mirror of https://github.com/openhwgroup/cvw synced 2025-02-11 06:05:49 +00:00
Ross Thompson b6e2710f5d Confirmed David's changes to the interrupt code.
When a timer interrupt occurs it should be routed to the machine interrupt
pending MTIP even if MIDELEG[5] = 1 when the current privilege mode is
Machine.  This is true for all the interrupts. The interrupt should not be
masked even though it is delegated to a lower privilege.  Since the CPU
is currently in machine mode the interrupt must be taken if MIE.

Additionally added a new qemu script which pipes together all the parsing and
post processing scripts to produce the singular all.txt trace without the
massivie intermediate files.
2021-08-22 21:36:31 -05:00

209 lines
7.6 KiB
Executable File

#! /usr/bin/python3
import sys, fileinput, re
# Ross Thompson
# July 27, 2021
# Rewrite of the linux trace parser.
InstrStartDelim = '=>'
InstrEndDelim = '-----'
#InputFile = 'noparse.txt'
#InputFile = sys.stdin
#InputFile = 'temp.txt'
#OutputFile = 'parsedAll.txt'
def toDict(lst):
'Converts the list of register values to a dictionary'
dct= {}
for item in lst:
regTup = item.split()
dct[regTup[0]] = int(regTup[2], 10)
del dct['pc']
return dct
def whichClass(text, Regs):
'Which instruction class?'
#print(text, Regs)
if text[0:2] == 'ld' or text[0:2] == 'lw' or text[0:2] == 'lh' or text[0:2] == 'lb':
return ('load', WhatAddr(text, Regs), None, WhatMemDestSource(text))
elif text[0:2] == 'sd' or text[0:2] == 'sw' or text[0:2] == 'sh' or text[0:2] == 'sb':
return ('store', WhatAddr(text, Regs), WhatMemDestSource(text), None)
elif text[0:3] == 'amo':
return ('amo', WhatAddrAMO(text, Regs), WhatMemDestSource(text), WhatMemDestSource(text))
elif text[0:2] == 'lr':
return ('lr', WhatAddrLR(text, Regs), None, WhatMemDestSource(text))
elif text[0:2] == 'sc':
return ('sc', WhatAddrSC(text, Regs), WhatMemDestSource(text), None)
return ('other', None, None, None)
def whatChanged(dct0, dct1):
'Compares two dictionaries of instrution registers and indicates which registers changed'
dct = {}
for key in dct0:
if (dct1[key] != dct0[key]):
dct[key] = dct1[key]
return dct
def WhatMemDestSource(text):
''''What is the destination register. Used to compute where the read data is
on a load or the write data on a store.'''
return text.split()[1].split(',')[0]
def WhatAddr(text, Regs):
'What is the data memory address?'
Imm = text.split(',')[1]
(Imm, Src) = Imm.split('(')
Imm = int(Imm.strip(), 10)
Src = Src.strip(')').strip()
RegVal = Regs[Src]
return Imm + RegVal
def WhatAddrAMO(text, Regs):
'What is the data memory address?'
Src = text.split('(')[1]
Src = Src.strip(')').strip()
return Regs[Src]
def WhatAddrLR(text, Regs):
'What is the data memory address?'
Src = text.split('(')[1]
Src = Src.strip(')').strip()
return Regs[Src]
def WhatAddrSC(text, Regs):
'What is the data memory address?'
Src = text.split('(')[1]
Src = Src.strip(')').strip()
return Regs[Src]
def PrintInstr(instr, fp):
if instr[2] == None:
ChangedRegisters = instr[4]
GPR = ''
CSR = []
for key in ChangedRegisters:
# filter out csr which are not checked.
if(key in RegNumber):
if(RegNumber[key] < 32):
GPR = '{:-2d} {:016x}'.format(RegNumber[key], ChangedRegisters[key])
GPR = '{:d} {:x}'.format(RegNumber[key], ChangedRegisters[key])
CSR.extend([key, '{:016x}'.format(ChangedRegisters[key])])
CSR.extend([key, '{:x}'.format(ChangedRegisters[key])])
CSRStr = ' '.join(CSR)
if (HUMAN_READABLE == True):
fp.write('{:016x} {:08x} {:25s}'.format(instr[0], instr[1], instr[2]))
if(len(GPR) != 0):
fp.write(' GPR {}'.format(GPR))
if(instr[3] == 'load' or instr[3] == 'lr'):
fp.write(' MemR {:016x} {:016x} {:016x}'.format(instr[5], 0, instr[7]))
if(instr[3] == 'store'):
fp.write('\t\t\t MemW {:016x} {:016x} {:016x}'.format(instr[5], instr[6], 0))
if(len(CSR) != 0):
fp.write(' CSR {}'.format(CSRStr))
fp.write('{:x} {:x} {:s}'.format(instr[0], instr[1], instr[2].replace(' ', '_')))
if(len(GPR) != 0):
fp.write(' GPR {}'.format(GPR))
if(instr[3] == 'load' or instr[3] == 'lr'):
fp.write(' MemR {:x} {:x} {:x}'.format(instr[5], 0, instr[7]))
if(instr[3] == 'store'):
fp.write(' MemW {:x} {:x} {:x}'.format(instr[5], instr[6], 0))
if(len(CSR) != 0):
fp.write(' CSR {}'.format(CSRStr))
# reg number
RegNumber = {'zero': 0, 'ra': 1, 'sp': 2, 'gp': 3, 'tp': 4, 't0': 5, 't1': 6, 't2': 7, 's0': 8, 's1': 9, 'a0': 10, 'a1': 11, 'a2': 12, 'a3': 13, 'a4': 14, 'a5': 15, 'a6': 16, 'a7': 17, 's2': 18, 's3': 19, 's4': 20, 's5': 21, 's6': 22, 's7': 23, 's8': 24, 's9': 25, 's10': 26, 's11': 27, 't3': 28, 't4': 29, 't5': 30, 't6': 31, 'mhartid': 32, 'mstatus': 33, 'mip': 34, 'mie': 35, 'mideleg': 36, 'medeleg': 37, 'mtvec': 38, 'stvec': 39, 'mepc': 40, 'sepc': 41, 'mcause': 42, 'scause': 43, 'mtval': 44, 'stval': 45}
# initial state
CurrentInstr = ['0', '0', None, 'other', {'zero': 0, 'ra': 0, 'sp': 0, 'gp': 0, 'tp': 0, 't0': 0, 't1': 0, 't2': 0, 's0': 0, 's1': 0, 'a0': 0, 'a1': 0, 'a2': 0, 'a3': 0, 'a4': 0, 'a5': 0, 'a6': 0, 'a7': 0, 's2': 0, 's3': 0, 's4': 0, 's5': 0, 's6': 0, 's7': 0, 's8': 0, 's9': 0, 's10': 0, 's11': 0, 't3': 0, 't4': 0, 't5': 0, 't6': 0, 'mhartid': 0, 'mstatus': 0, 'mip': 0, 'mie': 0, 'mideleg': 0, 'medeleg': 0, 'mtvec': 0, 'stvec': 0, 'mepc': 0, 'sepc': 0, 'mcause': 0, 'scause': 0, 'mtval': 0, 'stval': 0}, {}, None, None, None]
#with open (InputFile, 'r') as InputFileFP:
#lines = InputFileFP.readlines()
lineNum = 0
StartLine = 0
EndLine = 0
#instructions = []
MemAdr = 0
lines = []
for line in fileinput.input('-'):
lines.insert(lineNum, line)
if InstrStartDelim in line:
lineNum = 0
StartLine = lineNum
elif InstrEndDelim in line:
EndLine = lineNum
(InstrBits, text) = lines[StartLine].split(':')
InstrBits = int(InstrBits.strip('=> '), 16)
text = text.strip()
PC = int(lines[StartLine+1].split(':')[0][2:], 16)
Regs = toDict(lines[StartLine+2:EndLine])
(Class, Addr, WriteReg, ReadReg) = whichClass(text, Regs)
#print("CWR", Class, WriteReg, ReadReg)
PreviousInstr = CurrentInstr
Changed = whatChanged(PreviousInstr[4], Regs)
if (ReadReg !=None): ReadData = ReadReg
else: ReadData = None
if (WriteReg !=None): WriteData = WriteReg
else: WriteData = None
CurrentInstr = [PC, InstrBits, text, Class, Regs, Changed, Addr, WriteData, ReadData]
#print(CurrentInstr[0:4], PreviousInstr[5], CurrentInstr[6:7], PreviousInstr[8])
# pc, instrbits, text and class come from the last line.
MoveInstrToRegWriteLst = PreviousInstr[0:4]
# updated registers come from the current line.
MoveInstrToRegWriteLst.append(CurrentInstr[5]) # destination regs
# memory address if present comes from the last line.
MoveInstrToRegWriteLst.append(PreviousInstr[6]) # MemAdrM
# write data from the previous line
#MoveInstrToRegWriteLst.append(PreviousInstr[7]) # WriteDataM
if (PreviousInstr[7] != None):
MoveInstrToRegWriteLst.append(Regs[PreviousInstr[7]]) # WriteDataM
# read data from the current line
#MoveInstrToRegWriteLst.append(PreviousInstr[8]) # ReadDataM
if (PreviousInstr[8] != None):
MoveInstrToRegWriteLst.append(Regs[PreviousInstr[8]]) # ReadDataM
PrintInstr(MoveInstrToRegWriteLst, sys.stdout)
lineNum += 1
#for instruction in instructions[1::]:
#with open(OutputFile, 'w') as OutputFileFP:
# print('opened file')