Merge branch 'main' of into boot

This commit is contained in:
Jacob Pease 2023-01-20 14:53:37 -06:00
commit 4badfae9a4
17 changed files with 259 additions and 222 deletions

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@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ tc = TestCase(
tests64gcimperas = ["imperas64i", "imperas64f", "imperas64d", "imperas64m", "imperas64c"] # unused
tests64gc = ["arch64f", "arch64d", "arch64i", "arch64priv", "arch64c", "arch64m", "wally64a", "wally64periph", "wally64priv"]
tests64gc = ["arch64f", "arch64d", "arch64i", "arch64priv", "arch64c", "arch64m", "arch64zi", "wally64a", "wally64periph", "wally64priv"]
for test in tests64gc:
tc = TestCase(
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ for test in tests64i:
tests32gcimperas = ["imperas32i", "imperas32f", "imperas32m", "imperas32c"] # unused
tests32gc = ["arch32f", "arch32d", "arch32i", "arch32priv", "arch32c", "arch32m", "wally32a", "wally32priv", "wally32periph"]
tests32gc = ["arch32f", "arch32d", "arch32i", "arch32priv", "arch32c", "arch32m", "arch32zi", "wally32a", "wally32priv", "wally32periph"]
for test in tests32gc:
tc = TestCase(

View File

@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
// cache
// Written: July 07, 2021
// Implements the L1 instruction/data cache
// Written: Ross Thompson
// Created: 7 July 2021
// Modified: 20 January 2023
// Purpose: Storage for data and meta data.
// Purpose: Implements the I$ and D$. Interfaces with requests from IEU and HPTW and ahbcacheinterface
// Documentation: RISC-V System on Chip Design Chapter 7 (Figures 7.9, 7.11, and 7.20)
// A component of the CORE-V-WALLY configurable RISC-V project.
@ -53,7 +56,7 @@ module cache #(parameter LINELEN, NUMLINES, NUMWAYS, LOGBWPL, WORDLEN, MUXINTE
input logic SelBusBeat, // Word in cache line comes from BeatCount
input logic [LOGBWPL-1:0] BeatCount, // Beat in burst
input logic [LINELEN-1:0] FetchBuffer, // Buffer long enough to hold entire cache line arriving from bus
output logic [1:0] CacheBusRW, // [1] Read or [0] write bus
output logic [1:0] CacheBusRW, // [1] Read (cache line fetch) or [0] write bus (cache line writeback)
output logic [`PA_BITS-1:0] CacheBusAdr // Address for bus access
@ -63,11 +66,11 @@ module cache #(parameter LINELEN, NUMLINES, NUMWAYS, LOGBWPL, WORDLEN, MUXINTE
localparam SETLEN = $clog2(NUMLINES); // Number of set bits
localparam SETTOP = SETLEN+OFFSETLEN; // Number of set plus offset bits
localparam TAGLEN = `PA_BITS - SETTOP; // Number of tag bits
localparam WORDSPERLINE = LINELEN/WORDLEN; // Number of words in cache line
localparam CACHEWORDSPERLINE = LINELEN/WORDLEN;// Number of words in cache line
localparam LOGCWPL = $clog2(CACHEWORDSPERLINE);// Log2 of ^
localparam FLUSHADRTHRESHOLD = NUMLINES - 1; // Used to determine when flush is complete
localparam LOGLLENBYTES = $clog2(WORDLEN/8); // Number of bits to address a word
localparam LOGCWPL = $clog2(CACHEWORDSPERLINE); // ***
logic SelAdr;
logic [1:0] AdrSelMuxSel;

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@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
// dcache (data cache)
// Written: July 20, 2021
// Implements Pseudo LRU
// Tested for Powers of 2.
// Written: Ross Thompson
// Created: 20 July 2021
// Modified: 20 January 2023
// Purpose: Implements Pseudo LRU. Tested for Powers of 2.
// Documentation: RISC-V System on Chip Design Chapter 7 (Figures 7.8 and 7.16 to 7.19)
// A component of the CORE-V-WALLY configurable RISC-V project.
@ -28,18 +31,19 @@
module cacheLRU
#(parameter NUMWAYS = 4, SETLEN = 9, OFFSETLEN = 5, NUMLINES = 128) (
input logic clk, reset,
input logic CacheEn,
input logic FlushStage,
input logic [NUMWAYS-1:0] HitWay,
input logic [NUMWAYS-1:0] ValidWay,
input logic [SETLEN-1:0] CAdr,
input logic [SETLEN-1:0] PAdr,
input logic LRUWriteEn,
input logic SetValid,
input logic InvalidateCache,
input logic FlushCache,
output logic [NUMWAYS-1:0] VictimWay
input logic clk,
input logic reset,
input logic FlushStage, // Pipeline flush of second stage (prevent writes and bus operations)
input logic CacheEn, // Enable the cache memory arrays. Disable hold read data constant
input logic [NUMWAYS-1:0] HitWay, // Which way is valid and matches PAdr's tag
input logic [NUMWAYS-1:0] ValidWay, // Which ways for a particular set are valid, ignores tag
input logic [SETLEN-1:0] CAdr, // Cache address, the output of the address select mux, NextAdr, PAdr, or FlushAdr
input logic [SETLEN-1:0] PAdr, // Physical address
input logic LRUWriteEn, // Update the LRU state
input logic SetValid, // Set the dirty bit in the selected way and set
input logic InvalidateCache, // Clear all valid bits
input logic FlushCache, // Flush all dirty lines back to memory
output logic [NUMWAYS-1:0] VictimWay // LRU selects a victim to evict
localparam LOGNUMWAYS = $clog2(NUMWAYS);

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@ -1,11 +1,14 @@
// dcache (data cache) fsm
// Written: August 25, 2021
// Implements the L1 data cache fsm
// Written: Ross Thompson
// Created: 25 August 2021
// Modified: 20 January 2023
// Purpose: Controller for the dcache fsm
// Documentation: RISC-V System on Chip Design Chapter 7 (Figure 7.15 and Table 7.1)
// A component of the CORE-V-WALLY configurable RISC-V project.
// Copyright (C) 2021-23 Harvey Mudd College & Oklahoma State University
@ -29,45 +32,41 @@
module cachefsm (
input logic clk,
input logic reset,
// hazard and privilege unit
input logic Stall, // Stall the cache, preventing new accesses. In-flight access finished but does not return to READY
input logic FlushStage, // Pipeline flush of second stage (prevent writes and bus operations)
output logic CacheCommitted, // Cache has started bus operation that shouldn't be interrupted
output logic CacheStall, // Cache stalls pipeline during multicycle operation
// inputs from IEU
input logic FlushStage,
input logic [1:0] CacheRW,
input logic [1:0] CacheAtomic,
input logic FlushCache,
input logic InvalidateCache,
// hazard inputs
input logic Stall,
// Bus inputs
input logic CacheBusAck,
// dcache internals
input logic CacheHit,
input logic LineDirty,
input logic FlushAdrFlag,
input logic FlushWayFlag,
input logic [1:0] CacheRW, // [1] Read, [0] Write
input logic [1:0] CacheAtomic, // Atomic operation
input logic FlushCache, // Flush all dirty lines back to memory
input logic InvalidateCache, // Clear all valid bits
// Bus controls
input logic CacheBusAck, // Bus operation completed
output logic [1:0] CacheBusRW, // [1] Read (cache line fetch) or [0] write bus (cache line writeback)
// performance counter outputs
output logic CacheMiss, // Cache miss
output logic CacheAccess, // Cache access
// hazard outputs
output logic CacheStall,
// counter outputs
output logic CacheMiss,
output logic CacheAccess,
// Bus outputs
output logic CacheCommitted,
output logic [1:0] CacheBusRW,
// dcache internals
output logic SelAdr,
output logic ClearValid,
output logic ClearDirty,
output logic SetDirty,
output logic SetValid,
output logic SelWriteback,
output logic LRUWriteEn,
output logic SelFlush,
output logic FlushAdrCntEn,
output logic FlushWayCntEn,
output logic FlushCntRst,
output logic SelFetchBuffer,
output logic CacheEn
// cache internals
input logic CacheHit, // Exactly 1 way hits
input logic LineDirty, // The selected line and way is dirty
input logic FlushAdrFlag, // On last set of a cache flush
input logic FlushWayFlag, // On the last way for any set of a cache flush
output logic SelAdr, // [0] SRAM reads from NextAdr, [1] SRAM reads from PAdr
output logic ClearValid, // Clear the valid bit in the selected way and set
output logic SetValid, // Set the dirty bit in the selected way and set
output logic ClearDirty, // Clear the dirty bit in the selected way and set
output logic SetDirty, // Set the dirty bit in the selected way and set
output logic SelWriteback, // Overrides cached tag check to select a specific way and set for writeback
output logic LRUWriteEn, // Update the LRU state
output logic SelFlush, // [0] Use SelAdr, [1] SRAM reads/writes from FlushAdr
output logic FlushAdrCntEn, // Enable the counter for Flush Adr
output logic FlushWayCntEn, // Enable the way counter during a flush
output logic FlushCntRst, // Reset both flush counters
output logic SelFetchBuffer, // Bypass the SRAM for a load hit by directly using the read data from the ahbcacheinterface's FetchBuffer
output logic CacheEn // Enable the cache memory arrays. Disable hold read data constant
logic resetDelay;
@ -114,8 +113,6 @@ module cachefsm (
case (CurrState)
STATE_READY: if(InvalidateCache) NextState = STATE_READY;
else if(FlushCache) NextState = STATE_FLUSH;
// Delayed LRU update. Cannot check if victim line is dirty on this cycle.
// To optimize do the fetch first, then eviction if necessary.
else if(AnyMiss & ~LineDirty) NextState = STATE_FETCH;
else if(AnyMiss & LineDirty) NextState = STATE_WRITEBACK;
else NextState = STATE_READY;
@ -142,7 +139,7 @@ module cachefsm (
assign CacheStall = (CurrState == STATE_READY & (FlushCache | AnyMiss)) |
(CurrState == STATE_FETCH) |
(CurrState == STATE_WRITEBACK) |
(CurrState == STATE_WRITE_LINE & ~(StoreAMO)) | // this cycle writes the sram, must keep stalling so the next cycle can read the next hit/miss unless its a write.
(CurrState == STATE_WRITE_LINE) | // this cycle writes the sram, must keep stalling so the next cycle can read the next hit/miss unless its a write.
(CurrState == STATE_FLUSH) |
// write enables internal to cache
@ -174,7 +171,7 @@ module cachefsm (
assign CacheBusRW[0] = (CurrState == STATE_READY & AnyMiss & LineDirty) |
(CurrState == STATE_WRITEBACK & ~CacheBusAck) |
(CurrState == STATE_FLUSH_WRITEBACK & ~CacheBusAck);
// **** can this be simplified?
assign SelAdr = (CurrState == STATE_READY & (StoreAMO | AnyMiss)) | // changes if store delay hazard removed
(CurrState == STATE_FETCH) |
(CurrState == STATE_WRITEBACK) |
@ -182,6 +179,6 @@ module cachefsm (
assign SelFetchBuffer = CurrState == STATE_WRITE_LINE | CurrState == STATE_READ_HOLD;
assign CacheEn = (~Stall | FlushCache | AnyMiss) | (CurrState != STATE_READY) | reset;
assign CacheEn = (~Stall | FlushCache | AnyMiss) | (CurrState != STATE_READY) | reset | InvalidateCache;
endmodule // cachefsm

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@ -1,11 +1,14 @@
// cacheway
// Written: July 07, 2021
// Implements the data, tag, valid, dirty, and replacement bits.
// Written: Ross Thompson
// Created: 7 July 2021
// Modified: 20 January 2023
// Purpose: Storage and read/write access to data cache data, tag valid, dirty, and replacement.
// Documentation: RISC-V System on Chip Design Chapter 7 (Figure 7.12)
// A component of the CORE-V-WALLY configurable RISC-V project.
// Copyright (C) 2021-23 Harvey Mudd College & Oklahoma State University
@ -29,28 +32,28 @@
module cacheway #(parameter NUMLINES=512, LINELEN = 256, TAGLEN = 26,
input logic clk,
input logic CacheEn,
input logic reset,
input logic [$clog2(NUMLINES)-1:0] CAdr,
input logic [`PA_BITS-1:0] PAdr,
input logic [LINELEN-1:0] LineWriteData,
input logic SetValid,
input logic ClearValid,
input logic SetDirty,
input logic ClearDirty,
input logic SelWriteback,
input logic SelFlush,
input logic VictimWay,
input logic FlushWay,
input logic InvalidateCache,
input logic FlushStage,
input logic [LINELEN/8-1:0] LineByteMask,
input logic FlushStage, // Pipeline flush of second stage (prevent writes and bus operations)
input logic CacheEn, // Enable the cache memory arrays. Disable hold read data constant
input logic [$clog2(NUMLINES)-1:0] CAdr, // Cache address, the output of the address select mux, NextAdr, PAdr, or FlushAdr
input logic [`PA_BITS-1:0] PAdr, // Physical address
input logic [LINELEN-1:0] LineWriteData, // Final data written to cache (D$ only)
input logic SetValid, // Set the dirty bit in the selected way and set
input logic ClearValid, // Clear the valid bit in the selected way and set
input logic SetDirty, // Set the dirty bit in the selected way and set
input logic ClearDirty, // Clear the dirty bit in the selected way and set
input logic SelWriteback, // Overrides cached tag check to select a specific way and set for writeback
input logic SelFlush, // [0] Use SelAdr, [1] SRAM reads/writes from FlushAdr
input logic VictimWay, // LRU selected this way as victim to evict
input logic FlushWay, // This way is selected for flush and possible writeback if dirty
input logic InvalidateCache,//Clear all valid bits
input logic [LINELEN/8-1:0] LineByteMask, // Final byte enables to cache (D$ only)
output logic [LINELEN-1:0] ReadDataLineWay,
output logic HitWay,
output logic ValidWay,
output logic DirtyWay,
output logic [TAGLEN-1:0] TagWay);
output logic [LINELEN-1:0] ReadDataLineWay,// This way's read data if valid
output logic HitWay, // This way hits
output logic ValidWay, // This way is valid
output logic DirtyWay, // This way is dirty
output logic [TAGLEN-1:0] TagWay); // THis way's tag if valid
localparam integer WORDSPERLINE = LINELEN/`XLEN;
localparam integer BYTESPERLINE = LINELEN/8;
@ -150,7 +153,7 @@ module cacheway #(parameter NUMLINES=512, LINELEN = 256, TAGLEN = 26,
if (reset) ValidBits <= #1 '0;
if(CacheEn) begin
ValidWay <= #1 ValidBits[CAdr];
if(InvalidateCache & ~FlushStage) ValidBits <= #1 '0;
if(InvalidateCache) ValidBits <= #1 '0;
else if (SetValidEN | (ClearValidWay & ~FlushStage)) ValidBits[CAdr] <= #1 SetValidWay;

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@ -1,11 +1,14 @@
// subcachelineread
// Written: Ross Thompson February 04, 2022
// Muxes the cache line downto the word size. Also include possilbe save/restore registers/muxes.
// Written: Ross Thompson
// Created: 4 February 2022
// Modified: 20 January 2023
// Purpose: Controller for the dcache fsm
// Purpose: Muxes the cache line downto the word size. Also include possilbe save/restore registers/muxes.
// Documentation: RISC-V System on Chip Design Chapter 7
// A component of the CORE-V-WALLY configurable RISC-V project.
// Copyright (C) 2021-23 Harvey Mudd College & Oklahoma State University
@ -26,10 +29,12 @@
`include "wally-config.vh"
module subcachelineread #(parameter LINELEN, WORDLEN, MUXINTERVAL)(
input logic [$clog2(LINELEN/8) - $clog2(MUXINTERVAL/8) - 1 : 0] PAdr,
input logic [LINELEN-1:0] ReadDataLine,
output logic [WORDLEN-1:0] ReadDataWord
module subcachelineread #(parameter LINELEN, WORDLEN,
parameter MUXINTERVAL // The number of bits between mux. Set to 16 for I$ to support compressed. Set to `LLEN for D$
input logic [$clog2(LINELEN/8) - $clog2(MUXINTERVAL/8) - 1 : 0] PAdr, // Physical address
input logic [LINELEN-1:0] ReadDataLine,// Read data of the whole cacheline
output logic [WORDLEN-1:0] ReadDataWord // read data of selected word.

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@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
// 1 port sram.
// Written: May 3, 2021
// Written:
// Created: 3 May 2021
// Modified: 20 January 2023
// Purpose: Storage and read/write access to data cache data, tag valid, dirty, and replacement.
// Basic sram with 1 read write port.
// When clk rises Addr and LineWriteData are sampled.
// Following the clk edge read data is output from the sampled Addr.
// Write
// Purpose: Storage and read/write access to data cache data, tag valid, dirty, and replacement.
// Documentation:
// A component of the CORE-V-WALLY configurable RISC-V project.

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@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
`include "wally-config.vh"
// This comparator is best
module comparator_dc_flip #(parameter WIDTH=64) (
module comparator #(parameter WIDTH=64) (
input logic [WIDTH-1:0] a, b, // Operands
input logic sgnd, // Signed operands
output logic [1:0] flags); // Output flags: {eq, lt}

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@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ module datapath (
mux3 #(`XLEN) faemux(R1E, ResultW, IFResultM, ForwardAE, ForwardedSrcAE);
mux3 #(`XLEN) fbemux(R2E, ResultW, IFResultM, ForwardBE, ForwardedSrcBE);
comparator_dc_flip #(`XLEN) comp(ForwardedSrcAE, ForwardedSrcBE, BranchSignedE, FlagsE);
comparator #(`XLEN) comp(ForwardedSrcAE, ForwardedSrcBE, BranchSignedE, FlagsE);
mux2 #(`XLEN) srcamux(ForwardedSrcAE, PCE, ALUSrcAE, SrcAE);
mux2 #(`XLEN) srcbmux(ForwardedSrcBE, ImmExtE, ALUSrcBE, SrcBE);
alu #(`XLEN) alu(SrcAE, SrcBE, ALUControlE, Funct3E, ALUResultE, IEUAdrE);

View File

@ -38,13 +38,13 @@ module bpred (
input logic [`XLEN-1:0] PCNextF, // Next Fetch Address
input logic [`XLEN-1:0] PCPlus2or4F, // PCF+2/4
output logic [`XLEN-1:0] PCNext1F, // Branch Predictor predicted or corrected fetch address on miss prediction
output logic [`XLEN-1:0] NextValidPCE, // Address of next valid instruction after the instruction in the Memory stage.
output logic [`XLEN-1:0] NextValidPCE, // Address of next valid instruction after the instruction in the Memory stage
// Update Predictor
input logic [`XLEN-1:0] PCF, // Fetch stage instruction address.
input logic [`XLEN-1:0] PCD, // Decode stage instruction address. Also the address the branch predictor took.
input logic [`XLEN-1:0] PCE, // Execution stage instruction address.
input logic [`XLEN-1:0] PCM, // Memory stage instruction address.
input logic [`XLEN-1:0] PCF, // Fetch stage instruction address
input logic [`XLEN-1:0] PCD, // Decode stage instruction address. Also the address the branch predictor took
input logic [`XLEN-1:0] PCE, // Execution stage instruction address
input logic [`XLEN-1:0] PCM, // Memory stage instruction address
// Branch and jump outcome
input logic PCSrcE, // Executation stage branch is taken
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@ module bpred (
output logic [3:0] InstrClassM, // The valid instruction class. 1-hot encoded as jalr, ret, jr (not ret), j, br
// Report branch prediction status
output logic BPPredWrongE, // Prediction is wrong.
output logic DirPredictionWrongM, // Prediction direction is wrong.
output logic BTBPredPCWrongM, // Prediction target wrong.
output logic RASPredPCWrongM, // RAS prediction is wrong.
output logic PredictionInstrClassWrongM // Class prediction is wrong.
output logic BPPredWrongE, // Prediction is wrong
output logic DirPredictionWrongM, // Prediction direction is wrong
output logic BTBPredPCWrongM, // Prediction target wrong
output logic RASPredPCWrongM, // RAS prediction is wrong
output logic PredictionInstrClassWrongM // Class prediction is wrong
logic BTBValidF;

View File

@ -31,89 +31,101 @@ module ifu (
input logic clk, reset,
input logic StallF, StallD, StallE, StallM, StallW,
input logic FlushD, FlushE, FlushM, FlushW,
(* mark_debug = "true" *) output logic IFUStallF, // IFU stalsl pipeline during a multicycle operation
// Command from CPU
input logic InvalidateICacheM, // Clears all instruction cache valid bits
input logic CSRWriteFenceM, // CSR write or fence instruction, PCNextF = the next valid PC (typically PCE)
// Bus interface
(* mark_debug = "true" *) input logic [`XLEN-1:0] HRDATA,
(* mark_debug = "true" *) output logic [`PA_BITS-1:0] IFUHADDR,
(* mark_debug = "true" *) output logic IFUStallF,
(* mark_debug = "true" *) output logic [2:0] IFUHBURST,
(* mark_debug = "true" *) output logic [1:0] IFUHTRANS,
(* mark_debug = "true" *) output logic [2:0] IFUHSIZE,
(* mark_debug = "true" *) output logic IFUHWRITE,
(* mark_debug = "true" *) input logic IFUHREADY,
(* mark_debug = "true" *) output logic [`XLEN-1:0] PCF,
// Execute
output logic [`XLEN-1:0] PCLinkE,
input logic PCSrcE,
input logic [`XLEN-1:0] IEUAdrE,
output logic [`XLEN-1:0] PCE,
output logic BPPredWrongE,
// Mem
output logic CommittedF,
input logic [`XLEN-1:0] UnalignedPCNextF,
output logic [`XLEN-1:0] PCNext2F,
input logic CSRWriteFenceM,
input logic InvalidateICacheM,
output logic [31:0] InstrD, InstrM,
output logic [`XLEN-1:0] PCM,
// branch predictor
output logic [3:0] InstrClassM,
output logic DirPredictionWrongM,
output logic BTBPredPCWrongM,
output logic RASPredPCWrongM,
output logic PredictionInstrClassWrongM,
// Faults
input logic IllegalBaseInstrFaultD,
output logic InstrPageFaultF,
output logic IllegalIEUInstrFaultD,
output logic InstrMisalignedFaultM,
// mmu management
input logic [1:0] PrivilegeModeW,
input logic [`XLEN-1:0] PTE,
input logic [1:0] PageType,
input logic [`XLEN-1:0] SATP_REGW,
input logic [1:0] STATUS_MPP,
input logic ITLBWriteF, sfencevmaM,
output logic ITLBMissF, InstrDAPageFaultF,
input var logic [7:0] PMPCFG_ARRAY_REGW[`PMP_ENTRIES-1:0],
input var logic [`XLEN-1:0] PMPADDR_ARRAY_REGW[`PMP_ENTRIES-1:0],
output logic InstrAccessFaultF,
output logic ICacheAccess,
output logic ICacheMiss
(* mark_debug = "true" *) logic [`XLEN-1:0] PCNextF;
logic BranchMisalignedFaultE;
logic [`XLEN-1:0] PCPlus2or4F, PCLinkD;
logic [`XLEN-1:2] PCPlus4F;
logic CompressedF;
logic [31:0] InstrRawD, InstrRawF, IROMInstrF, ICacheInstrF;
logic [31:0] FinalInstrRawF;
logic [1:0] IFURWF;
(* mark_debug = "true" *) output logic [`PA_BITS-1:0] IFUHADDR, // Bus address from IFU to EBU
(* mark_debug = "true" *) input logic [`XLEN-1:0] HRDATA, // Bus read data from IFU to EBU
(* mark_debug = "true" *) input logic IFUHREADY, // Bus ready from IFU to EBU
(* mark_debug = "true" *) output logic IFUHWRITE, // Bus write operation from IFU to EBU
(* mark_debug = "true" *) output logic [2:0] IFUHSIZE, // Bus operation size from IFU to EBU
(* mark_debug = "true" *) output logic [2:0] IFUHBURST, // Bus burst from IFU to EBU
(* mark_debug = "true" *) output logic [1:0] IFUHTRANS, // Bus transaction type from IFU to EBU
logic [31:0] InstrE;
logic [`XLEN-1:0] PCD;
(* mark_debug = "true" *) output logic [`XLEN-1:0] PCF, // Fetch stage instruction address
// Execute
output logic [`XLEN-1:0] PCLinkE, // The address following the branch instruction. (AKA Fall through address)
input logic PCSrcE, // Executation stage branch is taken
input logic [`XLEN-1:0] IEUAdrE, // The branch/jump target address
output logic [`XLEN-1:0] PCE, // Execution stage instruction address
output logic BPPredWrongE, // Prediction is wrong
// Mem
output logic CommittedF, // I$ or bus memory operation started, delay interrupts
input logic [`XLEN-1:0] UnalignedPCNextF, // The next PCF, but not aligned to 2 bytes.
output logic [`XLEN-1:0] PCNext2F, // Selected PC between branch prediction and next valid PC if CSRWriteFence
output logic [31:0] InstrD, // The decoded instruction in Decode stage
output logic [31:0] InstrM, // The decoded instruction in Memory stage
output logic [`XLEN-1:0] PCM, // Memory stage instruction address
// branch predictor
output logic [3:0] InstrClassM, // The valid instruction class. 1-hot encoded as jalr, ret, jr (not ret), j, br
output logic DirPredictionWrongM, // Prediction direction is wrong
output logic BTBPredPCWrongM, // Prediction target wrong
output logic RASPredPCWrongM, // RAS prediction is wrong
output logic PredictionInstrClassWrongM, // Class prediction is wrong
// Faults
input logic IllegalBaseInstrFaultD, // Illegal non-compressed instruction
output logic InstrPageFaultF, // Instruction page fault
output logic IllegalIEUInstrFaultD, // Illegal instruction including compressed
output logic InstrMisalignedFaultM, // Branch target not aligned to 4 bytes if no compressed allowed (2 bytes if allowed)
// mmu management
input logic [1:0] PrivilegeModeW, // Priviledge mode in Writeback stage
input logic [`XLEN-1:0] PTE, // Hardware page table walker (HPTW) writes Page table entry (PTE) to ITLB
input logic [1:0] PageType, // Hardware page table walker (HPTW) writes PageType to ITLB
input logic ITLBWriteF, // Writes PTE and PageType to ITLB
input logic [`XLEN-1:0] SATP_REGW, // Location of the root page table and page table configuration
input logic STATUS_MXR, // Status CSR: make executable page readable
input logic STATUS_SUM, // Status CSR: Supervisor access to user memory
input logic STATUS_MPRV, // Status CSR: modify machine privilege
input logic [1:0] STATUS_MPP, // Status CSR: previous machine privilege level
input logic sfencevmaM, // Virtual memory address fence, invalidate TLB entries
output logic ITLBMissF, // ITLB miss causes HPTW (hardware pagetable walker) walk
output logic InstrDAPageFaultF, // ITLB hit needs to update dirty or access bits
input var logic [7:0] PMPCFG_ARRAY_REGW[`PMP_ENTRIES-1:0], // PMP configuration from privileged unit
input var logic [`XLEN-1:0] PMPADDR_ARRAY_REGW[`PMP_ENTRIES-1:0], // PMP address from privileged unit
output logic InstrAccessFaultF, // Instruction access fault
output logic ICacheAccess, // Report I$ read to performance counters
output logic ICacheMiss // Report I$ miss to performance counters
localparam [31:0] nop = 32'h00000013; // instruction for NOP
logic [31:0] NextInstrD, NextInstrE;
logic [`XLEN-1:0] NextValidPCE;
(* mark_debug = "true" *) logic [`XLEN-1:0] PCNextF; // Next PCF, selected from Branch predictor, Privilege, or PC+2/4
logic BranchMisalignedFaultE; // Branch target not aligned to 4 bytes if no compressed allowed (2 bytes if allowed)
logic [`XLEN-1:0] PCPlus2or4F; // PCF + 2 (CompressedF) or PCF + 4 (Non-compressed)
logic [`XLEN-1:0] PCNextFSpill; // Next PCF after possible + 2 to handle spill
logic [`XLEN-1:0] PCFSpill; // PCF with possible + 2 to handle spill
logic [`XLEN-1:0] PCLinkD; // PCF2or4F delayed 1 cycle. This is next PC after a control flow instruction (br or j)
logic [`XLEN-1:2] PCPlus4F; // PCPlus4F is always PCF + 4. Fancy way to compute PCPlus2or4F
logic [`XLEN-1:0] PCD; // Decode stage instruction address
logic [`XLEN-1:0] NextValidPCE; // The PC of the next valid instruction in the pipeline after csr write or fence
(* mark_debug = "true" *) logic [`PA_BITS-1:0] PCPF; // Physical address after address translation
logic [`XLEN+1:0] PCFExt; //
(* mark_debug = "true" *) logic [`PA_BITS-1:0] PCPF; // used to either truncate or expand PCPF and PCNextF into `PA_BITS width.
logic [`XLEN+1:0] PCFExt;
logic [31:0] IROMInstrF; // Instruction from the IROM
logic [31:0] ICacheInstrF; // Instruction from the I$
logic [31:0] InstrRawF; // Instruction from the IROM, I$, or bus
logic CompressedF; // The fetched instruction is compressed
(* mark_debug = "true" *) logic [31:0] PostSpillInstrRawF; // Fetch instruction after merge two halves of spill
logic [31:0] InstrRawD; // Non-decompressed instruction in the Decode stage
logic CacheableF;
logic [`XLEN-1:0] PCNextFSpill;
logic [`XLEN-1:0] PCFSpill;
logic SelNextSpillF;
logic ICacheFetchLine;
logic BusStall;
logic ICacheStallF, IFUCacheBusStallD;
logic GatedStallD;
(* mark_debug = "true" *) logic [31:0] PostSpillInstrRawF;
logic [1:0] IFURWF; // IFU alreays read IFURWF = 10
logic [31:0] InstrE; // Instruction in the Execution stage
logic [31:0] NextInstrD, NextInstrE; // Instruction into the next stage after possible stage flush
logic CacheableF; // PMA indicates isntruction address is cacheable
logic SelNextSpillF; // In a spill, stall pipeline and gate local stallF
logic BusStall; // Bus interface busy with multicycle operation
logic ICacheStallF; // I$ busy with multicycle operation
logic IFUCacheBusStallD; // EIther I$ or bus busy with multicycle operation
logic GatedStallD; // StallD gated by selected next spill
// branch predictor signal
logic [`XLEN-1:0] PCNext1F, PCNext0F;
logic BusCommittedF, CacheCommittedF;
logic SelIROM;
logic [`XLEN-1:0] PCNext1F; // Branch predictor next PCF
logic BusCommittedF; // Bus memory operation in flight, delay interrupts
logic CacheCommittedF; // I$ memory operation started, delay interrupts
logic SelIROM; // PMA indicates instruction address is in the IROM
assign PCFExt = {2'b00, PCFSpill};
@ -208,7 +220,6 @@ module ifu (
logic ICacheBusAck;
logic [1:0] CacheBusRW, BusRW, CacheRWF;
//assign BusRW = IFURWF & ~{IgnoreRequest, IgnoreRequest} & ~{CacheableF, CacheableF} & ~{SelIROM, SelIROM};
assign BusRW = ~ITLBMissF & ~CacheableF & ~SelIROM ? IFURWF : '0;
assign CacheRWF = ~ITLBMissF & CacheableF & ~SelIROM ? IFURWF : '0;
@ -257,8 +268,7 @@ module ifu (
if(`IROM_SUPPORTED) mux2 #(32) UnCachedDataMux2(FetchBuffer, IROMInstrF, SelIROM, InstrRawF);
else assign InstrRawF = FetchBuffer;
assign IFUHBURST = 3'b0;
assign {ICacheFetchLine, ICacheStallF, FinalInstrRawF} = '0;
assign {ICacheMiss, ICacheAccess} = '0;
assign {ICacheMiss, ICacheAccess, ICacheStallF} = '0;
end else begin : nobus // block: bus
assign {BusStall, CacheCommittedF} = '0;
@ -324,7 +334,6 @@ module ifu (
mux2 #(`XLEN) pcmux1(.d0(PCPlus2or4F), .d1(IEUAdrE), .s(PCSrcE), .y(PCNext1F));
assign BPPredWrongE = PCSrcE;
assign {InstrClassM, DirPredictionWrongM, BTBPredPCWrongM, RASPredPCWrongM, PredictionInstrClassWrongM} = '0;
assign PCNext0F = PCPlus2or4F;
assign NextValidPCE = PCE;
@ -359,6 +368,7 @@ module ifu (
flopenr #(1) InstrMisalginedReg(clk, reset, ~StallM, BranchMisalignedFaultE, InstrMisalignedFaultM);
// Instruction and PC/PCLink pipeline registers
// Cannot use flopenrc for Instr(E/M) as it resets to NOP not 0.
mux2 #(32) FlushInstrEMux(InstrD, nop, FlushE, NextInstrD);
mux2 #(32) FlushInstrMMux(InstrE, nop, FlushM, NextInstrE);
flopenr #(32) InstrEReg(clk, reset, ~StallE, NextInstrD, InstrE);

View File

@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
module lsu (
input logic clk, reset,
input logic StallM, FlushM, StallW, FlushW,
output logic LSUStallM, // LSU stalls pipeline during a multicycle operation.
output logic LSUStallM, // LSU stalls pipeline during a multicycle operation
// connected to cpu (controls)
input logic [1:0] MemRWM, // Read/Write control
input logic [2:0] Funct3M, // Size of memory operation
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ module lsu (
// cpu privilege
input logic [1:0] PrivilegeModeW, // Current privilege mode
input logic BigEndianM, // Swap byte order to big endian
input logic sfencevmaM, // Virtual memory address fence
input logic sfencevmaM, // Virtual memory address fence, invalidate TLB entries
// fpu
input logic [`FLEN-1:0] FWriteDataM, // Write data from FPU
input logic FpLoadStoreM, // Selects FPU as store for write data
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ module lsu (
logic GatedStallW; // Hazard unit StallW gated when SelHPTW = 1
logic DCacheStallW; // D$ busy with multicycle operation
logic DCacheStallM; // D$ busy with multicycle operation
logic BusStall; // Bus interface busy with multicycle operation
logic HPTWStall; // HPTW busy with multicycle operation
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ module lsu (
logic [(`LLEN-1)/8:0] ByteMaskM; // Selects which bytes within a word to write
logic DTLBMissM; // DTLB miss causes HPTW walk
logic DTLBWriteM; // Writes PTE to DTLB
logic DTLBWriteM; // Writes PTE and PageType to DTLB
logic DataDAPageFaultM; // DTLB hit needs to update dirty or access bits
logic LSULoadAccessFaultM; // Load acces fault
logic LSUStoreAmoAccessFaultM; // Store access fault
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ module lsu (
hptw hptw(.clk, .reset, .MemRWM, .AtomicM, .ITLBMissF, .ITLBWriteF,
.DTLBMissM, .DTLBWriteM, .InstrDAPageFaultF, .DataDAPageFaultM,
.FlushW, .DCacheStallW, .SATP_REGW, .PCF,
.FlushW, .DCacheStallM, .SATP_REGW, .PCF,
.ReadDataM(ReadDataM[`XLEN-1:0]), // ReadDataM is LLEN, but HPTW only needs XLEN
.WriteDataM, .Funct3M, .LSUFunct3M, .Funct7M, .LSUFunct7M,
@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ module lsu (
// the trap module.
assign CommittedM = SelHPTW | DCacheCommittedM | BusCommittedM;
assign GatedStallW = StallW & ~SelHPTW;
assign LSUStallM = DCacheStallW | HPTWStall | BusStall;
assign LSUStallM = DCacheStallM | HPTWStall | BusStall;
// MMU and misalignment fault logic required if privileged unit exists
@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ module lsu (
.FlushCache(FlushDCacheM), .NextAdr(IEUAdrE[11:0]), .PAdr(PAdrM),
.CacheWriteData(LSUWriteDataM), .SelHPTW,
.CacheStall(DCacheStallW), .CacheMiss(DCacheMiss), .CacheAccess(DCacheAccess),
.CacheStall(DCacheStallM), .CacheMiss(DCacheMiss), .CacheAccess(DCacheAccess),
.CacheBusAdr(DCacheBusAdr), .ReadDataWord(DCacheReadDataWordM),
.FetchBuffer, .CacheBusRW,
@ -307,14 +307,14 @@ module lsu (
if(`DTIM_SUPPORTED) mux2 #(`XLEN) ReadDataMux2(FetchBuffer, DTIMReadDataWordM, SelDTIM, ReadDataWordMuxM);
else assign ReadDataWordMuxM = FetchBuffer[`XLEN-1:0];
assign LSUHBURST = 3'b0;
assign {DCacheStallW, DCacheCommittedM, DCacheMiss, DCacheAccess} = '0;
assign {DCacheStallM, DCacheCommittedM, DCacheMiss, DCacheAccess} = '0;
end else begin: nobus // block: bus, only DTIM
assign LSUHWDATA = '0;
assign ReadDataWordMuxM = DTIMReadDataWordM;
assign {BusStall, BusCommittedM} = '0;
assign {DCacheMiss, DCacheAccess} = '0;
assign {DCacheStallW, DCacheCommittedM} = '0;
assign {DCacheStallM, DCacheCommittedM} = '0;

View File

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ module hptw (
input logic [1:0] PrivilegeModeW,
input logic [`XLEN-1:0] ReadDataM, // page table entry from LSU
input logic [`XLEN-1:0] WriteDataM,
input logic DCacheStallW, // stall from LSU
input logic DCacheStallM, // stall from LSU
input logic [2:0] Funct3M,
input logic [6:0] Funct7M,
input logic ITLBMissF,
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ module hptw (
// State flops
flopenr #(1) TLBMissMReg(clk, reset, StartWalk, DTLBMissOrDAFaultM, DTLBWalk); // when walk begins, record whether it was for DTLB (or record 0 for ITLB)
assign PRegEn = HPTWRW[1] & ~DCacheStallW | UpdatePTE;
assign PRegEn = HPTWRW[1] & ~DCacheStallM | UpdatePTE;
flopenr #(`XLEN) PTEReg(clk, reset, PRegEn, NextPTE, PTE); // Capture page table entry from data cache
// Assign PTE descriptors common across all XLEN values
@ -248,24 +248,24 @@ module hptw (
IDLE: if (TLBMiss) NextWalkerState = InitialWalkerState;
else NextWalkerState = IDLE;
L3_ADR: NextWalkerState = L3_RD; // first access in SV48
L3_RD: if (DCacheStallW) NextWalkerState = L3_RD;
L3_RD: if (DCacheStallM) NextWalkerState = L3_RD;
else NextWalkerState = L2_ADR;
L2_ADR: if (InitialWalkerState == L2_ADR | ValidNonLeafPTE) NextWalkerState = L2_RD; // first access in SV39
else NextWalkerState = LEAF;
L2_RD: if (DCacheStallW) NextWalkerState = L2_RD;
L2_RD: if (DCacheStallM) NextWalkerState = L2_RD;
else NextWalkerState = L1_ADR;
L1_ADR: if (InitialWalkerState == L1_ADR | ValidNonLeafPTE) NextWalkerState = L1_RD; // first access in SV32
else if (ValidNonLeafPTE) NextWalkerState = L1_RD;
else NextWalkerState = LEAF;
L1_RD: if (DCacheStallW) NextWalkerState = L1_RD;
L1_RD: if (DCacheStallM) NextWalkerState = L1_RD;
else NextWalkerState = L0_ADR;
L0_ADR: if (ValidNonLeafPTE) NextWalkerState = L0_RD;
else NextWalkerState = LEAF;
L0_RD: if (DCacheStallW) NextWalkerState = L0_RD;
L0_RD: if (DCacheStallM) NextWalkerState = L0_RD;
else NextWalkerState = LEAF;
else NextWalkerState = IDLE;
UPDATE_PTE: if(DCacheStallW) NextWalkerState = UPDATE_PTE;
UPDATE_PTE: if(DCacheStallM) NextWalkerState = UPDATE_PTE;
else NextWalkerState = LEAF;
default: NextWalkerState = IDLE; // should never be reached
endcase // case (WalkerState)

View File

@ -799,7 +799,7 @@ module testbench;
// For waveview convenience
string InstrFName, InstrDName, InstrEName, InstrMName, InstrWName;
instrTrackerTB it(clk, reset, dut.core.ieu.dp.FlushE,
dut.core.ifu.InstrD, dut.core.ifu.InstrE,
dut.core.ifu.InstrM, InstrW,
InstrFName, InstrDName, InstrEName, InstrMName, InstrWName);

View File

@ -94,6 +94,7 @@ logic [3:0] dummy;
"arch64m": if (`M_SUPPORTED) tests = arch64m;
"arch64f": if (`F_SUPPORTED) tests = arch64f;
"arch64d": if (`D_SUPPORTED) tests = arch64d;
"arch64zi": if (`ZIFENCEI_SUPPORTED) tests = arch64zi;
"imperas64i": tests = imperas64i;
"imperas64f": if (`F_SUPPORTED) tests = imperas64f;
"imperas64d": if (`D_SUPPORTED) tests = imperas64d;
@ -119,6 +120,7 @@ logic [3:0] dummy;
"arch32m": if (`M_SUPPORTED) tests = arch32m;
"arch32f": if (`F_SUPPORTED) tests = arch32f;
"arch32d": if (`D_SUPPORTED) tests = arch32d;
"arch32zi": if (`ZIFENCEI_SUPPORTED) tests = arch32zi;
"imperas32i": tests = imperas32i;
"imperas32f": if (`F_SUPPORTED) tests = imperas32f;
"imperas32m": if (`M_SUPPORTED) tests = imperas32m;
@ -196,7 +198,7 @@ logic [3:0] dummy;
// Track names of instructions
instrTrackerTB it(clk, reset, dut.core.ieu.dp.FlushE,
dut.core.ifu.InstrD, dut.core.ifu.InstrE,
dut.core.ifu.InstrM, InstrW,
InstrFName, InstrDName, InstrEName, InstrMName, InstrWName);

View File

@ -934,6 +934,16 @@ string imperas32f[] = '{
string arch64zi[] = '{
string arch32zi[] = '{
string arch64m[] = '{

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ echo \$WALLY set to ${WALLY}
# License servers and commercial CAD tool paths
# Must edit these based on your local environment. Ask your sysadmin.
export # Change this to your Siemens license server
export SNPSLMD_LICENSE_FILE=27020@ # Change this to your Synopsys license server
export # Change this to your Synopsys license server
export PATH=/cad/mentor/questa_sim-2021.2_1/questasim/bin:$PATH # Change this for your path to Questa
export PATH=/cad/synopsys/SYN/bin:$PATH # Change this for your path to Design Compiler