updated tests to use test title instead of number encoding

This commit is contained in:
Kip Macsai-Goren 2022-01-30 22:56:03 +00:00
parent d4ea8c6ac1
commit 9e3b25c940
9 changed files with 445 additions and 446 deletions

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@ -44,52 +44,52 @@
# test write page tables / entries to phyiscal memory
# sv32 Page table (See Figure 12.12***):
# Level 1 page table, situated at 0x8000D000
.4byte 0x8000D000, 0x20004C01, 0x0 # points to level 0 page table A
.4byte 0x8000D004, 0x200000CB, 0x0 # Vaddr 0x400000 Paddr 0x80000000: aligned megapage, W=0, used for execute tests
.4byte 0x8000D008, 0x20005401, 0x0 # points to level 0 page table B
.4byte 0x8000D00C, 0x000800C7, 0x0 # Vaddr 0xC00000: misaligned megapage
.4byte 0x8000D800, 0x200000CF, 0x0 # Vaddr 0x80000000 Paddr 0x80000000: aligned megapage (program and data memory)
.4byte 0x8000D804, 0x200000DF, 0x0 # Vaddr 0x80400000 Paddr 0x80000000: aligned megapage, U=1 (aliased with program and data memory)
.4byte 0x8000D000, 0x20004C01, write32_test # points to level 0 page table A
.4byte 0x8000D004, 0x200000CB, write32_test # Vaddr 0x400000 Paddr 0x80000000: aligned megapage, W=0, used for execute tests
.4byte 0x8000D008, 0x20005401, write32_test # points to level 0 page table B
.4byte 0x8000D00C, 0x000800C7, write32_test # Vaddr 0xC00000: misaligned megapage
.4byte 0x8000D800, 0x200000CF, write32_test # Vaddr 0x80000000 Paddr 0x80000000: aligned megapage (program and data memory)
.4byte 0x8000D804, 0x200000DF, write32_test # Vaddr 0x80400000 Paddr 0x80000000: aligned megapage, U=1 (aliased with program and data memory)
# Level 0 page table A
.4byte 0x80013000, 0x20007001, 0x0 # Vaddr 0x0000: bad PTE points to level -1 table
.4byte 0x80013004, 0x202000DF, 0x0 # Vaddr 0x1000 Paddr 0x80800000: aligned kilopage, U=1
.4byte 0x80013008, 0x202010D5, 0x0 # Vaddr 0x2000: pad PTE has W but not R
.4byte 0x8001300C, 0x20200817, 0x0 # Vaddr 0x3000: A=0, should cause read fault
.4byte 0x80013010, 0x20200C57, 0x0 # Vaddr 0x4000: D=0, should cause write fault
.4byte 0x80013014, 0x202014C9, 0x0 # Vaddr 0x5000 Paddr 80805000: aligned kilopage, W=R=0
.4byte 0x80013018, 0x0, 0x0 # Vaddr 0x6000: invalid page
.4byte 0x80013000, 0x20007001, write32_test # Vaddr 0x0000: bad PTE points to level -1 table
.4byte 0x80013004, 0x202000DF, write32_test # Vaddr 0x1000 Paddr 0x80800000: aligned kilopage, U=1
.4byte 0x80013008, 0x202010D5, write32_test # Vaddr 0x2000: pad PTE has W but not R
.4byte 0x8001300C, 0x20200817, write32_test # Vaddr 0x3000: A=0, should cause read fault
.4byte 0x80013010, 0x20200C57, write32_test # Vaddr 0x4000: D=0, should cause write fault
.4byte 0x80013014, 0x202014C9, write32_test # Vaddr 0x5000 Paddr 80805000: aligned kilopage, W=R=0
.4byte 0x80013018, 0x0, write32_test # Vaddr 0x6000: invalid page
# Level 0 page table B
.4byte 0x80015FFC, 0x202004C7, 0x0 # Vaddr 0xBFF000 Paddr 0x80801000: aligned kilopage with X=0, U=0
.4byte 0x80015FFC, 0x202004C7, write32_test # Vaddr 0xBFF000 Paddr 0x80801000: aligned kilopage with X=0, U=0
# test write values to Paddrs in each page
# each of these values is used for and some other tests, specified in the comments.
# when a test is supposed to fault, nothing is written into where it'll be reading/executing since it should fault before getting there.
.4byte 0x800AAAA8, 0xBEEF0055, 0x0 # megapage
.4byte 0x800FFAC0, 0xBEEF0033, 0x0 #
.4byte 0x800E3130, 0xBEEF0077, 0x0 #
.4byte 0x808017E0, 0xBEEF0099, 0x0 # kilopage
.4byte 0x80805EA0, 0xBEEF0440, 0x0 #
.4byte 0x80803AA0, 0xBEEF0BB0, 0x0 #
.4byte 0x8000FFA0, 0x11100393, 0x0 # write executable code for "li x7, 0x111; ret" to executable region.
.4byte 0x8000FFA4, 0x00008067, 0x0 # Used for,
.4byte 0x800AAAA8, 0xBEEF0055, write32_test # megapage
.4byte 0x800FFAC0, 0xBEEF0033, write32_test #
.4byte 0x800E3130, 0xBEEF0077, write32_test #
.4byte 0x808017E0, 0xBEEF0099, write32_test # kilopage
.4byte 0x80805EA0, 0xBEEF0440, write32_test #
.4byte 0x80803AA0, 0xBEEF0BB0, write32_test #
.4byte 0x8000FFA0, 0x11100393, write32_test # write executable code for "li x7, 0x111; ret" to executable region.
.4byte 0x8000FFA4, 0x00008067, write32_test # Used for,
# test read values back from Paddrs without translation (this also verifies the previous test)
.4byte 0x0, 0x0, 0x4 # satp.MODE = baremetal / no translation.
.4byte 0x0, 0x0, 0x9 # change to S mode, 0xb written to output
.4byte 0x800AAAA8, 0xBEEF0055, 0x1
.4byte 0x800FFAC0, 0xBEEF0033, 0x1
.4byte 0x800E3130, 0xBEEF0077, 0x1
.4byte 0x808017E0, 0xBEEF0099, 0x1
.4byte 0x80805EA0, 0xBEEF0440, 0x1
.4byte 0x80803AA0, 0xBEEF0BB0, 0x1
.4byte 0x8000FFA0, 0x11100393, 0x1
.4byte 0x8000FFA4, 0x00008067, 0x1
.4byte 0x0, 0x0, goto_baremetal # satp.MODE = baremetal / no translation.
.4byte 0x0, 0x0, goto_s_mode # change to S mode, 0xb written to output
.4byte 0x800AAAA8, 0xBEEF0055, read32_test
.4byte 0x800FFAC0, 0xBEEF0033, read32_test
.4byte 0x800E3130, 0xBEEF0077, read32_test
.4byte 0x808017E0, 0xBEEF0099, read32_test
.4byte 0x80805EA0, 0xBEEF0440, read32_test
.4byte 0x80803AA0, 0xBEEF0BB0, read32_test
.4byte 0x8000FFA0, 0x11100393, read32_test
.4byte 0x8000FFA4, 0x00008067, read32_test
# test check translation works in sv48, read the same values from previous tests, this time with Vaddrs
.4byte 0x0, 0x0, 0x5 # satp.MODE = sv32, Nothing written to output
.4byte 0x4AAAA8, 0xBEEF0055, 0x1 # megapage at Vaddr 0x400000, Paddr 0x80000000
.4byte 0xBFF7E0, 0xBEEF0099, 0x1 # kilopage at Vaddr 0xBFF000, Paddr 0x80201000
.4byte 0x0, 0x0, goto_sv32 # satp.MODE = sv32, Nothing written to output
.4byte 0x4AAAA8, 0xBEEF0055, read32_test # megapage at Vaddr 0x400000, Paddr 0x80000000
.4byte 0xBFF7E0, 0xBEEF0099, read32_test # kilopage at Vaddr 0xBFF000, Paddr 0x80201000
# =========== test page fault tests ===========
@ -97,59 +97,59 @@
# Not tested in rv32/sv32
# test load page fault when reading an address where the valid flag is zero
.4byte 0x6000, 0x0, 0x1
.4byte 0x6000, 0x0, read32_test
# test store page fault if PTE has W and ~R flags set
.4byte 0x2000, 0x0, 0x0
.4byte 0x2000, 0x0, write32_test
# test Fault if last level PTE is a pointer
.4byte 0x0200, 0x0, 0x1
.4byte 0x0200, 0x0, read32_test
# test load page fault on misaligned pages
.4byte 0xC00000, 0x0, 0x1 # misaligned megapage
.4byte 0xC00000, 0x0, read32_test # misaligned megapage
# =========== test PTE Protection flags ===========
# test User flag == 0
# *** reads on pages with U=0 already tested in
.4byte 0x40FFA0, 0x111, 0x2 # fetch success when U=0, priv=S
.4byte 0x80400000, 0x1, 0xA # go to U mode, return to VPN 0x80400000 where PTE.U = 1. 0x9 written to output
.4byte 0xBFFC80, 0xBEEF0550, 0x1 # load page fault when U=0, priv=U
.4byte 0x40FFA0, 0xbad, 0x2 # instr page fault when U=0, priv=U
.4byte 0x40FFA0, 0x111, executable_test # fetch success when U=0, priv=S
.4byte 0x80400000, 0x1, goto_u_mode # go to U mode, return to VPN 0x80400000 where PTE.U = 1. 0x9 written to output
.4byte 0xBFFC80, 0xBEEF0550, read32_test # load page fault when U=0, priv=U
.4byte 0x40FFA0, 0xbad, executable_test # instr page fault when U=0, priv=U
# test User flag == 1
.4byte 0x804FFAC0, 0xBEEF0033, 0x1 # read success when U=1, priv=U
.4byte 0x80000000, 0x1, 0x9 # go back to S mode, return to VPN 0x80000000 where PTE.U = 0. 0x8 written to output
.4byte 0x0, 0x3, 0x7 # set sstatus.[MXR, SUM] = 11
.4byte 0x804E3130, 0xBEEF0077, 0x1 # read success when U=1, priv=S, sstatus.SUM=1
.4byte 0x8040FFA0, 0xbad, 0x2 # instr page fault when U=1, priv=S (with any sstatus.SUM)
.4byte 0x0, 0x2, 0x7 # set sstatus.[MXR, SUM] = 10.
.4byte 0x804FFAC0, 0xBEEF0033, 0x1 # load page fault when U-1, priv=S, sstatus.SUM=0
.4byte 0x804FFAC0, 0xBEEF0033, read32_test # read success when U=1, priv=U
.4byte 0x80000000, 0x1, goto_s_mode # go back to S mode, return to VPN 0x80000000 where PTE.U = 0. 0x8 written to output
.4byte 0x0, 0x3, write_mxr_sum # set sstatus.[MXR, SUM] = 11
.4byte 0x804E3130, 0xBEEF0077, read32_test # read success when U=1, priv=S, sstatus.SUM=1
.4byte 0x8040FFA0, 0xbad, executable_test # instr page fault when U=1, priv=S (with any sstatus.SUM)
.4byte 0x0, 0x2, write_mxr_sum # set sstatus.[MXR, SUM] = 10.
.4byte 0x804FFAC0, 0xBEEF0033, read32_test # load page fault when U-1, priv=S, sstatus.SUM=0
# test Read flag
# *** reads on pages with R=1 already tested in
.4byte 0x0, 0x1, 0x7 # set sstatus.[MXR, SUM] = 01.
.4byte 0x5EA0, 0xBEEF0440, 0x1 # load page fault when R=0, sstatus.MXR=0
.4byte 0x0, 0x3, 0x7 # set sstatus.[MXR, SUM] = 11.
.4byte 0x5EA0, 0xBEEF0440, 0x1 # read success when R=0, MXR=1, X=1
.4byte 0x0, 0x1, write_mxr_sum # set sstatus.[MXR, SUM] = 01.
.4byte 0x5EA0, 0xBEEF0440, read32_test # load page fault when R=0, sstatus.MXR=0
.4byte 0x0, 0x3, write_mxr_sum # set sstatus.[MXR, SUM] = 11.
.4byte 0x5EA0, 0xBEEF0440, read32_test # read success when R=0, MXR=1, X=1
# test Write flag
.4byte 0xBFF290, 0xBEEF0110, 0x0 # write success when W=1
.4byte 0xBFF290, 0xBEEF0110, 0x1 # check write success by reading
.4byte 0x5B78, 0xBEEF0CC0, 0x0 # store page fault when W=0
.4byte 0xBFF290, 0xBEEF0110, write32_test # write success when W=1
.4byte 0xBFF290, 0xBEEF0110, read32_test # check write success by reading
.4byte 0x5B78, 0xBEEF0CC0, write32_test # store page fault when W=0
# test eXecute flag
# *** fetches on pages with X = 1 already tested in
.4byte 0xBFFDE0, 0xbad, 0x2 # instr page fault when X=0
.4byte 0xBFFDE0, 0xbad, executable_test # instr page fault when X=0
# test Accessed flag == 0
.4byte 0x3020, 0xBEEF0770, 0x0 # store page fault when A=0
.4byte 0x3808, 0xBEEF0990, 0x1 # load page fault when A=0
.4byte 0x3020, 0xBEEF0770, write32_test # store page fault when A=0
.4byte 0x3808, 0xBEEF0990, read32_test # load page fault when A=0
# test Dirty flag == 0
.4byte 0x4658, 0xBEEF0AA0, 0x0 # store page fault when D=0
.4byte 0x4AA0, 0xBEEF0BB0, 0x1 # read success when D=0
.4byte 0x4658, 0xBEEF0AA0, write32_test # store page fault when D=0
.4byte 0x4AA0, 0xBEEF0BB0, read32_test # read success when D=0
# terminate tests
.4byte 0x0, 0x0, 0x3 # brings us back into machine mode with a final ecall, writing 0x9 to the output.
.4byte 0x0, 0x0, terminate_test # brings us back into machine mode with a final ecall, writing 0x9 to the output.

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@ -71,49 +71,49 @@
# ----------------- CLINT ---------------------
# Use timecmp register as readable and writable section of the CLINT
.4byte CLINT_BASE + 0x4000, 0xBEEF00B5, 0x0 # 32-bit write: success
.4byte CLINT_BASE + 0x4000, 0xBEEF00B5, 0x1 # 32-bit read: success
.4byte CLINT_BASE + 0x4000, 0xBEEF00B6, 0x12 # 16-bit write: success
.4byte CLINT_BASE + 0x4000, 0xBEEF00B6, 0x15 # 16-bit read: success
.4byte CLINT_BASE + 0x4000, 0xBEEF00B7, 0x13 # 08-bit write: success
.4byte CLINT_BASE + 0x4000, 0xBEEF00B7, 0x16 # 08-bit read: success
.4byte CLINT_BASE + 0x4000, 0xBEEF00B5, write32_test # 32-bit write: success
.4byte CLINT_BASE + 0x4000, 0xBEEF00B5, read32_test # 32-bit read: success
.4byte CLINT_BASE + 0x4000, 0xBEEF00B6, write16_test# 16-bit write: success
.4byte CLINT_BASE + 0x4000, 0xBEEF00B6, read16_test# 16-bit read: success
.4byte CLINT_BASE + 0x4000, 0xBEEF00B7, write08_test# 08-bit write: success
.4byte CLINT_BASE + 0x4000, 0xBEEF00B7, read08_test# 08-bit read: success
.4byte CLINT_BASE, 0xbad, 0x2 # execute: instruction access fault
.4byte CLINT_BASE, 0xbad, executable_test# execute: instruction access fault
# ----------------- PLIC ---------------------
# Write 0x2 instead of wider value to plic address because the register width might change.
.4byte PLIC_BASE + 0x2000, 0x2, 0x0 # 32-bit write: success
.4byte PLIC_BASE + 0x2000, 0x2, 0x1 # 32-bit read: success
.4byte PLIC_BASE, 0xBEEF00BA, 0x12 # 16-bit write: store access fault
.4byte PLIC_BASE, 0xBEEF00BA, 0x15 # 16-bit read: load access fault
.4byte PLIC_BASE, 0xBEEF00BB, 0x13 # 08-bit write: store access fault
.4byte PLIC_BASE, 0xBEEF00BB, 0x16 # 08-bit read: load access fault
.4byte PLIC_BASE + 0x2000, 0x2, write32_test # 32-bit write: success
.4byte PLIC_BASE + 0x2000, 0x2, read32_test # 32-bit read: success
.4byte PLIC_BASE, 0xBEEF00BA, write16_test # 16-bit write: store access fault
.4byte PLIC_BASE, 0xBEEF00BA, read16_test # 16-bit read: load access fault
.4byte PLIC_BASE, 0xBEEF00BB, write08_test # 08-bit write: store access fault
.4byte PLIC_BASE, 0xBEEF00BB, read08_test # 08-bit read: load access fault
.4byte PLIC_BASE, 0xbad, 0x2 # execute: instruction access fault
.4byte PLIC_BASE, 0xbad, executable_test# execute: instruction access fault
# ----------------- UART0 ---------------------
.4byte UART_BASE, 0xBEEF00BD, 0x0 # 32-bit write: store access fault
.4byte UART_BASE, 0xBEEF00BD, 0x1 # 32-bit read: load access fault
.4byte UART_BASE, 0xBEEF00BE, 0x12 # 16-bit write: store access fault
.4byte UART_BASE, 0xBEEF00BE, 0x15 # 16-bit read: load access fault
.4byte UART_BASE, 0xBEEF00BD, write32_test # 32-bit write: store access fault
.4byte UART_BASE, 0xBEEF00BD, read32_test # 32-bit read: load access fault
.4byte UART_BASE, 0xBEEF00BE, write16_test# 16-bit write: store access fault
.4byte UART_BASE, 0xBEEF00BE, read16_test# 16-bit read: load access fault
# Different address for this test so that we write into a writable register in the uart.
.4byte UART_BASE + 0x3, 0xBEEF00BF, 0x13 # 08-bit write: success
.4byte UART_BASE + 0x3, 0xBEEF00BF, 0x16 # 08-bit read: success
.4byte UART_BASE + 0x3, 0xBEEF00BF, write08_test# 08-bit write: success
.4byte UART_BASE + 0x3, 0xBEEF00BF, read08_test# 08-bit read: success
.4byte UART_BASE, 0xbad, 0x2 # execute: instruction access fault
.4byte UART_BASE, 0xbad, executable_test# execute: instruction access fault
# ----------------- GPIO ---------------------
.4byte GPIO_BASE + 0x8, 0xBEEF00C1, 0x0 # 32-bit write: success
.4byte GPIO_BASE + 0x8, 0xBEEF00C1, 0x1 # 32-bit read: success
.4byte GPIO_BASE, 0xBEEF00C2, 0x12 # 16-bit write: store access fault
.4byte GPIO_BASE, 0xBEEF00C2, 0x15 # 16-bit read: load access fault
.4byte GPIO_BASE, 0xBEEF00C3, 0x13 # 08-bit write: store access fault
.4byte GPIO_BASE, 0xBEEF00C3, 0x16 # 08-bit read: load access fault
.4byte GPIO_BASE + 0x8, 0xBEEF00C1, write32_test # 32-bit write: success
.4byte GPIO_BASE + 0x8, 0xBEEF00C1, read32_test# 32-bit read: success
.4byte GPIO_BASE, 0xBEEF00C2, write16_test # 16-bit write: store access fault
.4byte GPIO_BASE, 0xBEEF00C2, read16_test # 16-bit read: load access fault
.4byte GPIO_BASE, 0xBEEF00C3, write08_test # 08-bit write: store access fault
.4byte GPIO_BASE, 0xBEEF00C3, read08_test # 08-bit read: load access fault
.4byte GPIO_BASE, 0xbad, 0x2 # execute: instruction access fault
.4byte GPIO_BASE, 0xbad, executable_test# execute: instruction access fault
# ----------------- Inaccessible ---------------------
@ -121,32 +121,32 @@
# show that load, store, and jalr cause faults in a region not defined by PMAs.
# Tests 'random' place in unimplemented memory
.4byte 0x40000000, 0xBEEF00C7, 0x0 # 32-bit write: store access fault
.4byte 0x40000000, 0xBEEF00C7, 0x1 # 32-bit read: load access fault
.4byte 0x40000000, 0x111, 0x2 # execute: instruction access fault
.4byte 0x40000000, 0xBEEF00C7, write32_test # 32-bit write: store access fault
.4byte 0x40000000, 0xBEEF00C7, read32_test # 32-bit read: load access fault
.4byte 0x40000000, 0x111, executable_test # execute: instruction access fault
# Tests just past the end of each peripheral
.4byte (BOOTROM_BASE+BOOTROM_RANGE+1), 0xBEEF00C8, 0x0 # 32-bit write: store access fault
.4byte (BOOTROM_BASE+BOOTROM_RANGE+1), 0xBEEF00C8, 0x1 # 32-bit read: load access fault
.4byte (BOOTROM_BASE+BOOTROM_RANGE+1), 0x111, 0x2 # execute: instruction access fault
.4byte (BOOTROM_BASE+BOOTROM_RANGE+1), 0xBEEF00C8, write32_test # 32-bit write: store access fault
.4byte (BOOTROM_BASE+BOOTROM_RANGE+1), 0xBEEF00C8, read32_test # 32-bit read: load access fault
.4byte (BOOTROM_BASE+BOOTROM_RANGE+1), 0x111, executable_test # execute: instruction access fault
.4byte (CLINT_BASE+CLINT_RANGE+1), 0xBEEF00C9, 0x0 # 32-bit write: store access fault
.4byte (CLINT_BASE+CLINT_RANGE+1), 0xBEEF00C9, 0x1 # 32-bit read: load access fault
.4byte (CLINT_BASE+CLINT_RANGE+1), 0x111, 0x2 # execute: instruction access fault
.4byte (CLINT_BASE+CLINT_RANGE+1), 0xBEEF00C9, write32_test # 32-bit write: store access fault
.4byte (CLINT_BASE+CLINT_RANGE+1), 0xBEEF00C9, read32_test # 32-bit read: load access fault
.4byte (CLINT_BASE+CLINT_RANGE+1), 0x111, executable_test # execute: instruction access fault
.4byte (PLIC_BASE+PLIC_RANGE+1), 0xBEEF00CA, 0x0 # 32-bit write: store access fault
.4byte (PLIC_BASE+PLIC_RANGE+1), 0xBEEF00CA, 0x1 # 32-bit read: load access fault
.4byte (PLIC_BASE+PLIC_RANGE+1), 0x111, 0x2 # execute: instruction access fault
.4byte (PLIC_BASE+PLIC_RANGE+1), 0xBEEF00CA, write32_test # 32-bit write: store access fault
.4byte (PLIC_BASE+PLIC_RANGE+1), 0xBEEF00CA, read32_test # 32-bit read: load access fault
.4byte (PLIC_BASE+PLIC_RANGE+1), 0x111, executable_test # execute: instruction access fault
.4byte (UART_BASE+UART_RANGE+1), 0xBEEF00CB, 0x13 # 08-bit write: store access fault
.4byte (UART_BASE+UART_RANGE+1), 0xBEEF00CB, 0x16 # 08-bit read: load access fault
.4byte (UART_BASE+UART_RANGE+1), 0x111, 0x2 # execute: instruction access fault
.4byte (UART_BASE+UART_RANGE+1), 0xBEEF00CB, write08_test # 08-bit write: store access fault
.4byte (UART_BASE+UART_RANGE+1), 0xBEEF00CB, read08_test # 08-bit read: load access fault
.4byte (UART_BASE+UART_RANGE+1), 0x111, executable_test # execute: instruction access fault
.4byte (GPIO_BASE+GPIO_RANGE+1), 0xBEEF00CC, 0x0 # 32-bit write: store access fault
.4byte (GPIO_BASE+GPIO_RANGE+1), 0xBEEF00CC, 0x1 # 32-bit read: load access fault
.4byte (GPIO_BASE+GPIO_RANGE+1), 0x111, 0x2 # execute: instruction access fault
.4byte (GPIO_BASE+GPIO_RANGE+1), 0xBEEF00CC, write32_test # 32-bit write: store access fault
.4byte (GPIO_BASE+GPIO_RANGE+1), 0xBEEF00CC, read32_test # 32-bit read: load access fault
.4byte (GPIO_BASE+GPIO_RANGE+1), 0x111, executable_test # execute: instruction access fault
.4byte 0x0, 0x0, 0x3 # terminate tests
.4byte 0x0, 0x0, terminate_test # terminate tests

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@ -46,69 +46,69 @@
# write pmpaddr regs
# | Reg | pmpaddr | pmpcfg | L | A | X | W | R | Comments |
.4byte 0x0, 0x0FFFFFFF, 0xE # | 0 | 0x0FFFFFFF | 1F | 0 | NAPOT | 0 | 1 | 1 | I/O 00000000-7FFFFFFF RW |
.4byte 0x1, 0x20040000, 0xE # | 1 | 0x20040000 | 00 | 0 | OFF | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
.4byte 0x2, 0x2004003F, 0xE # | 2 | 0x2004003F | 09 | 0 | TOR | 0 | 0 | 1 | 80100000-801000FF R |
.4byte 0x3, 0x20040080, 0xE # | 3 | 0x20040080 | 00 | 0 | OFF | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
.4byte 0x4, 0x20040084, 0xE # | 4 | 0x20040084 | 0C | 0 | TOR | 1 | 0 | 0 | 80100200-80100210 X |
.4byte 0x5, 0x200400C0, 0xE # | 5 | 0x200400C0 | 90 | 1 | NA4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 80100300-80100303 locked out |
.4byte 0x6, 0x2004013F, 0xE # | 6 | 0x2004013F | 18 | 0 | NAPOT | 0 | 0 | 0 | 80100400-801004FF no access |
.4byte 0x0, 0x0FFFFFFF, write_pmpaddr_0 # | 0 | 0x0FFFFFFF | 1F | 0 | NAPOT | 0 | 1 | 1 | I/O 00000000-7FFFFFFF RW |
.4byte 0x1, 0x20040000, write_pmpaddr_0 # | 1 | 0x20040000 | 00 | 0 | OFF | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
.4byte 0x2, 0x2004003F, write_pmpaddr_0 # | 2 | 0x2004003F | 09 | 0 | TOR | 0 | 0 | 1 | 80100000-801000FF R |
.4byte 0x3, 0x20040080, write_pmpaddr_0 # | 3 | 0x20040080 | 00 | 0 | OFF | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
.4byte 0x4, 0x20040084, write_pmpaddr_0 # | 4 | 0x20040084 | 0C | 0 | TOR | 1 | 0 | 0 | 80100200-80100210 X |
.4byte 0x5, 0x200400C0, write_pmpaddr_0 # | 5 | 0x200400C0 | 90 | 1 | NA4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 80100300-80100303 locked out |
.4byte 0x6, 0x2004013F, write_pmpaddr_0 # | 6 | 0x2004013F | 18 | 0 | NAPOT | 0 | 0 | 0 | 80100400-801004FF no access |
# Pmpaddr 7-14 are all zeroed out in this test, so they don't need writes.
.4byte 0xF, 0x2FFFFFFF, 0xE # | 15 | 0x2FFFFFFF | 1F | 0 | NAPOT | 1 | 1 | 1 | Main mem 80000000-FFFFFFFF RWX|
.4byte 0xF, 0x2FFFFFFF, write_pmpaddr_0 # | 15 | 0x2FFFFFFF | 1F | 0 | NAPOT | 1 | 1 | 1 | Main mem 80000000-FFFFFFFF RWX|
# write pmpcfg regs with the information in the table above. this should also write the value of these registers to the output.
.4byte 0x0, 0x0009001F, 0xD # write pmpcfg0, output 0x0009001F
.4byte 0x1, 0x0018900C, 0xD # write pmpcfg1, output 0x0018900C
.4byte 0x0, 0x0009001F, write_pmpcfg_0 # write pmpcfg0, output 0x0009001F
.4byte 0x1, 0x0018900C, write_pmpcfg_0 # write pmpcfg1, output 0x0018900C
# pmpcfg2 is zeroed out, so it doesn't need a write
.4byte 0x3, 0x1F000000, 0xD # write pmpcfg3, output 0x1F000000
.4byte 0x3, 0x1F000000, write_pmpcfg_0 # write pmpcfg3, output 0x1F000000
# write known values to memory where W=0. This should be possible since we're in machine mode.
.4byte 0x80100010, 0x600DAA, 0x0 # write to pmpaddr 1-2 range
.4byte 0x80100400, 0x600DBB, 0x0 # write to pmpaddr 6 range
.4byte 0x80100010, 0x600DAA, write32_test # write to pmpaddr 1-2 range
.4byte 0x80100400, 0x600DBB, write32_test # write to pmpaddr 6 range
# Write executable code to regions where X = 0, 1 in main memory
.4byte 0x80100200, 0x11100393, 0x0 # write executable code for "li x7, 0x111; ret" to region with X=1 (PMP4)
.4byte 0x80100204, 0x00008067, 0x0
.4byte 0x80100020, 0x11100393, 0x0 # write same executable code to region with X=0 (PMP2)
.4byte 0x80100024, 0x00008067, 0x0
.4byte 0x80100200, 0x11100393, write32_test # write executable code for "li x7, 0x111; ret" to region with X=1 (PMP4)
.4byte 0x80100204, 0x00008067, write32_test
.4byte 0x80100020, 0x11100393, write32_test # write same executable code to region with X=0 (PMP2)
.4byte 0x80100024, 0x00008067, write32_test
# attempt to write to pmpaddr5 and pmp5cfg after lockout
.4byte 0x1, 0x0018FF0C, 0xD # attempt to edit only pmp5cfg (pmpcfg1[8:15]) after lockout.
.4byte 0x1, 0x0018FF0C, write_pmpcfg_0 # attempt to edit only pmp5cfg (pmpcfg1[8:15]) after lockout.
# instruction ignored, output is 0x0018900C, NOT 0x0018FF0C
.4byte 0x5, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xE # attempt to edit pmpaddr5 after lockout.
.4byte 0x5, 0xFFFFFFFF, write_pmpaddr_0 # attempt to edit pmpaddr5 after lockout.
# instruction ignored, output is 0x200400C0, NOT 0xFFFFFFFF
# Test Machine mode access
.4byte 0x80100300, 0x0, 0x1 # access fault to region with L=1, R=0. This one writes 0x5 as the mcause, not 0xd.
.4byte 0x80100400, 0x0, 0x1 # successful access to region with L=X=W=R=0
.4byte 0x80100300, 0x0, read32_test # access fault to region with L=1, R=0. This one writes 0x5 as the mcause, not 0xd.
.4byte 0x80100400, 0x0, read32_test # successful access to region with L=X=W=R=0
# Test System mode access
.4byte 0x0, 0x0, 0x9 # go to S mode. 0xb written to output
.4byte 0x0, 0x0, goto_s_mode # go to S mode. 0xb written to output
# test a write followed by a read to each region with R=W=1
.4byte 0x80200000, 0x600D15, 0x0 # Write "good value" to RW range (PMP15)
.4byte 0x80200000, 0x600D15, 0x1 # confirm write with read
.4byte 0x80200000, 0x600D15, write32_test # Write "good value" to RW range (PMP15)
.4byte 0x80200000, 0x600D15, read32_test # confirm write with read
# test a write followed by a read on the edges of a read-only range
.4byte 0x800FFFF8, 0x600D02, 0x0 # Write "good value" just below read-only range (PMP2)
.4byte 0x800FFFF8, 0x600D02, 0x1 # confirm write with read
.4byte 0x80100100, 0x600D12, 0x0 # Write "good value" just above read-only range (PMP2)
.4byte 0x80100100, 0x600D12, 0x1 # confirm write with read
.4byte 0x800FFFF8, 0x600D02, write32_test # Write "good value" just below read-only range (PMP2)
.4byte 0x800FFFF8, 0x600D02, read32_test # confirm write with read
.4byte 0x80100100, 0x600D12, write32_test # Write "good value" just above read-only range (PMP2)
.4byte 0x80100100, 0x600D12, read32_test # confirm write with read
# test a read from each read only range verify a write causes an access fault
.4byte 0x80100010, 0xBAD, 0x0 # Write fault in read-only range (PMP2)
.4byte 0x80100010, 0x600DAA, 0x1 # read correct value out
.4byte 0x80100010, 0xBAD, write32_test # Write fault in read-only range (PMP2)
.4byte 0x80100010, 0x600DAA, read32_test # read correct value out
# test read and write fault on region with no access
.4byte 0x80100208, 0x600D15, 0x0 # Write fault on no-access range (PMP6)
.4byte 0x80100208, 0x600D15, 0x1 # read fault on no-access range (PMP6)
.4byte 0x80100208, 0x600D15, write32_test # Write fault on no-access range (PMP6)
.4byte 0x80100208, 0x600D15, read32_test # read fault on no-access range (PMP6)
# test jalr to region with X=0 causes access fault
.4byte 0x80100020, 0xbad, 0x2 # execute fault on no-execute range (PMP2)
.4byte 0x80100020, 0xbad, executable_test # execute fault on no-execute range (PMP2)
# test jalr to region with X=1 returns successfully
.4byte 0x80100200, 0x111, 0x2 # execute success when X=1
.4byte 0x80100200, 0x111, executable_test # execute success when X=1
.4byte 0x0, 0x0, 0x3 // terminate tests
.4byte 0x0, 0x0, terminate_test // terminate tests

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@ -288,37 +288,35 @@ test_loop:
lw x30, 8(x5) # fetch test case flag
addi x5, x5, 12 # set x5 to next test case
slli x30, x30, 2 # multiply test type by 4 to index into jump table
la x7, test_jump_table # load base address of jump table
add x7, x7, x30 # get address of jump table entry
jr x7 # jump to relevant test
# x5 has the symbol for a test's location in the assembly
li x7, 0x3FFFFF
and x30, x30, x7 # This program is always on at least a megapage, so this masks out the megapage offset.
auipc x7, 0x0
srli x7, x7, 22
slli x7, x7, 22 # zero out the bottom 22 bits so the megapage offset of the symbol can be placed there
or x30, x7, x30 # x30 = virtual address of the symbol for this type of test.
jr x30
# Test Name : Description : Fault output value : Normal output values
# ----------------------:---------------------------------------:------------------------:------------------------------------------------------
# write32_test : Write 32 bits to address : 0xf : None
# write16_test : Write 16 bits to address : 0xf : None
# write08_test : Write 8 bits to address : 0xf : None
# read32_test : Read 32 bits from address : 0xd, 0xbad : readvalue in hex
# read16_test : Read 16 bits from address : 0xd, 0xbad : readvalue in hex
# read08_test : Read 8 bits from address : 0xd, 0xbad : readvalue in hex
# executable_test : test executable at address : 0xc, 0xbad : leading 12 bits of the li instr written to address. In general this is 0x111. (be sure to also write a return instruction)
# terminate_test : terminate tests : mcause value for fault : from M 0xb, from S 0x9, from U 0x8
# goto_baremetal : satp.MODE = bare metal : None : None
# goto_sv32 : satp.MODE = sv32 : None : None
# write_mxr_sum : write sstatus.[19:18] = MXR, SUM bits : None : None
# goto_m_mode : go to mahcine mode : mcause value for fault : from M 0xb, from S 0x9, from U 0x8
# goto_s_mode : go to supervisor mode : mcause value for fault : from M 0xb, from S 0x9, from U 0x8
# goto_u_mode : go to user mode : mcause value for fault : from M 0xb, from S 0x9, from U 0x8
# write_pmpcfg_x : Write one of the pmpcfg csr's : mstatuses?, 0xD : readback of pmpcfg value
# write_pmpaddr_x : Write one of the pmpaddr csr's : None : readback of pmpaddr value
# x30 Value : Function : Fault output value : Normal output values
# ----------:---------------------------------------:------------------------:------------------------------------------------------
j write32_test # 0x0 : Write 32 bits to address : 0xf : None
j read32_test # 0x1 : Read 32 bits from address : 0xd, 0xbad : readvalue in hex
j executable_test # 0x2 : test executable at address : 0xc, 0xbad : leading 12 bits of the li instr written to address. In general this is 0x111. (be sure to also write a return instruction)
j terminate_test # 0x3 : terminate tests : mcause value for fault : from M 0xb, from S 0x9, from U 0x8
j goto_baremetal # 0x4 : satp.MODE = bare metal : None : None
j goto_sv32 # 0x5 : satp.MODE = sv32 : None : None
j segfault # 0x6 : Segfault, undefined test
j write_mxr_sum # 0x7 : write sstatus.[19:18] = MXR, SUM bits : None : None
j goto_m_mode # 0x8 : go to mahcine mode : mcause value for fault : from M 0xb, from S 0x9, from U 0x8
j goto_s_mode # 0x9 : go to supervisor mode : mcause value for fault : from M 0xb, from S 0x9, from U 0x8
j goto_u_mode # 0xA : go to user mode : mcause value for fault : from M 0xb, from S 0x9, from U 0x8
j segfault # 0xB : Segfault, undefined test
j segfault # 0xC : Segfault, undefined test
j write_pmpcfg_0 # 0xD : Write one of the pmpcfg csr's : mstatuses?, 0xD : readback of pmpcfg value
j write_pmpaddr_0 # 0xE : Write one of the pmpaddr csr's : None : readback of pmpaddr value
j segfault # 0xF : Segfault, undefined test
j segfault # 0x10 : Segfault, undefined test
j segfault # 0x11 : Segfault, undefined test
j write16_test # 0x12 : Write 16 bits to address : 0xf : None
j write08_test # 0x13 : Write 8 bits to address : 0xf : None
j segfault # 0x14 : Segfault, undefined test
j read16_test # 0x15 : Read 16 bits from address : 0xd, 0xbad : readvalue in hex
j read08_test # 0x16 : Read 8 bits from address : 0xd, 0xbad : readvalue in hex
# address to write in x28, word value in x29

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@ -44,126 +44,126 @@
# test write page tables / entries to phyiscal memory
# sv39 page table (See Figure 12.12***):
# Level 2 page table, situated at 0x8000D000
.8byte 0x000000008000D000, 0x0000000020004C01, 0x0 # points to level 1 page table A
.8byte 0x000000008000D008, 0x0000000020005001, 0x0 # points to level 1 page table B #*** replacing all the pointers DAU bits with 0.
.8byte 0x000000008000D010, 0x00000000200000CF, 0x0 # Vaddr 0x8000_0000, Paddr 0x80000000: aligned gigapage (program and data memory)
.8byte 0x000000008000D018, 0x00004000004000C7, 0x0 # Vaddr 0xC000_0000: misaligned gigapage
.8byte 0x000000008000DFF8, 0x0000000020005401, 0x0 # points to level 1 page table C
.8byte 0x000000008000D000, 0x0000000020004C01, write64_test# points to level 1 page table A
.8byte 0x000000008000D008, 0x0000000020005001, write64_test# points to level 1 page table B #*** replacing all the pointers DAU bits with 0.
.8byte 0x000000008000D010, 0x00000000200000CF, write64_test# Vaddr 0x8000_0000, Paddr 0x80000000: aligned gigapage (program and data memory)
.8byte 0x000000008000D018, 0x00004000004000C7, write64_test# Vaddr 0xC000_0000: misaligned gigapage
.8byte 0x000000008000DFF8, 0x0000000020005401, write64_test # points to level 1 page table C
# Level 1 page table A
.8byte 0x0000000080013000, 0x0000000020006001, 0x0 # points to level 0 page table A
.8byte 0x0000000080013000, 0x0000000020006001, write64_test# points to level 0 page table A
# Level 1 page table B
.8byte 0x0000000080014000, 0x00000000200000CB, 0x0 # Vaddr 0x4000_0000, Paddr 0x80000000: aligned megapage, W=0, used for execution tests
.8byte 0x0000000080014008, 0x00000400000080C3, 0x0 # Vaddr 0x4020_0000: misaligned megapage
.8byte 0x0000000080014010, 0x00000000200000DF, 0x0 # Vaddr 0x4040_0000, Paddr 0x80000000: aligned megapage, aliased with program, U=1
.8byte 0x0000000080014018, 0x00000000210800C9, 0x0 # Vaddr 0x4060_0000, Paddr 0x84200000: R=0, reads should fault
.8byte 0x0000000080014000, 0x00000000200000CB, write64_test# Vaddr 0x4000_0000, Paddr 0x80000000: aligned megapage, W=0, used for execution tests
.8byte 0x0000000080014008, 0x00000400000080C3, write64_test# Vaddr 0x4020_0000: misaligned megapage
.8byte 0x0000000080014010, 0x00000000200000DF, write64_test# Vaddr 0x4040_0000, Paddr 0x80000000: aligned megapage, aliased with program, U=1
.8byte 0x0000000080014018, 0x00000000210800C9, write64_test# Vaddr 0x4060_0000, Paddr 0x84200000: R=0, reads should fault
# Level 1 page table C
.8byte 0x0000000080015FF8, 0x0000000020005801, 0x0 # points to level 0 page table B
.8byte 0x0000000080015FF8, 0x0000000020005801, write64_test# points to level 0 page table B
# Level 0 page table A
.8byte 0x0000000080018000, 0x00000000200070D1, 0x0 # Vaddr 0x0000: bad PTE points to level -1 table
.8byte 0x0000000080018008, 0x00000000200800DF, 0x0 # Vaddr 0x1000, Paddr = 0x80200000: aligned kilopage
.8byte 0x0000000080018010, 0x00000000200810D5, 0x0 # Vaddr 0x2000: bad PTE has W but not R
.8byte 0x0000000080018018, 0x0000000020080817, 0x0 # Vaddr 0x3000 Paddr 0x80202000: A=0, should cause read fault
.8byte 0x0000000080018020, 0x0000000020080C57, 0x0 # Vaddr 0x4000 Paddr 0x80203000: D=0, should cause write fault
.8byte 0x0000000080018028, 0x00000000200814C7, 0x0 # Vaddr 0x5000 Paddr 0x80205000: X=0, fetches should fault
.8byte 0x0000000080018030, 0x00000000200814C0, 0x0 # Vaddr 0x6000: invalid page
.8byte 0x0000000080018000, 0x00000000200070D1, write64_test# Vaddr 0x0000: bad PTE points to level -1 table
.8byte 0x0000000080018008, 0x00000000200800DF, write64_test# Vaddr 0x1000, Paddr = 0x80200000: aligned kilopage
.8byte 0x0000000080018010, 0x00000000200810D5, write64_test# Vaddr 0x2000: bad PTE has W but not R
.8byte 0x0000000080018018, 0x0000000020080817, write64_test# Vaddr 0x3000 Paddr 0x80202000: A=0, should cause read fault
.8byte 0x0000000080018020, 0x0000000020080C57, write64_test# Vaddr 0x4000 Paddr 0x80203000: D=0, should cause write fault
.8byte 0x0000000080018028, 0x00000000200814C7, write64_test# Vaddr 0x5000 Paddr 0x80205000: X=0, fetches should fault
.8byte 0x0000000080018030, 0x00000000200814C0, write64_test# Vaddr 0x6000: invalid page
# Level 0 page table B
.8byte 0x0000000080016FF8, 0x00000000200804CF, 0x0 # Vaddr 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFF000, Paddr 0x80201000 aligned kilopage
.8byte 0x0000000080016FF8, 0x00000000200804CF, write64_test# Vaddr 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFF000, Paddr 0x80201000 aligned kilopage
# test write values to Paddrs in each page
# each of these values is used for and some other tests, specified in the comments.
# when a test is supposed to fault, nothing is written into where it'll be reading/executing since it shuold fault before getting there.
.8byte 0x80200AB0, 0x0000DEADBEEF0000, 0x0 #
.8byte 0x800FFAB8, 0x0880DEADBEEF0055, 0x0 #
.8byte 0x80200AC0, 0x0990DEADBEEF0033, 0x0 #
.8byte 0x80203130, 0x0110DEADBEEF0077, 0x0 #
.8byte 0x80099000, 0x0000806711100393, 0x0 # and write executable code for "li x7, 0x111; ret"
.8byte 0x80205AA0, 0x0000806711100393, 0x0 # write same executable code
.8byte 0x80201888, 0x0220DEADBEEF0099, 0x0 #
.8byte 0x84212348, 0x0330DEADBEEF0440, 0x0 #
.8byte 0x80203AA0, 0x0440DEADBEEF0BB0, 0x0 #
.8byte 0x80200AB0, 0x0000DEADBEEF0000, write64_test#
.8byte 0x800FFAB8, 0x0880DEADBEEF0055, write64_test#
.8byte 0x80200AC0, 0x0990DEADBEEF0033, write64_test#
.8byte 0x80203130, 0x0110DEADBEEF0077, write64_test#
.8byte 0x80099000, 0x0000806711100393, write64_test# and write executable code for "li x7, 0x111; ret"
.8byte 0x80205AA0, 0x0000806711100393, write64_test# write same executable code
.8byte 0x80201888, 0x0220DEADBEEF0099, write64_test#
.8byte 0x84212348, 0x0330DEADBEEF0440, write64_test#
.8byte 0x80203AA0, 0x0440DEADBEEF0BB0, write64_test#
# test read values back from Paddrs without translation (this also verifies the previous test)
.8byte 0x0, 0x0, 0x4 # satp.MODE = baremetal / no translation.
.8byte 0x0, 0x0, 0x9 # change to S mode, 0xb written to output
.8byte 0x80200AB0, 0x0000DEADBEEF0000, 0x1
.8byte 0x800FFAB8, 0x0880DEADBEEF0055, 0x1
.8byte 0x80200AC0, 0x0990DEADBEEF0033, 0x1
.8byte 0x80203130, 0x0110DEADBEEF0077, 0x1
.8byte 0x80201888, 0x0220DEADBEEF0099, 0x1
.8byte 0x84212348, 0x0330DEADBEEF0440, 0x1
.8byte 0x80203AA0, 0x0440DEADBEEF0BB0, 0x1
.8byte 0x0, 0x0, goto_baremetal# satp.MODE = baremetal / no translation.
.8byte 0x0, 0x0, goto_s_mode # change to S mode, 0xb written to output
.8byte 0x80200AB0, 0x0000DEADBEEF0000, read64_test
.8byte 0x800FFAB8, 0x0880DEADBEEF0055, read64_test
.8byte 0x80200AC0, 0x0990DEADBEEF0033, read64_test
.8byte 0x80203130, 0x0110DEADBEEF0077, read64_test
.8byte 0x80201888, 0x0220DEADBEEF0099, read64_test
.8byte 0x84212348, 0x0330DEADBEEF0440, read64_test
.8byte 0x80203AA0, 0x0440DEADBEEF0BB0, read64_test
# test check translation works in sv39, read the same values from previous tests, this time with Vaddrs
.8byte 0x0, 0x0, 0x5 # satp.MODE = sv39, current VPN: gigapage at 0x80000000. Nothing written to output
.8byte 0x80200AB0, 0x0000DEADBEEF0000, 0x1 # gigapage at Vaddr 0x80000000, Paddr 0x80000000
.8byte 0x400FFAB8, 0x0880DEADBEEF0055, 0x1 # megapage at Vaddr 0x40400000, Paddr 0x80000000
.8byte 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFF888, 0x0220DEADBEEF0099, 0x1 # kilopage at Vaddr 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFF000, Paddr 0x80201000
.8byte 0x0, 0x0, goto_sv39 # satp.MODE = sv39, current VPN: gigapage at 0x80000000. Nothing written to output
.8byte 0x80200AB0, 0x0000DEADBEEF0000, read64_test # gigapage at Vaddr 0x80000000, Paddr 0x80000000
.8byte 0x400FFAB8, 0x0880DEADBEEF0055, read64_test # megapage at Vaddr 0x40400000, Paddr 0x80000000
.8byte 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFF888, 0x0220DEADBEEF0099, read64_test # kilopage at Vaddr 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFF000, Paddr 0x80201000
# =========== test page fault tests ===========
# test load page fault if upper bits of Vaddr are not the same
.8byte 0x0010000080000AB0, 0x0, 0x1 # gigapage at Vaddr 0x80000000, Paddr 0x80000000, bad 1 in upper bits
.8byte 0xFF0FFFFFFFFFF888, 0x0, 0x1 # kilopage at Vaddr 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFF000, Paddr 0x80201000, bad 0000 in upper bits
.8byte 0x0010000080000AB0, 0x0, read64_test# gigapage at Vaddr 0x80000000, Paddr 0x80000000, bad 1 in upper bits
.8byte 0xFF0FFFFFFFFFF888, 0x0, read64_test# kilopage at Vaddr 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFF000, Paddr 0x80201000, bad 0000 in upper bits
# test load page fault when reading an address where the valid flag is zero
.8byte 0x6000, 0x0, 0x1
.8byte 0x6000, 0x0, read64_test
# test store page fault if PTE has W and ~R flags set
.8byte 0x2000, 0x0, 0x0
.8byte 0x2000, 0x0, write64_test
# test Fault if last level PTE is a pointer
.8byte 0x0020, 0x0, 0x1
.8byte 0x0020, 0x0, read64_test
# test load page fault on misaligned pages
.8byte 0xC0000000, 0x0, 0x1 # misaligned gigapage
.8byte 0x40200000, 0x0, 0x1 # misaligned megapage
.8byte 0xC0000000, 0x0, read64_test# misaligned gigapage
.8byte 0x40200000, 0x0, read64_test# misaligned megapage
# =========== test PTE Protection flags ===========
# test User flag == 0
# *** reads on pages with U=0 already tested in
.8byte 0x40099000, 0x111, 0x2 # execute success when U=0, priv=S
.8byte 0x40400000, 0x2, 0xA # go to U mode, return to megapage at 0x40400000 where U = 1. 0x9 written to output
.8byte 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFC80, 0x0880DEADBEEF0550, 0x1 # load page fault when U=0, priv=U
.8byte 0x40099000, 0xbad, 0x2 # execute fault when U=0, priv=U
.8byte 0x40099000, 0x111, executable_test # execute success when U=0, priv=S
.8byte 0x40400000, 0x2, goto_u_mode # go to U mode, return to megapage at 0x40400000 where U = 1. 0x9 written to output
.8byte 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFC80, 0x0880DEADBEEF0550, read64_test # load page fault when U=0, priv=U
.8byte 0x40099000, 0xbad, executable_test # execute fault when U=0, priv=U
# test User flag == 1
.8byte 0x1AC0, 0x0990DEADBEEF0033, 0x1 # read success when U=1, priv=U
.8byte 0x80000000, 0x1, 0x9 # go back to S mode, return to gigapage at 0x80000000 where U = 0. 0x8 written to output
.8byte 0x0, 0x3, 0x7 # set sstatus.[MXR, SUM] = 11
.8byte 0x4130, 0x0110DEADBEEF0077, 0x1 # read success when U=1, priv=S, sstatus.SUM=1
.8byte 0x40499000, 0xbad, 0x2 # instr page fault when U=1, priv=S (with any sstatus.SUM)
.8byte 0x0, 0x2, 0x7 # set sstatus.[MXR, SUM] = 10.
.8byte 0x1AC0, 0x0990DEADBEEF0033, 0x1 # load page fault when U-1, priv=S, sstatus.SUM=0
.8byte 0x1AC0, 0x0990DEADBEEF0033, read64_test # read success when U=1, priv=U
.8byte 0x80000000, 0x1, goto_s_mode # go back to S mode, return to gigapage at 0x80000000 where U = 0. 0x8 written to output
.8byte 0x0, 0x3, write_mxr_sum # set sstatus.[MXR, SUM] = 11
.8byte 0x4130, 0x0110DEADBEEF0077, read64_test # read success when U=1, priv=S, sstatus.SUM=1
.8byte 0x40499000, 0xbad, executable_test # instr page fault when U=1, priv=S (with any sstatus.SUM)
.8byte 0x0, 0x2, write_mxr_sum # set sstatus.[MXR, SUM] = 10.
.8byte 0x1AC0, 0x0990DEADBEEF0033, read64_test # load page fault when U-1, priv=S, sstatus.SUM=0
# test Read flag
# *** reads on pages with R=1 already tested in
.8byte 0x0, 0x1, 0x7 # set sstatus.[MXR, SUM] = 01.
.8byte 0x40612348, 0x0330DEADBEEF0440, 0x1 # load page fault when R=0, sstatus.MXR=0
.8byte 0x0, 0x3, 0x7 # set sstatus.[MXR, SUM] = 11.
.8byte 0x40612348, 0x0330DEADBEEF0440, 0x1 # read success when MXR=1, X=1
.8byte 0x0, 0x1, write_mxr_sum # set sstatus.[MXR, SUM] = 01.
.8byte 0x40612348, 0x0330DEADBEEF0440, read64_test # load page fault when R=0, sstatus.MXR=0
.8byte 0x0, 0x3, write_mxr_sum # set sstatus.[MXR, SUM] = 11.
.8byte 0x40612348, 0x0330DEADBEEF0440, read64_test # read success when MXR=1, X=1
# test Write flag
.8byte 0x80AAAAA0, 0x0440DEADBEEF0110, 0x0 # write success when W=1
.8byte 0x80AAAAA0, 0x0440DEADBEEF0110, 0x1 # check write success by reading the same address
.8byte 0x40000000, 0x0220DEADBEEF0BB0, 0x0 # store page fault when W=0
.8byte 0x80AAAAA0, 0x0440DEADBEEF0110, write64_test# write success when W=1
.8byte 0x80AAAAA0, 0x0440DEADBEEF0110, read64_test# check write success by reading the same address
.8byte 0x40000000, 0x0220DEADBEEF0BB0, write64_test# store page fault when W=0
# test eXecute flag
# *** fetches on pages with X = 1 already tested in
.8byte 0x5AA0, 0x1, 0x2 # instr page fault when X=0
.8byte 0x5AA0, 0x1, executable_test # instr page fault when X=0
# test Accessed flag == 0
.8byte 0x36D0, 0x0990DEADBEEF0770, 0x0 # store page fault when A=0
.8byte 0x3AB8, 0x0990DEADBEEF0990, 0x1 # load page fault when A=0
.8byte 0x36D0, 0x0990DEADBEEF0770, write64_test# store page fault when A=0
.8byte 0x3AB8, 0x0990DEADBEEF0990, read64_test# load page fault when A=0
# test Dirty flag == 0
.8byte 0x4658, 0x0440DEADBEEF0AA0, 0x0 # store page fault when D=0
.8byte 0x4AA0, 0x0440DEADBEEF0BB0, 0x1 # read success when D=0
.8byte 0x4658, 0x0440DEADBEEF0AA0, write64_test# store page fault when D=0
.8byte 0x4AA0, 0x0440DEADBEEF0BB0, read64_test# read success when D=0
# terminate tests
.8byte 0x0, 0x0, 0x3 # brings us back into machine mode with a final ecall, writing 0x9 to the output.
.8byte 0x0, 0x0, terminate_test # brings us back into machine mode with a final ecall, writing 0x9 to the output.

View File

@ -46,136 +46,136 @@
# test write page tables / entries to phyiscal memory
# sv48 page table (See Figure 12.12***):
# Level 3 page table, situated at 0x8000D000
.8byte 0x000000008000D000, 0x0000000020004C01, 0x0 # points to level 2 page table A
.8byte 0x000000008000D008, 0x0000000020005001, 0x0 # points to level 2 page table B # Changing DAU bits of each pointer to zero
.8byte 0x000000008000D010, 0x00000000000000C7, 0x0 # Vaddr 0x010000000000, Paddr 0x00000000: aligned terapage
.8byte 0x000000008000D018, 0x00004000004000C7, 0x0 # Vaddr 0x018000000000, misaligned terapage
.8byte 0x000000008000DFF8, 0x0000000020005401, 0x0 # points to level 2 page table C
.8byte 0x000000008000D000, 0x0000000020004C01, write64_test # points to level 2 page table A
.8byte 0x000000008000D008, 0x0000000020005001, write64_test # points to level 2 page table B # Changing DAU bits of each pointer to zero
.8byte 0x000000008000D010, 0x00000000000000C7, write64_test # Vaddr 0x010000000000, Paddr 0x00000000: aligned terapage
.8byte 0x000000008000D018, 0x00004000004000C7, write64_test # Vaddr 0x018000000000, misaligned terapage
.8byte 0x000000008000DFF8, 0x0000000020005401, write64_test # points to level 2 page table C
# Level 2 page table A
.8byte 0x0000000080013010, 0x0000000020006001, 0x0 # points to level 1 page table A
.8byte 0x0000000080013010, 0x0000000020006001, write64_test # points to level 1 page table A
# Level 2 page table B
.8byte 0x0000000080014000, 0x00000000200000CB, 0x0 # Vaddr 0x008000000000, Paddr 0x80000000: aligned gigapage used for execution tests
.8byte 0x0000000080014008, 0x00000000200000DF, 0x0 # Vaddr 0x008040000000, Paddr 0x80000000: aligned gigapage (aliased with data and instr memory) U bit set.
.8byte 0x0000000080014010, 0x00000400080000C3, 0x0 # Vaddr 0x008080000000, misaligned gigapage
.8byte 0x0000000080014000, 0x00000000200000CB, write64_test # Vaddr 0x008000000000, Paddr 0x80000000: aligned gigapage used for execution tests
.8byte 0x0000000080014008, 0x00000000200000DF, write64_test # Vaddr 0x008040000000, Paddr 0x80000000: aligned gigapage (aliased with data and instr memory) U bit set.
.8byte 0x0000000080014010, 0x00000400080000C3, write64_test # Vaddr 0x008080000000, misaligned gigapage
# Level 2 page table C
.8byte 0x0000000080015FF8, 0x0000000020005801, 0x0 # points to level 1 page table B
.8byte 0x0000000080015FF8, 0x0000000020005801, write64_test # points to level 1 page table B
# Level 1 page table A
.8byte 0x0000000080018000, 0x00000000200000CF, 0x0 # Vaddr 0x80000000, Paddr 0x80000000: aligned megapage (data and instr memory)
.8byte 0x0000000080018008, 0x0000000020006401, 0x0 # points to level 0 page table A
.8byte 0x0000000080018010, 0x000000C0000400CF, 0x0 # Vaddr 0x80400000, misaligned megapage
.8byte 0x0000000080018018, 0x00000000214800C9, 0x0 # Vaddr 0x80600000, Paddr 0x85200000: aligned megapage, R=0
.8byte 0x0000000080018000, 0x00000000200000CF, write64_test # Vaddr 0x80000000, Paddr 0x80000000: aligned megapage (data and instr memory)
.8byte 0x0000000080018008, 0x0000000020006401, write64_test # points to level 0 page table A
.8byte 0x0000000080018010, 0x000000C0000400CF, write64_test # Vaddr 0x80400000, misaligned megapage
.8byte 0x0000000080018018, 0x00000000214800C9, write64_test # Vaddr 0x80600000, Paddr 0x85200000: aligned megapage, R=0
# Level 1 page table B
.8byte 0x0000000080016FF8, 0x0000000020006801, 0x0 # points to level 0 page table B
.8byte 0x0000000080016FF8, 0x0000000020006801, write64_test # points to level 0 page table B
# Level 0 page table A
.8byte 0x0000000080019000, 0x00000000200070D1, 0x0 # Vaddr 0x80200000, Paddr 0x8001C000: bad PTE points to level -1 table
.8byte 0x0000000080019008, 0x00000000200800DF, 0x0 # Vaddr 0x80201000, Paddr 0x80200000: aligned kilopage
.8byte 0x0000000080019010, 0x00000000200810DF, 0x0 # Vaddr 0x80202000, Paddr 0x80204000: bad PTE has W but not R
.8byte 0x0000000080019018, 0x0000000020080817, 0x0 # Vaddr 0x80203000, Paddr 0x80202000: A=0, should cause read fault
.8byte 0x0000000080019020, 0x0000000020080C57, 0x0 # Vaddr 0x80204000, Paddr 0x80203000: D=0, should cause write fault
.8byte 0x0000000080019028, 0x0000000020333000, 0x0 # Vaddr 0x80205000, Paddr 0x80CCC000, invalid page.
.8byte 0x0000000080019000, 0x00000000200070D1, write64_test # Vaddr 0x80200000, Paddr 0x8001C000: bad PTE points to level -1 table
.8byte 0x0000000080019008, 0x00000000200800DF, write64_test # Vaddr 0x80201000, Paddr 0x80200000: aligned kilopage
.8byte 0x0000000080019010, 0x00000000200810DF, write64_test # Vaddr 0x80202000, Paddr 0x80204000: bad PTE has W but not R
.8byte 0x0000000080019018, 0x0000000020080817, write64_test # Vaddr 0x80203000, Paddr 0x80202000: A=0, should cause read fault
.8byte 0x0000000080019020, 0x0000000020080C57, write64_test # Vaddr 0x80204000, Paddr 0x80203000: D=0, should cause write fault
.8byte 0x0000000080019028, 0x0000000020333000, write64_test # Vaddr 0x80205000, Paddr 0x80CCC000, invalid page.
# Level 0 page table B
.8byte 0x000000008001AFF8, 0x00000000200804CF, 0x0 # Vaddr 0xFFFFFFFFF000, Paddr 0x80201000: aligned kilopage
.8byte 0x000000008001AFF8, 0x00000000200804CF, write64_test # Vaddr 0xFFFFFFFFF000, Paddr 0x80201000: aligned kilopage
# test write values to Paddrs in each page
# each of these values is used for and some other tests, specified in the comments.
# when a test is supposed to fault, nothing is written into where it'll be reading/executing since it should fault before getting there.
.8byte 0x82777778, 0x0EE0DEADBEEF0CC0, 0x0 # terapage
.8byte 0x85BC0AB0, 0x0000DEADBEEF0000, 0x0 # gigapage
.8byte 0x800F0AB8, 0x0880DEADBEEF0055, 0x0 # megapage
.8byte 0x80201888, 0x0220DEADBEEF0099, 0x0 # kilopage
.8byte 0x80099000, 0x0000806711100393, 0x0 # write executable code for "li x7, 0x111; ret"
.8byte 0x80200400, 0x0000806711100393, 0x0 # write same executable code
.8byte 0x80200AC0, 0x0990DEADBEEF0033, 0x0 #
.8byte 0x80200130, 0x0110DEADBEEF0077, 0x0 #
.8byte 0x85212348, 0x0330DEADBEEF0440, 0x0 #
.8byte 0x88888000, 0x0000806711100393, 0x0 # write same executable code
.8byte 0x80203AA0, 0x0440DEADBEEF0BB0, 0x0 #
.8byte 0x82777778, 0x0EE0DEADBEEF0CC0, write64_test # terapage
.8byte 0x85BC0AB0, 0x0000DEADBEEF0000, write64_test # gigapage
.8byte 0x800F0AB8, 0x0880DEADBEEF0055, write64_test # megapage
.8byte 0x80201888, 0x0220DEADBEEF0099, write64_test # kilopage
.8byte 0x80099000, 0x0000806711100393, write64_test # write executable code for "li x7, 0x111; ret"
.8byte 0x80200400, 0x0000806711100393, write64_test # write same executable code
.8byte 0x80200AC0, 0x0990DEADBEEF0033, write64_test #
.8byte 0x80200130, 0x0110DEADBEEF0077, write64_test #
.8byte 0x85212348, 0x0330DEADBEEF0440, write64_test #
.8byte 0x88888000, 0x0000806711100393, write64_test # write same executable code
.8byte 0x80203AA0, 0x0440DEADBEEF0BB0, write64_test #
# test read values back from Paddrs without translation (this also verifies the previous test)
.8byte 0x0, 0x0, 0x4 # satp.MODE = baremetal / no translation.
.8byte 0x0, 0x0, 0x9 # change to S mode, 0xb written to output
.8byte 0x82777778, 0x0EE0DEADBEEF0CC0, 0x1
.8byte 0x85BC0AB0, 0x0000DEADBEEF0000, 0x1
.8byte 0x800F0AB8, 0x0880DEADBEEF0055, 0x1
.8byte 0x80200AC0, 0x0990DEADBEEF0033, 0x1
.8byte 0x80200130, 0x0110DEADBEEF0077, 0x1
.8byte 0x80201888, 0x0220DEADBEEF0099, 0x1
.8byte 0x85212348, 0x0330DEADBEEF0440, 0x1
.8byte 0x80203AA0, 0x0440DEADBEEF0BB0, 0x1
.8byte 0x0, 0x0, goto_baremetal # satp.MODE = baremetal / no translation.
.8byte 0x0, 0x0, goto_s_mode # change to S mode, 0xb written to output
.8byte 0x82777778, 0x0EE0DEADBEEF0CC0, read64_test
.8byte 0x85BC0AB0, 0x0000DEADBEEF0000, read64_test
.8byte 0x800F0AB8, 0x0880DEADBEEF0055, read64_test
.8byte 0x80200AC0, 0x0990DEADBEEF0033, read64_test
.8byte 0x80200130, 0x0110DEADBEEF0077, read64_test
.8byte 0x80201888, 0x0220DEADBEEF0099, read64_test
.8byte 0x85212348, 0x0330DEADBEEF0440, read64_test
.8byte 0x80203AA0, 0x0440DEADBEEF0BB0, read64_test
# test check translation works in sv48, read the same values from previous tests, this time with Vaddrs
.8byte 0x0, 0x0, 0x6 # satp.MODE = sv48, current VPN: megapage at 0x80000000. Nothing written to output
.8byte 0x10082777778, 0x0EE0DEADBEEF0CC0, 0x1 # terapage at Vaddr 0x010000000000, Paddr 0x0
.8byte 0x8005BC0AB0, 0x0000DEADBEEF0000, 0x1 # gigapage at Vaddr 0x008000000000, Paddr 0x80000000
.8byte 0x800F0AB8, 0x0880DEADBEEF0055, 0x1 # megapage at Vaddr 0x80000000, Paddr 0x80000000
.8byte 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFF888, 0x0220DEADBEEF0099, 0x1 # kilopage at Vaddr 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFF000, Paddr 0x80201000
.8byte 0x0, 0x0, goto_sv48 # satp.MODE = sv48, current VPN: megapage at 0x80000000. Nothing written to output
.8byte 0x10082777778, 0x0EE0DEADBEEF0CC0, read64_test # terapage at Vaddr 0x010000000000, Paddr 0x0
.8byte 0x8005BC0AB0, 0x0000DEADBEEF0000, read64_test # gigapage at Vaddr 0x008000000000, Paddr 0x80000000
.8byte 0x800F0AB8, 0x0880DEADBEEF0055, read64_test # megapage at Vaddr 0x80000000, Paddr 0x80000000
.8byte 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFF888, 0x0220DEADBEEF0099, read64_test # kilopage at Vaddr 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFF000, Paddr 0x80201000
# =========== test page fault tests ===========
# test page fault if upper bits of Vaddr are not the same
.8byte 0x001000800ABC0AB0, 0x0, 0x1 # gigapage at Vaddr 0x008000000000, Paddr 0x80000000, bad 1 in upper bits
.8byte 0xFF0FFFFFFFFFF888, 0x0, 0x1 # kilopage at Vaddr 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFF000, Paddr 0x80201000, bad 0000 in upper bits
.8byte 0x001000800ABC0AB0, 0x0, read64_test# gigapage at Vaddr 0x008000000000, Paddr 0x80000000, bad 1 in upper bits
.8byte 0xFF0FFFFFFFFFF888, 0x0, read64_test# kilopage at Vaddr 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFF000, Paddr 0x80201000, bad 0000 in upper bits
# test read fault when reading an address where the valid flag is zero
.8byte 0x80205000, 0x0, 0x1
.8byte 0x80205000, 0x0, read64_test
# test write fault if PTE has W and ~R flags set
.8byte 0x80202000, 0x0, 0x0
.8byte 0x80202000, 0x0, write64_test
# test Fault if last level PTE is a pointer
.8byte 0x80200000, 0x0, 0x1
.8byte 0x80200000, 0x0, read64_test
# test read fault on misaligned pages
.8byte 0x18000000000, 0x0, 0x1 # misaligned terapage
.8byte 0x8080000000, 0x0, 0x1 # misaligned gigapage
.8byte 0x80400000, 0x0, 0x1 # misaligned megapage
.8byte 0x18000000000, 0x0, read64_test # misaligned terapage
.8byte 0x8080000000, 0x0, read64_test # misaligned gigapage
.8byte 0x80400000, 0x0, read64_test # misaligned megapage
# =========== test PTE Protection flags ===========
# test User flag == 0
# reads on pages with U=0 already tested in
.8byte 0x008000099000, 0x111, 0x2 # execute success when U=0, priv=S
.8byte 0x008040000000, 0x1, 0xA # go to U mode, return to gigapage at 0x008040000000 where PTE.U = 1. 0x9 written to output
.8byte 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFC80, 0x0880DEADBEEF0550, 0x1 # read fault when U=0, priv=U
.8byte 0x008000099000, 0xbad, 0x2 # execute fault when U=0, priv=U
.8byte 0x008000099000, 0x111, executable_test # execute success when U=0, priv=S
.8byte 0x008040000000, 0x1, goto_u_mode # go to U mode, return to gigapage at 0x008040000000 where PTE.U = 1. 0x9 written to output
.8byte 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFC80, 0x0880DEADBEEF0550, read64_test # read fault when U=0, priv=U
.8byte 0x008000099000, 0xbad, executable_test # execute fault when U=0, priv=U
# test User flag == 1
.8byte 0x80201AC0, 0x0990DEADBEEF0033, 0x1 # read success when U=1, priv=U
.8byte 0x80000000, 0x2, 0x9 # go back to S mode, return to megapage at 0x80000000 where PTE.U = 0. 0x8 written to output
.8byte 0x0, 0x3, 0x7 # set sstatus.[MXR, SUM] = 11
.8byte 0x80201130, 0x0110DEADBEEF0077, 0x1 # read success when U=1, priv=S, sstatus.SUM=1
.8byte 0x80201400, 0xbad, 0x2 # execute fault when U=1, priv=S (with any sstatus.SUM)
.8byte 0x0, 0x2, 0x7 # set sstatus.[MXR, SUM] = 10.
.8byte 0x80201AC0, 0x0990DEADBEEF0033, 0x1 # read fault when U=1, priv=S, sstatus.SUM=0
.8byte 0x80201AC0, 0x0990DEADBEEF0033, read64_test # read success when U=1, priv=U
.8byte 0x80000000, 0x2, goto_s_mode
.8byte 0x0, 0x3, write_mxr_sum # set sstatus.[MXR, SUM] = 11
.8byte 0x80201130, 0x0110DEADBEEF0077, read64_test # read success when U=1, priv=S, sstatus.SUM=1
.8byte 0x80201400, 0xbad, executable_test # execute fault when U=1, priv=S (with any sstatus.SUM)
.8byte 0x0, 0x2, write_mxr_sum # set sstatus.[MXR, SUM] = 10.
.8byte 0x80201AC0, 0x0990DEADBEEF0033, read64_test # read fault when U=1, priv=S, sstatus.SUM=0
# test Read flag
# reads on pages with R=1 already tested in
.8byte 0x0, 0x1, 0x7 # set sstatus.[MXR, SUM] = 01.
.8byte 0x80612348, 0x0330DEADBEEF0440, 0x1 # read fault when R=0, sstatus.MXR=0
.8byte 0x0, 0x3, 0x7 # set sstatus.[MXR, SUM] = 11.
.8byte 0x80612348, 0x0330DEADBEEF0440, 0x1 # read success when MXR=1, X=1
.8byte 0x0, 0x1, write_mxr_sum # set sstatus.[MXR, SUM] = 01.
.8byte 0x80612348, 0x0330DEADBEEF0440, read64_test # read fault when R=0, sstatus.MXR=0
.8byte 0x0, 0x3, write_mxr_sum # set sstatus.[MXR, SUM] = 11.
.8byte 0x80612348, 0x0330DEADBEEF0440, read64_test # read success when MXR=1, X=1
# test Write flag
.8byte 0x10080BCDED8, 0x0440DEADBEEF0110, 0x0 # write success when W=1 (corresponding Paddr = 0x80BCDED8)
.8byte 0x10080BCDED8, 0x0440DEADBEEF0110, 0x1 # check write success by reading value back
.8byte 0x8000009E88, 0x0220DEADBEEF0BB0, 0x0 # write fault when W=0
.8byte 0x10080BCDED8, 0x0440DEADBEEF0110, write64_test # write success when W=1 (corresponding Paddr = 0x80BCDED8)
.8byte 0x10080BCDED8, 0x0440DEADBEEF0110, read64_test # check write success by reading value back
.8byte 0x8000009E88, 0x0220DEADBEEF0BB0, write64_test # write fault when W=0
# test eXecute flag
# executes on pages with X = 1 already tested in
.8byte 0x010088888000, 0x2, 0x2 # execute fault when X=0
.8byte 0x010088888000, 0x2, executable_test # execute fault when X=0
# test Accessed flag == 0
.8byte 0x802036D0, 0x0990DEADBEEF0770, 0x0 # write fault when A=0
.8byte 0x80203AB8, 0x0990DEADBEEF0990, 0x1 # read fault when A=0
.8byte 0x802036D0, 0x0990DEADBEEF0770, write64_test # write fault when A=0
.8byte 0x80203AB8, 0x0990DEADBEEF0990, read64_test# read fault when A=0
# test Dirty flag == 0
.8byte 0x80204658, 0x0440DEADBEEF0AA0, 0x0 # write fault when D=0
.8byte 0x80204AA0, 0x0440DEADBEEF0BB0, 0x1 # read success when D=0
.8byte 0x80204658, 0x0440DEADBEEF0AA0, write64_test # write fault when D=0
.8byte 0x80204AA0, 0x0440DEADBEEF0BB0, read64_test# read success when D=0
# terminate tests
.8byte 0x0, 0x0, 0x3 # brings us back into machine mode with a final ecall, writing 0x9 to the output.
.8byte 0x0, 0x0, terminate_test # brings us back into machine mode with a final ecall, writing 0x9 to the output.

View File

@ -71,89 +71,89 @@
# ----------------- CLINT ---------------------
# Use timecmp register as readable and writable section of the CLINT
.8byte CLINT_BASE + 0x4000, 0x0000DEADBEEF00B4, 0x0 # 64-bit write: success
.8byte CLINT_BASE + 0x4000, 0x0000DEADBEEF00B4, 0x1 # 64-bit read: success
.8byte CLINT_BASE + 0x4000, 0x0000DEADBEEF00B5, 0x11 # 32-bit write: success
.8byte CLINT_BASE + 0x4000, 0x0000DEADBEEF00B5, 0x14 # 32-bit read: success
.8byte CLINT_BASE + 0x4000, 0x0000DEADBEEF00B6, 0x12 # 16-bit write: success
.8byte CLINT_BASE + 0x4000, 0x0000DEADBEEF00B6, 0x15 # 16-bit read: success
.8byte CLINT_BASE + 0x4000, 0x0000DEADBEEF00B7, 0x13 # 08-bit write: success
.8byte CLINT_BASE + 0x4000, 0x0000DEADBEEF00B7, 0x16 # 08-bit read: success
.8byte CLINT_BASE + 0x4000, 0x0000DEADBEEF00B4, write64_test # 64-bit write: success
.8byte CLINT_BASE + 0x4000, 0x0000DEADBEEF00B4, read64_test # 64-bit read: success
.8byte CLINT_BASE + 0x4000, 0x0000DEADBEEF00B5, write32_test # 32-bit write: success
.8byte CLINT_BASE + 0x4000, 0x0000DEADBEEF00B5, read32_test # 32-bit read: success
.8byte CLINT_BASE + 0x4000, 0x0000DEADBEEF00B6, write16_test # 16-bit write: success
.8byte CLINT_BASE + 0x4000, 0x0000DEADBEEF00B6, read16_test # 16-bit read: success
.8byte CLINT_BASE + 0x4000, 0x0000DEADBEEF00B7, write08_test # 08-bit write: success
.8byte CLINT_BASE + 0x4000, 0x0000DEADBEEF00B7, read08_test # 08-bit read: success
.8byte CLINT_BASE, 0xbad, 0x2 # execute: instruction access fault
.8byte CLINT_BASE, 0xbad, executable_test# execute: instruction access fault
# ----------------- PLIC ---------------------
.8byte PLIC_BASE, 0x0000DEADBEEF00B8, 0x0 # 64-bit write: store access fault
.8byte PLIC_BASE, 0x0000DEADBEEF00B8, 0x1 # 64-bit read: load access fault
.8byte PLIC_BASE, 0x0000DEADBEEF00B8, write64_test # 64-bit write: store access fault
.8byte PLIC_BASE, 0x0000DEADBEEF00B8, read64_test # 64-bit read: load access fault
# Write 0x2 instead of wider value to plic address because the register width might change.
.8byte PLIC_BASE + 0x2000, 0x2, 0x11 # 32-bit write: success
.8byte PLIC_BASE + 0x2000, 0x2, 0x14 # 32-bit read: success
.8byte PLIC_BASE, 0x0000DEADBEEF00BA, 0x12 # 16-bit write: store access fault
.8byte PLIC_BASE, 0x0000DEADBEEF00BA, 0x15 # 16-bit read: load access fault
.8byte PLIC_BASE, 0x0000DEADBEEF00BB, 0x13 # 08-bit write: store access fault
.8byte PLIC_BASE, 0x0000DEADBEEF00BB, 0x16 # 08-bit read: load access fault
.8byte PLIC_BASE + 0x2000, 0x2, write32_test # 32-bit write: success
.8byte PLIC_BASE + 0x2000, 0x2, read32_test # 32-bit read: success
.8byte PLIC_BASE, 0x0000DEADBEEF00BA, write16_test # 16-bit write: store access fault
.8byte PLIC_BASE, 0x0000DEADBEEF00BA, read16_test # 16-bit read: load access fault
.8byte PLIC_BASE, 0x0000DEADBEEF00BB, write08_test # 08-bit write: store access fault
.8byte PLIC_BASE, 0x0000DEADBEEF00BB, read08_test # 08-bit read: load access fault
.8byte PLIC_BASE, 0xbad, 0x2 # execute: instruction access fault
.8byte PLIC_BASE, 0xbad, executable_test# execute: instruction access fault
# ----------------- UART0 ---------------------
.8byte UART_BASE, 0x0000DEADBEEF00BC, 0x0 # 64-bit write: store access fault
.8byte UART_BASE, 0x0000DEADBEEF00BC, 0x1 # 64-bit read: load access fault
.8byte UART_BASE, 0x0000DEADBEEF00BD, 0x11 # 32-bit write: store access fault
.8byte UART_BASE, 0x0000DEADBEEF00BD, 0x14 # 32-bit read: load access fault
.8byte UART_BASE, 0x0000DEADBEEF00BE, 0x12 # 16-bit write: store access fault
.8byte UART_BASE, 0x0000DEADBEEF00BE, 0x15 # 16-bit read: load access fault
.8byte UART_BASE, 0x0000DEADBEEF00BC, write64_test # 64-bit write: store access fault
.8byte UART_BASE, 0x0000DEADBEEF00BC, read64_test # 64-bit read: load access fault
.8byte UART_BASE, 0x0000DEADBEEF00BD, write32_test # 32-bit write: store access fault
.8byte UART_BASE, 0x0000DEADBEEF00BD, read32_test # 32-bit read: load access fault
.8byte UART_BASE, 0x0000DEADBEEF00BE, write16_test # 16-bit write: store access fault
.8byte UART_BASE, 0x0000DEADBEEF00BE, read16_test # 16-bit read: load access fault
# Different address for this test so that we write into a writable register in the uart.
.8byte UART_BASE + 0x3, 0x0000DEADBEEF00BF, 0x13 # 08-bit write: success
.8byte UART_BASE + 0x3, 0x0000DEADBEEF00BF, 0x16 # 08-bit read: success
.8byte UART_BASE + 0x3, 0x0000DEADBEEF00BF, write08_test # 08-bit write: success
.8byte UART_BASE + 0x3, 0x0000DEADBEEF00BF, read08_test # 08-bit read: success
.8byte UART_BASE, 0xbad, 0x2 # execute: instruction access fault
.8byte UART_BASE, 0xbad, executable_test# execute: instruction access fault
# ----------------- GPIO ---------------------
.8byte GPIO_BASE, 0x0000DEADBEEF00C0, 0x0 # 64-bit write: store access fault
.8byte GPIO_BASE, 0x0000DEADBEEF00C0, 0x1 # 64-bit read: load access fault
.8byte GPIO_BASE + 0x8, 0x0000DEADBEEF00C1, 0x11 # 32-bit write: success
.8byte GPIO_BASE + 0x8, 0x0000DEADBEEF00C1, 0x14 # 32-bit read: success
.8byte GPIO_BASE, 0x0000DEADBEEF00C2, 0x12 # 16-bit write: store access fault
.8byte GPIO_BASE, 0x0000DEADBEEF00C2, 0x15 # 16-bit read: load access fault
.8byte GPIO_BASE, 0x0000DEADBEEF00C3, 0x13 # 08-bit write: store access fault
.8byte GPIO_BASE, 0x0000DEADBEEF00C3, 0x16 # 08-bit read: load access fault
.8byte GPIO_BASE, 0x0000DEADBEEF00C0, write64_test # 64-bit write: store access fault
.8byte GPIO_BASE, 0x0000DEADBEEF00C0, read64_test # 64-bit read: load access fault
.8byte GPIO_BASE + 0x8, 0x0000DEADBEEF00C1, write32_test # 32-bit write: success
.8byte GPIO_BASE + 0x8, 0x0000DEADBEEF00C1, read32_test # 32-bit read: success
.8byte GPIO_BASE, 0x0000DEADBEEF00C2, write16_test # 16-bit write: store access fault
.8byte GPIO_BASE, 0x0000DEADBEEF00C2, read16_test # 16-bit read: load access fault
.8byte GPIO_BASE, 0x0000DEADBEEF00C3, write08_test # 08-bit write: store access fault
.8byte GPIO_BASE, 0x0000DEADBEEF00C3, read08_test # 08-bit read: load access fault
.8byte GPIO_BASE, 0xbad, 0x2 # execute: instruction access fault
.8byte GPIO_BASE, 0xbad, executable_test# execute: instruction access fault
# ----------------- Inaccessible ---------------------
# show that load, store, and jalr cause faults in regions not defined by PMAs.
# Tests 'random' place in unimplemented memory
.8byte 0x40000000, 0x0000DEADBEEF00C7, 0x0 # 64-bit write: store access fault
.8byte 0x40000000, 0x0000DEADBEEF00C7, 0x1 # 64-bit read: load access fault
.8byte 0x40000000, 0x111, 0x2 # execute: instruction access fault
.8byte 0x40000000, 0x0000DEADBEEF00C7, write64_test # 64-bit write: store access fault
.8byte 0x40000000, 0x0000DEADBEEF00C7, read64_test # 64-bit read: load access fault
.8byte 0x40000000, 0x111, executable_test # execute: instruction access fault
# Tests just past the end of each peripheral
.8byte (BOOTROM_BASE+BOOTROM_RANGE+1), 0x0000DEADBEEF00C8, 0x0 # 64-bit write: store access fault
.8byte (BOOTROM_BASE+BOOTROM_RANGE+1), 0x0000DEADBEEF00C8, 0x1 # 64-bit read: load access fault
.8byte (BOOTROM_BASE+BOOTROM_RANGE+1), 0x111, 0x2 # execute: instruction access fault
.8byte (BOOTROM_BASE+BOOTROM_RANGE+1), 0x0000DEADBEEF00C8, write64_test # 64-bit write: store access fault
.8byte (BOOTROM_BASE+BOOTROM_RANGE+1), 0x0000DEADBEEF00C8, read64_test # 64-bit read: load access fault
.8byte (BOOTROM_BASE+BOOTROM_RANGE+1), 0x111, executable_test # execute: instruction access fault
.8byte (CLINT_BASE+CLINT_RANGE+1), 0x0000DEADBEEF00C9, 0x0 # 64-bit write: store access fault
.8byte (CLINT_BASE+CLINT_RANGE+1), 0x0000DEADBEEF00C9, 0x1 # 64-bit read: load access fault
.8byte (CLINT_BASE+CLINT_RANGE+1), 0x111, 0x2 # execute: instruction access fault
.8byte (CLINT_BASE+CLINT_RANGE+1), 0x0000DEADBEEF00C9, write64_test # 64-bit write: store access fault
.8byte (CLINT_BASE+CLINT_RANGE+1), 0x0000DEADBEEF00C9, read64_test # 64-bit read: load access fault
.8byte (CLINT_BASE+CLINT_RANGE+1), 0x111, executable_test # execute: instruction access fault
.8byte (PLIC_BASE+PLIC_RANGE+1), 0x0000DEADBEEF00CA, 0x11 # 32-bit write: store access fault
.8byte (PLIC_BASE+PLIC_RANGE+1), 0x0000DEADBEEF00CA, 0x14 # 32-bit read: load access fault
.8byte (PLIC_BASE+PLIC_RANGE+1), 0x111, 0x2 # execute: instruction access fault
.8byte (PLIC_BASE+PLIC_RANGE+1), 0x0000DEADBEEF00CA, write32_test # 32-bit write: store access fault
.8byte (PLIC_BASE+PLIC_RANGE+1), 0x0000DEADBEEF00CA, read32_test # 32-bit read: load access fault
.8byte (PLIC_BASE+PLIC_RANGE+1), 0x111, executable_test # execute: instruction access fault
.8byte (UART_BASE+UART_RANGE+1), 0x0000DEADBEEF00CB, 0x13 # 08-bit write: store access fault
.8byte (UART_BASE+UART_RANGE+1), 0x0000DEADBEEF00CB, 0x16 # 08-bit read: load access fault
.8byte (UART_BASE+UART_RANGE+1), 0x111, 0x2 # execute: instruction access fault
.8byte (UART_BASE+UART_RANGE+1), 0x0000DEADBEEF00CB, write08_test # 08-bit write: store access fault
.8byte (UART_BASE+UART_RANGE+1), 0x0000DEADBEEF00CB, read08_test # 08-bit read: load access fault
.8byte (UART_BASE+UART_RANGE+1), 0x111, executable_test # execute: instruction access fault
.8byte (GPIO_BASE+GPIO_RANGE+1), 0x0000DEADBEEF00CC, 0x11 # 32-bit write: store access fault
.8byte (GPIO_BASE+GPIO_RANGE+1), 0x0000DEADBEEF00CC, 0x14 # 32-bit read: load access fault
.8byte (GPIO_BASE+GPIO_RANGE+1), 0x111, 0x2 # execute: instruction access fault
.8byte (GPIO_BASE+GPIO_RANGE+1), 0x0000DEADBEEF00CC, write32_test # 32-bit write: store access fault
.8byte (GPIO_BASE+GPIO_RANGE+1), 0x0000DEADBEEF00CC, read32_test # 32-bit read: load access fault
.8byte (GPIO_BASE+GPIO_RANGE+1), 0x111, executable_test # execute: instruction access fault
.8byte 0x0, 0x0, 0x3 # terminate tests
.8byte 0x0, 0x0, terminate_test# terminate tests

View File

@ -45,65 +45,65 @@
# Test Config: Write known values and set PMP config according to table 12.4 in the *** riscv book, copied below
# write pmpaddr regs. Each of these should output the value of the pmpaddr after being written.
# | Reg | pmpaddr | pmpcfg | L | A | X | W | R | Comments |
.8byte 0x0, 0x0FFFFFFF, 0xE # | 0 | 0x0FFFFFFF | 1F | 0 | NAPOT | 0 | 1 | 1 | I/O 00000000-7FFFFFFF RW |
.8byte 0x1, 0x20040000, 0xE # | 1 | 0x20040000 | 00 | 0 | OFF | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
.8byte 0x2, 0x2004003F, 0xE # | 2 | 0x2004003F | 09 | 0 | TOR | 0 | 0 | 1 | 80100000-801000FF R |
.8byte 0x3, 0x20040080, 0xE # | 3 | 0x20040080 | 00 | 0 | OFF | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
.8byte 0x4, 0x20040084, 0xE # | 4 | 0x20040084 | 0C | 0 | TOR | 1 | 0 | 0 | 80100200-80100210 X |
.8byte 0x5, 0x200400C0, 0xE # | 5 | 0x200400C0 | 90 | 1 | NA4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 80100300-80100303 locked out |
.8byte 0x6, 0x2004013F, 0xE # | 6 | 0x2004013F | 18 | 0 | NAPOT | 0 | 0 | 0 | 80100400-801004FF no access |
# *** change the pmpcfg and addr commands to the right number # | Reg | pmpaddr | pmpcfg | L | A | X | W | R | Comments |
.8byte 0x0, 0x0FFFFFFF, write_pmpaddr_0 # | 0 | 0x0FFFFFFF | 1F | 0 | NAPOT | 0 | 1 | 1 | I/O 00000000-7FFFFFFF RW |
.8byte 0x1, 0x20040000, write_pmpaddr_1 # | 1 | 0x20040000 | 00 | 0 | OFF | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
.8byte 0x2, 0x2004003F, write_pmpaddr_2 # | 2 | 0x2004003F | 09 | 0 | TOR | 0 | 0 | 1 | 80100000-801000FF R |
.8byte 0x3, 0x20040080, write_pmpaddr_3 # | 3 | 0x20040080 | 00 | 0 | OFF | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
.8byte 0x4, 0x20040084, write_pmpaddr_4 # | 4 | 0x20040084 | 0C | 0 | TOR | 1 | 0 | 0 | 80100200-80100210 X |
.8byte 0x5, 0x200400C0, write_pmpaddr_5 # | 5 | 0x200400C0 | 90 | 1 | NA4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 80100300-80100303 locked out |
.8byte 0x6, 0x2004013F, write_pmpaddr_6 # | 6 | 0x2004013F | 18 | 0 | NAPOT | 0 | 0 | 0 | 80100400-801004FF no access |
# Pmpaddr 7-14 are all zeroed out in this test, so they don't need writes.
.8byte 0xF, 0x2FFFFFFF, 0xE # | 15 | 0x2FFFFFFF | 1F | 0 | NAPOT | 1 | 1 | 1 | Main mem 80000000-FFFFFFFF RWX|
.8byte 0xF, 0x2FFFFFFF, write_pmpaddr_15 # | 15 | 0x2FFFFFFF | 1F | 0 | NAPOT | 1 | 1 | 1 | Main mem 80000000-FFFFFFFF RWX|
# write pmpcfg regs with the information in the table above. this should also write the value of these registers to the output.
.8byte 0x0, 0x0018900C0009001F, 0xD # write pmpcfg0, output 0x0018900C0009001F
.8byte 0x2, 0x1F00000000000000, 0xD # write pmpcfg2, output 0x1F00000000000000
.8byte 0x0, 0x0018900C0009001F, write_pmpcfg_0 # write pmpcfg0, output 0x0018900C0009001F
.8byte 0x2, 0x1F00000000000000, write_pmpcfg_2 # write pmpcfg2, output 0x1F00000000000000
# write known values to memory where W=0. This should be possible since we're in machine mode.
.8byte 0x80100010, 0x600DAA, 0x0 # write to pmpaddr 1-2 range
.8byte 0x80100400, 0x600DBB, 0x0 # write to pmpaddr 6 range
.8byte 0x80100010, 0x600DAA, write64_test # write to pmpaddr 1-2 range
.8byte 0x80100400, 0x600DBB, write64_test # write to pmpaddr 6 range
# Write executable code to regions where X = 0, 1 in main memory
.8byte 0x80100200, 0x0000806711100393, 0x0 # write executable code for "li x7, 0x111; ret" to region with X=1 (PMP4)
.8byte 0x80100020, 0x0000806711100393, 0x0 # Write same executable code to region with X=0 (PMP2)
.8byte 0x80100200, 0x0000806711100393, write64_test # write executable code for "li x7, 0x111; ret" to region with X=1 (PMP4)
.8byte 0x80100020, 0x0000806711100393, write64_test # Write same executable code to region with X=0 (PMP2)
# attempt to write to pmpaddr5 and pmp5cfg after lockout
.8byte 0x0, 0x0018FF0C0009001F, 0xD # attempt to edit only pmp5cfg (pmpcfg0[47:40]) after lockout.
.8byte 0x0, 0x0018FF0C0009001F, write_pmpcfg_0 # attempt to edit only pmp5cfg (pmpcfg0[47:40]) after lockout.
# instruction ignored, output is 0x0018900C0009001F, NOT 0x0018FF0C0009001F
.8byte 0x5, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xE # attempt to edit pmpaddr5 after lockout.
.8byte 0x5, 0xFFFFFFFF, write_pmpaddr_5 # attempt to edit pmpaddr5 after lockout.
# instruction ignored, output is 0x80100300, NOT 0xFFFFFFFF
# Test Machine mode access
.8byte 0x80100300, 0x0, 0x1 # access fault to region with L=1, R=0
.8byte 0x80100400, 0x0, 0x1 # successful access to region with L=X=W=R=0
.8byte 0x80100300, 0x0, read64_test # access fault to region with L=1, R=0
.8byte 0x80100400, 0x0, read64_test # successful access to region with L=X=W=R=0
# Test System mode access
.8byte 0x0, 0x0, 0x9 # go to S mode. 0xb written to output
.8byte 0x0, 0x0, goto_s_mode # go to S mode. 0xb written to output
# test a write followed by a read to each region with R=W=1
.8byte 0x80200000, 0x600D15, 0x0 # Write "good value" to RW range (PMP15)
.8byte 0x80200000, 0x600D15, 0x1 # confirm write with read
.8byte 0x80200000, 0x600D15, write64_test # Write "good value" to RW range (PMP15)
.8byte 0x80200000, 0x600D15, read64_test # confirm write with read
# test a write followed by a read on the edges of a read-only range
.8byte 0x800FFFF8, 0x600D02, 0x0 # Write "good value" just below read-only range (PMP2)
.8byte 0x800FFFF8, 0x600D02, 0x1 # confirm write with read
.8byte 0x80100100, 0x600D12, 0x0 # Write "good value" just above read-only range (PMP2)
.8byte 0x80100100, 0x600D12, 0x1 # confirm write with read
.8byte 0x800FFFF8, 0x600D02, write64_test # Write "good value" just below read-only range (PMP2)
.8byte 0x800FFFF8, 0x600D02, read64_test # confirm write with read
.8byte 0x80100100, 0x600D12, write64_test # Write "good value" just above read-only range (PMP2)
.8byte 0x80100100, 0x600D12, read64_test # confirm write with read
# test a read from each read only range verify a write causes an access fault
.8byte 0x80100010, 0xBAD, 0x0 # Write fault in read-only range (PMP2)
.8byte 0x80100010, 0x600DAA, 0x1 # read correct value out
.8byte 0x80100010, 0xBAD, write64_test # Write fault in read-only range (PMP2)
.8byte 0x80100010, 0x600DAA, read64_test # read correct value out
# test read and write fault on region with no access
.8byte 0x80100208, 0x600D15, 0x0 # Write fault on no-access range (PMP6)
.8byte 0x80100208, 0x600D15, 0x1 # read fault on no-access range (PMP6)
.8byte 0x80100208, 0x600D15, write64_test # Write fault on no-access range (PMP6)
.8byte 0x80100208, 0x600D15, read64_test # read fault on no-access range (PMP6)
# test jalr to region with X=0 causes access fault
.8byte 0x80100020, 0xbad, 0x2 # execute fault on no-execute range (PMP2)
.8byte 0x80100020, 0xbad, executable_test # execute fault on no-execute range (PMP2)
# test jalr to region with X=1 returns successfully
.8byte 0x80100200, 0x111, 0x2 # execute success when X=1
.8byte 0x80100200, 0x111, executable_test # execute success when X=1
.8byte 0x0, 0x0, 0x3 // terminate tests
.8byte 0x0, 0x0, terminate_test // terminate tests

View File

@ -293,38 +293,39 @@ test_loop:
ld x30, 16(x5) # fetch test case flag
addi x5, x5, 24 # set x5 to next test case
slli x30, x30, 2 # multiply test type by 4 to index into jump table
la x7, test_jump_table # load base address of jump table
add x7, x7, x30 # get address of jump table entry
jr x7 # jump to relevant test
# x5 has the symbol for a test's location in the assembly
li x7, 0x1FFFFF
and x30, x30, x7 # This program is always on at least a megapage, so this masks out the megapage offset.
auipc x7, 0x0
srli x7, x7, 21
slli x7, x7, 21 # zero out the bottom 21 bits so the megapage offset of the symbol can be placed there
or x30, x7, x30 # x30 = virtual address of the symbol for this type of test.
jr x30
# Test Name : Description : Fault output value : Normal output values
# ----------------------:-------------------------------------------:------------------------:------------------------------------------------------
# write64_test : Write 64 bits to address : 0xf : None
# write32_test : Write 32 bits to address : 0xf : None
# write16_test : Write 16 bits to address : 0xf : None
# write08_test : Write 8 bits to address : 0xf : None
# read64_test : Read 64 bits from address : 0xd, 0xbad : readvalue in hex
# read32_test : Read 32 bitsfrom address : 0xd, 0xbad : readvalue in hex
# read16_test : Read 16 bitsfrom address : 0xd, 0xbad : readvalue in hex
# read08_test : Read 8 bitsfrom address : 0xd, 0xbad : readvalue in hex
# executable_test : test executable on virtual page : 0xc, 0xbad : value of x7 modified by exectuion code (usually 0x111)
# terminate_test : terminate tests : mcause value for fault : from M 0xb, from S 0x9, from U 0x8
# goto_baremetal : satp.MODE = bare metal : None : None
# goto_sv39 : satp.MODE = sv39 : None : None
# goto_sv48 : satp.MODE = sv48 : None : None
# write_mxr_sum : write sstatus.[19:18] = MXR, SUM bits : None : None
# goto_m_mode : go to mahcine mode : mcause value for fault : from M 0xb, from S 0x9, from U 0x8
# goto_s_mode : go to supervisor mode : mcause value for fault : from M 0xb, from S 0x9, from U 0x8
# goto_u_mode : go to user mode : mcause value for fault : from M 0xb, from S 0x9, from U 0x8
# write_pmpcfg_x : Write one of the pmpcfg csr's : mstatuses?, 0xD : readback of pmpcfg value
# write_pmpaddr_x : Write one of the pmpaddr csr's : None : readback of pmpaddr value
# x30 Value : Function : Fault output value : Normal output values
# ----------:---------------------------------------:------------------------:------------------------------------------------------
j write64_test # 0x0 : Write 64 bits to address : 0xf : None
j read64_test # 0x1 : Read 64 bits from address : 0xd, 0xbad : readvalue in hex
j executable_test # 0x2 : test executable on virtual page : 0xc, 0xbad : value of x7 modified by exectuion code (usually 0x111)
j terminate_test # 0x3 : terminate tests : mcause value for fault : from M 0xb, from S 0x9, from U 0x8
j goto_baremetal # 0x4 : satp.MODE = bare metal : None : None
j goto_sv39 # 0x5 : satp.MODE = sv39 : None : None
j goto_sv48 # 0x6 : satp.MODE = sv48 : None : None
j write_mxr_sum # 0x7 : write sstatus.[19:18] = MXR, SUM bits : None : None
j goto_m_mode # 0x8 : go to mahcine mode : mcause value for fault : from M 0xb, from S 0x9, from U 0x8
j goto_s_mode # 0x9 : go to supervisor mode : mcause value for fault : from M 0xb, from S 0x9, from U 0x8
j goto_u_mode # 0xA : go to user mode : mcause value for fault : from M 0xb, from S 0x9, from U 0x8
j segfault # 0xB : Segfault, undefined test
j segfault # 0xC : Segfault, undefined test
j write_pmpcfg_0 # 0xD : Write one of the pmpcfg csr's : mstatuses?, 0xD : readback of pmpcfg value
j write_pmpaddr_0 # 0xE : Write one of the pmpaddr csr's : None : None
j segfault # 0xF : Segfault, undefined test
j segfault # 0x10 : Segfault, undefined test
j write32_test # 0x11 : Write 32 bits to address : 0xf : None
j write16_test # 0x12 : Write 16 bits to address : 0xf : None
j write08_test # 0x13 : Write 8 bits to address : 0xf : None
j read32_test # 0x14 : Read 32 bitsfrom address : 0xd, 0xbad : readvalue in hex
j read16_test # 0x15 : Read 16 bitsfrom address : 0xd, 0xbad : readvalue in hex
j read08_test # 0x16 : Read 8 bitsfrom address : 0xd, 0xbad : readvalue in hex
# address to write in x28, double value in x29
sd x29, 0(x28)