Similifed the no byte write enabled version of the sram model.

This commit is contained in:
Ross Thompson 2023-04-06 14:18:41 -05:00
parent 17f96aa341
commit ee4cf5e94d

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@ -90,16 +90,7 @@ module ram1p1rwe #(parameter DEPTH=64, WIDTH=44) (
// so we can never get we=1, ce=0 for I$.
if (ce & we)
// coverage on
for(i = 0; i < WIDTH/8; i++)
RAM[addr][i*8 +: 8] <= #1 din[i*8 +: 8];
if (WIDTH%8 != 0) // handle msbs if width not a multiple of 8
always @(posedge clk)
// coverage off
// (see the above explanation)
if (ce & we)
// coverage on
RAM[addr][WIDTH-1:WIDTH-WIDTH%8] <= #1 din[WIDTH-1:WIDTH-WIDTH%8];
RAM[addr] <= #1 din;