-point conversion unit (fcvtfp)
# cmp - test comparison unit's LT, LE, EQ opperations (fcmp)
# add - test addition
# fma - test fma
# sub - test subtraction
# div - test division
# sqrt - test square root
@ -9,23 +9,23 @@ add wave -noupdate /testbenchfp/Res
add wave -noupdate /testbenchfp/Ans
add wave -noupdate /testbenchfp/DivStart
add wave -noupdate /testbenchfp/DivBusy
add wave -noupdate /testbenchfp/srtfsm/state
add wave -noupdate /testbenchfp/divsqrt/srtfsm/state
add wave -group {PostProc} -noupdate /testbenchfp/postprocess/*
add wave -group {PostProc} -noupdate /testbenchfp/postprocess/specialcase/*
add wave -group {PostProc} -noupdate /testbenchfp/postprocess/flags/*
add wave -group {PostProc} -noupdate /testbenchfp/postprocess/normshift/*
add wave -group {PostProc} -noupdate /testbenchfp/postprocess/lzacorrection/*
add wave -group {PostProc} -noupdate /testbenchfp/postprocess/shiftcorrection/*
add wave -group {PostProc} -noupdate /testbenchfp/postprocess/resultsign/*
add wave -group {PostProc} -noupdate /testbenchfp/postprocess/round/*
add wave -group {PostProc} -noupdate /testbenchfp/postprocess/fmashiftcalc/*
add wave -group {PostProc} -noupdate /testbenchfp/postprocess/divshiftcalc/*
add wave -group {PostProc} -noupdate /testbenchfp/postprocess/cvtshiftcalc/*
add wave -group {Divide} -noupdate /testbenchfp/srtradix4/*
add wave -group {Divide} -group inter0 -noupdate /testbenchfp/srtradix4/genblk1[0]/divinteration/*
add wave -group {Divide} -group inter0 -noupdate /testbenchfp/srtradix4/genblk1[0]/divinteration/qsel4/*
add wave -group {Divide} -group inter0 -noupdate /testbenchfp/srtradix4/genblk1[0]/divinteration/otfc4/*
add wave -group {Divide} -noupdate /testbenchfp/srtpreproc/*
add wave -group {Divide} -noupdate /testbenchfp/srtradix4/expcalc/*
add wave -group {Divide} -noupdate /testbenchfp/srtfsm/*
add wave -group {Divide} -noupdate /testbenchfp/divsqrt/srtradix4/*
add wave -group {Divide} -group inter0 -noupdate /testbenchfp/divsqrt/srtradix4/genblk1[0]/divinteration/*
add wave -group {Divide} -group inter0 -noupdate /testbenchfp/divsqrt/srtradix4/genblk1[0]/divinteration/qsel4/*
add wave -group {Divide} -group inter0 -noupdate /testbenchfp/divsqrt/srtradix4/genblk1[0]/divinteration/otfc4/*
add wave -group {Divide} -noupdate /testbenchfp/divsqrt/srtpreproc/*
add wave -group {Divide} -noupdate /testbenchfp/divsqrt/srtradix4/expcalc/*
add wave -group {Divide} -noupdate /testbenchfp/divsqrt/srtfsm/*
add wave -group {Testbench} -noupdate /testbenchfp/*
add wave -group {Testbench} -noupdate /testbenchfp/readvectors/*
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ module divshiftcalc(
// need to multiply the early termination shift by LOGR*DIVCOPIES = left shift of log2(LOGR*DIVCOPIES)
assign DivShiftAmt = (DivResDenorm ? DivDenormShift[$clog2(`NORMSHIFTSZ)-1:0]&{$clog2(`NORMSHIFTSZ){~DivDenormShift[`NE+1]}} : NormShift[$clog2(`NORMSHIFTSZ)-1:0])+{{$clog2(`NORMSHIFTSZ)-`DURLEN-$clog2(`LOGR*`DIVCOPIES){1'b0}}, DivEarlyTermShift&{`DURLEN{~DivDenormShift[`NE+1]}}, ($clog2(`LOGR*`DIVCOPIES))'(0)};
// *** may be able to reduce shifter size
// *** QLEN can be changed to DIVLEN if we figure out what divLEN is - chenge normshiftsize definifion
assign DivShiftIn = {{`NF-1{1'b0}}, Quot, {`NORMSHIFTSZ-`QLEN+1-`NF{1'b0}}};
@ -695,11 +695,10 @@ module testbenchfp;
fcmp fcmp (.FmtE(ModFmt), .FOpCtrlE(OpCtrlVal), .XSgnE(XSgn), .YSgnE(YSgn), .XExpE(XExp), .YExpE(YExp),
.XManE(XMan), .YManE(YMan), .XZeroE(XZero), .YZeroE(YZero), .CmpIntResE(CmpRes),
.XNaNE(XNaN), .YNaNE(YNaN), .XSNaNE(XSNaN), .YSNaNE(YSNaN), .FSrcXE(X), .FSrcYE(Y), .CmpNVE(CmpFlg[4]), .CmpFpResE(FpCmpRes));
srtpreproc srtpreproc(.XManE(XMan), .Dur, .YManE(YMan),.X(DivX),.Dpreproc, .XZeroCnt, .YZeroCnt);
srtfsm srtfsm(.reset, .NextWSN, .NextWCN, .WS, .WC, .Dur, .DivBusy, .DivDone, .clk, .DivStart, .StallM(1'b0), .StallE(1'b0), .XZeroE(XZero), .YZeroE(YZero), .DivStickyE(DivSticky), .XNaNE(XNaN), .YNaNE(YNaN),
.XInfE(XInf), .YInfE(YInf), .NegSticky(DivNegSticky), .EarlyTermShiftE(EarlyTermShift));
srtradix4 srtradix4(.clk, .FmtE(ModFmt), .NegSticky(DivNegSticky), .X(DivX),.Dpreproc, .DivBusy, .XZeroCnt, .YZeroCnt, .FirstWS(WS), .FirstWC(WC), .NextWSN, .NextWCN, .DivStart, .XExpE(XExp), .YExpE(YExp), .XZeroE(XZero), .YZeroE(YZero),
.Quot, .Rem(), .DivCalcExpM(DivCalcExp));
divsqrt divsqrt(.clk, .reset, .FmtE(ModFmt), .XManE(XMan), .YManE(YMan), .XExpE(XExp), .YExpE(YExp),
.XInfE(XInf), .YInfE(YInf), .XZeroE(XZero), .YZeroE(YZero), .XNaNE(XNaN), .YNaNE(YNaN), .DivStartE(DivStart),
.StallE(1'b0), .StallM(1'b0), .DivStickyM(DivSticky), .DivBusy, .DivCalcExpM(DivCalcExp),
.EarlyTermShiftM(EarlyTermShift), .QuotM(Quot), .DivDone);
assign CmpFlg[3:0] = 0;
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