removed fma directory, improved plic comments

This commit is contained in:
David Harris 2023-01-18 13:06:54 -08:00
parent aa942feedc
commit 331ef80d0f
16 changed files with 6 additions and 92382 deletions

View File

@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
# Makefile
CC = gcc
LIBS = -lm
# Link against the riscv-isa-sim version of SoftFloat rather than
# the regular version to get RISC-V NaN behavior
IFLAGS = -I$(RISCV)/riscv-isa-sim/softfloat
LIBS = $(RISCV)/riscv-isa-sim/build/libsoftfloat.a
#IFLAGS = -I../../../addins/SoftFloat-3e/source/include/
#LIBS = ../../../addins/SoftFloat-3e/build/Linux-x86_64-GCC/softfloat.a
SRCS = $(wildcard *.c)
PROGS = $(patsubst %.c,%,$(SRCS))
all: $(PROGS)
%: %.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(IFLAGS) $(LFLAGS) -o $@ $< $(LIBS)
rm -f $(PROGS)

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
# run with vsim -do "do"
# add -c before -do for batch simulation
onbreak {resume}
# create library
vlib worklib
vlog -lint -sv -work worklib fma16.v testbench.v
vopt +acc worklib.testbench_fma16 -work worklib -o testbenchopt
vsim -lib worklib testbenchopt
add wave sim:/testbench_fma16/clk
add wave sim:/testbench_fma16/reset
add wave sim:/testbench_fma16/x
add wave sim:/testbench_fma16/y
add wave sim:/testbench_fma16/z
add wave sim:/testbench_fma16/result
add wave sim:/testbench_fma16/rexpected
run -all

View File

@ -1,268 +0,0 @@
// 26 February 2022
// 16-bit floating-point multiply-accumulate
// Operation: general purpose multiply, add, fma, with optional negation
// If mul=1, p = x * y. Else p = x.
// If add=1, result = p + z. Else result = p.
// If negr or negz = 1, negate result or z to handle negations and subtractions
// fadd: mul = 0, add = 1, negr = negz = 0
// fsub: mul = 0, add = 1, negr = 0, negz = 1
// fmul: mul = 1, add = 0, negr = 0, negz = 0
// fmadd: mul = 1, add = 1, negr = 0, negz = 0
// fmsub: mul = 1, add = 1, negr = 0, negz = 1
// fnmadd: mul = 1, add = 1, negr = 1, negz = 0
// fnmsub: mul = 1, add = 1, negr = 1, negz = 1
`define FFLEN 16
`define Nf 10
`define Ne 5
`define BIAS 15
`define EMIN (-(2**(`Ne-1)-1))
`define EMAX (2**(`Ne-1)-1)
`define NaN 16'h7E00
`define INF 15'h7C00
// rounding modes *** update
`define RZ 3'b00
`define RNE 3'b01
`define RM 3'b10
`define RP 3'b11
module fma16(
input logic [`FFLEN-1:0] x, y, z,
input logic mul, add, negr, negz,
input logic [1:0] roundmode, // 00: rz, 01: rne, 10: rp, 11: rn
output logic [`FFLEN-1:0] result);
logic [`Nf:0] xm, ym, zm; // U1.Nf
logic [`Ne-1:0] xe, ye, ze; // B_Ne
logic xs, ys, zs;
logic zs1; // sign before optional negation
logic [2*`Nf+1:0] pm; // U2.2Nf
logic [`Ne:0] pe; // B_Ne+1
logic ps; // sign of product
logic [22:0] rm;
logic [`Ne+1:0] re;
logic rs;
logic xzero, yzero, zzero, xinf, yinf, zinf, xnan, ynan, znan;
logic [`Ne+1:0] re2;
unpack16 unpack(x, y, z, xm, ym, zm, xe, ye, ze, xs, ys, zs1, xzero, yzero, zzero, xinf, yinf, zinf, xnan, ynan, znan); // unpack inputs
//signadj16 signadj(negr, negz, xs, ys, zs1, ps, zs); // handle negations
mult16 mult16(mul, xm, ym, xe, ye, xs, ys, pm, pe, ps); // p = x * y
add16 add16(add, pm, zm, pe, ze, ps, zs, negz, rm, re, re2, rs); // r = z + p
postproc16 post(roundmode, xzero, yzero, zzero, xinf, yinf, zinf, xnan, ynan, znan, rm, zm, re, ze, rs, zs, ps, re2, result); // normalize, round, pack
module mult16(
input logic mul,
input logic [`Nf:0] xm, ym,
input logic [`Ne-1:0] xe, ye,
input logic xs, ys,
output logic [2*`Nf+1:0] pm,
output logic [`Ne:0] pe,
output logic ps);
// only multiply if mul = 1
assign pm = mul ? xm * ym : {1'b0, xm, 10'b0}; // multiply mantiassas
assign pe = mul ? xe + ye - `BIAS : {1'b0, xe}; // add exponents, account for bias
assign ps = xs ^ ys; // negative if X xor Y are negative
module add16(
input logic add,
input logic [2*`Nf+1:0] pm, // U2.2Nf
input logic [`Nf:0] zm, // U1.Nf
input logic [`Ne:0] pe, // B_Ne+1
input logic [`Ne-1:0] ze, // B_Ne
input logic ps, zs,
input logic negz,
output logic [22:0] rm,
output logic [`Ne+1:0] re, // B_Ne+2
output logic [`Ne+1:0] re2,
output logic rs);
logic [`Nf*3+7:0] paligned, zaligned, zalignedaddsub, r, r2, rnormed, rnormed2; // U(Nf+6).(2Nf+2) aligned significands
logic signed [`Ne:0] ExpDiff; // Q(Ne+2).0
logic [`Ne:0] AlignCnt; // U(Ne+3) bits to right shift Z for alignment *** check size.
logic [`Nf-1:0] prezsticky;
logic zsticky;
logic effectivesub;
logic rs0;
logic [`Ne:0] leadingzeros, NormCnt; // *** should paramterize size
logic [`Ne:0] re1;
// Alignment shift
assign paligned = {{(`Nf+4){1'b0}}, pm, 2'b00}; // constant shift to prepend leading and trailing 0s.
assign ExpDiff = pe - {1'b0, ze}; // Compute exponent difference as signed number
always_comb // AlignCount mux; see Muller page 254
if (ExpDiff <= (-2*`Nf - 1)) begin AlignCnt = 3*`Nf + 7; re = {1'b0, pe}; end
else if (ExpDiff <= 2) begin AlignCnt = `Nf + 4 - ExpDiff; re = {1'b0, pe}; end
else if (ExpDiff <= `Nf+3) begin AlignCnt = `Nf + 4 - ExpDiff; re = {2'b0, ze}; end
else begin AlignCnt = 0; re = {2'b0, ze}; end
// Shift Zm right by AlignCnt. Produce 3Nf+8 bits of Zaligned in U(Nf+6).(2Nf+2) and Nf bits becoming sticky
assign {zaligned, prezsticky} = {zm, {(3*`Nf+7){1'b0}}} >> AlignCnt; //Right shift
assign zsticky = |prezsticky; // Sticky bit if any of the discarded bits were 1
// Effective subtraction
assign effectivesub = ps ^ zs ^ negz; // subtract |z| from |p|
assign zalignedaddsub = effectivesub ? ~zaligned : zaligned; // invert zaligned for subtraction
// Adder
assign r = paligned + zalignedaddsub + {{`Nf*3+7{1'b0}}, effectivesub}; // add aligned significands
assign rs0 = r[`Nf*3+7]; // sign of the initial result
assign r2 = rs0 ? ~r+1 : r; // invert sum if negative; could optimize with end-around carry?
// Sign Logic
assign rs = ps ^ rs0; // flip the sign if necessary
// Leading zero counter
lzc lzc(r2, leadingzeros); // count number of leading zeros in 2Nf+5 lower digits of r2
assign re1 = pe +2 - leadingzeros; // *** declare, # of bits
// Normalization shift
always_comb // NormCount mux
if (ExpDiff < 3) begin
if (re1 >= `EMIN) begin NormCnt = `Nf + 3 + leadingzeros; re2 = {1'b0, re1}; end
else begin NormCnt = `Nf + 5 + pe - `EMIN; re2 = `EMIN; end
end else begin NormCnt = AlignCnt; re = {2'b00, ze}; end
assign rnormed = r2 << NormCnt; // *** update sticky
/* temporarily comment out to start synth
// One-bit secondary normalization
if (ExpDiff <= 2) begin rnormed2 = rnormed; re2 = re; end // no secondary normalization
else begin // *** handle sticky
if (rnormed[***]) begin rnormed2 = rnormed >> 1; re2 = re+1; end
else if (rnormed[***-1]) begin rnormed2 = rnormed; re2 = re; end
else begin rnormed2 = rnormed << 1; re2 = re-1; end
// round
assign l = rnormed2[***]; // least significant bit
assign r = rnormed2[***-1]; // rounding bit
assign s = ***; // sticky bit
case (roundmode)
RZ: roundup = 0;
RP: roundup = ~rs & (r | s);
RM: roundup = rs & (r | s);
RNE: roundup = r & (s | l);
default: roundup = 0;
assign {re3, rrounded} = {re2, rnormed2[***]} + roundup; // increment if necessary
// *** need to handle rounding to MAXNUM vs. INFINITY
// add or pass product through
/* assign rm = add ? arm : {1'b0, pm};
assign re = add ? are : {1'b0, pe};
assign rs = add ? ars : ps; */
module lzc(
input logic [`Nf*3+7:0] r2,
output logic [`Ne:0] leadingzeros
module postproc16(
input logic [1:0] roundmode,
input logic xzero, yzero, zzero, xinf, yinf, zinf, xnan, ynan, znan,
input logic [22:0] rm,
input logic [`Nf:0] zm, // U1.Nf
input logic [6:0] re,
input logic [`Ne-1:0] ze, // B_Ne
input logic rs, zs, ps,
input logic [`Ne+1:0] re2,
output logic [15:0] result);
logic [9:0] uf, uff;
logic [6:0] ue;
logic [6:0] ueb, uebiased;
logic invalid;
// Special cases
// *** not handling signaling NaN
// *** also add overflow/underflow/inexact
always_comb begin
if (xnan | ynan | znan) begin result = `NaN; invalid = 0; end // propagate NANs
else if ((xinf | yinf) & zinf & (ps ^ zs)) begin result = `NaN; invalid = 1; end // infinity - infinity
else if (xzero & yinf | xinf & yzero) begin result = `NaN; invalid = 1; end // zero times infinity
else if (xinf | yinf) begin result = {ps, `INF}; invalid = 0; end // X or Y
else if (zinf) begin result = {zs, `INF}; invalid = 0; end // infinite Z
else if (xzero | yzero) begin result = {zs, ze, zm[`Nf-1:0]}; invalid = 0; end
else if (re2 >= `EMAX) begin result = {rs, `INF}; invalid = 0; end
else begin result = {rs, re[`Ne-1:0], rm[`Nf-1:0]}; invalid = 0; end
if (rm[21]) begin // normalization right shift by 1 and bump up exponent;
ue = re + 7'b1;
uf = rm[20:11];
end else begin // no normalization shift needed
ue = re;
uf = rm[19:10];
// overflow
always_comb begin
ueb = ue-7'd15;
if (ue >= 7'd46) begin // overflow
/* uebiased = 7'd30;
uff = 10'h3ff; */
end else begin
uebiased = ue-7'd15;
uff = uf;
assign result = {rs, uebiased[4:0], uff};
// add special case handling for zeros, NaN, Infinity
module signadj16(
input logic negr, negz,
input logic xs, ys, zs1,
output logic ps, zs);
assign ps = xs ^ ys; // sign of product
assign zs = zs1 ^ negz; // sign of addend
module unpack16(
input logic [15:0] x, y, z,
output logic [10:0] xm, ym, zm,
output logic [4:0] xe, ye, ze,
output logic xs, ys, zs,
output logic xzero, yzero, zzero, xinf, yinf, zinf, xnan, ynan, znan);
unpacknum16 upx(x, xm, xe, xs, xzero, xinf, xnan);
unpacknum16 upy(y, ym, ye, ys, yzero, yinf, ynan);
unpacknum16 upz(z, zm, ze, zs, zzero, zinf, znan);
module unpacknum16(
input logic [15:0] num,
output logic [10:0] m,
output logic [4:0] e,
output logic s,
output logic zero, inf, nan);
logic [9:0] f; // fraction without leading 1
logic [4:0] eb; // biased exponent
assign {s, eb, f} = num; // pull bit fields out of floating-point number
assign m = {1'b1, f}; // prepend leading 1 to fraction
assign e = eb; // leave bias in exponent ***
assign zero = (e == 0 && f == 0);
assign inf = (e == 31 && f == 0);
assign nan = (e == 31 && f != 0);

View File

@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
// 26 February 2022
// 16-bit floating-point multiply-accumulate
// Operation: general purpose multiply, add, fma, with optional negation
// If mul=1, p = x * y. Else p = x.
// If add=1, result = p + z. Else result = p.
// If negr or negz = 1, negate result or z to handle negations and subtractions
// fadd: mul = 0, add = 1, negr = negz = 0
// fsub: mul = 0, add = 1, negr = 0, negz = 1
// fmul: mul = 1, add = 0, negr = 0, negz = 0
// fmadd: mul = 1, add = 1, negr = 0, negz = 0
// fmsub: mul = 1, add = 1, negr = 0, negz = 1
// fnmadd: mul = 1, add = 1, negr = 1, negz = 0
// fnmsub: mul = 1, add = 1, negr = 1, negz = 1
module fma16(
input logic [15:0] x, y, z,
input logic mul, add, negr, negz,
input logic [1:0] roundmode, // 00: rz, 01: rne, 10: rp, 11: rn
output logic [15:0] result);

View File

@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "softfloat.h"
#include "softfloat_types.h"
typedef union sp {
float32_t v;
float f;
} sp;
// lists of tests, terminated with 0x8000
uint16_t easyExponents[] = {15, 0x8000};
uint16_t medExponents[] = {1, 14, 15, 16, 20, 30, 0x8000};
uint16_t allExponents[] = {1, 15, 16, 30, 31, 0x8000};
uint16_t easyFracts[] = {0, 0x200, 0x8000}; // 1.0 and 1.1
uint16_t medFracts[] = {0, 0x200, 0x001, 0x3FF, 0x8000};
uint16_t zeros[] = {0x0000, 0x8000};
uint16_t infs[] = {0x7C00, 0xFC00};
uint16_t nans[] = {0x7D00, 0x7D01};
void softfloatInit(void) {
softfloat_roundingMode = softfloat_round_minMag;
softfloat_exceptionFlags = 0;
softfloat_detectTininess = softfloat_tininess_beforeRounding;
float convFloat(float16_t f16) {
float32_t f32;
float res;
sp r;
f32 = f16_to_f32(f16);
r.v = f32;
res = r.f;
return res;
void genCase(FILE *fptr, float16_t x, float16_t y, float16_t z, int mul, int add, int negp, int negz, int roundingMode, int zeroAllowed, int infAllowed, int nanAllowed) {
float16_t result;
int op, flagVals;
char calc[80], flags[80];
float32_t x32, y32, z32, r32;
float xf, yf, zf, rf;
float16_t smallest;
if (!mul) y.v = 0x3C00; // force y to 1 to avoid multiply
if (!add) z.v = 0x0000; // force z to 0 to avoid add
if (negp) x.v ^= 0x8000; // flip sign of x to negate p
if (negz) z.v ^= 0x8000; // flip sign of z to negate z
op = roundingMode << 4 | mul<<3 | add<<2 | negp<<1 | negz;
// printf("op = %02x rm %d mul %d add %d negp %d negz %d\n", op, roundingMode, mul, add, negp, negz);
softfloat_exceptionFlags = 0; // clear exceptions
result = f16_mulAdd(x, y, z);
sprintf(flags, "NV: %d OF: %d UF: %d NX: %d",
(softfloat_exceptionFlags >> 4) % 2,
(softfloat_exceptionFlags >> 2) % 2,
(softfloat_exceptionFlags >> 1) % 2,
(softfloat_exceptionFlags) % 2);
// pack these four flags into one nibble, discarding DZ flag
flagVals = softfloat_exceptionFlags & 0x7 | ((softfloat_exceptionFlags >> 1) & 0x8);
// convert to floats for printing
xf = convFloat(x);
yf = convFloat(y);
zf = convFloat(z);
rf = convFloat(result);
if (mul)
if (add) sprintf(calc, "%f * %f + %f = %f", xf, yf, zf, rf);
else sprintf(calc, "%f * %f = %f", xf, yf, rf);
else sprintf(calc, "%f + %f = %f", xf, zf, rf);
// omit denorms, which aren't required for this project
smallest.v = 0x0400;
float16_t resultmag = result;
resultmag.v &= 0x7FFF; // take absolute value
if (f16_lt(resultmag, smallest) && (resultmag.v != 0x0000)) fprintf (fptr, "// skip denorm: ");
if (resultmag.v == 0x0000 && !zeroAllowed) fprintf(fptr, "// skip zero: ");
if ((resultmag.v == 0x7C00 || resultmag.v == 0x7BFF) && !infAllowed) fprintf(fptr, "// Skip inf: ");
if (resultmag.v > 0x7C00 && !nanAllowed) fprintf(fptr, "// Skip NaN: ");
fprintf(fptr, "%04x_%04x_%04x_%02x_%04x_%01x // %s %s\n", x.v, y.v, z.v, op, result.v, flagVals, calc, flags);
void prepTests(uint16_t *e, uint16_t *f, char *testName, char *desc, float16_t *cases,
FILE *fptr, int *numCases) {
int i, j;
fprintf(fptr, desc); fprintf(fptr, "\n");
for (i=0; e[i] != 0x8000; i++)
for (j=0; f[j] != 0x8000; j++) {
cases[*numCases].v = f[j] | e[i]<<10;
*numCases = *numCases + 1;
void genMulTests(uint16_t *e, uint16_t *f, int sgn, char *testName, char *desc, int roundingMode, int zeroAllowed, int infAllowed, int nanAllowed) {
int i, j, k, numCases;
float16_t x, y, z;
float16_t cases[100000];
FILE *fptr;
char fn[80];
sprintf(fn, "work/", testName);
fptr = fopen(fn, "w");
prepTests(e, f, testName, desc, cases, fptr, &numCases);
z.v = 0x0000;
for (i=0; i < numCases; i++) {
x.v = cases[i].v;
for (j=0; j<numCases; j++) {
y.v = cases[j].v;
for (k=0; k<=sgn; k++) {
y.v ^= (k<<15);
genCase(fptr, x, y, z, 1, 0, 0, 0, roundingMode, zeroAllowed, infAllowed, nanAllowed);
void genAddTests(uint16_t *e, uint16_t *f, int sgn, char *testName, char *desc, int roundingMode, int zeroAllowed, int infAllowed, int nanAllowed) {
int i, j, k, numCases;
float16_t x, y, z;
float16_t cases[100000];
FILE *fptr;
char fn[80];
sprintf(fn, "work/", testName);
fptr = fopen(fn, "w");
prepTests(e, f, testName, desc, cases, fptr, &numCases);
y.v = 0x0000;
for (i=0; i < numCases; i++) {
x.v = cases[i].v;
for (j=0; j<numCases; j++) {
z.v = cases[j].v;
for (k=0; k<=sgn; k++) {
z.v ^= (k<<15);
genCase(fptr, x, y, z, 0, 1, 0, 0, roundingMode, zeroAllowed, infAllowed, nanAllowed);
void genFMATests(uint16_t *e, uint16_t *f, int sgn, char *testName, char *desc, int roundingMode, int zeroAllowed, int infAllowed, int nanAllowed) {
int i, j, k, l, numCases;
float16_t x, y, z;
float16_t cases[100000];
FILE *fptr;
char fn[80];
sprintf(fn, "work/", testName);
fptr = fopen(fn, "w");
prepTests(e, f, testName, desc, cases, fptr, &numCases);
for (i=0; i < numCases; i++) {
x.v = cases[i].v;
for (j=0; j<numCases; j++) {
y.v = cases[j].v;
for (k=0; k<numCases; k++) {
z.v = cases[k].v;
for (l=0; l<=sgn; l++) {
z.v ^= (l<<15);
genCase(fptr, x, y, z, 1, 1, 0, 0, roundingMode, zeroAllowed, infAllowed, nanAllowed);
void genSpecialTests(uint16_t *e, uint16_t *f, int sgn, char *testName, char *desc, int roundingMode, int zeroAllowed, int infAllowed, int nanAllowed) {
int i, j, k, sx, sy, sz, numCases;
float16_t x, y, z;
float16_t cases[100000];
FILE *fptr;
char fn[80];
sprintf(fn, "work/", testName);
fptr = fopen(fn, "w");
prepTests(e, f, testName, desc, cases, fptr, &numCases);
cases[numCases].v = 0x0000; // add +0 case
cases[numCases+1].v = 0x8000; // add -0 case
numCases += 2;
for (i=0; i < numCases; i++) {
x.v = cases[i].v;
for (j=0; j<numCases; j++) {
y.v = cases[j].v;
for (k=0; k<numCases; k++) {
z.v = cases[k].v;
for (sx=0; sx<=sgn; sx++) {
x.v ^= (sx<<15);
for (sy=0; sy<=sgn; sy++) {
y.v ^= (sy<<15);
for (sz=0; sz<=sgn; sz++) {
z.v ^= (sz<<15);
genCase(fptr, x, y, z, 1, 1, 0, 0, roundingMode, zeroAllowed, infAllowed, nanAllowed);
int main()
softfloatInit(); // configure softfloat modes
// Test cases: multiplication
genMulTests(easyExponents, easyFracts, 0, "fmul_0", "// Multiply with exponent of 0, significand of 1.0 and 1.1, RZ", 0, 0, 0, 0);
genMulTests(medExponents, medFracts, 0, "fmul_1", "// Multiply with various exponents and unsigned fractions, RZ", 0, 0, 0, 0);
genMulTests(medExponents, medFracts, 1, "fmul_2", "// Multiply with various exponents and signed fractions, RZ", 0, 0, 0, 0);
// Test cases: addition
genAddTests(easyExponents, easyFracts, 0, "fadd_0", "// Add with exponent of 0, significand of 1.0 and 1.1, RZ", 0, 0, 0, 0);
genAddTests(medExponents, medFracts, 0, "fadd_1", "// Add with various exponents and unsigned fractions, RZ", 0, 0, 0, 0);
genAddTests(medExponents, medFracts, 1, "fadd_2", "// Add with various exponents and signed fractions, RZ", 0, 0, 0, 0);
// Test cases: FMA
genFMATests(easyExponents, easyFracts, 0, "fma_0", "// FMA with exponent of 0, significand of 1.0 and 1.1, RZ", 0, 0, 0, 0);
genFMATests(medExponents, medFracts, 0, "fma_1", "// FMA with various exponents and unsigned fractions, RZ", 0, 0, 0, 0);
genFMATests(medExponents, medFracts, 1, "fma_2", "// FMA with various exponents and signed fractions, RZ", 0, 0, 0, 0);
// Test cases: Zero, Infinity, NaN
genSpecialTests(allExponents, medFracts, 1, "fma_special_rz", "// FMA with special cases, RZ", 0, 1, 1, 1);
// Full test cases with other rounding modes
softfloat_roundingMode = softfloat_round_near_even;
genSpecialTests(allExponents, medFracts, 1, "fma_special_rne", "// FMA with special cases, RNE", 1, 1, 1, 1);
softfloat_roundingMode = softfloat_round_min;
genSpecialTests(allExponents, medFracts, 1, "fma_special_rm", "// FMA with special cases, RM", 2, 1, 1, 1);
softfloat_roundingMode = softfloat_round_max;
genSpecialTests(allExponents, medFracts, 1, "fma_special_rp", "// FMA with special cases, RP", 3, 1, 1, 1);
return 0;

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
# check for warnings in Verilog code
# The verilator lint tool is faster and better than Modelsim so it is best to run this first.
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin/
verilator=`which verilator`
basepath=$(dirname $0)/..
$verilator --lint-only --top-module fma16 fma16.v

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
vsim -do "do"

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
vsim -c -do "do"

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
make -C ../../../synthDC synth DESIGN=fma16

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@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
/* verilator lint_off STMTDLY */
module testbench_fma16;
reg clk, reset;
reg [15:0] x, y, z, rexpected;
wire [15:0] result;
reg [7:0] ctrl;
reg [3:0] flagsexpected;
reg mul, add, negp, negz;
reg [1:0] roundmode;
reg [31:0] vectornum, errors;
reg [75:0] testvectors[10000:0];
// instantiate device under test
fma16 dut(x, y, z, mul, add, negp, negz, roundmode, result);
// generate clock
clk = 1; #5; clk = 0; #5;
// at start of test, load vectors and pulse reset
$readmemh("work/", testvectors);
vectornum = 0; errors = 0;
reset = 1; #22; reset = 0;
// apply test vectors on rising edge of clk
always @(posedge clk)
#1; {x, y, z, ctrl, rexpected, flagsexpected} = testvectors[vectornum];
{roundmode, mul, add, negp, negz} = ctrl[5:0];
// check results on falling edge of clk
always @(negedge clk)
if (~reset) begin // skip during reset
if (result !== rexpected) begin // check result // *** should also add tests on flags eventually
$display("Error: inputs %h * %h + %h", x, y, z);
$display(" result = %h (%h expected)", result, rexpected);
errors = errors + 1;
vectornum = vectornum + 1;
if (testvectors[vectornum] === 'x) begin
$display("%d tests completed with %d errors",
vectornum, errors);

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# 19 April 2022
# Convert TestFloat cases into format for fma16 project torture test
# Strip out cases involving denorms
use strict;
my @basenames = ("add", "mul", "mulAdd");
my @roundingmodes = ("rz", "rd", "ru", "rne");
my @names = ();
foreach my $name (@basenames) {
foreach my $mode (@roundingmodes) {
push(@names, "f16_${name}_$");
open(TORTURE, ">work/") || die("Can't write");
my $datestring = localtime();
print(TORTURE "// Torture tests generated $datestring by $0\n");
foreach my $tv (@names) {
open(TV, "work/$tv") || die("Can't read $tv");
my $type = &getType($tv); # is it mul, add, mulAdd
my $rm = &getRm($tv); # rounding mode
# if ($rm != 0) { next; } # only do rz
print (TORTURE "\n////////// Testcases from $tv of type $type rounding mode $rm\n");
print ("\n////////// Testcases from $tv of type $type rounding mode $rm\n");
my $linecount = 0;
my $babyTorture = 0;
while (<TV>) {
my $line = $_;
my $density = 10;
if ($type eq "mulAdd") {$density = 500;}
if ($babyTorture) {
$density = 100;
if ($type eq "mulAdd") {$density = 50000;}
if ((($linecount + $rm) % $density) != 0) { next }; # too many tests to use
chomp($line); # strip off newline
my @parts = split(/_/, $line);
my ($x, $y, $z, $op, $w, $flags);
$x = $parts[0];
if ($type eq "add") { $y = "0000"; } else {$y = $parts[1]};
if ($type eq "mul") { $z = "3CFF"; } elsif ($type eq "add") {$z = $parts[1]} else { $z = $parts[2]};
$op = $rm << 4;
if ($type eq "mul" || $type eq "mulAdd") { $op = $op + 8; }
if ($type eq "add" || $type eq "mulAdd") { $op = $op + 4; }
my $opname = sprintf("%02x", $op);
if ($type eq "mulAdd") {$w = $parts[3];} else {$w = $parts[2]};
if ($type eq "mulAdd") {$flags = $parts[4];} else {$flags = $parts[3]};
$flags = substr($flags, -1); # take last character
if (&fpval($w) eq "NaN") { $w = "7e00"; }
my $vec = "${x}_${y}_${z}_${opname}_${w}_${flags}";
my $skip = "";
if (&isdenorm($x) || &isdenorm($y) || &isdenorm($z) || &isdenorm($w)) {
$skip = "Skipped denorm";
my $summary = &summary($x, $y, $z, $w, $type);
if ($skip ne "") {
print TORTURE "// $skip $tv line $linecount $line $summary\n"
else { print TORTURE "$vec // $tv line $linecount $line $summary\n";}
sub fpval {
my $val = shift;
$val = hex($val); # convert hex string to number
my $frac = $val & 0x3FF;
my $exp = ($val >> 10) & 0x1F;
my $sign = $val >> 15;
my $res;
if ($exp == 31 && $frac != 0) { return "NaN"; }
elsif ($exp == 31) { $res = "INF"; }
elsif ($val == 0) { $res = 0; }
elsif ($exp == 0) { $res = "Denorm"; }
else { $res = sprintf("1.%011b x 2^%d", $frac, $exp-15); }
if ($sign == 1) { $res = "-$res"; }
return $res;
sub summary {
my $x = shift; my $y = shift; my $z = shift; my $w = shift; my $type = shift;
my $xv = &fpval($x);
my $yv = &fpval($y);
my $zv = &fpval($z);
my $wv = &fpval($w);
if ($type eq "add") { return "$xv + $zv = $wv"; }
elsif ($type eq "mul") { return "$xv * $yv = $wv"; }
else {return "$xv * $yv + $zv = $wv"; }
sub getType {
my $tv = shift;
if ($tv =~ /mulAdd/) { return("mulAdd"); }
elsif ($tv =~ /mul/) { return "mul"; }
else { return "add"; }
sub getRm {
my $tv = shift;
if ($tv =~ /rz/) { return 0; }
elsif ($tv =~ /rne/) { return 1; }
elsif ($tv =~ /rd/) {return 2; }
elsif ($tv =~ /ru/) { return 3; }
else { return "bad"; }
sub isdenorm {
my $fp = shift;
my $val = hex($fp);
my $expv = $val >> 10;
$expv = $expv & 0x1F;
my $denorm = 0;
if ($expv == 0 && $val != 0) { $denorm = 1;}
# my $e0 = ($expv == 0);
# my $vn0 = ($val != 0);
# my $denorm = 0; #($exp == 0 && $val != 0); # denorm exponent but not all zero
# print("Num $fp Exp $expv Denorm $denorm Done\n");
return $denorm;

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@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
onerror {resume}
quietly WaveActivateNextPane {} 0
add wave -noupdate /testbench_fma16/clk
add wave -noupdate /testbench_fma16/reset
add wave -noupdate /testbench_fma16/x
add wave -noupdate /testbench_fma16/y
add wave -noupdate /testbench_fma16/z
add wave -noupdate /testbench_fma16/result
add wave -noupdate /testbench_fma16/rexpected
add wave -noupdate /testbench_fma16/dut/x
add wave -noupdate /testbench_fma16/dut/y
add wave -noupdate /testbench_fma16/dut/z
add wave -noupdate /testbench_fma16/dut/mul
add wave -noupdate /testbench_fma16/dut/add
add wave -noupdate /testbench_fma16/dut/negr
add wave -noupdate /testbench_fma16/dut/negz
add wave -noupdate /testbench_fma16/dut/roundmode
add wave -noupdate /testbench_fma16/dut/result
add wave -noupdate /testbench_fma16/dut/XManE
add wave -noupdate /testbench_fma16/dut/YManE
add wave -noupdate /testbench_fma16/dut/ZManE
add wave -noupdate /testbench_fma16/dut/XExpE
add wave -noupdate /testbench_fma16/dut/YExpE
add wave -noupdate /testbench_fma16/dut/ZExpE
add wave -noupdate /testbench_fma16/dut/PExpE
add wave -noupdate /testbench_fma16/dut/Ne
add wave -noupdate /testbench_fma16/dut/upOneExt
add wave -noupdate /testbench_fma16/dut/XSgnE
add wave -noupdate /testbench_fma16/dut/YSgnE
add wave -noupdate /testbench_fma16/dut/ZSgnE
add wave -noupdate /testbench_fma16/dut/PSgnE
add wave -noupdate /testbench_fma16/dut/ProdManE
add wave -noupdate /testbench_fma16/dut/NfracS
add wave -noupdate /testbench_fma16/dut/ProdManAl
add wave -noupdate /testbench_fma16/dut/ZManExt
add wave -noupdate /testbench_fma16/dut/ZManAl
add wave -noupdate /testbench_fma16/dut/Nfrac
add wave -noupdate /testbench_fma16/dut/res
add wave -noupdate -radix decimal /testbench_fma16/dut/AlignCnt
add wave -noupdate /testbench_fma16/dut/NSamt
add wave -noupdate /testbench_fma16/dut/ZExpGreater
add wave -noupdate /testbench_fma16/dut/ACLess
add wave -noupdate /testbench_fma16/dut/upOne
add wave -noupdate /testbench_fma16/dut/KillProd
TreeUpdate [SetDefaultTree]
WaveRestoreCursors {{Cursor 1} {3746 ns} 1} {{Cursor 2} {4169 ns} 0}
quietly wave cursor active 2
configure wave -namecolwidth 237
configure wave -valuecolwidth 64
configure wave -justifyvalue left
configure wave -signalnamewidth 0
configure wave -snapdistance 10
configure wave -datasetprefix 0
configure wave -rowmargin 4
configure wave -childrowmargin 2
configure wave -gridoffset 0
configure wave -gridperiod 1
configure wave -griddelta 40
configure wave -timeline 0
configure wave -timelineunits ns
WaveRestoreZoom {4083 ns} {4235 ns}

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@ -8,12 +8,10 @@
// Based on RISC-V spec (
// With clarifications from ROA's existing implementation (
// Supports only 1 target core and only a global threshold.
// Documentation: RISC-V System on Chip Design Chapter 15
// This PLIC implementation serves as both the PLIC Gateways and PLIC Core.
// It assumes interrupt sources are level-triggered wires.
// *** Big questions:
// Do we detect requests as level-triggered or edge-trigged?
// If edge-triggered, do we want to allow 1 source to be able to make a number of repeated requests?
// Documentation: RISC-V System on Chip Design Chapter 15
// A component of the CORE-V-WALLY configurable RISC-V project.
@ -111,7 +109,7 @@ module plic_apb (
if (memwrite)
24'h0000??: intPriority[entry[7:2]] <= #1 Din[2:0];
`ifdef PLIC_NUM_SRC_LT_32 // *** switch to a generate for loop so as to deprecate PLIC_NUM_SRC_LT_32 and allow up to 1023 sources
`ifdef PLIC_NUM_SRC_LT_32 // eventually switch to a generate for loop so as to deprecate PLIC_NUM_SRC_LT_32 and allow up to 1023 sources
24'h002000: intEn[0][`N:1] <= #1 Din[`N:1];
24'h002080: intEn[1][`N:1] <= #1 Din[`N:1];
@ -172,8 +170,7 @@ module plic_apb (
// pending interrupt requests
assign nextIntPending = (intPending | requests) & ~intInProgress; // dh changed back 7/9/22 see if Buildroot still boots. Confirmed to boot successfully.
//assign nextIntPending = requests; // DH: RT made this change May 2022, but it seems to be a bug to not consider intInProgress; see May 23, 2022 slack discussion
assign nextIntPending = (intPending | requests) & ~intInProgress;
flopr #(`N) intPendingFlop(PCLK,~PRESETn,nextIntPending,intPending);
// context-dependent signals
@ -248,7 +245,7 @@ module plic_apb (
// is the max priority > threshold?
// *** would it be any better to first priority encode maxPriority into binary and then ">" with threshold?
// would it be any better to first priority encode maxPriority into binary and then ">" with threshold?
assign MExtInt = |(threshMask[0] & priorities_with_irqs[0]);
assign SExtInt = |(threshMask[1] & priorities_with_irqs[1]);