forked from Github_Repos/cvw
Finally have the correct replacement policy implementation.
This commit is contained in:
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ module cache #(parameter LINELEN, NUMLINES, NUMWAYS, LOGBWPL, WORDLEN, MUXINTE
if(NUMWAYS > 1) begin:vict
cachereplacementpolicy #(NUMWAYS, SETLEN, OFFSETLEN, NUMLINES) cachereplacementpolicy(
.clk, .reset, .ce(SRAMEnable), .HitWay, .VictimWay, .RAdr, .LRUWriteEn(LRUWriteEn & ~FlushStage));
.clk, .reset, .ce(SRAMEnable), .HitWay, .VictimWay, .RAdr, .LRUWriteEn(LRUWriteEn & ~FlushStage), .SetValid);
end else assign VictimWay = 1'b1; // one hot.
assign CacheHit = | HitWay;
assign VictimDirty = | VictimDirtyWay;
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
// Written: July 20, 2021
// Implements Pseudo LRU
// Tested for Powers of 2.
// A component of the Wally configurable RISC-V project.
@ -35,30 +36,35 @@ module cachereplacementpolicy
input logic [NUMWAYS-1:0] HitWay,
output logic [NUMWAYS-1:0] VictimWay,
input logic [SETLEN-1:0] RAdr,
input logic LRUWriteEn);
input logic LRUWriteEn, SetValid);
logic [NUMWAYS-2:0] LRUEn, LRUMask;
logic [NUMWAYS-2:0] ReplacementBits [NUMLINES-1:0];
logic [NUMWAYS-2:0] LineReplacementBits;
logic [NUMWAYS-2:0] NewReplacement;
logic [NUMWAYS-2:0] NewReplacementD;
logic [SETLEN-1:0] RAdrD;
logic LRUWriteEnD;
logic [NUMWAYS-1:0] Way;
localparam LOGNUMWAYS = $clog2(NUMWAYS);
localparam LEN = NUMWAYS-1;
logic [LOGNUMWAYS-1:0] HitWayEnc;
logic [LEN-1:0] HitWayExpand;
logic [LOGNUMWAYS-1:0] WayEncoded;
logic [NUMWAYS-2:0] WayExpanded;
genvar row;
logic [NUMWAYS-2:0] cEn;
/* verilator lint_off UNOPTFLAT */
// Ross: For some reason verilator does not like this. I checked and it is not a circular path.
logic [NUMWAYS-2:0] MuxEnables;
logic [LOGNUMWAYS-1:0] Intermediate [NUMWAYS-2:0];
/* verilator lint_on UNOPTFLAT */
function integer log2 (integer value);
for (log2=0; value>0; log2=log2+1)
value = value>>1;
return log2;
endfunction // log2
// proposed generic solution
/* -----\/----- EXCLUDED -----\/-----
binencoder #(NUMWAYS) encoder(HitWay, HitWayEnc);
// mux between HitWay on a hit and victimway on a miss.
mux2 #(NUMWAYS) WayMux(HitWay, VictimWay, SetValid, Way);
binencoder #(NUMWAYS) encoder(Way, WayEncoded);
// bit duplication
// expand HitWay as HitWay[3], {{2}{HitWay[2]}}, {{4}{HitWay[1]}, {{8{HitWay[0]}}, ...
@ -66,22 +72,22 @@ module cachereplacementpolicy
localparam integer DuplicationFactor = 2**(LOGNUMWAYS-row-1);
localparam integer StartIndex = NUMWAYS-2 - DuplicationFactor + 1;
localparam integer EndIndex = NUMWAYS-2 - 2 * DuplicationFactor + 2;
assign HitWayExpand[StartIndex : EndIndex] = {{DuplicationFactor}{HitWayEnc[row]}};
assign WayExpanded[StartIndex : EndIndex] = {{DuplicationFactor}{WayEncoded[row]}};
genvar r, a,s;
assign cEn[NUMWAYS-2] = '1;
genvar r, a, s;
assign MuxEnables[NUMWAYS-2] = '1;
for(s = NUMWAYS-2; s >= NUMWAYS/2; s--) begin : enables
localparam p = NUMWAYS - s;
localparam g = $clog2(p);
localparam t0 = s - g;
localparam p = NUMWAYS - s - 1;
localparam g = log2(p);
localparam t0 = s - p;
localparam t1 = t0 - 1;
localparam r = LOGNUMWAYS - g;
assign cEn[t0] = cEn[s] & ~HitWayEnc[r];
assign cEn[t1] = cEn[s] & HitWayEnc[r];
assign MuxEnables[t0] = MuxEnables[s] & ~WayEncoded[r];
assign MuxEnables[t1] = MuxEnables[s] & WayEncoded[r];
mux2 #(1) LRUMuxes[NUMWAYS-2:0](LineReplacementBits, ~HitWayExpand, cEn, NewReplacement);
mux2 #(1) LRUMuxes[NUMWAYS-2:0](LineReplacementBits, ~WayExpanded, MuxEnables, NewReplacement);
always_ff @(posedge clk) begin
if (reset) for (int set = 0; set < NUMLINES; set++) ReplacementBits[set] <= '0;
@ -94,113 +100,19 @@ module cachereplacementpolicy
localparam HalfPoint = (2**$clog2(NUMWAYS)) / 2;
logic [NUMWAYS-2:0] ivec;
assign ivec[HalfPoint-1:0] = LineReplacementBits[HalfPoint-1:0];
for(r = NUMWAYS-2; r >= HalfPoint; r--) begin
for(s = NUMWAYS-2; s >= NUMWAYS/2; s--) begin
localparam p = NUMWAYS - s - 1;
localparam t0 = s - p;
localparam t1 = t0 - 1;
assign Intermediate[s] = LineReplacementBits[s] ? Intermediate[t1] : Intermediate[t0];
for(s = NUMWAYS/2-1; s >= 0; s--) begin
localparam int1 = (NUMWAYS/2-1-s)*2 + 1;
localparam int0 = int1-1;
assign Intermediate[s] = LineReplacementBits[s] ? int1[LOGNUMWAYS-1:0] : int0[LOGNUMWAYS-1:0];
assign VictimWay[0] = ~LineReplacementBits[2] & ~LineReplacementBits[0];
assign VictimWay[1] = ~LineReplacementBits[2] & LineReplacementBits[0];
assign VictimWay[2] = LineReplacementBits[2] & ~LineReplacementBits[1];
assign VictimWay[3] = LineReplacementBits[2] & LineReplacementBits[1];
-----/\----- EXCLUDED -----/\----- */
// *** high priority to clean up
initial begin
assert (NUMWAYS == 2 || NUMWAYS == 4) else $error("Only 2 or 4 ways supported");
// Replacement Bits: Register file
// Needs to be resettable for simulation, but could omit reset for synthesis ***
always_ff @(posedge clk) begin
if (reset) for (int set = 0; set < NUMLINES; set++) ReplacementBits[set] <= '0;
if(ce) begin
if (LRUWriteEn) begin
ReplacementBits[RAdr] <= NewReplacement;
LineReplacementBits <= #1 NewReplacement;
end else begin
LineReplacementBits <= #1 ReplacementBits[RAdr];
genvar index;
if(NUMWAYS == 2) begin : PseudoLRU
assign LRUEn[0] = 1'b0;
assign NewReplacement[0] = HitWay[1];
assign VictimWay[1] = ~LineReplacementBits[0];
assign VictimWay[0] = LineReplacementBits[0];
end else if (NUMWAYS == 4) begin : PseudoLRU
// 1 hot encoding for VictimWay; LRU = LineReplacementBits
//| LRU 2 | LRU 1 | LRU 0 | VictimWay
//| 1 | - | 1 | 0001
//| 1 | - | 0 | 0010
//| 0 | 1 | - | 0100
//| 0 | 0 | - | 1000
assign VictimWay[0] = ~LineReplacementBits[2] & ~LineReplacementBits[0];
assign VictimWay[1] = ~LineReplacementBits[2] & LineReplacementBits[0];
assign VictimWay[2] = LineReplacementBits[2] & ~LineReplacementBits[1];
assign VictimWay[3] = LineReplacementBits[2] & LineReplacementBits[1];
// New LRU bits which are updated is function only of the HitWay.
// However the not updated bits come from the old LRU.
assign LRUEn[2] = |HitWay;
assign LRUEn[1] = HitWay[3] | HitWay[2];
assign LRUEn[0] = HitWay[1] | HitWay[0];
assign LRUMask[2] = HitWay[1] | HitWay[0];
assign LRUMask[1] = HitWay[2];
assign LRUMask[0] = HitWay[0];
mux2 #(1) LRUMuxes[NUMWAYS-2:0](LineReplacementBits, LRUMask, LRUEn, NewReplacement);
/* *** 8-way not yet working - look for a general way to write this for all NUMWAYS
else if (NUMWAYS == 8) begin : PseudoLRU
// selects
assign LRUEn[6] = 1'b1;
assign LRUEn[5] = HitWay[7] | HitWay[6] | HitWay[5] | HitWay[4];
assign LRUEn[4] = HitWay[7] | HitWay[6];
assign LRUEn[3] = HitWay[5] | HitWay[4];
assign LRUEn[2] = HitWay[3] | HitWay[2] | HitWay[1] | HitWay[0];
assign LRUEn[1] = HitWay[3] | HitWay[2];
assign LRUEn[0] = HitWay[1] | HitWay[0];
// mask
assign LRUMask[6] = HitWay[7] | HitWay[6] | HitWay[5] | HitWay[4];
assign LRUMask[5] = HitWay[7] | HitWay[6];
assign LRUMask[4] = HitWay[7];
assign LRUMask[3] = HitWay[5];
assign LRUMask[2] = HitWay[3] | HitWay[2];
assign LRUMask[1] = HitWay[2];
assign LRUMask[0] = HitWay[0];
for(index = 0; index < NUMWAYS-1; index++)
assign NewReplacement[index] = LRUEn[index] ? LRUMask[index] : LineReplacementBits[index];
assign EncVicWay[2] = LineReplacementBits[6];
assign EncVicWay[1] = LineReplacementBits[6] ? LineReplacementBits[5] : LineReplacementBits[2];
assign EncVicWay[0] = LineReplacementBits[6] ? LineReplacementBits[5] ? LineReplacementBits[4] : LineReplacementBits[3] :
LineReplacementBits[2] ? LineReplacementBits[1] : LineReplacementBits[0];
onehotdecoder #(3)
.decoded({VictimWay[0], VictimWay[1], VictimWay[2], VictimWay[3],
VictimWay[4], VictimWay[5], VictimWay[6], VictimWay[7]}));
end */
decoder #(LOGNUMWAYS) decoder (Intermediate[NUMWAYS-2], VictimWay);
Reference in New Issue
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