FMA project ready to start

This commit is contained in:
David Harris 2022-03-01 20:58:08 +00:00
parent 0693f76676
commit 0ecfff7e3a
3 changed files with 17 additions and 141 deletions

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@ -12,12 +12,12 @@ vlog -lint -work worklib
vopt +acc worklib.testbench_fma16 -work worklib -o testbenchopt vopt +acc worklib.testbench_fma16 -work worklib -o testbenchopt
vsim -lib worklib testbenchopt vsim -lib worklib testbenchopt
add wave sim:/testbench/clk add wave sim:/testbench_fma16/clk
add wave sim:/testbench/reset add wave sim:/testbench_fma16/reset
add wave sim:/testbench/x add wave sim:/testbench_fma16/x
add wave sim:/testbench/y add wave sim:/testbench_fma16/y
add wave sim:/testbench/z add wave sim:/testbench_fma16/z
add wave sim:/testbench/result add wave sim:/testbench_fma16/result
add wave sim:/testbench/rexpected add wave sim:/testbench_fma16/rexpected
run -all run -all

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@ -5,145 +5,20 @@
// Operation: general purpose multiply, add, fma, with optional negation // Operation: general purpose multiply, add, fma, with optional negation
// If mul=1, p = x * y. Else p = x. // If mul=1, p = x * y. Else p = x.
// If add=1, result = p + z. Else result = p. // If add=1, result = p + z. Else result = p.
// If negp or negz = 1, negate p or z to handle negations and subtractions // If negr or negz = 1, negate result or z to handle negations and subtractions
// fadd: mul = 0, add = 1, negp = negz = 0 // fadd: mul = 0, add = 1, negr = negz = 0
// fsub: mul = 0, add = 1, negp = 0, negz = 1 // fsub: mul = 0, add = 1, negr = 0, negz = 1
// fmul: mul = 1, add = 0, negp = 0, negz = 0 // fmul: mul = 1, add = 0, negr = 0, negz = 0
// fma: mul = 1, add = 1, negp = 0, negz = 0 // fmadd: mul = 1, add = 1, negr = 0, negz = 0
// fmsub: mul = 1, add = 1, negr = 0, negz = 1
// fnmadd: mul = 1, add = 1, negr = 1, negz = 0
// fnmsub: mul = 1, add = 1, negr = 1, negz = 1
module fma16( module fma16(
input logic [15:0] x, y, z, input logic [15:0] x, y, z,
input logic mul, add, negp, negz, input logic mul, add, negr, negz,
input logic [1:0] roundmode, // 00: rz, 01: rne, 10: rp, 11: rn input logic [1:0] roundmode, // 00: rz, 01: rne, 10: rp, 11: rn
output logic [15:0] result); output logic [15:0] result);
logic [10:0] xm, ym, zm;
logic [4:0] xe, ye, ze;
logic xs, ys, zs;
logic zs1; // sign before optional negation
logic [21:0] pm;
logic [5:0] pe;
logic ps; // sign of product
logic [22:0] rm;
logic [6:0] re;
logic rs;
unpack16 unpack(x, y, z, xm, ym, zm, xe, ye, ze, xs, ys, zs1); // unpack inputs
signadj16 signadj(negp, negz, xs, ys, zs1, ps, zs); // handle negations
mult16 m(mul, xm, ym, xe, ye, pm, pe); // p = x * y
add16 a(add, pm, zm, pe, ze, ps, zs, rm, re, rs); // r = z + p
postproc16 post(roundmode, rm, re, rs, result); // normalize, round, pack
endmodule endmodule
module mult16(
input logic mul,
input logic [10:0] xm, ym,
input logic [4:0] xe, ye,
output logic [21:0] pm,
output logic [5:0] pe);
// only multiply if mul = 1
assign pm = mul ? xm * ym : {1'b0, xm, 10'b0}; // multiply mantiassas
assign pe = mul ? xe + ye : {1'b0, xe};
module add16(
input logic add,
input logic [21:0] pm,
input logic [10:0] zm,
input logic [5:0] pe,
input logic [4:0] ze,
input logic ps, zs,
output logic [22:0] rm,
output logic [6:0] re,
output logic rs);
logic [22:0] arm;
logic [6:0] are;
logic ars;
alignshift as(pe, ze, zm, zmaligned);
condneg cnp(pm, ps, pmn);
condneg cnz(zm, zs, zmn);
// add or pass product through
assign rm = add ? arm : {1'b0, pm};
assign re = add ? are : {1'b0, pe};
assign rs = add ? ars : ps;
module postproc16(
input logic [1:0] roundmode,
input logic [22:0] rm,
input logic [6:0] re,
input logic rs,
output logic [15:0] result);
logic [9:0] uf, uff;
logic [6:0] ue;
logic [6:0] ueb, uebiased;
if (rm[21]) begin // normalization right shift by 1 and bump up exponent;
ue = re + 7'b1;
uf = rm[20:11];
end else begin // no normalization shift needed
ue = re;
uf = rm[19:10];
// overflow
always_comb begin
ueb = ue-7'd15;
if (ue >= 7'd46) begin // overflow
/* uebiased = 7'd30;
uff = 10'h3ff; */
end else begin
uebiased = ue-7'd15;
uff = uf;
assign result = {rs, uebiased[4:0], uff};
// add special case handling for zeros, NaN, Infinity
module signadj16(
input logic negx, negz,
input logic xs, ys, zs1,
output logic ps, zs);
assign ps = xs ^ ys ^ negx; // sign of product
assign zs = zs1 ^ negz; //
module unpack16(
input logic [15:0] x, y, z,
output logic [10:0] xm, ym, zm,
output logic [4:0] xe, ye, ze,
output logic xs, ys, zs);
unpacknum16 upx(x, xm, xe, xs);
unpacknum16 upy(y, ym, ye, ys);
unpacknum16 upz(z, zm, ze, zs);
module unpacknum16(
input logic [15:0] num,
output logic [10:0] m,
output logic [4:0] e,
output logic s);
logic [9:0] f; // fraction without leading 1
logic [4:0] eb; // biased exponent
assign {s, eb, f} = num; // pull bit fields out of floating-point number
assign m = {1'b1, f}; // prepend leading 1 to fraction
assign e = eb; // leave bias in exponent ***

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
vsim -c -do "do"