James E. Stine
Updates on Divide - pushed in working version of DIV64U for Divide and REmainder. Will do 32-bit version tomorrow as well as Signed version
2021-05-17 16:48:51 -05:00 |
James E. Stine
Added some updates to divider - still not working all the time. Still a bug with signals within muldiv - specificaly MultDivE being modified during Execute stage. Seems to be triggered by ahblite signal.
2021-04-02 06:27:37 -05:00 |
James E. Stine
Fixed some divide -still bug in AHB causing InstStall to deassert and next instruction to get into divide unit. Hope to fix soon. Divide seems to work if given enough time.
2021-04-01 12:30:37 -05:00 |