Updated EBU to replace tabs with spaces.

This commit is contained in:
Ross Thompson 2023-03-24 15:01:38 -05:00
parent 2956c11dbc
commit 1ff15c3882
7 changed files with 96 additions and 102 deletions

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@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ module ahbcacheinterface #(
parameter LINELEN, // Number of bits in cacheline
parameter LLENPOVERAHBW // Number of AHB beats in a LLEN word. AHBW cannot be larger than LLEN. (implementation limitation)
input logic HCLK, HRESETn,
input logic HCLK, HRESETn,
// bus interface controls
input logic HREADY, // AHB peripheral ready
output logic [1:0] HTRANS, // AHB transaction type, 00: IDLE, 10 NON_SEQ, 11 SEQ
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ module ahbcacheinterface #(
input logic [1:0] CacheBusRW, // Cache bus operation, 01: writeback, 10: fetch
output logic CacheBusAck, // Handshack to $ indicating bus transaction completed
output logic [LINELEN-1:0] FetchBuffer, // Register to hold beats of cache line as the arrive from bus
output logic [AHBWLOGBWPL-1:0] BeatCount, // Beat position within the cache line in the Address Phase
output logic [AHBWLOGBWPL-1:0] BeatCount, // Beat position within the cache line in the Address Phase
output logic SelBusBeat, // Tells the cache to select the word from ReadData or WriteData from BeatCount rather than PAdr
// uncached interface
@ -76,10 +76,10 @@ module ahbcacheinterface #(
logic [`PA_BITS-1:0] LocalHADDR; // Address after selecting between cached and uncached operation
logic [AHBWLOGBWPL-1:0] BeatCountDelayed; // Beat within the cache line in the second (Data) cache stage
logic CaptureEn; // Enable updating the Fetch buffer with valid data from HRDATA
logic [`AHBW/8-1:0] BusByteMaskM; // Byte enables within a word. For cache request all 1s
logic [`AHBW/8-1:0] BusByteMaskM; // Byte enables within a word. For cache request all 1s
logic [`AHBW-1:0] PreHWDATA; // AHB Address phase write data
genvar index;
genvar index;
// fetch buffer is made of BEATSPERLINE flip-flops
for (index = 0; index < BEATSPERLINE; index++) begin:fetchbuffer
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ module ahbcacheinterface #(
logic [`AHBW-1:0] AHBWordSets [(LLENPOVERAHBW)-1:0];
genvar index;
for (index = 0; index < LLENPOVERAHBW; index++) begin:readdatalinesetsmux
assign AHBWordSets[index] = CacheReadDataWordM[(index*`AHBW)+`AHBW-1: (index*`AHBW)];
assign AHBWordSets[index] = CacheReadDataWordM[(index*`AHBW)+`AHBW-1: (index*`AHBW)];
assign CacheReadDataWordAHB = AHBWordSets[BeatCount[$clog2(LLENPOVERAHBW)-1:0]];
end else assign CacheReadDataWordAHB = CacheReadDataWordM[`AHBW-1:0];
@ -118,5 +118,5 @@ module ahbcacheinterface #(
buscachefsm #(BeatCountThreshold, AHBWLOGBWPL) AHBBuscachefsm(
.HCLK, .HRESETn, .Flush, .BusRW, .Stall, .BusCommitted, .BusStall, .CaptureEn, .SelBusBeat,
.CacheBusRW, .CacheBusAck, .BeatCount, .BeatCountDelayed,

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@ -32,29 +32,28 @@
module ahbinterface #(
parameter LSU = 0 // 1: LSU bus width is `XLEN, 0: IFU bus width is 32 bits
input logic HCLK, HRESETn,
input logic HCLK, HRESETn,
// bus interface
input logic HREADY, // AHB peripheral ready
output logic [1:0] HTRANS, // AHB transaction type, 00: IDLE, 10 NON_SEQ, 11 SEQ
output logic HWRITE, // AHB 0: Read operation 1: Write operation
input logic [`XLEN-1:0] HRDATA, // AHB read data
output logic [`XLEN-1:0] HWDATA, // AHB write data
output logic [`XLEN/8-1:0] HWSTRB, // AHB byte mask
input logic HREADY, // AHB peripheral ready
output logic [1:0] HTRANS, // AHB transaction type, 00: IDLE, 10 NON_SEQ, 11 SEQ
output logic HWRITE, // AHB 0: Read operation 1: Write operation
input logic [`XLEN-1:0] HRDATA, // AHB read data
output logic [`XLEN-1:0] HWDATA, // AHB write data
output logic [`XLEN/8-1:0] HWSTRB, // AHB byte mask
// lsu/ifu interface
input logic Stall, // Core pipeline is stalled
input logic Flush, // Pipeline stage flush. Prevents bus transaction from starting
input logic [1:0] BusRW, // Memory operation read/write control: 10: read, 01: write
input logic [`XLEN/8-1:0] ByteMask, // Bytes enables within a word
input logic [`XLEN-1:0] WriteData, // IEU write data for a store
output logic BusStall, // Bus is busy with an in flight memory operation
output logic BusCommitted, // Bus is busy with an in flight memory operation and it is not safe to take an interrupt
input logic Stall, // Core pipeline is stalled
input logic Flush, // Pipeline stage flush. Prevents bus transaction from starting
input logic [1:0] BusRW, // Memory operation read/write control: 10: read, 01: write
input logic [`XLEN/8-1:0] ByteMask, // Bytes enables within a word
input logic [`XLEN-1:0] WriteData, // IEU write data for a store
output logic BusStall, // Bus is busy with an in flight memory operation
output logic BusCommitted, // Bus is busy with an in flight memory operation and it is not safe to take an interrupt
output logic [(LSU ? `XLEN : 32)-1:0] FetchBuffer // Register to hold HRDATA after arriving from the bus
logic CaptureEn;
localparam LEN = (LSU ? `XLEN : 32); // 32 bits for IFU, XLEN for LSU
logic CaptureEn;
localparam LEN = (LSU ? `XLEN : 32); // 32 bits for IFU, XLEN for LSU
flopen #(LEN) fb(.clk(HCLK), .en(CaptureEn), .d(HRDATA[LEN-1:0]), .q(FetchBuffer));
@ -70,4 +69,5 @@ module ahbinterface #(
busfsm busfsm(.HCLK, .HRESETn, .Flush, .BusRW,
.BusCommitted, .Stall, .BusStall, .CaptureEn, .HREADY,

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@ -81,15 +81,15 @@ module buscachefsm #(
else CurrState <= #1 NextState;
always_comb begin
else if (HREADY & CacheBusRW[0]) NextState = CACHE_WRITEBACK;
else if (HREADY & CacheBusRW[1]) NextState = CACHE_FETCH;
else NextState = ADR_PHASE;
DATA_PHASE: if(HREADY) NextState = MEM3;
else NextState = DATA_PHASE;
MEM3: if(Stall) NextState = MEM3;
else NextState = ADR_PHASE;
else if (HREADY & CacheBusRW[0]) NextState = CACHE_WRITEBACK;
else if (HREADY & CacheBusRW[1]) NextState = CACHE_FETCH;
else NextState = ADR_PHASE;
DATA_PHASE: if(HREADY) NextState = MEM3;
else NextState = DATA_PHASE;
MEM3: if(Stall) NextState = MEM3;
else NextState = ADR_PHASE;
CACHE_FETCH: if(HREADY & FinalBeatCount & CacheBusRW[0]) NextState = CACHE_WRITEBACK;
else if(HREADY & FinalBeatCount & CacheBusRW[1]) NextState = CACHE_FETCH;
else if(HREADY & FinalBeatCount & ~|CacheBusRW) NextState = ADR_PHASE;
@ -98,8 +98,8 @@ module buscachefsm #(
else if(HREADY & FinalBeatCount & CacheBusRW[1]) NextState = CACHE_FETCH;
else if(HREADY & FinalBeatCount & ~|CacheBusRW) NextState = ADR_PHASE;
else NextState = CACHE_WRITEBACK;
default: NextState = ADR_PHASE;
default: NextState = ADR_PHASE;
// IEU, LSU, and IFU controls
@ -117,8 +117,8 @@ module buscachefsm #(
assign CacheAccess = CurrState == CACHE_FETCH | CurrState == CACHE_WRITEBACK;
assign BusStall = (CurrState == ADR_PHASE & ((|BusRW) | (|CacheBusRW))) |
//(CurrState == DATA_PHASE & ~BusRW[0]) | // *** replace the next line with this. Fails uart test but i think it's a test problem not a hardware problem.
(CurrState == DATA_PHASE) |
//(CurrState == DATA_PHASE & ~BusRW[0]) | // *** replace the next line with this. Fails uart test but i think it's a test problem not a hardware problem.
(CurrState == DATA_PHASE) |
(CurrState == CACHE_FETCH & ~HREADY) |
assign BusCommitted = CurrState != ADR_PHASE;

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@ -57,20 +57,20 @@ module busfsm (
else CurrState <= #1 NextState;
always_comb begin
else NextState = ADR_PHASE;
DATA_PHASE: if(HREADY) NextState = MEM3;
else NextState = DATA_PHASE;
MEM3: if(Stall) NextState = MEM3;
else NextState = ADR_PHASE;
default: NextState = ADR_PHASE;
else NextState = ADR_PHASE;
DATA_PHASE: if(HREADY) NextState = MEM3;
else NextState = DATA_PHASE;
MEM3: if(Stall) NextState = MEM3;
else NextState = ADR_PHASE;
default: NextState = ADR_PHASE;
assign BusStall = (CurrState == ADR_PHASE & |BusRW) |
// (CurrState == DATA_PHASE & ~BusRW[0]); // possible optimization here. fails uart test, but i'm not sure the failure is valid.
(CurrState == DATA_PHASE);
// (CurrState == DATA_PHASE & ~BusRW[0]); // possible optimization here. fails uart test, but i'm not sure the failure is valid.
(CurrState == DATA_PHASE);
assign BusCommitted = CurrState != ADR_PHASE;

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@ -36,26 +36,26 @@
module controllerinputstage #(
parameter SAVE_ENABLED = 1 // 1: Save manager inputs if Save = 1, 0: Don't save inputs
input logic HCLK,
input logic HRESETn,
input logic Save, // Two or more managers requesting (HTRANS != 00) at the same time. Save the non-granted manager inputs
input logic Restore, // Restore a saved manager inputs when it is finally granted
input logic Disable, // Supress HREADY to the non-granted manager
output logic Request, // This manager is making a request
input logic HCLK,
input logic HRESETn,
input logic Save, // Two or more managers requesting (HTRANS != 00) at the same time. Save the non-granted manager inputs
input logic Restore, // Restore a saved manager inputs when it is finally granted
input logic Disable, // Supress HREADY to the non-granted manager
output logic Request, // This manager is making a request
// controller input
input logic [1:0] HTRANSIn, // Manager input. AHB transaction type, 00: IDLE, 10 NON_SEQ, 11 SEQ
input logic HWRITEIn, // Manager input. AHB 0: Read operation 1: Write operation
input logic [2:0] HSIZEIn, // Manager input. AHB transaction width
input logic [2:0] HBURSTIn, // Manager input. AHB burst length
input logic [1:0] HTRANSIn, // Manager input. AHB transaction type, 00: IDLE, 10 NON_SEQ, 11 SEQ
input logic HWRITEIn, // Manager input. AHB 0: Read operation 1: Write operation
input logic [2:0] HSIZEIn, // Manager input. AHB transaction width
input logic [2:0] HBURSTIn, // Manager input. AHB burst length
input logic [`PA_BITS-1:0] HADDRIn, // Manager input. AHB address
output logic HREADYOut, // Indicate to manager the peripherial is not busy and another manager does not have priority
output logic HREADYOut, // Indicate to manager the peripherial is not busy and another manager does not have priority
// controller output
output logic [1:0] HTRANSOut, // Aribrated manager transaction. AHB transaction type, 00: IDLE, 10 NON_SEQ, 11 SEQ
output logic HWRITEOut, // Aribrated manager transaction. AHB 0: Read operation 1: Write operation
output logic [2:0] HSIZEOut, // Aribrated manager transaction. AHB transaction width
output logic [2:0] HBURSTOut, // Aribrated manager transaction. AHB burst length
output logic [1:0] HTRANSOut, // Aribrated manager transaction. AHB transaction type, 00: IDLE, 10 NON_SEQ, 11 SEQ
output logic HWRITEOut, // Aribrated manager transaction. AHB 0: Read operation 1: Write operation
output logic [2:0] HSIZEOut, // Aribrated manager transaction. AHB transaction width
output logic [2:0] HBURSTOut, // Aribrated manager transaction. AHB burst length
output logic [`PA_BITS-1:0] HADDROut, // Aribrated manager transaction. AHB address
input logic HREADYIn // Peripherial ready
input logic HREADYIn // Peripherial ready
logic HWRITESave;

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@ -89,8 +89,6 @@ module ebu (
logic IFUReq;
logic LSUReq;
assign HCLK = clk;
assign HRESETn = ~reset;

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@ -31,34 +31,33 @@
`include "wally-config.vh"
module ebufsmarb (
input logic HCLK,
input logic HRESETn,
input logic HCLK,
input logic HRESETn,
input logic [2:0] HBURST,
// AHB burst length
input logic HREADY,
input logic HREADY,
input logic LSUReq,
input logic IFUReq,
input logic LSUReq,
input logic IFUReq,
output logic IFUSave,
output logic IFURestore,
output logic IFUDisable,
output logic IFUSelect,
output logic LSUDisable,
output logic LSUSelect);
output logic IFUSave,
output logic IFURestore,
output logic IFUDisable,
output logic IFUSelect,
output logic LSUDisable,
output logic LSUSelect);
typedef enum logic [1:0] {IDLE, ARBITRATE} statetype;
typedef enum logic [1:0] {IDLE, ARBITRATE} statetype;
statetype CurrState, NextState;
logic both; // Both the LSU and IFU request at the same time
logic IFUReqD; // 1 cycle delayed IFU request. Part of arbitration
logic FinalBeat, FinalBeatD; // Indicates the last beat of a burst
logic BeatCntEn;
logic [3:0] BeatCount; // Position within a burst transfer
logic BeatCntReset;
logic [3:0] Threshold; // Number of beats derived from HBURST
logic both; // Both the LSU and IFU request at the same time
logic IFUReqD; // 1 cycle delayed IFU request. Part of arbitration
logic FinalBeat, FinalBeatD; // Indicates the last beat of a burst
logic BeatCntEn;
logic [3:0] BeatCount; // Position within a burst transfer
logic BeatCntReset;
logic [3:0] Threshold; // Number of beats derived from HBURST
// Aribtration scheme
@ -70,8 +69,8 @@ module ebufsmarb (
flopenl #(.TYPE(statetype)) busreg(HCLK, ~HRESETn, 1'b1, NextState, IDLE, CurrState);
case (CurrState)
IDLE: if (both) NextState = ARBITRATE;
else NextState = IDLE;
IDLE: if (both) NextState = ARBITRATE;
else NextState = IDLE;
ARBITRATE: if (HREADY & FinalBeatD & ~(LSUReq & IFUReq)) NextState = IDLE;
else NextState = ARBITRATE;
default: NextState = IDLE;
@ -100,27 +99,24 @@ module ebufsmarb (
assign BeatCntReset = NextState == IDLE;
assign FinalBeat = (BeatCount == Threshold); // Detect when we are waiting on the final access.
// Counting the beats in the EBU is only necessary when both the LSU and IFU request concurrently.
// LSU has priority. HREADY serves double duty during a burst transaction. It indicates when the
// beat completes and when the transaction finishes. However there is nothing external to
// differentiate them. The EBU counts the HREADY beats so it knows when to switch to the IFU's
// request.
assign BeatCntEn = (NextState == ARBITRATE) & HREADY;
counter #(4) BeatCounter(HCLK, ~HRESETn | BeatCntReset | FinalBeat, BeatCntEn, BeatCount);
// Used to store data from data phase of AHB.
flopenr #(1) FinalBeatReg(HCLK, ~HRESETn | BeatCntReset, BeatCntEn, FinalBeat, FinalBeatD);
// unlike the bus fsm in lsu/ifu, we need to derive the number of beats from HBURST.
// HBURST[2:1] Beats
// 00 1
// 01 4
// 10 8
// 11 16
// unlike the bus fsm in lsu/ifu, we need to derive the number of beats from HBURST, Threshold = num beats - 1.
// HBURST[2:1] Beats threshold
// 00 1 0
// 01 4 3
// 10 8 7
// 11 16 15
if (HBURST[2:1] == 2'b00) Threshold = 4'b0000;
else Threshold = (2 << HBURST[2:1]) - 1;
/* case(HBURST)
0: Threshold = 4'b0000;
3: Threshold = 4'b0011; // INCR4
5: Threshold = 4'b0111; // INCR8
7: Threshold = 4'b1111; // INCR16
default: Threshold = 4'b0000; // INCR without end.
end */