Update to fpdivsqrt to go on posedge as it should. Also an update to

individual regression test for TestFloat (still needs some tweaking)
This commit is contained in:
James E. Stine 2021-10-13 17:14:42 -05:00
parent a898204c04
commit 1dba57dce7
7 changed files with 158 additions and 36 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
vsim -do wally-fp64.do

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
vsim -c <<!
do wally-fp64-batch.do rv64g imperas64d

View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
# wally-pipelined-batch.do
# Modification by Oklahoma State University & Harvey Mudd College
# Use with Testbench
# James Stine, 2008; David Harris 2021
# Go Cowboys!!!!!!
# Takes 1:10 to run RV64IC tests using gui
# Usage: do wally-pipelined-batch.do <config> <testcases>
# Example: do wally-pipelined-batch.do rv32ic imperas-32i
# Use this wally-pipelined-batch.do file to run this example.
# Either bring up ModelSim and type the following at the "ModelSim>" prompt:
# do wally-pipelined-batch.do
# or, to run from a shell, type the following at the shell prompt:
# vsim -do wally-pipelined-batch.do -c
# (omit the "-c" to see the GUI while running from the shell)
onbreak {resume}
# create library
if [file exists work_${1}_${2}] {
vdel -lib work_${1}_${2} -all
vlib work_${1}_${2}
# compile source files
# suppress spurious warnngs about
# "Extra checking for conflicts with always_comb done at vopt time"
# because vsim will run vopt
# default to config/rv64ic, but allow this to be overridden at the command line. For example:
# do wally-pipelined-batch.do ../config/rv32ic rv32ic
vlog -work work_${1}_${2} +incdir+../config/$1 +incdir+../config/shared ../testbench/testbench-f64.sv ../testbench/common/*.sv ../src/*/*.sv -suppress 2583
# start and run simulation
# remove +acc flag for faster sim during regressions if there is no need to access internal signals
vopt work_${1}_${2}.testbench -work work_${1}_${2} -G TEST=$2 -o testbenchopt
vsim -lib work_${1}_${2} testbenchopt
# Adding coverage increases runtime from 2:00 to 4:29. Can't run it all the time
#vopt work_$2.testbench -work work_$2 -o workopt_$2 +cover=sbectf
#vsim -coverage -lib work_$2 workopt_$2
run -all
#coverage report -file wally-pipelined-coverage.txt
# These aren't doing anything helpful
#coverage report -memory
#profile report -calltree -file wally-pipelined-calltree.rpt -cutoff 2

View File

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
# wally-pipelined.do
# Modification by Oklahoma State University & Harvey Mudd College
# Use with Testbench
# James Stine, 2008; David Harris 2021
# Go Cowboys!!!!!!
# Takes 1:10 to run RV64IC tests using gui
# run with vsim -do "do wally-pipelined.do rv64ic riscvarchtest-64m"
# Use this wally-pipelined.do file to run this example.
# Either bring up ModelSim and type the following at the "ModelSim>" prompt:
# do wally-pipelined.do
# or, to run from a shell, type the following at the shell prompt:
# vsim -do wally-pipelined.do -c
# (omit the "-c" to see the GUI while running from the shell)
onbreak {resume}
# create library
if [file exists work] {
vdel -all
vlib work
# compile source files
# suppress spurious warnngs about
# "Extra checking for conflicts with always_comb done at vopt time"
# because vsim will run vopt
# default to config/rv64ic, but allow this to be overridden at the command line. For example:
# do wally-pipelined.do ../config/rv32ic
#switch $argc {
# 0 {vlog +incdir+../config/rv64ic +incdir+../config/shared ../testbench/testbench.sv ../testbench/common/*.sv ../src/*/*.sv -suppress 2583}
# 1 {vlog +incdir+$1 +incdir+../config/shared ../testbench/testbench.sv ../testbench/common/*.sv ../src/*/*.sv -suppress 2583}
# start and run simulation
# remove +acc flag for faster sim during regressions if there is no need to access internal signals
vlog +incdir+../config/rv64g +incdir+../config/shared ../testbench/testbench-f64.sv ../testbench/common/*.sv ../src/*/*.sv -suppress 2583
vopt +acc work.testbench -G TEST=imperas64d -o workopt
vsim workopt
view wave
-- display input and output signals as hexidecimal values
do ./wave-dos/generic.do
-- Run the Simulation
#run 3600
run -all
#noview ../testbench/testbench-imperas.sv
noview ../testbench/testbench.sv
view wave

View File

@ -191,19 +191,7 @@ module fpu (
.FmtE, .FmtM, .FrmM, .FmtE, .FmtM, .FrmM,
.FMAFlgM, .FMAResM); .FMAFlgM, .FMAResM);
// clock gater
// - creates a clock that only runs durring divide/sqrt instructions
// - using the seperate clock gives the divide/sqrt unit some to get set up
// *** the module says not to use in synthisis
clockgater fpdivclkg(.E(FDivStartE),
// capture the inputs for divide/sqrt // capture the inputs for divide/sqrt
// - if not captured any forwarded inputs will change durring computation
// - this problem is caused by stalling the execute stage
// - the other units don't have this problem, only div/sqrt stalls the execute stage
floprc #(64) reg_input1 (.d({XSgnE, XExpE, XManE[51:0]}), .q(DivInput1E), floprc #(64) reg_input1 (.d({XSgnE, XExpE, XManE[51:0]}), .q(DivInput1E),
.clear(FDivSqrtDoneE), .clear(FDivSqrtDoneE),
.reset(reset), .clk(FDivBusyE)); .reset(reset), .clk(FDivBusyE));
@ -214,10 +202,9 @@ module fpu (
.q({XNaNQ, YNaNQ, XInfQ, YInfQ, XZeroQ, YZeroQ}), .q({XNaNQ, YNaNQ, XInfQ, YInfQ, XZeroQ, YZeroQ}),
.clear(FDivSqrtDoneE), .clear(FDivSqrtDoneE),
.reset(reset), .clk(FDivBusyE)); .reset(reset), .clk(FDivBusyE));
// fpdivsqrt using Goldschmidt's iteration // fpdivsqrt using Goldschmidt's iteration
fpdiv fdivsqrt (.op1(DivInput1E), .op2(DivInput2E), .rm(FrmE[1:0]), .op_type(FOpCtrlE[0]), fpdiv fdivsqrt (.op1(DivInput1E), .op2(DivInput2E), .rm(FrmE[1:0]), .op_type(FOpCtrlE[0]),
.reset, .clk(FDivClk), .start(FDivStartE), .P(~FmtE), .OvEn(1'b1), .UnEn(1'b1), .reset, .clk(clk), .start(FDivStartE), .P(~FmtE), .OvEn(1'b1), .UnEn(1'b1),
.XNaNQ, .YNaNQ, .XInfQ, .YInfQ, .XZeroQ, .YZeroQ, .XNaNQ, .YNaNQ, .XInfQ, .YInfQ, .XZeroQ, .YZeroQ,
.FDivBusyE, .done(FDivSqrtDoneE), .AS_Result(FDivResM), .Flags(FDivFlgM)); .FDivBusyE, .done(FDivSqrtDoneE), .AS_Result(FDivResM), .Flags(FDivFlgM));

View File

@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ module fsm (
statetype current_state, next_state; statetype current_state, next_state;
always @(negedge clk) always @(posedge clk)
begin begin
if (reset == 1'b1) if (reset == 1'b1)
current_state = S0; current_state = S0;
@ -269,6 +269,21 @@ module fsm (
sel_muxa = 3'b000; sel_muxa = 3'b000;
sel_muxb = 3'b000; sel_muxb = 3'b000;
sel_muxr = 1'b0; sel_muxr = 1'b0;
next_state = S11;
end // case: S10
S11: // done
done = 1'b0;
divBusy = 1'b0;
load_rega = 1'b0;
load_regb = 1'b0;
load_regc = 1'b0;
load_regd = 1'b0;
load_regr = 1'b0;
load_regs = 1'b0;
sel_muxa = 3'b000;
sel_muxb = 3'b000;
sel_muxr = 1'b0;
next_state = S0; next_state = S0;
end end
S13: // start of sqrt path S13: // start of sqrt path
@ -479,6 +494,21 @@ module fsm (
sel_muxa = 3'b000; sel_muxa = 3'b000;
sel_muxb = 3'b000; sel_muxb = 3'b000;
sel_muxr = 1'b0; sel_muxr = 1'b0;
next_state = S27;
end // case: S26
S27: // done
done = 1'b0;
divBusy = 1'b0;
load_rega = 1'b0;
load_regb = 1'b0;
load_regc = 1'b0;
load_regd = 1'b0;
load_regr = 1'b0;
load_regs = 1'b0;
sel_muxa = 3'b000;
sel_muxb = 3'b000;
sel_muxr = 1'b0;
next_state = S0; next_state = S0;
end end
default: default:

View File

@ -57,16 +57,13 @@ module testbench ();
.XNaNE, .YNaNE, .ZNaNE, .XSNaNE, .YSNaNE, .ZSNaNE, .XDenormE, .YDenormE, .ZDenormE, .XNaNE, .YNaNE, .ZNaNE, .XSNaNE, .YSNaNE, .ZSNaNE, .XDenormE, .YDenormE, .ZDenormE,
.XZeroE, .YZeroE, .ZZeroE, .BiasE, .XInfE, .YInfE, .ZInfE, .XExpMaxE, .XNormE); .XZeroE, .YZeroE, .ZZeroE, .BiasE, .XInfE, .YInfE, .ZInfE, .XExpMaxE, .XNormE);
fpdiv fdivsqrt (.op1, .op2, .rm(FrmE[1:0]), .op_type(FOpCtrlE[0]), fpdiv fdivsqrt (.op1, .op2, .rm(FrmE[1:0]), .op_type(FOpCtrlE[0]),
.reset, .clk, .start, .P(FmtE), .OvEn(1'b1), .UnEn(1'b1), .reset, .clk, .start, .P(~FmtE), .OvEn(1'b0), .UnEn(1'b0),
.XNaNQ(XNaNE), .YNaNQ(YNaNE), .XInfQ(XInfE), .YInfQ(YInfE), .XZeroQ(XZeroE), .YZeroQ(YZeroE), .XNaNQ(XNaNE), .YNaNQ(YNaNE), .XInfQ(XInfE), .YInfQ(YInfE), .XZeroQ(XZeroE), .YZeroQ(YZeroE),
.FDivBusyE, .done(done), .AS_Result(AS_Result), .Flags(Flags)); .FDivBusyE, .done(done), .AS_Result(AS_Result), .Flags(Flags));
// current fpdivsqrt does not operation on denorms yet // current fpdivsqrt does not operation on denorms yet
assign XZeroM = (op1[51:0] == 52'h0); assign Denorm = XDenormE | YDenormE | Flags[3];
assign YZeroM = (op2[51:0] == 52'h0);
assign XDenorm = XZeroE & ~XZeroM;
assign YDenorm = YZeroE & ~YZeroM;
assign Denorm = XDenorm | YDenorm;
// generate clock to sequence tests // generate clock to sequence tests
always always
@ -77,7 +74,7 @@ module testbench ();
initial initial
begin begin
handle3 = $fopen("f64_div_rne.out"); handle3 = $fopen("f64_div_rne.out");
$readmemh("../testbench/fp/f64_div_rne.tv", testvectors); $readmemh("../testbench/fp/vectors/f64_div_rne.tv", testvectors);
vectornum = 0; errors = 0; vectornum = 0; errors = 0;
start = 1'b0; start = 1'b0;
// reset // reset
@ -90,7 +87,7 @@ module testbench ();
// Operation (if applicable) // Operation (if applicable)
#0 op_type = 1'b0; #0 op_type = 1'b0;
// Precision (32-bit or 64-bit) // Precision (32-bit or 64-bit)
#0 FmtE = 1'b0; #0 FmtE = 1'b1;
// From fctrl logic to dictate operation // From fctrl logic to dictate operation
#0 FOpCtrlE = 3'b000; #0 FOpCtrlE = 3'b000;
// Rounding Mode // Rounding Mode
@ -114,7 +111,7 @@ module testbench ();
@(posedge clk); @(posedge clk);
$fdisplay(desc3, "%h_%h_%h_%b_%b | %h_%b", op1, op2, AS_Result, Flags, Denorm, yexpected, (AS_Result==yexpected)); $fdisplay(desc3, "%h_%h_%h_%b_%b | %h_%b", op1, op2, AS_Result, Flags, Denorm, yexpected, (AS_Result==yexpected));
vectornum = vectornum + 1; vectornum = vectornum + 1;
if (vectornum == 1) if (vectornum == 40)
$finish; $finish;
if (testvectors[vectornum] === 200'bx) begin if (testvectors[vectornum] === 200'bx) begin
$display("%d tests completed", vectornum); $display("%d tests completed", vectornum);