Updated Radix2 Sqrt to follow new algorithm

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cturek 2022-07-21 17:36:21 +00:00
parent dad913cb82
commit 9c694b887e

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@ -213,8 +213,8 @@ module fsel2 (
logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] FP, FN, FZ;
// Generate for both positive and negative bits
assign FP = ~S & C;
assign FN = SM | (C & (~C << 2));
assign FP = ~(S << 1) & C;
assign FN = (SM << 1) | (C & (~C << 2));
assign FZ = '0;
// Choose which adder input will be used
@ -283,22 +283,22 @@ module sotfc2(
logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] SNext, SMNext, SMux;
flopr #(`DIVLEN+4) SMreg(clk, Start, SMNext, SM);
mux2 #(`DIVLEN+4) Smux(SNext, {2'b00, Sqrt, {(`DIVLEN+1){1'b0}}}, Start, SMux);
mux2 #(`DIVLEN+4) Smux(SNext, {3'b000, Sqrt, {(`DIVLEN){1'b0}}}, Start, SMux);
flop #(`DIVLEN+4) Sreg(clk, SMux, S);
always_comb begin
if (sp) begin
SNext = S | ((C << 1) & ~(C << 2));
SNext = S | (C & ~(C << 1));
SMNext = S;
end else if (sn) begin
SNext = SM | ((C << 1) & ~(C << 2));
SNext = SM | (C & ~(C << 1));
SMNext = SM;
end else begin // If sp and sn are not true, then sz is
SNext = S;
SMNext = SM | ((C << 1) & ~(C << 2));
SMNext = SM | (C & ~(C << 1));
assign Sq = S[`DIVLEN+1] ? S[`DIVLEN:2] : S[`DIVLEN-1:1];
assign Sq = S[`DIVLEN] ? S[`DIVLEN-1:1] : S[`DIVLEN-2:0];
@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ module creg(input logic clk,
logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] CMux;
mux2 #(`DIVLEN+4) Cmux({1'b1, C[`DIVLEN+3:1]}, {4'b11111, Sqrt, {(`DIVLEN-1){1'b0}}}, Start, CMux);
mux2 #(`DIVLEN+4) Cmux({1'b1, C[`DIVLEN+3:1]}, {4'b1111, Sqrt, {(`DIVLEN-1){1'b0}}}, Start, CMux);
flop #(`DIVLEN+4) cflop(clk, CMux, C);