slightly more info on errors, add instruction decoding

This commit is contained in:
Noah Boorstin 2021-01-22 21:14:45 -05:00
parent 3b16766fde
commit 18f6aa716e

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@ -81,7 +81,8 @@ module testbench_busybear #(parameter XLEN=64, MISA=32'h00000104, ZCSR = 1, ZCOU
scan_file_rf = $fscanf(data_file_rf, "%x\n", rfExpected[j]);
// check things!
if (rf[j*64+63 -: 64] != rfExpected[j]) begin
$display("rf[%i] does not equal rf expected: %x, %x", j, rf[j*64+63 -: 64], rfExpected[j]);
$display("%t ps: rf[%i] does not equal rf expected: %x, %x", $time, j, rf[j*64+63 -: 64], rfExpected[j]);
@ -101,10 +102,19 @@ module testbench_busybear #(parameter XLEN=64, MISA=32'h00000104, ZCSR = 1, ZCOU
scan_file_PC = $fscanf(data_file_PC, "%x\n", pcExpected);
//check things!
if (PCF != pcExpected) begin
$display("PC does not equal PC expected: %x, %x", PCF, pcExpected);
$display("%t ps: PC does not equal PC expected: %x, %x", $time, PCF, pcExpected);
// Track names of instructions
string InstrFName, InstrDName, InstrEName, InstrMName, InstrWName;
logic [31:0] InstrW;
instrNameDecTB dec(InstrF, InstrFName);
instrTrackerTB #(XLEN) it(clk, reset, dut.dp.FlushE,
dut.dp.InstrDecompD, dut.dp.InstrE,
dut.dp.InstrM, InstrW,
InstrDName, InstrEName, InstrMName, InstrWName);
// generate clock to sequence tests