forked from Github_Repos/cvw
Added integer division in srt, parametrized everything to work with integers and floating points, parametrized testbench.
This commit is contained in:
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ if [file exists work] {
vlib work
vlog +incdir+../config/rv64gc +incdir+../config/shared ../src/generic/flop/flop*.sv ../src/generic/
vlog +incdir+../config/rv64gc +incdir+../config/shared ../src/generic/flop/flop*.sv ../src/generic/ ../src/generic/
vopt +acc work.testbench -o workopt
vsim workopt
@ -30,7 +30,11 @@
`include "wally-config.vh"
module srt #(parameter Nf=52) (
`define DIVLEN ((`NF<(`XLEN+1)) ? (`XLEN + 1) : `NF)
`define EXTRAFRACBITS ((`NF<(`XLEN+1)) ? (`XLEN - `NF + 1) : 0)
`define EXTRAINTBITS ((`NF<(`XLEN+1)) ? 0 : (`NF - `XLEN))
module srt (
input logic clk,
input logic Start,
input logic Stall, // *** multiple pipe stages
@ -39,7 +43,7 @@ module srt #(parameter Nf=52) (
// later add exponents, signs, special cases
input logic XSign, YSign,
input logic [`NE-1:0] XExp, YExp,
input logic [Nf-1:0] SrcXFrac, SrcYFrac,
input logic [`NF-1:0] SrcXFrac, SrcYFrac,
input logic [`XLEN-1:0] SrcA, SrcB,
input logic [1:0] Fmt, // Floats: 00 = 16 bit, 01 = 32 bit, 10 = 64 bit, 11 = 128 bit
input logic W64, // 32-bit ints on XLEN=64
@ -47,7 +51,7 @@ module srt #(parameter Nf=52) (
input logic Int, // Choose integer inputs
input logic Sqrt, // perform square root, not divide
output logic rsign,
output logic [Nf-1:0] Quot, Rem, QuotOTFC, // *** later handle integers
output logic [`DIVLEN-1:0] Quot, Rem, QuotOTFC, // *** later handle integers
output logic [`NE-1:0] rExp,
output logic [3:0] Flags
@ -55,38 +59,40 @@ module srt #(parameter Nf=52) (
logic qp, qz, qm; // quotient is +1, 0, or -1
logic [`NE-1:0] calcExp;
logic calcSign;
logic [Nf-1:0] X, Dpreproc;
logic [Nf+3:0] WS, WSA, WSN, WC, WCA, WCN, D, Db, Dsel;
logic [Nf+2:0] rp, rm;
logic [`DIVLEN-1:0] X, Dpreproc;
logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] WS, WSA, WSN, WC, WCA, WCN, D, Db, Dsel;
logic [`DIVLEN+2:0] rp, rm;
logic [$clog2(`XLEN+1)-1:0] intExp;
logic intSign;
srtpreproc #(Nf) preproc(SrcA, SrcB, SrcXFrac, SrcYFrac, Fmt, W64, Signed, Int, Sqrt, X, Dpreproc);
srtpreproc preproc(SrcA, SrcB, SrcXFrac, SrcYFrac, Fmt, W64, Signed, Int, Sqrt, X, Dpreproc, intExp, intSign);
// Top Muxes and Registers
// When start is asserted, the inputs are loaded into the divider.
// Otherwise, the divisor is retained and the partial remainder
// is fed back for the next iteration.
mux2 #(Nf+4) wsmux({WSA[54:0], 1'b0}, {4'b0001, X}, Start, WSN);
flop #(Nf+4) wsflop(clk, WSN, WS);
mux2 #(Nf+4) wcmux({WCA[54:0], 1'b0}, 56'b0, Start, WCN);
flop #(Nf+4) wcflop(clk, WCN, WC);
flopen #(Nf+4) dflop(clk, Start, {4'b0001, Dpreproc}, D);
mux2 #(`DIVLEN+4) wsmux({WSA[`DIVLEN+2:0], 1'b0}, {4'b0001, X}, Start, WSN);
flop #(`DIVLEN+4) wsflop(clk, WSN, WS);
mux2 #(`DIVLEN+4) wcmux({WCA[`DIVLEN+2:0], 1'b0}, {(`DIVLEN+4){1'b0}}, Start, WCN);
flop #(`DIVLEN+4) wcflop(clk, WCN, WC);
flopen #(`DIVLEN+4) dflop(clk, Start, {4'b0001, Dpreproc}, D);
// Quotient Selection logic
// Given partial remainder, select quotient of +1, 0, or -1 (qp, qz, pm)
// Accumulate quotient digits in a shift register
qsel #(Nf) qsel(WS[55:52], WC[55:52], qp, qz, qm);
qacc #(Nf+3) qacc(clk, Start, qp, qz, qm, rp, rm);
qsel2 qsel2(WS[`DIVLEN+3:`DIVLEN], WC[`DIVLEN+3:`DIVLEN], qp, qz, qm);
// Accumulate quotient digits in a shift register (now done in OTFC)
qacc #(`DIVLEN+3) qacc(clk, Start, qp, qz, qm, rp, rm);
flopen #(`NE) expflop(clk, Start, calcExp, rExp);
flopen #(1) signflop(clk, Start, calcSign, rsign);
// Divisor Selection logic
inv dinv(D, Db);
mux3onehot divisorsel(Db, 56'b0, D, qp, qz, qm, Dsel);
mux3onehot #(`DIVLEN) divisorsel(Db, {(`DIVLEN+4){1'b0}}, D, qp, qz, qm, Dsel);
// Partial Product Generation
csa csa(WS, WC, Dsel, qp, WSA, WCA);
csa #(`DIVLEN+4) csa(WS, WC, Dsel, qp, WSA, WCA);
otfc2 otfc2(clk, Start, qp, qz, qm, QuotOTFC);
otfc2 #(`DIVLEN) otfc2(clk, Start, qp, qz, qm, QuotOTFC);
expcalc expcalc(.XExp, .YExp, .calcExp);
@ -95,70 +101,60 @@ module srt #(parameter Nf=52) (
srtpostproc postproc(rp, rm, Quot);
module srtpostproc #(parameter N=52) (
input [N+2:0] rp, rm,
output [N-1:0] Quot
// Submodules //
//assign Quot = rp - rm;
finaladd finaladd(rp, rm, Quot);
module srtpreproc #(parameter Nf=52) (
// Preprocessing //
module srtpreproc (
input logic [`XLEN-1:0] SrcA, SrcB,
input logic [Nf-1:0] SrcXFrac, SrcYFrac,
input logic [`NF-1:0] SrcXFrac, SrcYFrac,
input logic [1:0] Fmt, // Floats: 00 = 16 bit, 01 = 32 bit, 10 = 64 bit, 11 = 128 bit
input logic W64, // 32-bit ints on XLEN=64
input logic Signed, // Interpret integers as signed 2's complement
input logic Int, // Choose integer inputss
input logic Int, // Choose integer inputs
input logic Sqrt, // perform square root, not divide
output logic [Nf-1:0] X, D
output logic [`DIVLEN-1:0] X, D,
output logic [$clog2(`XLEN+1)-1:0] intExp, // Quotient integer exponent
output logic intSign // Quotient integer sign
// Initial: just pass X and Y through for simple fp division
assign X = SrcXFrac;
assign D = SrcYFrac;
logic [$clog2(`XLEN+1)-1:0] zeroCntA, zeroCntB;
logic [`XLEN-1:0] PosA, PosB;
logic [`DIVLEN-1:0] ExtraA, ExtraB, PreprocA, PreprocB, PreprocX, PreprocY;
assign PosA = (Signed & SrcA[`XLEN - 1]) ? -SrcA : SrcA;
assign PosB = (Signed & SrcB[`XLEN - 1]) ? -SrcB : SrcB;
lzc #(`XLEN) lzcA (PosA, zeroCntA);
lzc #(`XLEN) lzcB (PosB, zeroCntB);
assign ExtraA = {1'b0, PosA, {`EXTRAINTBITS{1'b0}}};
assign ExtraB = {1'b0, PosB, {`EXTRAINTBITS{1'b0}}};
assign PreprocA = ExtraA << zeroCntA;
assign PreprocB = ExtraB << (zeroCntB + 1);
assign PreprocX = {SrcXFrac, {`EXTRAFRACBITS{1'b0}}};
assign PreprocY = {SrcYFrac, {`EXTRAFRACBITS{1'b0}}};
assign X = Int ? PreprocA : PreprocX;
assign D = Int ? PreprocB : PreprocY;
assign intExp = zeroCntB - zeroCntA + 1;
assign intSign = Signed & (SrcA[`XLEN - 1] ^ SrcB[`XLEN - 1]);
// mux2 //
module mux2(input logic [55:0] in0, in1,
input logic sel,
output logic [55:0] out);
assign #1 out = sel ? in1 : in0;
// flop //
module flop(clk, in, out);
input clk;
input [55:0] in;
output [55:0] out;
logic [55:0] state;
always @(posedge clk)
state <= #1 in;
assign #1 out = state;
// qsel //
module qsel #(parameter Nf=52) ( // *** eventually just change to 4 bits
input logic [Nf+3:Nf] ps, pc,
// Quotient Selection, Radix 2 //
module qsel2 ( // *** eventually just change to 4 bits
input logic [`DIVLEN+3:`DIVLEN] ps, pc,
output logic qp, qz, qm
logic [Nf+3:Nf] p, g;
logic [`DIVLEN+3:`DIVLEN] p, g;
logic magnitude, sign, cout;
// The quotient selection logic is presented for simplicity, not
@ -169,9 +165,9 @@ module qsel #(parameter Nf=52) ( // *** eventually just change to 4 bits
assign p = ps ^ pc;
assign g = ps & pc;
assign #1 magnitude = ~(&p[54:52]);
assign #1 cout = g[54] | (p[54] & (g[53] | p[53] & g[52]));
assign #1 sign = p[55] ^ cout;
assign #1 magnitude = ~(&p[`DIVLEN+2:`DIVLEN]);
assign #1 cout = g[`DIVLEN+2] | (p[`DIVLEN+2] & (g[`DIVLEN+1] | p[`DIVLEN+1] & g[`DIVLEN]));
assign #1 sign = p[`DIVLEN+3] ^ cout;
/* assign #1 magnitude = ~((ps[54]^pc[54]) & (ps[53]^pc[53]) &
assign #1 sign = (ps[55]^pc[55])^
@ -188,15 +184,16 @@ endmodule
// qacc //
module qacc #(parameter N=55) (
// To be replaced by OTFC
module qacc #(parameter N=68) (
input logic clk,
input logic req,
input logic qp, qz, qm,
output logic [N-1:0] rp, rm
flopr #(N) rmreg(clk, req, {rm[53:0], qm}, rm);
flopr #(N) rpreg(clk, req, {rp[53:0], qp}, rp);
flopr #(N) rmreg(clk, req, {rm[N-2:0], qm}, rm);
flopr #(N) rpreg(clk, req, {rp[N-2:0], qp}, rp);
/* always @(posedge clk)
if (req)
@ -212,11 +209,10 @@ module qacc #(parameter N=55) (
end */
// otfc //
module otfc2 #(parameter N=52) (
// On-The-Fly Converter, Radix 2 //
module otfc2 #(parameter N=65) (
input logic clk,
input logic Start,
input logic qp, qz, qm,
@ -255,16 +251,15 @@ module otfc2 #(parameter N=52) (
QMNext = {QMR, 1'b0};
assign r = Q[54] ? Q[53:2] : Q[52:1];
assign r = Q[N+2] ? Q[N+1:2] : Q[N:1];
// inv //
module inv(input logic [55:0] in,
output logic [55:0] out);
module inv(input logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] in,
output logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] out);
assign #1 out = ~in;
@ -272,14 +267,11 @@ endmodule
// mux3 //
module mux3onehot(in0, in1, in2, sel0, sel1, sel2, out);
input [55:0] in0;
input [55:0] in1;
input [55:0] in2;
input sel0;
input sel1;
input sel2;
output [55:0] out;
module mux3onehot #(parameter N=65) (
input logic [N+3:0] in0, in1, in2,
input logic sel0, sel1, sel2,
output logic [N+3:0] out
// lazy inspection of the selects
// really we should make sure selects are mutually exclusive
@ -290,7 +282,7 @@ endmodule
// csa //
module csa #(parameter N=56) (
module csa #(parameter N=69) (
input logic [N-1:0] in1, in2, in3,
input logic cin,
output logic [N-1:0] out1, out2
@ -305,28 +297,26 @@ module csa #(parameter N=56) (
// insert cin.
assign #1 out1 = in1 ^ in2 ^ in3;
assign #1 out2 = {in1[54:0] & (in2[54:0] | in3[54:0]) |
(in2[54:0] & in3[54:0]), cin};
assign #1 out2 = {in1[N-2:0] & (in2[N-2:0] | in3[N-2:0]) |
(in2[N-2:0] & in3[N-2:0]), cin};
// expcalc //
module expcalc(
input logic [`NE-1:0] XExp, YExp,
output logic [`NE-1:0] calcExp
assign calcExp = XExp - YExp + 11'b01111111111;
assign calcExp = XExp - YExp + (`NE)'(`BIAS);
// signcalc //
module signcalc(
input logic XSign, YSign,
output logic calcSign
@ -336,15 +326,27 @@ module signcalc(
// Postprocessing //
module srtpostproc (
input [`DIVLEN+2:0] rp, rm,
output [`DIVLEN-1:0] Quot
//assign Quot = rp - rm;
finaladd #(`DIVLEN+3) finaladd(rp, rm, Quot);
// finaladd //
module finaladd(
input logic [54:0] rp, rm,
output logic [51:0] r
module finaladd #(parameter N=68) (
input logic [N-1:0] rp, rm,
output logic [N-4:0] r
logic [54:0] diff;
logic [N-1:0] diff;
// this magic block performs the final addition for you
// to convert the positive and negative quotient digits
@ -359,6 +361,6 @@ module finaladd(
// The checker ignores such an error.
assign #1 diff = rp - rm;
assign #1 r = diff[54] ? diff[53:2] : diff[52:1];
assign #1 r = diff[N-1] ? diff[N-2:2] : diff[N-3:1];
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
`define DIVLEN 65
// counter //
@ -37,15 +39,16 @@ endmodule
// testbench //
module testbench;
logic clk;
logic req;
logic done;
logic [63:0] a, b;
logic [51:0] afrac, bfrac;
logic [10:0] aExp, bExp;
logic asign, bsign;
logic [51:0] r, rOTFC;
logic [54:0] rp, rm; // positive quotient digits
logic clk;
logic req;
logic done;
logic [63:0] a, b;
logic [51:0] afrac, bfrac;
logic [10:0] aExp, bExp;
logic asign, bsign;
logic [51:0] r, rOTFC;
logic [`DIVLEN-1:0] Quot, QuotOTFC;
logic [54:0] rp, rm; // positive quotient digits
// Test parameters
parameter MEM_SIZE = 40000;
@ -65,14 +68,14 @@ module testbench;
integer testnum, errors;
// Divider
srt #(52) srt(.clk, .Start(req),
srt srt(.clk, .Start(req),
.Stall(1'b0), .Flush(1'b0),
.XExp(aExp), .YExp(bExp), .rExp,
.XSign(asign), .YSign(bsign), .rsign,
.SrcXFrac(afrac), .SrcYFrac(bfrac),
.SrcA('0), .SrcB('0), .Fmt(2'b00),
.W64(1'b0), .Signed(1'b0), .Int(1'b0), .Sqrt(1'b0),
.Quot(r), .QuotOTFC(rOTFC), .Rem(), .Flags());
.Quot, .QuotOTFC, .Rem(), .Flags());
// Counter
counter counter(clk, req, done);
@ -98,6 +101,8 @@ module testbench;
b = Vec[`memb];
{bsign, bExp, bfrac} = b;
nextr = Vec[`memr];
r = Quot[`DIVLEN:`DIVLEN - 52];
req <= #5 1;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user