mirror of
synced 2025-02-03 18:25:27 +00:00
rv32gc and rv64gc now use the updated ram3.sv (will rename to ram.sv) which uses a vivado block ram compatible memory. Still need to update simpleram.sv to use this block ram compatible memory.
This commit is contained in:
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ module ram #(parameter BASE=0, RANGE = 65535) (
logic memwrite;
logic [3:0] busycount;
swbytemask swbytemask(.HSIZED, .HADDRD(A[2:0]), .ByteMask(ByteMaskM));
swbytemask swbytemask(.HSIZED, .HADDRD(HWADDR[2:0]), .ByteMask(ByteMaskM));
assign initTrans = HREADY & HSELRam & (HTRANS != 2'b00);
@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ module ram #(parameter BASE=0, RANGE = 65535) (
assign HRESPRam = 0; // OK
localparam ADDR_WDITH = $clog2(RANGE/8);
localparam OFFSET = $clog2(`XLEN/8);
// Rising HREADY edge detector
// Indicates when ram is finishing up
@ -96,9 +97,9 @@ module ram #(parameter BASE=0, RANGE = 65535) (
bram2p1r1w #(`XLEN/8, 8, ADDR_WDITH)
memory(.clk(HCLK), .enaA(1'b1),
.addrA(A[ADDR_WDITH+2:3]), .doutA(HREADRam),
.enaB(memwrite & risingHREADYRam), .weB(ByteMaskM),
.addrB(HWADDR[ADDR_WDITH+2:3]), .dinB(HWDATA));
@ -353,21 +353,21 @@ module testbench;
ProgramLabelMapFile = {linuxImageDir,"disassembly/vmlinux.objdump.lab"};
// initialize bootrom
memFile = $fopen({testvectorDir,"bootmem.bin"}, "rb");
readResult = $fread(dut.uncore.bootrom.bootrom.RAM,memFile);
readResult = $fread(dut.uncore.bootrom.bootrom.memory.RAM,memFile);
// initialize RAM
memFile = $fopen({testvectorDir,"ram.bin"}, "rb");
memFile = $fopen({checkpointDir,"ram.bin"}, "rb");
readResult = $fread(dut.uncore.ram.ram.RAM,memFile);
readResult = $fread(dut.uncore.ram.ram.memory.RAM,memFile);
if (CHECKPOINT==0) begin // normal
traceFileM = $fopen({testvectorDir,"all.txt"}, "r");
traceFileE = $fopen({testvectorDir,"all.txt"}, "r");
InstrCountW = '0;
end else begin // checkpoint
//$readmemh({checkpointDir,"ram.txt"}, dut.uncore.ram.ram.RAM);
//$readmemh({checkpointDir,"ram.txt"}, dut.uncore.ram.ram.memory.RAM);
traceFileE = $fopen({checkpointDir,"all.txt"}, "r");
traceFileM = $fopen({checkpointDir,"all.txt"}, "r");
@ -771,9 +771,9 @@ module testbench;
BaseAdr = SATP[43:0] << 12;
for (i = 2; i >= 0; i--) begin
PAdr = BaseAdr + (VPN[i] << 3);
// ram.RAM is 64-bit addressed. PAdr specifies a byte. We right shift
// ram.memory.RAM is 64-bit addressed. PAdr specifies a byte. We right shift
// by 3 (the PTE size) to get the requested 64-bit PTE.
PTE = dut.uncore.ram.ram.RAM[PAdr >> 3];
PTE = dut.uncore.ram.ram.memory.RAM[PAdr >> 3];
PTE_R = PTE[1];
PTE_X = PTE[3];
if (PTE_R | PTE_X) begin
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ module testbench;
int test, i, errors, totalerrors;
logic [31:0] sig32[0:SIGNATURESIZE];
logic [`XLEN-1:0] signature[0:SIGNATURESIZE];
logic [`XLEN-1:0] testadr;
logic [`XLEN-1:0] testadr, testadrNoBase;
string InstrFName, InstrDName, InstrEName, InstrMName, InstrWName;
logic [31:0] InstrW;
@ -170,6 +170,7 @@ logic [3:0] dummy;
test = 1;
totalerrors = 0;
testadr = 0;
testadrNoBase = 0;
// fill memory with defined values to reduce Xs in simulation
// Quick note the memory will need to be initialized. The C library does not
// guarantee the initialized reads. For example a strcmp can read 6 byte
@ -186,9 +187,9 @@ logic [3:0] dummy;
pathname = tvpaths[0];
else pathname = tvpaths[1]; */
memfilename = {pathname, tests[test], ".elf.memfile"};
if (`IMEM == `MEM_TIM) $readmemh(memfilename, dut.core.ifu.irom.irom.ram.memory.RAM);
if (`IMEM == `MEM_TIM) $readmemh(memfilename, dut.core.ifu.irom.irom.ram.RAM);
else $readmemh(memfilename, dut.uncore.ram.ram.memory.RAM);
if (`DMEM == `MEM_TIM) $readmemh(memfilename, dut.core.lsu.dtim.dtim.ram.memory.RAM);
if (`DMEM == `MEM_TIM) $readmemh(memfilename, dut.core.lsu.dtim.dtim.ram.RAM);
ProgramAddrMapFile = {pathname, tests[test], ".elf.objdump.addr"};
ProgramLabelMapFile = {pathname, tests[test], ".elf.objdump.lab"};
@ -243,12 +244,13 @@ logic [3:0] dummy;
errors = (i == SIGNATURESIZE+1); // error if file is empty
i = 0;
testadr = (`RAM_BASE+tests[test+1].atohex())/(`XLEN/8);
testadrNoBase = (tests[test+1].atohex())/(`XLEN/8);
/* verilator lint_off INFINITELOOP */
while (signature[i] !== 'bx) begin
logic [`XLEN-1:0] sig;
if (`DMEM == `MEM_TIM) sig = dut.core.lsu.dtim.dtim.ram.memory.RAM[testadr+i];
else sig = dut.uncore.ram.ram.memory.RAM[testadr+i];
// $display("signature[%h] = %h sig = %h", i, signature[i], sig);
if (`DMEM == `MEM_TIM) sig = dut.core.lsu.dtim.dtim.ram.RAM[testadr+i];
else sig = dut.uncore.ram.ram.memory.RAM[testadrNoBase+i];
//$display("signature[%h] = %h sig = %h", i, signature[i], sig);
if (signature[i] !== sig &
//if (signature[i] !== dut.core.lsu.dtim.ram.memory.RAM[testadr+i] &
(signature[i] !== DCacheFlushFSM.ShadowRAM[testadr+i])) begin // ***i+1?
@ -284,9 +286,9 @@ logic [3:0] dummy;
//pathname = tvpaths[tests[0]];
memfilename = {pathname, tests[test], ".elf.memfile"};
//$readmemh(memfilename, dut.uncore.ram.ram.memory.RAM);
if (`IMEM == `MEM_TIM) $readmemh(memfilename, dut.core.ifu.irom.irom.ram.memory.RAM);
if (`IMEM == `MEM_TIM) $readmemh(memfilename, dut.core.ifu.irom.irom.ram.RAM);
else $readmemh(memfilename, dut.uncore.ram.ram.memory.RAM);
if (`DMEM == `MEM_TIM) $readmemh(memfilename, dut.core.lsu.dtim.dtim.ram.memory.RAM);
if (`DMEM == `MEM_TIM) $readmemh(memfilename, dut.core.lsu.dtim.dtim.ram.RAM);
ProgramAddrMapFile = {pathname, tests[test], ".elf.objdump.addr"};
ProgramLabelMapFile = {pathname, tests[test], ".elf.objdump.lab"};
Reference in New Issue
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