Progress on derivgen

This commit is contained in:
David Harris 2024-01-29 10:14:54 -08:00
parent 45e2317636
commit fb35a865ef

bin/ Normal file → Executable file
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@ -35,24 +35,99 @@ use strict;
use warnings;
import os;
if ($#ARGV != 0) {
die("Usage: $0 workpath [e.g. $0 \$WALLY/addins/riscv-arch-test/work")
my $curderiv = "";
my @derivlist = ();
my %derivs;
my %basederiv;
if ($#ARGV != -1) {
die("Usage: $0")
my $mypath = $ARGV[0];
my @dirs = glob($mypath.'/*/*');
foreach my $dir (@dirs) {
$dir =~ /.*\/(.*)\/(.*)/;
my $arch = $1;
my $ext = $2;
my $contents = `grep --with-filename "<begin_signature>:" $dir/*.objdump`;
my @lines = split('\n', $contents);
print "$arch/$ext";
foreach my $line (@lines) {
$line =~ /.*\/(.*)\.elf.objdump:(\S*)/;
my $fname = $1;
my $adr = $2;
my $partialaddress = substr($adr, -6);
print ",\n\t\t\"$arch/$ext/$fname\", \"$partialaddress\"";
my $derivlist = "$ENV{WALLY}/config/derivlist.txt";
open(my $fh, $derivlist) or die "Could not open file '$derivlist' $!";
foreach my $line (<$fh>) {
chomp $line;
my @tokens = split('\s+', $line);
if ($#tokens < 0 || $tokens[0] =~ /^#/) { # skip blank lines and comments
if ($tokens[0] =~ /deriv/) { # start of a new derivative
$curderiv = $tokens[1];
$basederiv{$curderiv} = $tokens[2];
# print("Found deriv $curderiv based on $basederiv{$curderiv}\n");
@derivlist = ();
if ($#tokens > 2) {
# print(" with $tokens[3]\n");
my $inherits = $derivs{$tokens[3]};
# &printref($inherits);
@derivlist = @{$inherits};
# foreach my $entry (@derivlist) {
# print(" Entry: @$entry\n");
# }
# print (" dt3 = $inherits as array @derivlist\n");
# print(" derivlist = @derivlist\n"); */
} else { # add to the current derivative
my @entry = ($tokens[0], $tokens[1]);
# print(" Read Entry: @entry\n");
push(@derivlist, \@entry);
#system("mkdir $ENV{WALLY}/config/deriv");
foreach my $key (keys %derivs) {
my $dir = "$ENV{WALLY}/config/deriv/$key";
system("mkdir -p $dir");
my $configunmod = "$dir/config_unmod.vh";
my $config = "$dir/config.vh";
my $base = "$ENV{WALLY}/config/$basederiv{$key}/config.vh";
system("cp $base $configunmod");
open(my $unmod, $configunmod) or die "Could not open file '$configunmod' $!";
open(my $fh, '>>', $config) or die "Could not open file '$config' $!";
my $datestring = localtime();
print $fh "// Config $key automatically derived from $basederiv{$key} on $datestring usubg\n";
foreach my $line (<$unmod>) {
foreach my $entry (@{$derivs{$key}}) {
my @ent = @{$entry};
my $param = @ent[0];
my $value = @ent[1];
print(" In $config replace $param with $value\n");
# $line =~ s/^\s*`define\s+$param\s+.*$/`define $param $value/;
$line =~ s/$param\s*=\s*.*;/$param = $value;/;
print $fh $line;
#print("#######################\nKeys: ", join(' ', keys %derivs), "\n");
#foreach my $key (keys %derivs) {
# print(" $key: $basederiv{$key} = ");
# &printref($derivs{$key});
sub terminateDeriv {
if ($curderiv ne "") { # close out the previous derivative
my @dl = @derivlist;
$derivs{$curderiv} = \@dl;
# print("Finished: $curderiv = $derivs{$curderiv} ");
# &printref($derivs{$curderiv});
sub printref {
my $ref = shift;
my @array = @{$ref};
# print(" ## Printing ref $ref\n ");
foreach my $entry (@array) {
print join('_', @{$entry}), ', ';