Noah Boorstin 71883dca82 More linux testbench fixes
So I'm super sorry for accidently overwriting the commits this morning
Need to be more careful with force pushing :(

This fixes the problem with CSRR somehow, by tying InstrAccessFaultF and
DataAccessFaultM to zero for now. I feel like this is not a good solution
and will cause problems in the future, but for the start it seems to work for now.
I'm fair certain we need these to accurately simulate to do linux properly.

Anyway, this super hackish solution is in place for now, now on to ignoring mispredicted reads
2021-01-23 17:52:05 -05:00

127 lines
4.7 KiB

# Modification by Oklahoma State University & Harvey Mudd College
# Use with testbench_busybear
# James Stine, 2008; David Harris 2021
# Go Cowboys!!!!!!
# Takes 1:10 to run RV64IC tests using gui
# Use this file to run this example.
# Either bring up ModelSim and type the following at the "ModelSim>" prompt:
# do
# or, to run from a shell, type the following at the shell prompt:
# vsim -do -c
# (omit the "-c" to see the GUI while running from the shell)
onbreak {resume}
# create library
if [file exists work] {
vdel -all
vlib work
# compile source files
# suppress spurious warnngs about
# "Extra checking for conflicts with always_comb done at vopt time"
# because vsim will run vopt
vlog src/*.sv -suppress 2583
# start and run simulation
# remove +acc flag for faster sim during regressions if there is no need to access internal signals
vopt +acc work.testbench_busybear -o workopt
vsim workopt
view wave
-- display input and output signals as hexidecimal values
# Diplays All Signals recursively
add wave /testbench_busybear/clk
add wave /testbench_busybear/reset
add wave -divider
add wave -hex /testbench_busybear/pcExpected
add wave -hex /testbench_busybear/dut/dp/PCF
add wave -hex /testbench_busybear/dut/dp/InstrF
add wave -divider
# registers!
add wave -hex /testbench_busybear/rfExpected
add wave -hex /testbench_busybear/dut/dp/regf/rf[1]
add wave -hex /testbench_busybear/dut/dp/regf/rf[2]
add wave -hex /testbench_busybear/dut/dp/regf/rf[3]
add wave -hex /testbench_busybear/dut/dp/regf/rf[4]
add wave -hex /testbench_busybear/dut/dp/regf/rf[5]
add wave -hex /testbench_busybear/dut/dp/regf/rf[6]
add wave -hex /testbench_busybear/dut/dp/regf/rf[7]
add wave -hex /testbench_busybear/dut/dp/regf/rf[8]
add wave -hex /testbench_busybear/dut/dp/regf/rf[9]
add wave -hex /testbench_busybear/dut/dp/regf/rf[10]
add wave -hex /testbench_busybear/dut/dp/regf/rf[11]
add wave -hex /testbench_busybear/dut/dp/regf/rf[12]
add wave -hex /testbench_busybear/dut/dp/regf/rf[13]
add wave -hex /testbench_busybear/dut/dp/regf/rf[14]
add wave -hex /testbench_busybear/dut/dp/regf/rf[15]
add wave -hex /testbench_busybear/dut/dp/regf/rf[16]
add wave -hex /testbench_busybear/dut/dp/regf/rf[17]
add wave -hex /testbench_busybear/dut/dp/regf/rf[18]
add wave -hex /testbench_busybear/dut/dp/regf/rf[19]
add wave -hex /testbench_busybear/dut/dp/regf/rf[20]
add wave -hex /testbench_busybear/dut/dp/regf/rf[21]
add wave -hex /testbench_busybear/dut/dp/regf/rf[22]
add wave -hex /testbench_busybear/dut/dp/regf/rf[23]
add wave -hex /testbench_busybear/dut/dp/regf/rf[24]
add wave -hex /testbench_busybear/dut/dp/regf/rf[25]
add wave -hex /testbench_busybear/dut/dp/regf/rf[26]
add wave -hex /testbench_busybear/dut/dp/regf/rf[27]
add wave -hex /testbench_busybear/dut/dp/regf/rf[28]
add wave -hex /testbench_busybear/dut/dp/regf/rf[29]
add wave -hex /testbench_busybear/dut/dp/regf/rf[30]
add wave -hex /testbench_busybear/dut/dp/regf/rf[31]
add wave /testbench_busybear/InstrFName
add wave -hex /testbench_busybear/dut/dp/PCD
#add wave -hex /testbench_busybear/dut/dp/InstrD
add wave /testbench_busybear/InstrDName
#add wave -divider
add wave -hex /testbench_busybear/dut/dp/PCE
##add wave -hex /testbench_busybear/dut/dp/InstrE
add wave /testbench_busybear/InstrEName
#add wave -hex /testbench_busybear/dut/dp/SrcAE
#add wave -hex /testbench_busybear/dut/dp/SrcBE
#add wave -hex /testbench_busybear/dut/dp/ALUResultE
#add wave /testbench_busybear/dut/dp/PCSrcE
#add wave -divider
add wave -hex /testbench_busybear/dut/dp/PCM
##add wave -hex /testbench_busybear/dut/dp/InstrM
add wave /testbench_busybear/InstrMName
#add wave /testbench_busybear/dut/dmem/dtim/memwrite
#add wave -hex /testbench_busybear/dut/dmem/AdrM
#add wave -hex /testbench_busybear/dut/dmem/WriteDataM
#add wave -divider
add wave -hex /testbench_busybear/dut/dp/PCW
##add wave -hex /testbench_busybear/dut/dp/InstrW
add wave /testbench_busybear/InstrWName
#add wave /testbench_busybear/dut/dp/RegWriteW
#add wave -hex /testbench_busybear/dut/dp/ResultW
#add wave -hex /testbench_busybear/dut/dp/RdW
#add wave -divider
##add ww
#add wave -hex -r /testbench_busybear/*
#-- Set Wave Output Items
#TreeUpdate [SetDefaultTree]
#WaveRestoreZoom {0 ps} {100 ps}
#configure wave -namecolwidth 250
#configure wave -valuecolwidth 120
#configure wave -justifyvalue left
#configure wave -signalnamewidth 0
#configure wave -snapdistance 10
#configure wave -datasetprefix 0
#configure wave -rowmargin 4
#configure wave -childrowmargin 2
#set DefaultRadix hexadecimal
#-- Run the Simulation
run 300
#run -all