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// File name : fpadd
// Title : Floating-Point Adder/Subtractor
// project : FPU
// Library : fpadd
// Author(s) : James E. Stine, Jr., Brett Mathis
// Purpose : definition of main unit to floating-point add/sub
// notes :
// Copyright Oklahoma State University
// Copyright AFRL
// Basic and Denormalized Operations
// Step 1: Load operands, set flags, and convert SP to DP
// Step 2: Check for special inputs ( +/- Infinity, NaN)
// Step 3: Compare exponents. Swap the operands of exp1 < exp2
// or of (exp1 = exp2 AND mnt1 < mnt2)
// Step 4: Shift the mantissa corresponding to the smaller exponent,
// and extend precision by three bits to the right.
// Step 5: Add or subtract the mantissas.
// Step 6: Normalize the result.//
// Shift left until normalized. Normalized when the value to the
// left of the binrary point is 1.
// Step 7: Round the result.//
// Step 8: Put sum onto output.
module faddcvt(
input logic clk,
input logic reset,
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input logic FlushM, // flush the memory stage
input logic StallM, // stall the memory stage
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input logic [63:0] FSrcXE, // 1st input operand (A)
input logic [63:0] FSrcYE, // 2nd input operand (B)
input logic [3:0] FOpCtrlE, FOpCtrlM, // Function opcode
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input logic FmtE, FmtM, // Result Precision (0 for double, 1 for single)
input logic [2:0] FrmM, // Rounding mode - specify values
output logic [63:0] FAddResM, // Result of operation
output logic [4:0] FAddFlgM); // IEEE exception flags
logic [63:0] AddSumE, AddSumM;
logic [63:0] AddSumTcE, AddSumTcM;
logic [3:0] AddSelInvE, AddSelInvM;
logic [10:0] AddExpPostSumE,AddExpPostSumM;
logic AddCorrSignE, AddCorrSignM;
logic AddOp1NormE, AddOp1NormM;
logic AddOp2NormE, AddOp2NormM;
logic AddOpANormE, AddOpANormM;
logic AddOpBNormE, AddOpBNormM;
logic AddInvalidE, AddInvalidM;
logic AddDenormInE, AddDenormInM;
logic AddSwapE, AddSwapM;
logic AddSignAE, AddSignAM;
logic AddConvertE, AddConvertM;
logic [63:0] AddFloat1E, AddFloat2E, AddFloat1M, AddFloat2M;
logic [11:0] AddExp1DenormE, AddExp2DenormE, AddExp1DenormM, AddExp2DenormM;
logic [10:0] AddExponentE, AddExponentM;
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fpuaddcvt1 fpadd1 (.FSrcXE, .FSrcYE, .FOpCtrlE, .FmtE, .AddFloat1E, .AddFloat2E, .AddExponentE,
.AddExpPostSumE, .AddExp1DenormE, .AddExp2DenormE, .AddSumE, .AddSumTcE, .AddSelInvE,
.AddCorrSignE, .AddSignAE, .AddOp1NormE, .AddOp2NormE, .AddOpANormE, .AddOpBNormE, .AddInvalidE,
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.AddDenormInE, .AddConvertE, .AddSwapE);
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// E/M pipeline registers
flopenrc #(64) EMRegAdd1(clk, reset, FlushM, ~StallM, AddSumE, AddSumM);
flopenrc #(64) EMRegAdd2(clk, reset, FlushM, ~StallM, AddSumTcE, AddSumTcM);
flopenrc #(11) EMRegAdd3(clk, reset, FlushM, ~StallM, AddExpPostSumE, AddExpPostSumM);
flopenrc #(64) EMRegAdd4(clk, reset, FlushM, ~StallM, AddFloat1E, AddFloat1M);
flopenrc #(64) EMRegAdd5(clk, reset, FlushM, ~StallM, AddFloat2E, AddFloat2M);
flopenrc #(12) EMRegAdd6(clk, reset, FlushM, ~StallM, AddExp1DenormE, AddExp1DenormM);
flopenrc #(12) EMRegAdd7(clk, reset, FlushM, ~StallM, AddExp2DenormE, AddExp2DenormM);
flopenrc #(11) EMRegAdd8(clk, reset, FlushM, ~StallM, AddExponentE, AddExponentM);
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flopenrc #(14) EMRegAdd9(clk, reset, FlushM, ~StallM,
{AddSelInvE, AddCorrSignE, AddOp1NormE, AddOp2NormE, AddOpANormE, AddOpBNormE, AddInvalidE, AddDenormInE, AddConvertE, AddSwapE, AddSignAE},
{AddSelInvM, AddCorrSignM, AddOp1NormM, AddOp2NormM, AddOpANormM, AddOpBNormM, AddInvalidM, AddDenormInM, AddConvertM, AddSwapM, AddSignAM});
fpuaddcvt2 fpadd2 (.FrmM, .FOpCtrlM, .FmtM, .AddSumM, .AddSumTcM, .AddFloat1M, .AddFloat2M,
.AddExp1DenormM, .AddExp2DenormM, .AddExponentM, .AddExpPostSumM, .AddSelInvM,
.AddOp1NormM, .AddOp2NormM, .AddOpANormM, .AddOpBNormM, .AddInvalidM, .AddDenormInM,
.AddSignAM, .AddCorrSignM, .AddConvertM, .AddSwapM, .FAddResM, .FAddFlgM);
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module fpuaddcvt1 (
input logic [63:0] FSrcXE, // 1st input operand (A)
input logic [63:0] FSrcYE, // 2nd input operand (B)
input logic [3:0] FOpCtrlE, // Function opcode
input logic FmtE, // Result Precision (1 for double, 0 for single)
output logic [63:0] AddFloat1E,
output logic [63:0] AddFloat2E,
output logic [10:0] AddExponentE,
output logic [10:0] AddExpPostSumE,
output logic [11:0] AddExp1DenormE, AddExp2DenormE,//KEP used to be [10:0]
output logic [63:0] AddSumE, AddSumTcE,
output logic [3:0] AddSelInvE,
output logic AddCorrSignE,
output logic AddSignAE,
output logic AddOp1NormE, AddOp2NormE,
output logic AddOpANormE, AddOpBNormE,
output logic AddInvalidE,
output logic AddDenormInE,
output logic AddConvertE,
output logic AddSwapE
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wire [5:0] ZP_mantissaA;
wire [5:0] ZP_mantissaB;
wire ZV_mantissaA;
wire ZV_mantissaB;
wire P;
assign P = ~FmtE;
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wire [63:0] IntValue;
wire [11:0] exp1, exp2;
wire [11:0] exp_diff1, exp_diff2;
wire [11:0] exp_shift;
wire [51:0] mantissaA;
wire [56:0] mantissaA1;
wire [63:0] mantissaA3;
wire [51:0] mantissaB;
wire [56:0] mantissaB1, mantissaB2;
wire [63:0] mantissaB3;
wire exp_gt63;
wire Sticky_out;
wire sub;
wire zeroB;
wire [5:0] align_shift;
// Convert the input operands to their appropriate forms based on
// the orignal operands, the FOpCtrlE , and their precision P.
// Single precision inputs are converted to double precision
// and the sign of the first operand is set appropratiately based on
// if the operation is absolute value or negation.
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convert_inputs conv1 (.Float1(AddFloat1E), .Float2(AddFloat2E), .op1(FSrcXE), .op2(FSrcYE), .op_type(FOpCtrlE), .P);
// Test for exceptions and return the "Invalid Operation" and
// "Denormalized" Input Flags. The "AddSelInvE" is used in
// the third pipeline stage to select the result. Also, AddOp1NormE
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// and AddOp2NormE are one if FSrcXE and FSrcYE are not zero or denormalized.
// sub is one if the effective operation is subtaction.
exception exc1 (AddSelInvE, AddInvalidE, AddDenormInE, AddOp1NormE, AddOp2NormE, sub,
AddFloat1E, AddFloat2E, FOpCtrlE);
// Perform Exponent Subtraction (used for alignment). For performance
// both exponent subtractions are performed in parallel. This was
// changed to a behavior level to allow the tools to try to optimize
// the two parallel additions. The input values are zero-extended to 12
// bits prior to performing the addition.
assign exp1 = {1'b0, AddFloat1E[62:52]};
assign exp2 = {1'b0, AddFloat2E[62:52]};
assign exp_diff1 = exp1 - exp2;
assign exp_diff2 = AddDenormInE ? ({AddFloat2E[63], exp2[10:0]} - {AddFloat1E[63], exp1[10:0]}): exp2 - exp1;
// The second operand (B) should be set to zero, if FOpCtrlE does not
// specify addition or subtraction
assign zeroB = FOpCtrlE[2] | FOpCtrlE[1];
// Swapped operands if zeroB is not one and exp1 < exp2.
// Swapping causes exp2 to be used for the result exponent.
// Only the exponent of the larger operand is used to determine
// the final result.
assign AddSwapE = exp_diff1[11] & ~zeroB;
assign AddExponentE = AddSwapE ? exp2[10:0] : exp1[10:0];
assign AddExpPostSumE = AddSwapE ? exp2[10:0] : exp1[10:0];
assign mantissaA = AddSwapE ? AddFloat2E[51:0] : AddFloat1E[51:0];
assign mantissaB = AddSwapE ? AddFloat1E[51:0] : AddFloat2E[51:0];
assign AddSignAE = AddSwapE ? AddFloat2E[63] : AddFloat1E[63];
// Leading-Zero Detector. Determine the size of the shift needed for
// normalization. If sum_corrected is all zeros, the exp_valid is
// zero; otherwise, it is one.
// modified to 52 bits to detect leading zeroes on denormalized mantissas
lz52 lz_norm_1 (ZP_mantissaA, ZV_mantissaA, mantissaA);
lz52 lz_norm_2 (ZP_mantissaB, ZV_mantissaB, mantissaB);
// Denormalized exponents created by subtracting the leading zeroes from the original exponents
assign AddExp1DenormE = AddSwapE ? (exp1 - {6'b0, ZP_mantissaB}) : (exp1 - {6'b0, ZP_mantissaA}); //KEP extended ZP_mantissa
assign AddExp2DenormE = AddSwapE ? (exp2 - {6'b0, ZP_mantissaA}) : (exp2 - {6'b0, ZP_mantissaB});
// Determine the alignment shift and limit it to 63. If any bit from
// exp_shift[6] to exp_shift[11] is one, then shift is set to all ones.
assign exp_shift = AddSwapE ? exp_diff2 : exp_diff1;
assign exp_gt63 = exp_shift[11] | exp_shift[10] | exp_shift[9]
| exp_shift[8] | exp_shift[7] | exp_shift[6];
assign align_shift = exp_shift[5:0] | {6{exp_gt63}}; //KEP used to be all of exp_shift
// Unpack the 52-bit mantissas to 57-bit numbers of the form.
// 001.M[51]M[50] ... M[1]M[0]00
// Unless the number has an exponent of zero, in which case it
// is unpacked as
// 000.00 ... 00
// This effectively flushes denormalized values to zero.
// The three bits of to the left of the binary point prevent overflow
// and loss of sign information. The two bits to the right of the
// original mantissa form the "guard" and "round" bits that are used
// to round the result.
assign AddOpANormE = AddSwapE ? AddOp2NormE : AddOp1NormE;
assign AddOpBNormE = AddSwapE ? AddOp1NormE : AddOp2NormE;
assign mantissaA1 = {2'h0, AddOpANormE, mantissaA[51:0]&{52{AddOpANormE}}, 2'h0};
assign mantissaB1 = {2'h0, AddOpBNormE, mantissaB[51:0]&{52{AddOpBNormE}}, 2'h0};
// Perform mantissa alignment using a 57-bit barrel shifter
// If any of the bits shifted out are one, Sticky_out is set.
// The size of the barrel shifter could be reduced by two bits
// by not adding the leading two zeros until after the shift.
barrel_shifter_r57 bs1 (mantissaB2, Sticky_out, mantissaB1, align_shift);
// Place either the sign-extened 32-bit value or the original 64-bit value
// into IntValue (to be used for integer to floating point conversion)
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// assign IntValue [31:0] = FSrcXE[31:0];
// assign IntValue [63:32] = FOpCtrlE[0] ? {32{FSrcXE[31]}} : FSrcXE[63:32];
// If doing an integer to floating point conversion, mantissaA3 is set to
// IntVal and the prenomalized exponent is set to 1084. Otherwise,
// mantissaA3 is simply extended to 64-bits by setting the 7 LSBs to zero,
// and the exponent value is left unchanged.
// Under denormalized cases, the exponent before the rounder is set to 1
// if the normal shift value is 11.
assign AddConvertE = ~FOpCtrlE[2] & FOpCtrlE[1];
assign mantissaA3 = (FOpCtrlE[3]) ? (FOpCtrlE[0] ? AddFloat1E : ~AddFloat1E) : (AddDenormInE ? ({12'h0, mantissaA}) : (AddConvertE ? IntValue : {mantissaA1, 7'h0}));
// Put zero in for mantissaB3, if zeroB is one. Otherwise, B is extended to
// 64-bits by setting the 7 LSBs to the Sticky_out bit followed by six
// zeros.
assign mantissaB3[63:7] = (FOpCtrlE[3]) ? (57'h0) : (AddDenormInE ? {12'h0, mantissaB[51:7]} : mantissaB2 & {57{~zeroB}});
assign mantissaB3[6] = (FOpCtrlE[3]) ? (1'b0) : (AddDenormInE ? mantissaB[6] : Sticky_out & ~zeroB);
assign mantissaB3[5:0] = (FOpCtrlE[3]) ? (6'h01) : (AddDenormInE ? mantissaB[5:0] : 6'h0);
// The sign of the result needs to be corrected if the true
// operation is subtraction and the input operands were swapped.
assign AddCorrSignE = ~FOpCtrlE[2]&~FOpCtrlE[1]&FOpCtrlE[0]&AddSwapE;
// 64-bit Mantissa Adder/Subtractor
cla64 add1 (AddSumE, mantissaA3, mantissaB3, sub); //***adder
// 64-bit Mantissa Subtractor - to get the two's complement of the
// result when the sign from the adder/subtractor is negative.
cla_sub64 sub1 (AddSumTcE, mantissaB3, mantissaA3); //***adder
// Finds normal underflow result to determine whether to round final exponent down
//***KEP used to be (AddSumE == 16'h0) I am unsure what it's supposed to be
assign AddNormOvflowE = (AddDenormInE & (AddSumE == 64'h0) & (AddOpANormE | AddOpBNormE) & ~FOpCtrlE[0]) ? 1'b1 : (AddSumE[63] ? AddSumTcE[52] : AddSumE[52]);
endmodule // fpadd
// File name : fpadd
// Title : Floating-Point Adder/Subtractor
// project : FPU
// Library : fpadd
// Author(s) : James E. Stine, Jr., Brett Mathis
// Purpose : definition of main unit to floating-point add/sub
// notes :
// Copyright Oklahoma State University
// Copyright AFRL
// Basic and Denormalized Operations
// Step 1: Load operands, set flags, and AddConvertM SP to DP
// Step 2: Check for special inputs ( +/- Infinity, NaN)
// Step 3: Compare exponents. Swap the operands of exp1 < exp2
// or of (exp1 = exp2 AND mnt1 < mnt2)
// Step 4: Shift the mantissa corresponding to the smaller AddExponentM,
// and extend precision by three bits to the right.
// Step 5: Add or subtract the mantissas.
// Step 6: Normalize the result.//
// Shift left until normalized. Normalized when the value to the
// left of the binrary point is 1.
// Step 7: Round the result.//
// Step 8: Put AddSumM onto output.
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module fpuaddcvt2 (
input [2:0] FrmM, // Rounding mode - specify values
input [3:0] FOpCtrlM, // Function opcode
input FmtM, // Result Precision (0 for double, 1 for single)
input [63:0] AddSumM, AddSumTcM,
input [63:0] AddFloat1M,
input [63:0] AddFloat2M,
input [11:0] AddExp1DenormM, AddExp2DenormM,
input [10:0] AddExponentM, AddExpPostSumM,
input [3:0] AddSelInvM,
input AddOp1NormM, AddOp2NormM,
input AddOpANormM, AddOpBNormM,
input AddInvalidM,
input AddDenormInM,
input AddSignAM,
input AddCorrSignM,
input AddConvertM,
input AddSwapM,
output [63:0] FAddResM, // Result of operation
output [4:0] FAddFlgM // IEEE exception flags
wire AddDenormM; // AddDenormM on input or output
wire P;
assign P = ~FmtM;
wire [10:0] exp_pre;
wire [63:0] Result;
wire [63:0] sum_norm, sum_norm_w_bypass;
wire [5:0] norm_shift, norm_shift_denorm;
wire exp_valid;
wire DenormIO;
wire [4:0] FlagsIn;
wire Sticky_out;
wire sign_corr;
wire zeroB;
wire mantissa_comp;
wire mantissa_comp_sum;
wire mantissa_comp_sum_tc;
wire Float1_sum_comp;
wire Float2_sum_comp;
wire Float1_sum_tc_comp;
wire Float2_sum_tc_comp;
wire normal_underflow;
wire [63:0] sum_corr;
logic AddNormOvflowM;
logic AddOvEnM; // Overflow trap enabled
logic AddUnEnM; // Underflow trap enabled
assign AddOvEnM = 1'b1;
assign AddUnEnM = 1'b1;
//AddExponentM value pre-rounding with considerations for denormalized
//cases/conversion cases
assign exp_pre = AddDenormInM ?
((norm_shift == 6'b001011) ? 11'b00000000001 : (AddSwapM ? AddExp2DenormM[10:0] : AddExp1DenormM[10:0]))
: (AddConvertM ? 11'b10000111100 : AddExponentM);
// Finds normal underflow result to determine whether to round final AddExponentM down
// Comparison between each float and the resulting AddSumM of the primary cla adder/subtractor and cla subtractor
assign Float1_sum_comp = (AddFloat1M[51:0] > AddSumM[51:0]) ? 1'b0 : 1'b1;
assign Float2_sum_comp = (AddFloat2M[51:0] > AddSumM[51:0]) ? 1'b0 : 1'b1;
assign Float1_sum_tc_comp = (AddFloat1M[51:0] > AddSumTcM[51:0]) ? 1'b0 : 1'b1;
assign Float2_sum_tc_comp = (AddFloat2M[51:0] > AddSumTcM[51:0]) ? 1'b0 : 1'b1;
// Determines the correct Float value to compare based on AddSwapM result
assign mantissa_comp_sum = AddSwapM ? Float2_sum_comp : Float1_sum_comp;
assign mantissa_comp_sum_tc = AddSwapM ? Float2_sum_tc_comp : Float1_sum_tc_comp;
// Determines the correct comparison result based on operation and sign of resulting AddSumM
assign mantissa_comp = (FOpCtrlM[0] ^ AddSumM[63]) ? mantissa_comp_sum_tc : mantissa_comp_sum;
// If the signs are different and both operands aren't denormalized
// the normal underflow bit is needed and therefore updated.
assign normal_underflow = ((AddFloat1M[63] ~^ AddFloat2M[63]) & (AddOpANormM | AddOpBNormM)) ? mantissa_comp : 1'b0;
// Determine the correct sign of the result
assign sign_corr = ((AddCorrSignM ^ AddSignAM) & ~AddConvertM) ^ AddSumM[63];
// If the AddSumM is negative, use its two complement instead.
// This value has to be 64-bits to correctly handle the
// case 10...00
assign sum_corr = (AddDenormInM & (AddOpANormM | AddOpBNormM) & ( ( (AddFloat1M[63] ~^ AddFloat2M[63]) & FOpCtrlM[0] ) | ((AddFloat1M[63] ^ AddFloat2M[63]) & ~FOpCtrlM[0]) ))
? (AddSumM[63] ? AddSumM : AddSumTcM) : ( (FOpCtrlM[3]) ? AddSumM : (AddSumM[63] ? AddSumTcM : AddSumM));
// Finds normal underflow result to determine whether to round final AddExponentM down
//KEP used to be (AddSumM == 16'h0) not sure what it is supposed to be
assign AddNormOvflowM = (AddDenormInM & (AddSumM == 64'h0) & (AddOpANormM | AddOpBNormM) & ~FOpCtrlM[0]) ? 1'b1 : (AddSumM[63] ? AddSumTcM[52] : AddSumM[52]);
// Leading-Zero Detector. Determine the size of the shift needed for
// normalization. If sum_corrected is all zeros, the exp_valid is
// zero; otherwise, it is one.
lz64 lzd1 (norm_shift, exp_valid, sum_corr);
assign norm_shift_denorm = (AddDenormInM & ( (~AddOpANormM & ~AddOpBNormM) | normal_underflow)) ? (6'h00) : (norm_shift);
// Barell shifter used for normalization. It takes as inputs the
// the corrected AddSumM and the amount by which the AddSumM should
// be right shifted. It outputs the normalized AddSumM.
barrel_shifter_l64 bs2 (sum_norm, sum_corr, norm_shift_denorm);
assign sum_norm_w_bypass = (FOpCtrlM[3]) ? (FOpCtrlM[0] ? ~sum_corr : sum_corr) : (sum_norm);
// Round the mantissa to a 52-bit value, with the leading one
// removed. If the result is a single precision number, the actual
// mantissa is in the upper 23 bits and the lower 29 bits are zero.
// At this point, normalization has already been performed, so we know
// exactly where the rounding point is. The rounding units also
// handles special cases and set the exception flags.
// Changed DenormIO -> AddDenormM and FlagsIn -> FAddFlgM in order to
// help in processor reservation station detection of load/stores. In
// other words, the processor would like to know ahead of time that
// if the result is an exception then don't load or store.
rounder round1 (Result, DenormIO, FlagsIn, FrmM, P, AddOvEnM, AddUnEnM, exp_valid,
AddSelInvM, AddInvalidM, AddDenormInM, AddConvertM, sign_corr, exp_pre, norm_shift, sum_norm_w_bypass,
AddExpPostSumM, AddOp1NormM, AddOp2NormM, AddFloat1M[63:52], AddFloat2M[63:52],
AddNormOvflowM, normal_underflow, AddSwapM, FOpCtrlM, AddSumM);
// Store the final result and the exception flags in registers.
assign FAddResM = Result;
assign {AddDenormM, FAddFlgM} = {DenormIO, FlagsIn};
endmodule // fpadd