forked from Github_Repos/cvw
Testfloat running division - not passing
This commit is contained in:
@ -94,11 +94,12 @@
`define BIAS2 ((`F_SUPPORTED & (`LEN1 != `S_LEN)) ? `S_BIAS : `H_BIAS)
// largest length in IEU/FPU
`define LGLEN ((`NF<`XLEN) ? `XLEN : `NF)
`define CVTLEN ((`NF<`XLEN) ? `XLEN : `NF)
`define LLEN ((`FLEN<`XLEN) ? `XLEN : `FLEN)
`define LOGLGLEN $unsigned($clog2(`LGLEN+1))
`define NORMSHIFTSZ ((`LGLEN+`NF) > (3*`NF+8) ? (`LGLEN+`NF+1) : (3*`NF+9))
`define CORRSHIFTSZ ((`LGLEN+`NF) > (3*`NF+8) ? (`LGLEN+`NF+1) : (3*`NF+6))
`define LOGCVTLEN $unsigned($clog2(`CVTLEN+1))
`define NORMSHIFTSZ ((`CVTLEN+`NF) > (3*`NF+8) ? (`CVTLEN+`NF+1) : (3*`NF+9))
`define CORRSHIFTSZ ((`CVTLEN+`NF) > (3*`NF+8) ? (`CVTLEN+`NF+1) : (3*`NF+6))
`define DIVLEN ((`NF < `XLEN) ? `XLEN : `NF)
// Disable spurious Verilator warnings
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ vlib work
# start and run simulation
# remove +acc flag for faster sim during regressions if there is no need to access internal signals
# $num = the added words after the call
vlog +incdir+../config/$1 +incdir+../config/shared ../testbench/ ../src/fpu/*.sv ../src/generic/*.sv -suppress 2583,7063,8607,2697
vlog +incdir+../config/$1 +incdir+../config/shared ../testbench/ ../src/fpu/*.sv ../srt/ ../src/generic/*.sv ../src/generic/flop/*.sv -suppress 2583,7063,8607,2697
vsim -voptargs=+acc work.testbenchfp -G TEST=$2
@ -7,3 +7,18 @@ add wave -noupdate /testbenchfp/Y
add wave -noupdate /testbenchfp/Z
add wave -noupdate /testbenchfp/Res
add wave -noupdate /testbenchfp/Ans
add wave -noupdate /testbenchfp/DivStart
add wave -noupdate /testbenchfp/DivDone
add wave -group {PostProc} -noupdate /testbenchfp/postprocess/*
add wave -group {PostProc} -noupdate /testbenchfp/postprocess/resultselect/*
add wave -group {PostProc} -noupdate /testbenchfp/postprocess/flags/*
add wave -group {PostProc} -noupdate /testbenchfp/postprocess/normshift/*
add wave -group {PostProc} -noupdate /testbenchfp/postprocess/lzacorrection/*
add wave -group {PostProc} -noupdate /testbenchfp/postprocess/resultsign/*
add wave -group {PostProc} -noupdate /testbenchfp/postprocess/round/*
add wave -group {PostProc} -noupdate /testbenchfp/postprocess/fmashiftcalc/*
add wave -group {PostProc} -noupdate /testbenchfp/postprocess/cvtshiftcalc/*
add wave -group {Divide} -noupdate /testbenchfp/srtradix4/*
add wave -group {Divide} -noupdate /testbenchfp/srtradix4/qsel4/*
add wave -group {Divide} -noupdate /testbenchfp/srtradix4/otfc4/*
add wave -group {Divide} -noupdate /testbenchfp/srtradix4/preproc/*
@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ module cvtshiftcalc(
input logic [`NE:0] CvtCalcExpM, // the calculated expoent
input logic [`NF:0] XManM, // input mantissas
input logic [`FMTBITS-1:0] OutFmt, // output format
input logic [`LGLEN-1:0] CvtLzcInM, // input to the Leading Zero Counter (priority encoder)
input logic [`CVTLEN-1:0] CvtLzcInM, // input to the Leading Zero Counter (priority encoder)
input logic CvtResDenormUfM,
output logic CvtResUf,
output logic [`LGLEN+`NF:0] CvtShiftIn // number to be shifted
output logic [`CVTLEN+`NF:0] CvtShiftIn // number to be shifted
logic [$clog2(`NF):0] ResNegNF; // the result's fraction length negated (-NF)
@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ module cvtshiftcalc(
// | `NF-1 zeros | Mantissa | 0's if nessisary |
// - otherwise:
// | LzcInM | 0's if nessisary |
assign CvtShiftIn = ToInt ? {{`XLEN{1'b0}}, XManM[`NF]&~CvtCalcExpM[`NE], XManM[`NF-1]|(CvtCalcExpM[`NE]&XManM[`NF]), XManM[`NF-2:0], {`LGLEN-`XLEN{1'b0}}} :
CvtResDenormUfM ? {{`NF-1{1'b0}}, XManM, {`LGLEN-`NF+1{1'b0}}} :
assign CvtShiftIn = ToInt ? {{`XLEN{1'b0}}, XManM[`NF]&~CvtCalcExpM[`NE], XManM[`NF-1]|(CvtCalcExpM[`NE]&XManM[`NF]), XManM[`NF-2:0], {`CVTLEN-`XLEN{1'b0}}} :
CvtResDenormUfM ? {{`NF-1{1'b0}}, XManM, {`CVTLEN-`NF+1{1'b0}}} :
{CvtLzcInM, {`NF+1{1'b0}}};
@ -12,11 +12,11 @@ module fcvt (
input logic XDenormE, // is the input denormalized
input logic [`FMTBITS-1:0] FmtE, // the input's precision (11=quad 01=double 00=single 10=half)
output logic [`NE:0] CvtCalcExpE, // the calculated expoent
output logic [`LOGLGLEN-1:0] CvtShiftAmtE, // how much to shift by
output logic [`LOGCVTLEN-1:0] CvtShiftAmtE, // how much to shift by
output logic CvtResDenormUfE,// does the result underflow or is denormalized
output logic CvtResSgnE, // the result's sign
output logic IntZeroE, // is the integer zero?
output logic [`LGLEN-1:0] CvtLzcInE // input to the Leading Zero Counter (priority encoder)
output logic [`CVTLEN-1:0] CvtLzcInE // input to the Leading Zero Counter (priority encoder)
// OpCtrls:
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ module fcvt (
logic Int64; // is the integer 64 bits?
logic IntToFp; // is the opperation an int->fp conversion?
logic ToInt; // is the opperation an fp->int conversion?
logic [`LOGLGLEN-1:0] ZeroCnt; // output from the LZC
logic [`LOGCVTLEN-1:0] ZeroCnt; // output from the LZC
// seperate OpCtrl for code readability
@ -78,10 +78,10 @@ module fcvt (
// choose the input to the leading zero counter i.e. priority encoder
// int -> fp : | positive integer | 00000... (if needed) |
// fp -> fp : | fraction | 00000... (if needed) |
assign CvtLzcInE = IntToFp ? {TrimInt, {`LGLEN-`XLEN{1'b0}}} :
{XManE[`NF-1:0], {`LGLEN-`NF{1'b0}}};
assign CvtLzcInE = IntToFp ? {TrimInt, {`CVTLEN-`XLEN{1'b0}}} :
{XManE[`NF-1:0], {`CVTLEN-`NF{1'b0}}};
lzc #(`LGLEN) lzc (.num(CvtLzcInE), .ZeroCnt);
lzc #(`CVTLEN) lzc (.num(CvtLzcInE), .ZeroCnt);
// shifter
@ -99,9 +99,9 @@ module fcvt (
// - only shift fp -> fp if the intital value is denormalized
// - this is a problem because the input to the lzc was the fraction rather than the mantissa
// - rather have a few and-gates than an extra bit in the priority encoder??? *** is this true?
assign CvtShiftAmtE = ToInt ? CvtCalcExpE[`LOGLGLEN-1:0]&{`LOGLGLEN{~CvtCalcExpE[`NE]}} :
CvtResDenormUfE&~IntToFp ? (`LOGLGLEN)'(`NF-1)+CvtCalcExpE[`LOGLGLEN-1:0] :
assign CvtShiftAmtE = ToInt ? CvtCalcExpE[`LOGCVTLEN-1:0]&{`LOGCVTLEN{~CvtCalcExpE[`NE]}} :
CvtResDenormUfE&~IntToFp ? (`LOGCVTLEN)'(`NF-1)+CvtCalcExpE[`LOGCVTLEN-1:0] :
// exp calculations
@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ module fcvt (
// - shift left to normilize (-1-ZeroCnt)
// - newBias to make the biased exponent
assign CvtCalcExpE = {1'b0, OldExp} - (`NE+1)'(`BIAS) + {2'b0, NewBias} - {{`NE{1'b0}}, XDenormE|IntToFp} - {{`NE-`LOGLGLEN+1{1'b0}}, (ZeroCnt&{`LOGLGLEN{XDenormE|IntToFp}})};
assign CvtCalcExpE = {1'b0, OldExp} - (`NE+1)'(`BIAS) + {2'b0, NewBias} - {{`NE{1'b0}}, XDenormE|IntToFp} - {{`NE-`LOGCVTLEN+1{1'b0}}, (ZeroCnt&{`LOGCVTLEN{XDenormE|IntToFp}})};
// find if the result is dnormal or underflows
// - if Calculated expoenent is 0 or negitive (and the input/result is not exactaly 0)
// - can't underflow an integer to Fp conversion
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ module fpu (
// unpacking signals
logic XSgnE, YSgnE, ZSgnE; // input's sign - execute stage
logic XSgnM; // input's sign - memory stage
logic XSgnM, YSgnM; // input's sign - memory stage
logic [`NE-1:0] XExpE, YExpE, ZExpE; // input's exponent - execute stage
logic [`NE-1:0] ZExpM; // input's exponent - memory stage
logic [`NF:0] XManE, YManE, ZManE; // input's fraction - execute stage
@ -116,11 +116,11 @@ module fpu (
// Cvt Signals
logic [`NE:0] CvtCalcExpE, CvtCalcExpM; // the calculated expoent
logic [`LOGLGLEN-1:0] CvtShiftAmtE, CvtShiftAmtM; // how much to shift by
logic [`LOGCVTLEN-1:0] CvtShiftAmtE, CvtShiftAmtM; // how much to shift by
logic CvtResDenormUfE, CvtResDenormUfM;// does the result underflow or is denormalized
logic CvtResSgnE, CvtResSgnM; // the result's sign
logic IntZeroE, IntZeroM; // is the integer zero?
logic [`LGLEN-1:0] CvtLzcInE, CvtLzcInM; // input to the Leading Zero Counter (priority encoder)
logic [`CVTLEN-1:0] CvtLzcInE, CvtLzcInM; // input to the Leading Zero Counter (priority encoder)
// result and flag signals
logic [63:0] FDivResM, FDivResW; // divide/squareroot result
@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ module fpu (
// flopenrc #(64) EMFpReg1(clk, reset, FlushM, ~StallM, FSrcXE, FSrcXM);
flopenrc #(`NF+2) EMFpReg2 (clk, reset, FlushM, ~StallM, {XSgnE,XManE}, {XSgnM,XManM});
flopenrc #(`NF+1) EMFpReg3 (clk, reset, FlushM, ~StallM, YManE, YManM);
flopenrc #(`NF+2) EMFpReg3 (clk, reset, FlushM, ~StallM, {YSgnE,YManE}, {YSgnM,YManM});
flopenrc #(`FLEN) EMFpReg4 (clk, reset, FlushM, ~StallM, {ZExpE,ZManE}, {ZExpM,ZManM});
flopenrc #(`XLEN) EMFpReg6 (clk, reset, FlushM, ~StallM, FIntResE, FIntResM);
flopenrc #(`FLEN) EMFpReg7 (clk, reset, FlushM, ~StallM, PreFpResE, PreFpResM);
@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ module fpu (
flopenrc #($clog2(3*`NF+7)+6) EMRegFma4(clk, reset, FlushM, ~StallM,
{AddendStickyE, KillProdE, InvZE, FmaNormCntE, NegSumE, ZSgnEffE, PSgnE},
{AddendStickyM, KillProdM, InvZM, FmaNormCntM, NegSumM, ZSgnEffM, PSgnM});
flopenrc #(`NE+`LOGLGLEN+`LGLEN+4) EMRegCvt(clk, reset, FlushM, ~StallM,
flopenrc #(`NE+`LOGCVTLEN+`CVTLEN+4) EMRegCvt(clk, reset, FlushM, ~StallM,
{CvtCalcExpE, CvtShiftAmtE, CvtResDenormUfE, CvtResSgnE, IntZeroE, CvtLzcInE},
{CvtCalcExpM, CvtShiftAmtM, CvtResDenormUfM, CvtResSgnM, IntZeroM, CvtLzcInM});
@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ module fpu (
assign FpLoadM = FResSelM[1];
postprocess postprocess(.XSgnM, .ZExpM, .XManM, .YManM, .ZManM, .FrmM, .FmtM, .ProdExpM,
postprocess postprocess(.XSgnM, .YSgnM, .ZExpM, .XManM, .YManM, .ZManM, .FrmM, .FmtM, .ProdExpM,
.AddendStickyM, .KillProdM, .XZeroM, .YZeroM, .ZZeroM, .XInfM, .YInfM,
.ZInfM, .XNaNM, .YNaNM, .ZNaNM, .XSNaNM, .YSNaNM, .ZSNaNM, .SumM,
.NegSumM, .InvZM, .ZDenormM, .ZSgnEffM, .PSgnM, .FOpCtrlM, .FmaNormCntM,
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
`include "wally-config.vh"
module postprocess(
input logic XSgnM, // input signs
input logic XSgnM, YSgnM, // input signs
input logic [`NE-1:0] ZExpM, // input exponents
input logic [`NF:0] XManM, YManM, ZManM, // input mantissas
input logic [2:0] FrmM, // rounding mode 000 = rount to nearest, ties to even 001 = round twords zero 010 = round down 011 = round up 100 = round to nearest, ties to max magnitude
@ -52,12 +52,13 @@ module postprocess(
input logic [$clog2(3*`NF+7)-1:0] FmaNormCntM, // the normalization shift count
input logic [`NE:0] CvtCalcExpM, // the calculated expoent
input logic CvtResDenormUfM,
input logic [`LOGLGLEN-1:0] CvtShiftAmtM, // how much to shift by
input logic [`LOGCVTLEN-1:0] CvtShiftAmtM, // how much to shift by
input logic CvtResSgnM, // the result's sign
input logic FWriteIntM, // is fp->int (since it's writting to the integer register)
input logic [`LGLEN-1:0] CvtLzcInM, // input to the Leading Zero Counter (priority encoder)
input logic [`CVTLEN-1:0] CvtLzcInM, // input to the Leading Zero Counter (priority encoder)
input logic IntZeroM, // is the input zero
input logic [1:0] PostProcSelM, // select result to be written to fp register
input logic [`DIVLEN-1:0] Quot,
output logic [`FLEN-1:0] PostProcResM, // FMA final result
output logic [4:0] PostProcFlgM,
output logic [`XLEN-1:0] FCvtIntResM // the int conversion result
@ -75,7 +76,7 @@ module postprocess(
logic [3*`NF+8:0] FmaShiftIn; // is the sum zero
logic UfPlus1; // do you add one (for determining underflow flag)
logic Round; // bits needed to determine rounding
logic [`LGLEN+`NF:0] CvtShiftIn; // number to be shifted
logic [`CVTLEN+`NF:0] CvtShiftIn; // number to be shifted
logic Mult; // multiply opperation
logic [`FLEN:0] RoundAdd; // how much to add to the result
logic [`NE+1:0] ConvNormSumExp; // exponent of the normalized sum not taking into account denormal or zero results
@ -143,12 +144,12 @@ module postprocess(
ShiftIn = {FmaShiftIn, {`NORMSHIFTSZ-(3*`NF+9){1'b0}}};
2'b00: begin // cvt
ShiftAmt = {{$clog2(`NORMSHIFTSZ)-$clog2(`LGLEN+1){1'b0}}, CvtShiftAmtM};
ShiftIn = {CvtShiftIn, {`NORMSHIFTSZ-`LGLEN-`NF-1{1'b0}}};
ShiftAmt = {{$clog2(`NORMSHIFTSZ)-$clog2(`CVTLEN+1){1'b0}}, CvtShiftAmtM};
ShiftIn = {CvtShiftIn, {`NORMSHIFTSZ-`CVTLEN-`NF-1{1'b0}}};
2'b01: begin //div
ShiftAmt = 0;//{DivShiftAmt};
ShiftIn = 0;//{{`NORMSHIFTSZ-(3*`NF+8){1'b0}}, DivShiftIn};
2'b01: begin //div ***prob can take out
ShiftAmt = 1'b0;//{DivShiftAmt};
ShiftIn = {Quot, {`NORMSHIFTSZ-`DIVLEN{1'b0}}};
default: begin
ShiftAmt = {$clog2(`NORMSHIFTSZ){1'bx}};
@ -181,7 +182,7 @@ module postprocess(
resultsign resultsign(.FrmM, .PSgnM, .ZSgnEffM, .InvZM, .SumExp, .Round, .Sticky,
.FmaOp, .DivOp, .CvtOp, .ZInfM, .InfIn, .NegSumM, .SumZero, .Mult,
.CvtResSgnM, .RoundSgn, .ResSgn);
.XSgnM, .YSgnM, .CvtResSgnM, .RoundSgn, .ResSgn);
// Flags
@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ module resultsign(
input logic [2:0] FrmM,
input logic PSgnM, ZSgnEffM,
input logic InvZM,
input logic XSgnM,
input logic YSgnM,
input logic ZInfM,
input logic InfIn,
input logic NegSumM,
@ -25,6 +27,7 @@ module resultsign(
logic FmaResSgn;
logic FmaResSgnTmp;
logic Underflow;
logic DivSgn;
// logic ResultSgnTmp;
// Determine the sign if the sum is zero
@ -43,9 +46,10 @@ module resultsign(
assign InfSgn = ZInfM ? ZSgnEffM : PSgnM;
assign FmaResSgn = InfIn ? InfSgn : SumZero ? ZeroSgn : FmaResSgnTmp;
// Sign for rounding calulation
assign RoundSgn = (FmaResSgnTmp&FmaOp) | (CvtResSgnM&CvtOp) | (1'b0&DivOp);
assign DivSgn = XSgnM^YSgnM;
assign ResSgn = (FmaResSgn&FmaOp) | (CvtResSgnM&CvtOp) | (1'b0&DivOp);
// Sign for rounding calulation
assign RoundSgn = (FmaResSgnTmp&FmaOp) | (CvtResSgnM&CvtOp) | (DivSgn&DivOp);
assign ResSgn = (FmaResSgn&FmaOp) | (CvtResSgnM&CvtOp) | (DivSgn&DivOp);
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -30,12 +30,9 @@
`include "wally-config.vh"
`define DIVLEN ((`NF<(`XLEN)) ? (`XLEN) : `NF)
module srtradix4 (
input logic clk,
input logic DivStart,
input logic XSgnE, YSgnE,
input logic [`NE-1:0] XExpE, YExpE,
input logic [`NF-1:0] XFrac, YFrac,
input logic [`XLEN-1:0] SrcA, SrcB,
@ -44,8 +41,8 @@ module srtradix4 (
input logic Int, // Choose integer inputs
input logic Sqrt, // perform square root, not divide
output logic DivDone,
output logic DivSgn,
output logic [`DIVLEN-1:0] Quot, Rem, // *** later handle integers
output logic [`DIVLEN-1:0] Quot,
output logic [`XLEN-1:0] Rem, // *** later handle integers
output logic [`NE-1:0] DivExp
@ -91,7 +88,6 @@ module srtradix4 (
// Store the expoenent and sign until division is DivDone
flopen #(`NE) expflop(clk, DivStart, DivCalcExp, DivExp);
flopen #(1) signflop(clk, DivStart, calcSign, DivSgn);
// Divisor Selection logic
// *** radix 4 change to choose -2 to 2
@ -115,13 +111,11 @@ module srtradix4 (
csa #(`DIVLEN+4) csa(WS, WC, Dsel, |q[3:2], WSA, WCA);
//*** change for radix 4
otfc4 #(`DIVLEN) otfc4(clk, DivStart, q, Quot);
otfc4 otfc4(clk, DivStart, q, Quot);
expcalc expcalc(.XExpE, .YExpE, .DivCalcExp);
signcalc signcalc(.XSgnE, .YSgnE, .calcSign);
counter counter(clk, DivStart, DivDone);
divcounter divcounter(clk, DivStart, DivDone);
@ -132,7 +126,7 @@ endmodule
// counter //
module counter(input logic clk,
module divcounter(input logic clk,
input logic DivStart,
output logic DivDone);
@ -146,6 +140,7 @@ module counter(input logic clk,
always @(posedge clk)
DivDone = 0;
if (count == `DIVLEN/2+1) DivDone <= #1 1;
else if (DivDone | DivStart) DivDone <= #1 0;
if (DivStart) count <= #1 0;
@ -170,7 +165,7 @@ module qsel4 (
// Wmsbs = | |
logic [3:0] QSel4[1023:0];
initial $readmemh("", QSel4);
initial $readmemh("../srt/qsel4.dat", QSel4);
assign q = QSel4[{Dmsbs,Wmsbs}];
@ -218,11 +213,11 @@ endmodule
// On-The-Fly Converter, Radix 2 //
module otfc4 #(parameter N=65) (
module otfc4 (
input logic clk,
input logic DivStart,
input logic [3:0] q,
output logic [N-1:0] r
output logic [`DIVLEN-1:0] Quot
// The on-the-fly converter transfers the quotient
@ -230,20 +225,20 @@ module otfc4 #(parameter N=65) (
// This code follows the psuedocode presented in the
// floating point chapter of the book. Right now,
// it is written for Radix-2 division.
// it is written for Radix-4 division.
// QM is Q-1. It allows us to write negative bits
// without using a costly CPA.
logic [N+2:0] Q, QM, QNext, QMNext, QMux, QMMux;
logic [`DIVLEN+2:0] Q, QM, QNext, QMNext, QMux, QMMux;
// QR and QMR are the shifted versions of Q and QM.
// They are treated as [N-1:r] size signals, and
// discard the r most significant bits of Q and QM.
logic [N:0] QR, QMR;
logic [`DIVLEN:0] QR, QMR;
// if starting a new divison set Q to 0 and QM to -1
mux2 #(N+3) Qmux(QNext, {N+3{1'b0}}, DivStart, QMux);
mux2 #(N+3) QMmux(QMNext, {N+3{1'b1}}, DivStart, QMMux);
flop #(N+3) Qreg(clk, QMux, Q);
flop #(N+3) QMreg(clk, QMMux, QM);
mux2 #(`DIVLEN+3) Qmux(QNext, {`DIVLEN+3{1'b0}}, DivStart, QMux);
mux2 #(`DIVLEN+3) QMmux(QMNext, {`DIVLEN+3{1'b1}}, DivStart, QMMux);
flop #(`DIVLEN+3) Qreg(clk, QMux, Q);
flop #(`DIVLEN+3) QMreg(clk, QMMux, QM);
// shift Q (quotent) and QM (quotent-1)
// if q = 2 Q = {Q, 10} QM = {Q, 01}
@ -253,11 +248,9 @@ module otfc4 #(parameter N=65) (
// else if q = -2 Q = {QM, 10} QM = {QM, 01}
// *** how does the 0 concatination numbers work?
always_comb begin
QR = Q[N:0];
QMR = QM[N:0]; // Shift Q and QM
QR = Q[`DIVLEN:0];
QMR = QM[`DIVLEN:0]; // Shift Q and QM
if (q[3]) begin // +2
QNext = {QR, 2'b10};
QMNext = {QR, 2'b01};
@ -275,7 +268,8 @@ module otfc4 #(parameter N=65) (
QMNext = {QMR, 2'b11};
assign r = Q[N+2] ? Q[N+1:2] : Q[N:1];
// Quot is in the range [.5, 2) so normalize the result if nesissary
assign Quot = Q[`DIVLEN+2] ? Q[`DIVLEN+1:2] : Q[`DIVLEN:1];
@ -315,15 +309,3 @@ module expcalc(
assign DivCalcExp = XExpE - YExpE + (`NE)'(`BIAS);
// signcalc //
module signcalc(
input logic XSgnE, YSgnE,
output logic calcSign
assign calcSign = XSgnE ^ YSgnE;
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ module testbenchradix4;
.XExpE(aExp), .YExpE(bExp), .DivExp,
.XSgnE(asign), .YSgnE(bsign), .DivSgn,
.XFrac(afrac), .YFrac(bfrac),
.SrcA('0), .SrcB('0), .Fmt(2'b00),
.SrcA('0), .SrcB('0),
.W64(1'b0), .Signed(1'b0), .Int(1'b0), .Sqrt(1'b0), .DivDone,
.Quot, .Rem());
@ -48,13 +48,13 @@ module testbenchfp;
logic XInf, YInf, ZInf; // is the input infinity
logic XZero, YZero, ZZero; // is the input zero
logic XExpMax, YExpMax, ZExpMax; // is the input's exponent all ones
logic [`LGLEN-1:0] CvtLzcInE; // input to the Leading Zero Counter (priority encoder)
logic [`CVTLEN-1:0] CvtLzcInE; // input to the Leading Zero Counter (priority encoder)
logic IntZeroE;
logic CvtResSgnE;
logic [`XLEN-1:0] Empty1,Empty2,Empty3,Empty4,Empty5;
logic [`NE:0] CvtCalcExpE; // the calculated expoent
logic [`LOGLGLEN-1:0] CvtShiftAmtE; // how much to shift by
logic [`LOGCVTLEN-1:0] CvtShiftAmtE; // how much to shift by
logic CvtResDenormUfE;
logic DivStart, DivDone;
// in-between FMA signals
@ -68,6 +68,9 @@ module testbenchfp;
logic NegSumE;
logic ZSgnEffE;
logic PSgnE;
logic DivSgn;
logic [`DIVLEN-1:0] Quot;
logic [`NE-1:0] DivExp;
@ -205,16 +208,16 @@ module testbenchfp;
Fmt = {Fmt, 2'b11};
// if (TEST === "div" | TEST === "all") begin // if division is being tested
// // add the divide tests/op-ctrls/unit/fmt
// Tests = {Tests, f128div};
// OpCtrl = {OpCtrl, `DIV_OPCTRL};
// WriteInt = {WriteInt, 1'b0};
// for(int i = 0; i<5; i++) begin
// Unit = {Unit, `DIVUNIT};
// Fmt = {Fmt, 2'b11};
// end
// end
if (TEST === "div" | TEST === "all") begin // if division is being tested
// add the divide tests/op-ctrls/unit/fmt
Tests = {Tests, f128div};
OpCtrl = {OpCtrl, `DIV_OPCTRL};
WriteInt = {WriteInt, 1'b0};
for(int i = 0; i<5; i++) begin
Unit = {Unit, `DIVUNIT};
Fmt = {Fmt, 2'b11};
// if (TEST === "sqrt" | TEST === "all") begin // if square-root is being tested
// // add the square-root tests/op-ctrls/unit/fmt
// Tests = {Tests, f128sqrt};
@ -332,16 +335,16 @@ module testbenchfp;
Fmt = {Fmt, 2'b01};
// if (TEST === "div" | TEST === "all") begin // if division is being tested
// // add the correct tests/op-ctrls/unit/fmt to their lists
// Tests = {Tests, f64div};
// OpCtrl = {OpCtrl, `DIV_OPCTRL};
// WriteInt = {WriteInt, 1'b0};
// for(int i = 0; i<5; i++) begin
// Unit = {Unit, `DIVUNIT};
// Fmt = {Fmt, 2'b01};
// end
// end
if (TEST === "div" | TEST === "all") begin // if division is being tested
// add the correct tests/op-ctrls/unit/fmt to their lists
Tests = {Tests, f64div};
OpCtrl = {OpCtrl, `DIV_OPCTRL};
WriteInt = {WriteInt, 1'b0};
for(int i = 0; i<5; i++) begin
Unit = {Unit, `DIVUNIT};
Fmt = {Fmt, 2'b01};
// if (TEST === "sqrt" | TEST === "all") begin // if square-root is being tessted
// // add the correct tests/op-ctrls/unit/fmt to their lists
// Tests = {Tests, f64sqrt};
@ -443,16 +446,16 @@ module testbenchfp;
Fmt = {Fmt, 2'b00};
// if (TEST === "div" | TEST === "all") begin // if division is being tested
// // add the correct tests/op-ctrls/unit/fmt to their lists
// Tests = {Tests, f32div};
// OpCtrl = {OpCtrl, `DIV_OPCTRL};
// WriteInt = {WriteInt, 1'b0};
// for(int i = 0; i<5; i++) begin
// Unit = {Unit, `DIVUNIT};
// Fmt = {Fmt, 2'b00};
// end
// end
if (TEST === "div" | TEST === "all") begin // if division is being tested
// add the correct tests/op-ctrls/unit/fmt to their lists
Tests = {Tests, f32div};
OpCtrl = {OpCtrl, `DIV_OPCTRL};
WriteInt = {WriteInt, 1'b0};
for(int i = 0; i<5; i++) begin
Unit = {Unit, `DIVUNIT};
Fmt = {Fmt, 2'b00};
// if (TEST === "sqrt" | TEST === "all") begin // if sqrt is being tested
// // add the correct tests/op-ctrls/unit/fmt to their lists
// Tests = {Tests, f32sqrt};
@ -536,16 +539,16 @@ module testbenchfp;
Fmt = {Fmt, 2'b10};
// if (TEST === "div" | TEST === "all") begin // if division is being tested
// // add the correct tests/op-ctrls/unit/fmt to their lists
// Tests = {Tests, f16div};
// OpCtrl = {OpCtrl, `DIV_OPCTRL};
// WriteInt = {WriteInt, 1'b0};
// for(int i = 0; i<5; i++) begin
// Unit = {Unit, `DIVUNIT};
// Fmt = {Fmt, 2'b10};
// end
// end
if (TEST === "div" | TEST === "all") begin // if division is being tested
// add the correct tests/op-ctrls/unit/fmt to their lists
Tests = {Tests, f16div};
OpCtrl = {OpCtrl, `DIV_OPCTRL};
WriteInt = {WriteInt, 1'b0};
for(int i = 0; i<5; i++) begin
Unit = {Unit, `DIVUNIT};
Fmt = {Fmt, 2'b10};
// if (TEST === "sqrt" | TEST === "all") begin // if sqrt is being tested
// // add the correct tests/op-ctrls/unit/fmt to their lists
// Tests = {Tests, f16sqrt};
@ -611,7 +614,7 @@ module testbenchfp;
readvectors readvectors (.clk, .Fmt(FmtVal), .ModFmt, .TestVector(TestVectors[VectorNum]), .VectorNum, .Ans(Ans), .AnsFlg(AnsFlg), .SrcA,
.XSgnE(XSgn), .YSgnE(YSgn), .ZSgnE(ZSgn), .Unit (UnitVal),
.XExpE(XExp), .YExpE(YExp), .ZExpE(ZExp), .TestNum, .OpCtrl(OpCtrlVal),
.XManE(XMan), .YManE(YMan), .ZManE(ZMan),
.XManE(XMan), .YManE(YMan), .ZManE(ZMan), .DivStart,
.XDenormE(XDenorm), .ZDenormE(ZDenorm),
@ -639,8 +642,8 @@ module testbenchfp;
.FOpCtrlE(OpCtrlVal), .FmtE(ModFmt), .SumE, .NegSumE, .InvZE, .FmaNormCntE, .ZSgnEffE, .PSgnE,
.ProdExpE, .AddendStickyE, .KillProdE);
postprocess postprocess(.XSgnM(XSgn), .PostProcSelM(UnitVal[1:0]),
.ZExpM(ZExp), .ZDenormM(ZDenorm), .FOpCtrlM(OpCtrlVal),
postprocess postprocess(.XSgnM(XSgn), .YSgnM(YSgn), .PostProcSelM(UnitVal[1:0]),
.ZExpM(ZExp), .ZDenormM(ZDenorm), .FOpCtrlM(OpCtrlVal), .Quot,
.XManM(XMan), .YManM(YMan), .ZManM(ZMan), .CvtCalcExpM(CvtCalcExpE),
.XNaNM(XNaN), .YNaNM(YNaN), .ZNaNM(ZNaN), .CvtResDenormUfM(CvtResDenormUfE),
.XZeroM(XZero), .YZeroM(YZero), .ZZeroM(ZZero), .CvtShiftAmtM(CvtShiftAmtE),
@ -650,20 +653,15 @@ module testbenchfp;
.SumM(SumE), .NegSumM(NegSumE), .InvZM(InvZE), .FmaNormCntM(FmaNormCntE), .ZSgnEffM(ZSgnEffE), .PSgnM(PSgnE), .FmtM(ModFmt), .FrmM(FrmVal),
.PostProcFlgM(Flg), .PostProcResM(FpRes), .FCvtIntResM(IntRes));
fcvt fcvt (.XSgnE(XSgn), .XExpE(XExp), .XManE(XMan), .ForwardedSrcAE(SrcA), .FWriteIntE(WriteIntVal),
fcvt fcvt (.XSgnE(XSgn), .XExpE(XExp), .XManE(XMan), .ForwardedSrcAE(SrcA), .FWriteIntE(WriteIntVal),
.XZeroE(XZero), .XDenormE(XDenorm), .FOpCtrlE(OpCtrlVal), .IntZeroE,
.FmtE(ModFmt), .CvtCalcExpE, .CvtShiftAmtE, .CvtResDenormUfE, .CvtResSgnE, .CvtLzcInE);
fcmp fcmp (.FmtE(ModFmt), .FOpCtrlE(OpCtrlVal), .XSgnE(XSgn), .YSgnE(YSgn), .XExpE(XExp), .YExpE(YExp),
.XManE(XMan), .YManE(YMan), .XZeroE(XZero), .YZeroE(YZero), .CmpIntResE(CmpRes),
.XNaNE(XNaN), .YNaNE(YNaN), .XSNaNE(XSNaN), .YSNaNE(YSNaN), .FSrcXE(X), .FSrcYE(Y), .CmpNVE(CmpFlg[4]), .CmpFpResE(FpCmpRes));
// fcvtint fcvtint (.XSgnE(XSgn), .XExpE(XExp), .XManE(XMan), .XZeroE(XZero), .XNaNE(XNaN), .XInfE(XInf),
// .XDenormE(XDenorm), .ForwardedSrcAE(SrcA), .FOpCtrlE, .FmtE(ModFmt), .FrmE(Frmal),
// .CvtRes, .CvtFlgE);
// *** integrade divide and squareroot
// fpdiv_pipe fdivsqrt (.op1(DivInput1E), .op2(DivInput2E), .rm(FrmVal[1:0]), .op_type(FOpCtrlQ),
// .reset, .clk(clk), .start(FDivStartE), .P(~FmtQ), .OvEn(1'b1), .UnEn(1'b1),
// .XNaNQ, .YNaNQ, .XInfQ, .YInfQ, .XZeroQ, .YZeroQ, .load_preload,
// .FDivBusyE, .done(FDivSqrtDoneE), .AS_Res(FDivRes), .Flg(FDivFlg));
srtradix4 srtradix4(.clk, .DivStart, .XExpE(XExp), .YExpE(YExp), .DivExp,
.XFrac(XMan[`NF-1:0]), .YFrac(YMan[`NF-1:0]), .SrcA('0), .SrcB('0), .W64(1'b0), .Signed(1'b0), .Int(1'b0), .Sqrt(OpCtrlVal[0]),
.DivDone, .Quot, .Rem());
assign CmpFlg[3:0] = 0;
@ -817,7 +815,7 @@ end
// check if the non-fma test is correct
if(~((Res === Ans | NaNGood | NaNGood === 1'bx) & (ResFlg === AnsFlg | AnsFlg === 5'bx))&(UnitVal !== `CVTINTUNIT)&(UnitVal !== `CMPUNIT)) begin
if(~((Res === Ans | NaNGood | NaNGood === 1'bx) & (ResFlg === AnsFlg | AnsFlg === 5'bx))&(DivDone&(UnitVal == `DIVUNIT))&(UnitVal !== `CVTINTUNIT)&(UnitVal !== `CMPUNIT)) begin
errors += 1;
$display("There is an error in %s", Tests[TestNum]);
$display("inputs: %h %h %h\nSrcA: %h\n Res: %h %h\n Ans: %h %h", X, Y, Z, SrcA, Res, ResFlg, Ans, AnsFlg);
@ -840,8 +838,7 @@ end
VectorNum += 1; // increment the vector
if(DivDone|(UnitVal != `DIVUNIT)) VectorNum += 1; // increment the vector
if (TestVectors[VectorNum][0] === 1'bx & Tests[TestNum] !== "") begin // if reached the end of file
@ -896,14 +893,16 @@ module readvectors (
output logic XZeroE, YZeroE, ZZeroE, // is XYZ zero
output logic XInfE, YInfE, ZInfE, // is XYZ infinity
output logic XExpMaxE,
output logic DivStart,
output logic [`FLEN-1:0] X, Y, Z
// apply test vectors on rising edge of clk
// Format of vectors Inputs(1/2/3)_AnsFlg
always @(posedge clk) begin
always @(TestNum) begin
AnsFlg = TestVector[4:0];
DivStart = 1'b0;
case (Unit)
case (Fmt)
@ -972,21 +971,29 @@ module readvectors (
X = TestVector[8+3*(`Q_LEN)-1:8+2*(`Q_LEN)];
Y = TestVector[8+2*(`Q_LEN)-1:8+(`Q_LEN)];
Ans = TestVector[8+(`Q_LEN-1):8];
DivStart = 1'b1; #10 // one clk cycle
DivStart = 1'b0;
2'b01: begin // double
X = {{`FLEN-`D_LEN{1'b1}}, TestVector[8+3*(`D_LEN)-1:8+2*(`D_LEN)]};
Y = {{`FLEN-`D_LEN{1'b1}}, TestVector[8+2*(`D_LEN)-1:8+(`D_LEN)]};
Ans = {{`FLEN-`D_LEN{1'b1}}, TestVector[8+(`D_LEN-1):8]};
DivStart = 1'b1; #10
DivStart = 1'b0;
2'b00: begin // single
X = {{`FLEN-`S_LEN{1'b1}}, TestVector[8+3*(`S_LEN)-1:8+2*(`S_LEN)]};
Y = {{`FLEN-`S_LEN{1'b1}}, TestVector[8+2*(`S_LEN)-1:8+1*(`S_LEN)]};
Ans = {{`FLEN-`S_LEN{1'b1}}, TestVector[8+(`S_LEN-1):8]};
DivStart = 1'b1; #10
DivStart = 1'b0;
2'b10: begin // half
X = {{`FLEN-`H_LEN{1'b1}}, TestVector[8+3*(`H_LEN)-1:8+2*(`H_LEN)]};
Y = {{`FLEN-`H_LEN{1'b1}}, TestVector[8+2*(`H_LEN)-1:8+(`H_LEN)]};
Ans = {{`FLEN-`H_LEN{1'b1}}, TestVector[8+(`H_LEN-1):8]};
DivStart = 1'b1; #10
DivStart = 1'b0;
Reference in New Issue
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