Improve version of the function radix which does not cause the wave file rendering to slow down.

This commit is contained in:
Ross Thompson 2021-03-11 17:12:21 -06:00
parent 845115302e
commit 318b642359
4 changed files with 78 additions and 79 deletions

View File

@ -57,9 +57,11 @@ function processProgram {
# parse out the addresses and the labels
local addresses=`echo "$listOfAddr" | awk '{print $1}'`
local labels=`echo "$listOfAddr" | awk '{print "\""$2"\"", "-color \"SpringGreen\","}' | tr -d '<>:'`
local labelsName=`echo "$listOfAddr" | awk '{print ""$2""}' | tr -d '<>:'`
# output per program function address list
echo "$addresses" > $objDumpFile.addr
echo "$labelsName" > $objDumpFile.lab
# need to add some formatting to each line
local numLines=`echo "$listOfAddr" | wc -l`

View File

@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ add wave -noupdate /testbench/clk
add wave -noupdate /testbench/reset
add wave -noupdate /testbench/test
add wave -noupdate -radix ascii /testbench/memfilename
add wave -noupdate -label {Function Name} -radix Functions /testbench/functionRadix/function_radix/FunctionRadixName
add wave -noupdate -expand -group {Execution Stage} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/PCE
add wave -noupdate -expand -group {Execution Stage} /testbench/InstrEName
add wave -noupdate -expand -group {Execution Stage} /testbench/dut/hart/ifu/InstrE
@ -111,16 +110,25 @@ add wave -noupdate -expand -group {alu execution stage} /testbench/dut/hart/ieu/
add wave -noupdate -expand -group {alu execution stage} /testbench/dut/hart/ieu/dp/SrcAE
add wave -noupdate -expand -group {alu execution stage} /testbench/dut/hart/ieu/dp/SrcBE
add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/hart/ieu/dp/ALUResultM
add wave -noupdate -expand -group {Function Radix} -radix ascii /testbench/functionRadix/function_radix/FunctionRadixFile
add wave -noupdate -expand -group {Function Radix} -radix ascii /testbench/functionRadix/function_radix/ProgramIndexFile
add wave -noupdate -expand -group {Function Radix} -radix ascii /testbench/functionRadix/function_radix/ProgramIndexName
add wave -noupdate -expand -group {Function Radix} /testbench/testName
add wave -noupdate -expand -group {Function Radix} /testbench/functionRadix/function_radix/TestAddr
add wave -noupdate /testbench/functionRadix/function_radix/FunctionAddr
add wave -noupdate /testbench/functionRadix/function_radix/reset
add wave -noupdate /testbench/functionRadix/function_radix/ProgramLabelMapLineCount
add wave -noupdate /testbench/functionRadix/function_radix/ProgramLabelMapLine
add wave -noupdate /testbench/functionRadix/function_radix/ProgramLabelMapFP
add wave -noupdate /testbench/functionRadix/function_radix/ProgramLabelMapFile
add wave -noupdate /testbench/functionRadix/function_radix/ProgramAddrMapLineCount
add wave -noupdate /testbench/functionRadix/function_radix/ProgramAddrMapLine
add wave -noupdate /testbench/functionRadix/function_radix/ProgramAddrMapFP
add wave -noupdate /testbench/functionRadix/function_radix/ProgramAddrMapFile
add wave -noupdate /testbench/functionRadix/function_radix/pc
add wave -noupdate /testbench/functionRadix/function_radix/FunctionName
add wave -noupdate /testbench/functionRadix/function_radix/FunctionAddr
add wave -noupdate /testbench/functionRadix/function_radix/ProgramAddrIndex
TreeUpdate [SetDefaultTree]
WaveRestoreCursors {{Cursor 2} {6683 ns} 0} {{Cursor 3} {5926044 ns} 0}
quietly wave cursor active 2
WaveRestoreCursors {{Cursor 2} {1091 ns} 0} {{Cursor 3} {5926044 ns} 0}
quietly wave cursor active 1
configure wave -namecolwidth 250
configure wave -valuecolwidth 518
configure wave -valuecolwidth 229
configure wave -justifyvalue left
configure wave -signalnamewidth 1
configure wave -snapdistance 10
@ -133,4 +141,4 @@ configure wave -griddelta 40
configure wave -timeline 0
configure wave -timelineunits ns
WaveRestoreZoom {5925753 ns} {5927309 ns}
WaveRestoreZoom {0 ns} {105 us}

View File

@ -27,45 +27,40 @@
`include "wally-config.vh"
module function_radix(reset, ProgramIndexName);
parameter FunctionRadixFile, ProgramIndexFile;
module function_radix(reset, ProgramAddrMapFile, ProgramLabelMapFile);
input logic reset;
/* -----\/----- EXCLUDED -----\/-----
input string FunctionRadixFile;
input string ProgramIndexFile;
-----/\----- EXCLUDED -----/\----- */
input string ProgramIndexName;
input string ProgramAddrMapFile;
input string ProgramLabelMapFile;
localparam TestSize = 16;
localparam TotalSize = `XLEN+TestSize;
logic [TotalSize-1:0] FunctionRadixMemory [];
logic [TotalSize-1:0] FunctionRadixName;
integer ProgramIndexMemory [string];
logic [`XLEN-1:0] ProgramAddrMapMemory [];
string ProgramLabelMapMemory [integer];
string FunctionName;
logic [`XLEN-1:0] pc;
logic [TestSize-1:0] ProgramIndexTestNumber;
logic [TotalSize-1:0] TestAddr;
logic [`XLEN-1:0] pc, FunctionAddr;
integer ProgramAddrIndex;
// *** I should look into the system verilog objects instead of signal spy.
initial begin
$init_signal_spy("/testbench/dut/hart/PCE", "/testbench/functionRadix/function_radix/pc");
assign TestAddr = {ProgramIndexTestNumber, pc};
task automatic bin_search_min;
input logic [TotalSize-1:0] pc;
input logic [TotalSize-1:0] length;
ref logic [TotalSize-1:0] array [];
output logic [TotalSize-1:0] minval;
input logic [`XLEN-1:0] pc;
input logic [`XLEN-1:0] length;
ref logic [`XLEN-1:0] array [];
output logic [`XLEN-1:0] minval;
output logic [`XLEN-1:0] mid;
logic [TotalSize-1:0] left, right;
logic [TotalSize-1:0] mid;
logic [`XLEN-1:0] left, right;
if ( pc == 0 ) begin
// *** want to keep the old value for mid and minval
mid = 0;
left = 0;
right = length;
while (left <= right) begin
@ -98,61 +93,59 @@ module function_radix(reset, ProgramIndexName);
endtask // bin_search_min
integer FunctionRadixFP, ProgramIndexFP;
integer FunctionRadixLineCount, ProgramLineCount;
logic [TotalSize-1:0] FunctionRadixLine;
string ProgramIndexLine;
integer ProgramAddrMapFP, ProgramLabelMapFP;
integer ProgramAddrMapLineCount, ProgramLabelMapLineCount;
longint ProgramAddrMapLine;
string ProgramLabelMapLine;
// preload
//always @ (posedge reset) begin
initial begin
$readmemh(FunctionRadixFile, FunctionRadixMemory);
// initial begin
always @ (posedge reset) begin
$readmemh(ProgramAddrMapFile, ProgramAddrMapMemory);
// we need to count the number of lines in the file so we can set FunctionRadixLineCount.
FunctionRadixLineCount = 0;
FunctionRadixFP = $fopen(FunctionRadixFile, "r");
ProgramAddrMapLineCount = 0;
ProgramAddrMapFP = $fopen(ProgramAddrMapFile, "r");
// read line by line to count lines
if (FunctionRadixFP) begin
while (! $feof(FunctionRadixFP)) begin
$fscanf(FunctionRadixFP, "%h\n", FunctionRadixLine);
if (ProgramAddrMapFP) begin
while (! $feof(ProgramAddrMapFP)) begin
$fscanf(ProgramAddrMapFP, "%h\n", ProgramAddrMapLine);
FunctionRadixLineCount = FunctionRadixLineCount + 1;
ProgramAddrMapLineCount = ProgramAddrMapLineCount + 1;
end else begin
$display("Cannot open file %s for reading.", FunctionRadixFile);
$display("Cannot open file %s for reading.", ProgramAddrMapFile);
// ProgramIndexFile maps the program name to the compile index.
// The compile index is then used to inditify the application
// in the custom radix.
// Build an associative array to convert the name to an index.
ProgramLineCount = 0;
ProgramIndexFP = $fopen(ProgramIndexFile, "r");
ProgramLabelMapLineCount = 0;
ProgramLabelMapFP = $fopen(ProgramLabelMapFile, "r");
if (ProgramIndexFP) begin
while (! $feof(ProgramIndexFP)) begin
$fscanf(ProgramIndexFP, "%s\n", ProgramIndexLine);
ProgramIndexMemory[ProgramIndexLine] = ProgramLineCount;
ProgramLineCount = ProgramLineCount + 1;
if (ProgramLabelMapFP) begin
while (! $feof(ProgramLabelMapFP)) begin
$fscanf(ProgramLabelMapFP, "%s\n", ProgramLabelMapLine);
ProgramLabelMapMemory[ProgramLabelMapLineCount] = ProgramLabelMapLine;
ProgramLabelMapLineCount = ProgramLabelMapLineCount + 1;
end else begin
$display("Cannot open file %s for reading.", ProgramIndexFile);
$display("Cannot open file %s for reading.", ProgramLabelMapFile);
always @(pc) begin
bin_search_min(TestAddr, FunctionRadixLineCount, FunctionRadixMemory, FunctionRadixName);
bin_search_min(pc, ProgramAddrMapLineCount, ProgramAddrMapMemory, FunctionAddr, ProgramAddrIndex);
// Each time there is a new program update the test number
always @(ProgramIndexName) begin
ProgramIndexTestNumber = ProgramIndexMemory[ProgramIndexName];
assign FunctionName = ProgramLabelMapMemory[ProgramAddrIndex];
endmodule // function_radix

View File

@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ string tests32i[] = {
string tests[];
string testName;
string ProgramAddrMapFile, ProgramLabelMapFile;
logic [`AHBW-1:0] HRDATAEXT;
logic [31:0] HADDR;
@ -379,7 +379,8 @@ string tests32i[] = {
memfilename = {"../../imperas-riscv-tests/work/", tests[test], ".elf.memfile"};
$readmemh(memfilename, dut.imem.RAM);
$readmemh(memfilename, dut.uncore.dtim.RAM);
testName = tests[test];
ProgramAddrMapFile = {"../../imperas-riscv-tests/work/", tests[test], ".elf.objdump.addr"};
ProgramLabelMapFile = {"../../imperas-riscv-tests/work/", tests[test], ".elf.objdump.lab"};
$display("Read memfile %s", memfilename);
reset = 1; # 42; reset = 0;
@ -454,24 +455,19 @@ string tests32i[] = {
$readmemh(memfilename, dut.imem.RAM);
$readmemh(memfilename, dut.uncore.dtim.RAM);
$display("Read memfile %s", memfilename);
testName = tests[test];
ProgramAddrMapFile = {"../../imperas-riscv-tests/work/", tests[test], ".elf.objdump.addr"};
ProgramLabelMapFile = {"../../imperas-riscv-tests/work/", tests[test], ".elf.objdump.lab"};
reset = 1; # 17; reset = 0;
end // always @ (negedge clk)
// track the current function or global label
if (`XLEN == 32 && DEBUG == 1) begin : functionRadix
function_radix #(.FunctionRadixFile(FunctionRadixFile32),
end else if (`XLEN == 64 && DEBUG == 1) begin : functionRadix
function_radix #(.FunctionRadixFile(FunctionRadixFile64),
if (DEBUG == 1) begin : functionRadix
function_radix function_radix(.reset(reset),