2021-10-18 13:39:40 -07:00

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# riscv-wally
Configurable RISC-V Processor
Wally is a 5-stage pipelined processor configurable to support all the standard RISC-V options, incluidng RV32/64, A, C, F, D, and M extensions, FENCE.I, and the various privileged modes and CSRs. It is written in SystemVerilog. It passes the RISC-V Arch Tests and Imperas tests. As of October 2021, it boots the first 10 million instructions of Buildroot Linux.
To use Wally on Linux:
git clone
cd riscv-wally
cd imperas-riscv-tests
cd ../addins
git clone
git clone
cd riscv-isa-sim
mkdir build
cd build
set RISCV=/cad/riscv/gcc/bin (or whatever your path is)
../configure --prefix=$RISCV
make (this will take a while to build SPIKE)
sudo make install
cd ../../riscv-arch-test
cp ../riscv-isa-sim/arch_test_target/spike/Makefile.include .
edit Makefile.include
change line with TARGETDIR to /home/harris/test/riscv-wally/addins/riscv-isa-sim/arch_test_target (or whatever your path is) ***fix
add line export RISCV_PREFIX = riscv64-unknown-elf- # this might not be needed if you have 32-bit versions of the riscv gcc compiler built separately
make XLEN=32
Eventually download imperas-riscv-tests separately
Move our custom tests to another directory
Handle exe2memfile separately.