2021-05-24 13:28:16 +00:00
// Written:
// Modified:
// Purpose: FPU
// A component of the Wally configurable RISC-V project.
// Copyright (C) 2021 Harvey Mudd College & Oklahoma State University
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
// files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy,
// modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software
// is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
2021-04-08 18:03:21 +00:00
`include "wally-config.vh"
2021-05-01 02:18:01 +00:00
// `include "../../config/rv64icfd/wally-config.vh" //debug
2021-04-04 18:09:13 +00:00
module fpu (
//input logic [2:0] FrmD,
input logic [2:0] FRM_REGW, // Rounding mode from CSR
input logic reset,
2021-05-01 02:18:01 +00:00
//input logic clear, // *** not being used anywhere
2021-04-04 18:09:13 +00:00
input logic clk,
input logic [31:0] InstrD,
input logic [`XLEN-1:0] SrcAE, // Integer input being processed
input logic [`XLEN-1:0] SrcAM, // Integer input being written into fpreg
2021-05-21 02:17:59 +00:00
input logic StallE, StallM, StallW,
2021-05-01 02:18:01 +00:00
input logic FlushE, FlushM, FlushW,
2021-05-23 22:33:14 +00:00
input logic [`AHBW-1:0] HRDATA,
2021-05-21 02:17:59 +00:00
input logic RegWriteD,
2021-04-04 18:09:13 +00:00
output logic [4:0] SetFflagsM,
output logic [31:0] FSROutW,
2021-05-21 02:17:59 +00:00
output logic [1:0] FMemRWM,
2021-05-23 22:33:14 +00:00
output logic FStallD,
2021-05-21 02:17:59 +00:00
output logic FWriteIntW,
2021-05-24 18:44:30 +00:00
output logic FWriteIntM,
2021-05-21 02:17:59 +00:00
output logic [`XLEN-1:0] FWriteDataM, // Integer input being written into fpreg
2021-04-04 18:09:13 +00:00
output logic DivSqrtDoneE,
2021-05-01 02:18:01 +00:00
output logic IllegalFPUInstrD,
2021-04-04 18:09:13 +00:00
output logic [`XLEN-1:0] FPUResultW);
2021-05-25 18:21:59 +00:00
//For readability and ease of modification, logic signals will be
//instantiated as they occur within the pipeline. This will keep local
//signals, modules, and combinational logic closely defined.
//used for OSU DP-size hardware to wally XLEN interfacing
integer XLENDIFF;
assign XLENDIFF = `XLEN - 64;
integer XLENDIFFN;
assign XLENDIFFN = 63 - `XLEN;
logic PipeEnableDE;
logic PipeEnableEM;
logic PipeEnableMW;
logic PipeClearDE;
logic PipeClearEM;
logic PipeClearMW;
//temporarily assign pipe clear and enable signals
//to never flush & always be running
localparam PipeClear = 1'b0;
localparam PipeEnable = 1'b1;
always_comb begin
PipeEnableDE = ~StallE;
PipeEnableEM = ~StallM;
PipeEnableMW = ~StallW;
PipeClearDE = FlushE;
PipeClearEM = FlushM;
PipeClearMW = FlushW;
// Wally-spec D stage control logic signal instantiation
logic FRegWriteD;
logic [2:0] FResultSelD;
logic [2:0] FrmD;
logic FmtD;
logic DivSqrtStartD;
logic [3:0] OpCtrlD;
logic FWriteIntD;
logic OutputInput2D;
logic [1:0] FMemRWD;
logic DivBusyM;
logic [1:0] Input1MuxD, Input2MuxD;
logic Input3MuxD;
logic In2UsedD, In3UsedD;
//Hazard unit for FPU
fpuhazard hazard(.Adr1(InstrD[19:15]), .Adr2(InstrD[24:20]), .Adr3(InstrD[31:27]), .*);
//top-level controller for FPU
fctrl ctrl (.Funct7D(InstrD[31:25]), .OpD(InstrD[6:0]), .Rs2D(InstrD[24:20]), .Funct3D(InstrD[14:12]), .*);
//instantiation of D stage regfile signals (includes some W stage signals
//for easy reference)
logic [2:0] FrmW;
logic FmtW;
logic FRegWriteW;
logic [4:0] RdW, Rs1D, Rs2D, Rs3D;
logic [`XLEN-1:0] WriteDataW;
logic [63:0] FPUResultDirW;
logic [`XLEN-1:0] ReadData1D, ReadData2D, ReadData3D;
//regfile instantiation
//freg3adr fpregfile (FmtW, reset, PipeClear, clk, RdW,
// FRegWriteW,
// InstrD[19:15], InstrD[24:20], InstrD[31:27],
// FPUResultDirW,
// ReadData1D, ReadData2D, ReadData3D);
FPregfile fpregfile (clk, reset, FRegWriteW,
InstrD[19:15], InstrD[24:20], InstrD[31:27], RdW,
ReadData1D, ReadData2D, ReadData3D);
// wally-spec E stage control logic signal instantiation
logic FRegWriteE;
logic [2:0] FResultSelE;
logic [2:0] FrmE;
logic FmtE;
logic DivSqrtStartE;
logic [3:0] OpCtrlE;
logic [1:0] Input1MuxE, Input2MuxE;
logic Input3MuxE;
logic [63:0] FPUResultDirE;
logic FWriteIntE;
logic OutputInput2E;
logic [1:0] FMemRWE;
//instantiation of E stage regfile signals
logic [4:0] RdE;
logic [`XLEN-1:0] ReadData1E, ReadData2E, ReadData3E;
logic [`XLEN-1:0] Input1E, Input2E, Input3E, Input1tmpE;
//instantiation of E/M stage div/sqrt signals
logic DivSqrtDone, DivDenormM;
logic [63:0] DivResultM;
logic [4:0] DivFlagsM;
logic [63:0] DivOp1, DivOp2;
logic [2:0] DivFrm;
logic DivOpType;
logic DivP;
logic DivOvEn, DivUnEn;
logic DivStart;
//instantiate E stage FMA signals here
logic [12:0] aligncntE;
logic [105:0] rE;
logic [105:0] sE;
logic [163:0] tE;
logic [8:0] normcntE;
logic [12:0] aeE;
logic bsE;
logic killprodE;
logic prodofE;
logic xzeroE;
logic yzeroE;
logic zzeroE;
logic xdenormE;
logic ydenormE;
logic zdenormE;
logic xinfE;
logic yinfE;
logic zinfE;
logic xnanE;
logic ynanE;
logic znanE;
logic nanE;
logic [8:0] sumshiftE;
logic sumshiftzeroE;
logic prodinfE;
//instantiation of E stage add/cvt signals
logic [63:0] AddSumE, AddSumTcE;
logic [3:0] AddSelInvE;
logic [10:0] AddExpPostSumE;
logic AddCorrSignE, AddOp1NormE, AddOp2NormE, AddOpANormE, AddOpBNormE, AddInvalidE;
logic AddDenormInE, AddSwapE, AddNormOvflowE, AddSignAE;
logic AddConvertE;
logic [63:0] AddFloat1E, AddFloat2E;
logic [11:0] AddExp1DenormE, AddExp2DenormE;
logic [10:0] AddExponentE;
logic [63:0] AddOp1E, AddOp2E;
logic [2:0] AddRmE;
logic [3:0] AddOpTypeE;
logic AddPE, AddOvEnE, AddUnEnE;
//instantiation of E stage cmp signals
logic [7:0] WE, XE;
logic ANaNE, BNaNE, AzeroE, BzeroE;
logic [63:0] CmpOp1E, CmpOp2E;
logic [1:0] CmpSelE;
//instantiation of E/M stage fsgn signals (due to bypass logic)
logic [63:0] SgnOp1E, SgnOp2E;
logic [1:0] SgnOpCodeE, SgnOpCodeM;
logic [63:0] SgnResultE, SgnResultM;
logic [4:0] SgnFlagsE, SgnFlagsM;
//fpregfile D/E pipe registers
flopenrc #(64) DEReg1(clk, reset, PipeClearDE, PipeEnableDE, ReadData1D, ReadData1E);
flopenrc #(64) DEReg2(clk, reset, PipeClearDE, PipeEnableDE, ReadData2D, ReadData2E);
flopenrc #(64) DEReg3(clk, reset, PipeClearDE, PipeEnableDE, ReadData3D, ReadData3E);
//other D/E pipe registers
flopenrc #(1) DEReg4(clk, reset, PipeClearDE, PipeEnableDE, FRegWriteD, FRegWriteE);
flopenrc #(3) DEReg5(clk, reset, PipeClearDE, PipeEnableDE, FResultSelD, FResultSelE);
flopenrc #(3) DEReg6(clk, reset, PipeClearDE, PipeEnableDE, FrmD, FrmE);
flopenrc #(1) DEReg7(clk, reset, PipeClearDE, PipeEnableDE, FmtD, FmtE);
flopenrc #(5) DEReg8(clk, reset, PipeClearDE, PipeEnableDE, InstrD[11:7], RdE);
flopenrc #(4) DEReg9(clk, reset, PipeClearDE, PipeEnableDE, OpCtrlD, OpCtrlE);
flopenrc #(1) DEReg10(clk, reset, PipeClearDE, PipeEnableDE, DivSqrtStartD, DivSqrtStartE);
flopenrc #(2) DEReg11(clk, reset, PipeClearDE, PipeEnableDE, Input1MuxD, Input1MuxE);
flopenrc #(2) DEReg12(clk, reset, PipeClearDE, PipeEnableDE, Input2MuxD, Input2MuxE);
flopenrc #(1) DEReg13(clk, reset, PipeClearDE, PipeEnableDE, Input3MuxD, Input3MuxE);
flopenrc #(64) DEReg14(clk, reset, PipeClearDE, PipeEnableDE, FPUResultDirW, FPUResultDirE);
flopenrc #(1) DEReg15(clk, reset, PipeClearDE, PipeEnableDE, FWriteIntD, FWriteIntE);
flopenrc #(1) DEReg16(clk, reset, PipeClearDE, PipeEnableDE, OutputInput2D, OutputInput2E);
flopenrc #(2) DEReg17(clk, reset, PipeClearDE, PipeEnableDE, FMemRWD, FMemRWE);
2021-05-21 02:17:59 +00:00
// input muxs for forwarding
2021-05-25 18:21:59 +00:00
mux4 #(64) Input1Emux(ReadData1E, FPUResultDirW, FPUResultDirE, SrcAM, Input1MuxE, Input1tmpE);
mux3 #(64) Input2Emux(ReadData2E, FPUResultDirW, FPUResultDirE, Input2MuxE, Input2E);
mux2 #(64) Input3Emux(ReadData3E, FPUResultDirE, Input3MuxE, Input3E);
mux2 #(64) OutputInput2mux(Input1tmpE, Input2E, OutputInput2E, Input1E);
2021-04-04 18:09:13 +00:00
2021-05-25 18:21:59 +00:00
fma1 fma1 (.*);
2021-04-04 18:09:13 +00:00
2021-05-25 18:21:59 +00:00
//first and only instance of floating-point divider
fpdiv fpdivsqrt (.*);
//first of two-stage instance of floating-point add/cvt unit
fpuaddcvt1 fpadd1 (AddSumE, AddSumTcE, AddSelInvE, AddExpPostSumE,
AddCorrSignE, AddOp1NormE, AddOp2NormE, AddOpANormE,
AddOpBNormE, AddInvalidE, AddDenormInE, AddConvertE,
AddSwapE, AddNormOvflowE, AddSignAE, AddFloat1E, AddFloat2E,
AddExp1DenormE, AddExp2DenormE, AddExponentE,
Input1E, Input2E, FrmE, OpCtrlE, FmtE);
//first of two-stage instance of floating-point comparator
fpucmp1 fpcmp1 (WE, XE, ANaNE, BNaNE, AzeroE, BzeroE, Input1E, Input2E, OpCtrlE[1:0]);
//first and only instance of floating-point sign converter
fpusgn fpsgn (.*);
//interface between XLEN size datapath and double-precision sized
//floating-point results
//define offsets for LSB zero extension or truncation
always_comb begin
//truncate to 64 bits
//(causes warning during compilation - case never reached)
// if(`XLEN > 64) begin // ***KEP this isn't usedand it causes a lint error
// DivOp1 = Input1E[`XLEN-1:`XLEN-64];
// DivOp2 = Input2E[`XLEN-1:`XLEN-64];
// AddOp1E = Input1E[`XLEN-1:`XLEN-64];
// AddOp2E = Input2E[`XLEN-1:`XLEN-64];
// CmpOp1E = Input1E[`XLEN-1:`XLEN-64];
// CmpOp2E = Input2E[`XLEN-1:`XLEN-64];
// SgnOp1E = Input1E[`XLEN-1:`XLEN-64];
// SgnOp2E = Input2E[`XLEN-1:`XLEN-64];
// end
// //zero extend to 64 bits
// else begin
// DivOp1 = {Input1E,{64-`XLEN{1'b0}}};
// DivOp2 = {Input2E,{64-`XLEN{1'b0}}};
// AddOp1E = {Input1E,{64-`XLEN{1'b0}}};
// AddOp2E = {Input2E,{64-`XLEN{1'b0}}};
// CmpOp1E = {Input1E,{64-`XLEN{1'b0}}};
// CmpOp2E = {Input2E,{64-`XLEN{1'b0}}};
// SgnOp1E = {Input1E,{64-`XLEN{1'b0}}};
// SgnOp2E = {Input2E,{64-`XLEN{1'b0}}};
// end
//assign op codes
AddOpTypeE[3:0] = OpCtrlE[3:0];
CmpSelE[1:0] = OpCtrlE[1:0];
DivOpType = OpCtrlE[0];
SgnOpCodeE[1:0] = OpCtrlE[1:0];
//E stage control signal interfacing between wally spec and OSU fp hardware
//op codes
//wally-spec M stage control logic signal instantiation
logic FRegWriteM;
logic [2:0] FResultSelM;
logic [2:0] FrmM;
logic FmtM;
logic [3:0] OpCtrlM;
//instantiate M stage FMA signals here ***rename fma signals and resize for XLEN
logic [63:0] FmaResultM;
logic [4:0] FmaFlagsM;
logic [12:0] aligncntM;
logic [105:0] rM;
logic [105:0] sM;
logic [163:0] tM;
logic [8:0] normcntM;
logic [12:0] aeM;
logic bsM;
logic killprodM;
logic prodofM;
logic xzeroM;
logic yzeroM;
logic zzeroM;
logic xdenormM;
logic ydenormM;
logic zdenormM;
logic xinfM;
logic yinfM;
logic zinfM;
logic xnanM;
logic ynanM;
logic znanM;
logic nanM;
logic [8:0] sumshiftM;
logic sumshiftzeroM;
logic prodinfM;
//instantiation of M stage regfile signals
logic [4:0] RdM;
logic [`XLEN-1:0] Input1M, Input2M, Input3M;
logic [`XLEN-1:0] LoadStoreResultM;
//instantiation of M stage add/cvt signals
logic [63:0] AddResultM;
logic [4:0] AddFlagsM;
logic AddDenormM;
logic [63:0] AddSumM, AddSumTcM;
logic [3:0] AddSelInvM;
logic [10:0] AddExpPostSumM;
logic AddCorrSignM, AddOp1NormM, AddOp2NormM, AddOpANormM, AddOpBNormM, AddInvalidM;
logic AddDenormInM, AddSwapM, AddNormOvflowM, AddSignAM;
logic AddConvertM, AddSignM;
logic [63:0] AddFloat1M, AddFloat2M;
logic [11:0] AddExp1DenormM, AddExp2DenormM;
logic [10:0] AddExponentM;
logic [63:0] AddOp1M, AddOp2M;
logic [2:0] AddRmM;
logic [3:0] AddOpTypeM;
logic AddPM, AddOvEnM, AddUnEnM;
//instantiation of M stage cmp signals
logic CmpInvalidM;
logic [1:0] CmpFCCM;
logic [7:0] WM, XM;
logic ANaNM, BNaNM, AzeroM, BzeroM;
logic [63:0] CmpOp1M, CmpOp2M;
logic [1:0] CmpSelM;
//fpregfile D/E pipe registers
flopenrc #(64) EMFpReg1(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, Input1E, Input1M);
flopenrc #(64) EMFpReg2(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, Input2E, Input2M);
flopenrc #(64) EMFpReg3(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, Input3E, Input3M);
//fma E/M pipe registers
flopenrc #(13) EMRegFma1(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, aligncntE, aligncntM);
flopenrc #(106) EMRegFma2(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, rE, rM);
flopenrc #(106) EMRegFma3(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, sE, sM);
flopenrc #(164) EMRegFma4(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, tE, tM);
flopenrc #(9) EMRegFma5(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, normcntE, normcntM);
flopenrc #(13) EMRegFma6(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, aeE, aeM);
flopenrc #(1) EMRegFma7(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, bsE, bsM);
flopenrc #(1) EMRegFma8(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, killprodE, killprodM);
flopenrc #(1) EMRegFma9(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, prodofE, prodofM);
flopenrc #(1) EMRegFma10(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, xzeroE, xzeroM);
flopenrc #(1) EMRegFma11(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, yzeroE, yzeroM);
flopenrc #(1) EMRegFma12(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, zzeroE, zzeroM);
flopenrc #(1) EMRegFma13(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, xdenormE, xdenormM);
flopenrc #(1) EMRegFma14(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, ydenormE, ydenormM);
flopenrc #(1) EMRegFma15(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, zdenormE, zdenormM);
flopenrc #(1) EMRegFma16(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, xinfE, xinfM);
flopenrc #(1) EMRegFma17(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, yinfE, yinfM);
flopenrc #(1) EMRegFma18(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, zinfE, zinfM);
flopenrc #(1) EMRegFma19(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, xnanE, xnanM);
flopenrc #(1) EMRegFma20(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, ynanE, ynanM);
flopenrc #(1) EMRegFma21(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, znanE, znanM);
flopenrc #(1) EMRegFma22(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, nanE, nanM);
flopenrc #(9) EMRegFma23(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, sumshiftE, sumshiftM);
flopenrc #(1) EMRegFma24(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, sumshiftzeroE, sumshiftzeroM);
flopenrc #(1) EMRegFma25(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, prodinfE, prodinfM);
//fpadd E/M pipe registers
flopenrc #(64) EMRegAdd1(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, AddSumE, AddSumM);
flopenrc #(64) EMRegAdd2(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, AddSumTcE, AddSumTcM);
flopenrc #(4) EMRegAdd3(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, AddSelInvE, AddSelInvM);
flopenrc #(11) EMRegAdd4(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, AddExpPostSumE, AddExpPostSumM);
flopenrc #(1) EMRegAdd5(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, AddCorrSignE, AddCorrSignM);
flopenrc #(1) EMRegAdd6(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, AddOp1NormE, AddOp1NormM);
flopenrc #(1) EMRegAdd7(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, AddOp2NormE, AddOp2NormM);
flopenrc #(1) EMRegAdd8(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, AddOpANormE, AddOpANormM);
flopenrc #(1) EMRegAdd9(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, AddOpBNormE, AddOpBNormM);
flopenrc #(1) EMRegAdd10(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, AddInvalidE, AddInvalidM);
flopenrc #(1) EMRegAdd11(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, AddDenormInE, AddDenormInM);
flopenrc #(1) EMRegAdd12(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, AddConvertE, AddConvertM);
flopenrc #(1) EMRegAdd13(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, AddSwapE, AddSwapM);
flopenrc #(1) EMRegAdd14(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, AddNormOvflowE, AddNormOvflowM);
flopenrc #(1) EMRegAdd15(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, AddSignAE, AddSignM);
flopenrc #(64) EMRegAdd16(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, AddFloat1E, AddFloat1M);
flopenrc #(64) EMRegAdd17(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, AddFloat2E, AddFloat2M);
flopenrc #(12) EMRegAdd18(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, AddExp1DenormE, AddExp1DenormM);
flopenrc #(12) EMRegAdd19(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, AddExp2DenormE, AddExp2DenormM);
flopenrc #(11) EMRegAdd20(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, AddExponentE, AddExponentM);
flopenrc #(64) EMRegAdd21(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, AddOp1E, AddOp1M);
flopenrc #(64) EMRegAdd22(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, AddOp2E, AddOp2M);
flopenrc #(3) EMRegAdd23(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, AddRmE, AddRmM);
flopenrc #(4) EMRegAdd24(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, AddOpTypeE, AddOpTypeM);
flopenrc #(1) EMRegAdd25(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, AddPE, AddPM);
flopenrc #(1) EMRegAdd26(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, AddOvEnE, AddOvEnM);
flopenrc #(1) EMRegAdd27(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, AddUnEnE, AddUnEnM);
//fpcmp E/M pipe registers
flopenrc #(8) EMRegCmp1(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, WE, WM);
flopenrc #(8) EMRegCmp2(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, XE, XM);
flopenrc #(1) EMRegcmp3(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, ANaNE, ANaNM);
flopenrc #(1) EMRegCmp4(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, BNaNE, BNaNM);
flopenrc #(1) EMRegCmp5(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, AzeroE, AzeroM);
flopenrc #(1) EMRegCmp6(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, BzeroE, BzeroM);
flopenrc #(64) EMRegCmp7(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, CmpOp1E, CmpOp1M);
flopenrc #(64) EMRegCmp8(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, CmpOp2E, CmpOp2M);
flopenrc #(2) EMRegCmp9(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, CmpSelE, CmpSelM);
//put this in for the event we want to delay fsgn - will otherwise bypass
//fpsgn E/M pipe registers
flopenrc #(2) EMRegSgn1(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, SgnOpCodeE, SgnOpCodeM);
flopenrc #(64) EMRegSgn2(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, SgnResultE, SgnResultM);
flopenrc #(5) EMRegSgn3(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, SgnFlagsE, SgnFlagsM);
//other E/M pipe registers
flopenrc #(1) EMReg1(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, FRegWriteE, FRegWriteM);
flopenrc #(3) EMReg2(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, FResultSelE, FResultSelM);
flopenrc #(3) EMReg3(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, FrmE, FrmM);
flopenrc #(1) EMReg4(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, FmtE, FmtM);
flopenrc #(5) EMReg5(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, RdE, RdM);
flopenrc #(4) EMReg6(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, OpCtrlE, OpCtrlM);
flopenrc #(1) EMReg7(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, FWriteIntE, FWriteIntM);
flopenrc #(2) EMReg8(clk, reset, PipeClearEM, PipeEnableEM, FMemRWE, FMemRWM);
2021-05-21 02:17:59 +00:00
assign FWriteDataM = Input1M;
2021-05-23 22:33:14 +00:00
mux2 #(64) LoadStoreResultMux(HRDATA, Input1M, |OpCtrlM[2:1], LoadStoreResultM);
2021-04-15 18:28:00 +00:00
fma2 fma2(.*);
2021-04-04 18:09:13 +00:00
2021-05-25 18:21:59 +00:00
//second instance of two-stage floating-point add/cvt unit
fpuaddcvt2 fpadd2 (.*);
//second instance of two-stage floating-point comparator
fpucmp2 fpcmp2 (CmpInvalidM, CmpFCCM, ANaNM, BNaNM, AzeroM, BzeroM, WM, XM, CmpSelM, CmpOp1M, CmpOp2M);
//wally-spec W stage control logic signal instantiation
logic [2:0] FResultSelW;
//instantiate W stage fma signals here
logic [63:0] FmaResultW;
logic [4:0] FmaFlagsW;
//instantiation of W stage div/sqrt signals
logic DivDenormW;
logic [63:0] DivResultW;
logic [4:0] DivFlagsW;
//instantiation of W stage fsgn signals
logic [63:0] SgnResultW;
logic [4:0] SgnFlagsW;
//instantiation of W stage regfile signals
logic [`XLEN-1:0] LoadStoreResultW;
logic [`XLEN-1:0] SrcAW;
//instantiation of W stage add/cvt signals
logic [63:0] AddResultW;
logic [4:0] AddFlagsW;
logic AddDenormW;
//instantiation of W stage cmp signals
logic [63:0] CmpResultW;
logic CmpInvalidW;
logic [1:0] CmpFCCW;
//instantiation of W stage classify signals
logic [63:0] ClassResultW;
logic [4:0] ClassFlagsW;
//fma M/W pipe registers
flopenrc #(64) MWRegFma1(clk, reset, PipeClearMW, PipeEnableMW, FmaResultM, FmaResultW);
flopenrc #(5) MWRegFma2(clk, reset, PipeClearMW, PipeEnableMW, FmaFlagsM, FmaFlagsW);
//fpdiv M/W pipe registers
flopenrc #(64) MWRegDiv1(clk, reset, PipeClearMW, PipeEnableMW, DivResultM, DivResultW);
flopenrc #(5) MWRegDiv2(clk, reset, PipeClearMW, PipeEnableMW, DivFlagsM, DivFlagsW);
flopenrc #(1) MWRegDiv3(clk, reset, PipeClearMW, PipeEnableMW, DivDenormM, DivDenormW);
//fpadd M/W pipe registers
flopenrc #(64) MWRegAdd1(clk, reset, PipeClearMW, PipeEnableMW, AddResultM, AddResultW);
flopenrc #(5) MWRegAdd2(clk, reset, PipeClearMW, PipeEnableMW, AddFlagsM, AddFlagsW);
flopenrc #(1) MWRegAdd3(clk, reset, PipeClearMW, PipeEnableMW, AddDenormM, AddDenormW);
//fpcmp M/W pipe registers
flopenrc #(1) MWRegCmp1(clk, reset, PipeClearMW, PipeEnableMW, CmpInvalidM, CmpInvalidW);
flopenrc #(2) MWRegCmp2(clk, reset, PipeClearMW, PipeEnableMW, CmpFCCM, CmpFCCW);
//fpsgn M/W pipe registers
flopenrc #(64) MWRegSgn1(clk, reset, PipeClearMW, PipeEnableMW, SgnResultM, SgnResultW);
flopenrc #(5) MWRegSgn2(clk, reset, PipeClearMW, PipeEnableMW, SgnFlagsM, SgnFlagsW);
//other M/W pipe registers
flopenrc #(1) MWReg1(clk, reset, PipeClearMW, PipeEnableMW, FRegWriteM, FRegWriteW);
flopenrc #(3) MWReg2(clk, reset, PipeClearMW, PipeEnableMW, FResultSelM, FResultSelW);
flopenrc #(1) MWReg3(clk, reset, PipeClearMW, PipeEnableMW, FmtM, FmtW);
flopenrc #(5) MWReg4(clk, reset, PipeClearMW, PipeEnableMW, RdM, RdW);
flopenrc #(`XLEN) MWReg5(clk, reset, PipeClearMW, PipeEnableMW, SrcAM, SrcAW);
flopenrc #(64) MWReg6(clk, reset, PipeClearMW, PipeEnableMW, LoadStoreResultM, LoadStoreResultW);
flopenrc #(1) MWReg7(clk, reset, PipeClearMW, PipeEnableMW, FWriteIntM, FWriteIntW);
//flag signal mux via in-line ternaries
logic [4:0] FPUFlagsW;
//if bit 2 is active set to sign flags - otherwise:
//iff bit one is high - if bit zero is active set to fma flags - otherwise
//set to cmp flags
//iff bit one is low - if bit zero is active set to add/cvt flags - otherwise
//set to div/sqrt flags
//assign FPUFlagsW = (FResultSelW[2]) ? (SgnFlagsW) : (
// (FResultSelW[1]) ?
// ( (FResultSelW[0]) ? (FmaFlagsW) : ({CmpInvalidW,4'b0000}) )
// : ( (FResultSelW[0]) ? (AddFlagsW) : (DivFlagsW) )
// );
always_comb begin
case (FResultSelW)
// div/sqrt
3'b000 : FPUFlagsW = DivFlagsW;
// cmp
3'b001 : FPUFlagsW = {CmpInvalidW, 4'b0};
3'b010 : FPUFlagsW = FmaFlagsW;
// sgn inj
3'b011 : FPUFlagsW = SgnFlagsW;
// add/sub/cnvt
3'b100 : FPUFlagsW = AddFlagsW;
// classify
3'b101 : FPUFlagsW = ClassFlagsW;
// output SrcAW
3'b110 : FPUFlagsW = 5'b0;
// output ReadData1
3'b111 : FPUFlagsW = 5'b0;
default : FPUFlagsW = 5'bxxxxx;
//result mux via in-line ternaries
//the uses the same logic as for flag signals
//assign FPUResultDirW = (FResultSelW[2]) ? (SgnResultW) : (
// (FResultSelW[1]) ?
// ( (FResultSelW[0]) ? (FmaResultW) : ({62'b0,CmpFCCW}) )
// : ( (FResultSelW[0]) ? (AddResultW) : (DivResultW) )
// );
always_comb begin
case (FResultSelW)
// div/sqrt
3'b000 : FPUResultDirW = DivResultW;
// cmp
3'b001 : FPUResultDirW = CmpResultW;
3'b010 : FPUResultDirW = FmaResultW;
// sgn inj
3'b011 : FPUResultDirW = SgnResultW;
// add/sub/cnvt
3'b100 : FPUResultDirW = AddResultW;
// classify
3'b101 : FPUResultDirW = ClassResultW;
// output SrcAW
3'b110 : FPUResultDirW = SrcAW;
// Load/Store/Move to FP-register
3'b111 : FPUResultDirW = LoadStoreResultW;
default : FPUResultDirW = {64{1'bx}};
//interface between XLEN size datapath and double-precision sized
//floating-point results
//define offsets for LSB zero extension or truncation
always_comb begin
//zero extension
// Teo 04/13/2021
// Commented out XLENDIFF{1'b0} due to error:
// Repetition multiplier must be constant.
//if(`XLEN > 64) begin
// FPUResultW = {FPUResultDirW,{XLENDIFF{1'b0}}};
//else begin
2021-05-01 02:18:01 +00:00
FPUResultW = FPUResultDirW[63:64-`XLEN];
SetFflagsM = FPUFlagsW;
2021-05-25 18:21:59 +00:00
endmodule // fpu
2021-04-04 18:09:13 +00:00