mirror of
synced 2025-02-03 18:25:27 +00:00
Merge branch 'main' of https://github.com/davidharrishmc/riscv-wally into main
This commit is contained in:
@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 58ffa0c68c52f291d12c5902fc787d2bca94ddf9
Subproject commit 261a65e0a2d3e8d62d81b1d8fe7e309a096bc6a9
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
`define CORRSHIFTSZ ((`DIVRESLEN+`NF) > (3*`NF+8) ? (`DIVRESLEN+`NF) : (3*`NF+6))
// division constants
`define RADIX 32'h2
`define RADIX 32'h4
`define DIVCOPIES 32'h1
`define DIVLEN ((`NF < `XLEN) ? (`XLEN) : (`NF + 3))
`define EXTRAFRACBITS ((`NF<(`XLEN)) ? (`XLEN - `NF) : 3)
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ add wave -group {Divide} -group inter0 -noupdate /testbenchfp/divsqrt/srt/intera
# add wave -group {Divide} -group inter0 -noupdate /testbenchfp/divsqrt/srt/interations[0]/divinteration/otfc/otfc2/*
# add wave -group {Divide} -group inter0 -noupdate /testbenchfp/divsqrt/srt/interations[0]/divinteration/qsel/qsel2/*
add wave -group {Divide} -noupdate /testbenchfp/divsqrt/srtpreproc/*
add wave -group {Divide} -noupdate /testbenchfp/divsqrt/srt/expcalc/*
# add wave -group {Divide} -noupdate /testbenchfp/divsqrt/srt/expcalc/*
add wave -group {Divide} -noupdate /testbenchfp/divsqrt/srtfsm/*
add wave -group {Testbench} -noupdate /testbenchfp/*
add wave -group {Testbench} -noupdate /testbenchfp/readvectors/*
@ -41,7 +41,8 @@ module divsqrt(
input logic XNaNE, YNaNE,
input logic DivStartE,
input logic StallM,
input logic StallE,
input logic StallE,
input logic SqrtE, SqrtM,
output logic DivSM,
output logic DivBusy,
output logic DivDone,
@ -55,15 +56,15 @@ module divsqrt(
logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] WS, WC;
logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] StickyWSA;
logic [$clog2(`NF+2)-1:0] XZeroCnt, YZeroCnt;
logic [`DIVLEN-1:0] X;
logic [`DIVLEN-1:0] Dpreproc;
logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] X;
logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] Dpreproc;
logic [`DURLEN-1:0] Dur;
logic NegSticky;
srtpreproc srtpreproc(.Xm(XmE), .Dur, .Ym(YmE), .X,.Dpreproc, .XZeroCnt, .YZeroCnt);
srtpreproc srtpreproc(.clk, .DivStart(DivStartE), .Xm(XmE), .QeM, .Xe(XeE), .Fmt(FmtE), .Ye(YeE), .Sqrt(SqrtE), .Dur, .Ym(YmE), .XZero(XZeroE), .X, .Dpreproc, .XZeroCnt, .YZeroCnt);
srtfsm srtfsm(.reset, .NextWSN, .NextWCN, .WS, .WC, .Dur, .DivBusy, .clk, .DivStart(DivStartE),.StallE, .StallM, .DivDone, .XZeroE, .YZeroE, .DivSE(DivSM), .XNaNE, .YNaNE,
.StickyWSA, .XInfE, .YInfE, .NegSticky(NegSticky), .EarlyTermShiftE(EarlyTermShiftM));
srt srt(.clk, .FmtE, .X,.Dpreproc, .NegSticky, .XZeroCnt, .YZeroCnt, .FirstWS(WS), .FirstWC(WC), .NextWSN, .NextWCN, .DivStart(DivStartE), .Xe(XeE), .Ye(YeE), .XZeroE, .YZeroE,
.StickyWSA, .DivBusy, .Qm(QmM), .Rem(), .QeM);
srt srt(.clk, .Sqrt(SqrtM), .X,.Dpreproc, .NegSticky, .XZeroCnt, .YZeroCnt, .FirstWS(WS), .FirstWC(WC), .NextWSN, .NextWCN, .DivStart(DivStartE), .Xe(XeE), .Ye(YeE), .XZeroE, .YZeroE,
.StickyWSA, .DivBusy, .Qm(QmM), .Rem());
@ -219,8 +219,8 @@ module fctrl (
// 110 - add
// 111 - sub
// Div:
// 0 - ???
// 1 - ???
// 0 - div
// 1 - sqrt
// Cvt Int: {Int to Fp?, 64 bit int?, signed int?}
// Cvt Fp: output format
// 10 - to half
@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ module fpu (
// - fdiv
// - fsqrt
// *** add other opperations
divsqrt divsqrt(.clk, .reset, .FmtE, .XmE, .YmE, .XeE, .YeE,
divsqrt divsqrt(.clk, .reset, .FmtE, .XmE, .YmE, .XeE, .YeE, .SqrtE(OpCtrlE[0]), .SqrtM(OpCtrlM[0]),
.XInfE, .YInfE, .XZeroE, .YZeroE, .XNaNE, .YNaNE, .DivStartE(DivStartE),
.StallE, .StallM, .DivSM, .DivBusy(FDivBusyE), .QeM, //***change divbusyE to M signal
.EarlyTermShiftM, .QmM, .DivDone(DivDoneM));
@ -58,6 +58,41 @@ module otfc2 (
// Square Root OTFC, Radix 2 //
module sotfc2(
input logic clk,
input logic Start,
input logic sp, sn,
input logic Sqrt,
input logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] C,
output logic [`DIVLEN-2:0] Sq,
output logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] S, SM
// The on-the-fly converter transfers the square root
// bits to the quotient as they come.
// Use this otfc for division and square root.
logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] SNext, SMNext, SMux;
flopr #(`DIVLEN+4) SMreg(clk, Start, SMNext, SM);
mux2 #(`DIVLEN+4) Smux(SNext, {3'b000, Sqrt, {(`DIVLEN){1'b0}}}, Start, SMux);
flop #(`DIVLEN+4) Sreg(clk, SMux, S);
always_comb begin
if (sp) begin
SNext = S | (C & ~(C << 1));
SMNext = S;
end else if (sn) begin
SNext = SM | (C & ~(C << 1));
SMNext = SM;
end else begin // If sp and sn are not true, then sz is
SNext = S;
SMNext = SM | (C & ~(C << 1));
assign Sq = S[`DIVLEN] ? S[`DIVLEN-1:1] : S[`DIVLEN-2:0];
module otfc4 (
input logic [3:0] q,
@ -110,3 +145,38 @@ module otfc4 (
// Final Qmeint is in the range [.5, 2)
// Square Root OTFC, Radix 4 //
module sotfc4(
input logic [3:0] s,
input logic Sqrt,
input logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] S, SM,
input logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] C,
output logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] SNext, SMNext
// The on-the-fly converter transfers the square root
// bits to the quotient as they come.
// Use this otfc for division and square root.
always_comb begin
if (s[3]) begin
SNext = S | ((C << 1)&~(C << 2));
SMNext = S | (C&~(C << 1));
end else if (s[2]) begin
SNext = S | (C&~(C << 1));
SMNext = S;
end else if (s[1]) begin
SNext = SM | (C&~(C << 2));
SMNext = SM | ((C << 1)&~(C << 2));
end else if (s[0]) begin
SNext = SM | ((C << 1)&~(C << 2));
SMNext = SM | (C&~(C << 1));
end else begin // If sp and sn are not true, then sz is
SNext = S;
SMNext = SM | (C & ~(C << 2));
@ -62,9 +62,36 @@ module qsel2 ( // *** eventually just change to 4 bits
// assign #1 qn = magnitude & sign;
// Adder Input Generation, Radix 2 //
module fgen2 (
input logic sp, sn,
input logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] C, S, SM,
output logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] F
logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] FP, FN, FZ;
// Generate for both positive and negative bits
assign FP = ~(S << 1) & C;
assign FN = (SM << 1) | (C & (~C << 2));
assign FZ = '0;
// Choose which adder input will be used
if (sp) F = FP;
else if (sn) F = FN;
else F = FZ;
// assign F = sp ? FP : (sn ? FN : FZ);
module qsel4 (
input logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] D,
input logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] WS, WC,
input logic Sqrt,
output logic [3:0] q
logic [6:0] Wmsbs;
@ -91,45 +118,77 @@ module qsel4 (
else if(w2>=4) QSel4[i] = 4'b0100;
else if(w2>=-4) QSel4[i] = 4'b0000;
else if(w2>=-13) QSel4[i] = 4'b0010;
else QSel4[i] = 4'b0001;
else QSel4[i] = 4'b0001;
1: if(w2>=14) QSel4[i] = 4'b1000;
else if(w2>=4) QSel4[i] = 4'b0100;
else if(w2>=-6) QSel4[i] = 4'b0000;
else if(w2>=-15) QSel4[i] = 4'b0010;
else QSel4[i] = 4'b0001;
else if(w2>=-5) QSel4[i] = 4'b0000; // was -6
else if(~Sqrt&(w2>=-15)) QSel4[i] = 4'b0010; // divide case
else if( Sqrt&(w2>=-14)) QSel4[i] = 4'b0010; // sqrt case
else QSel4[i] = 4'b0001;
2: if(w2>=15) QSel4[i] = 4'b1000;
else if(w2>=4) QSel4[i] = 4'b0100;
else if(w2>=-6) QSel4[i] = 4'b0000;
else if(w2>=-16) QSel4[i] = 4'b0010;
else QSel4[i] = 4'b0001;
else QSel4[i] = 4'b0001;
3: if(w2>=16) QSel4[i] = 4'b1000;
else if(w2>=4) QSel4[i] = 4'b0100;
else if(w2>=-6) QSel4[i] = 4'b0000;
else if(w2>=-18) QSel4[i] = 4'b0010;
else QSel4[i] = 4'b0001;
else if(w2>=-17) QSel4[i] = 4'b0010; // was -18
else QSel4[i] = 4'b0001;
4: if(w2>=18) QSel4[i] = 4'b1000;
else if(w2>=6) QSel4[i] = 4'b0100;
else if(w2>=-8) QSel4[i] = 4'b0000;
else if(w2>=-20) QSel4[i] = 4'b0010;
else QSel4[i] = 4'b0001;
else if(w2>=-6) QSel4[i] = 4'b0000; // was -8
else if(~Sqrt&(w2>=-20)) QSel4[i] = 4'b0010; // divide case
else if( Sqrt&(w2>=-18)) QSel4[i] = 4'b0010; // sqrt case
else QSel4[i] = 4'b0001;
5: if(w2>=20) QSel4[i] = 4'b1000;
else if(w2>=6) QSel4[i] = 4'b0100;
else if(w2>=-8) QSel4[i] = 4'b0000;
else if(w2>=-20) QSel4[i] = 4'b0010;
else QSel4[i] = 4'b0001;
else QSel4[i] = 4'b0001;
6: if(w2>=20) QSel4[i] = 4'b1000;
else if(w2>=8) QSel4[i] = 4'b0100;
else if(w2>=-8) QSel4[i] = 4'b0000;
else if(w2>=-22) QSel4[i] = 4'b0010;
else QSel4[i] = 4'b0001;
7: if(w2>=24) QSel4[i] = 4'b1000;
else QSel4[i] = 4'b0001;
7: if(w2>=22) QSel4[i] = 4'b1000; // was 24
else if(w2>=8) QSel4[i] = 4'b0100;
else if(w2>=-8) QSel4[i] = 4'b0000;
else if(w2>=-24) QSel4[i] = 4'b0010;
else QSel4[i] = 4'b0001;
else if(w2>=-23) QSel4[i] = 4'b0010; // was -24
else QSel4[i] = 4'b0001;
assign q = QSel4[{Dmsbs,Wmsbs}];
// Adder Input Generation, Radix 4 //
module fgen4 (
input logic [3:0] s,
input logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] C, S, SM,
output logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] F
logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] F2, F1, F0, FN1, FN2;
// Generate for both positive and negative bits
assign F2 = (~S << 2) & (C << 2);
assign F1 = ~(S << 1) & C;
assign F0 = '0;
assign FN1 = (SM << 1) | (C & ~(C << 2));
assign FN2 = (SM << 2) | ((C << 2)&~(C <<4));
// Choose which adder input will be used
if (s[3]) F = F2;
else if (s[2]) F = F1;
else if (s[1]) F = FN1;
else if (s[0]) F = FN2;
else F = F0;
// assign F = sp ? FP : (sn ? FN : FZ);
@ -34,18 +34,17 @@ module srt(
input logic clk,
input logic DivStart,
input logic DivBusy,
input logic [`FMTBITS-1:0] FmtE,
input logic [`NE-1:0] Xe, Ye,
input logic XZeroE, YZeroE,
input logic [`DIVLEN-1:0] X,
input logic [`DIVLEN-1:0] Dpreproc,
input logic [$clog2(`NF+2)-1:0] XZeroCnt, YZeroCnt,
input logic NegSticky,
input logic Sqrt,
input logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] X,
input logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] Dpreproc,
input logic [$clog2(`NF+2)-1:0] XZeroCnt, YZeroCnt,
input logic NegSticky,
output logic [`QLEN-1-(`RADIX/4):0] Qm,
output logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] NextWSN, NextWCN,
output logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] StickyWSA,
output logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] FirstWS, FirstWC,
output logic [`NE+1:0] QeM,
output logic [`XLEN-1:0] Rem
@ -59,13 +58,19 @@ module srt(
logic [`QLEN-1:0] QM[`DIVCOPIES-1:0];
logic [`QLEN-1:0] QNext[`DIVCOPIES-1:0];
logic [`QLEN-1:0] QMNext[`DIVCOPIES-1:0];
logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] S[`DIVCOPIES-1:0]; //***change to QLEN???
logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] SM[`DIVCOPIES-1:0];
logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] SNext[`DIVCOPIES-1:0];
logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] SMNext[`DIVCOPIES-1:0];
logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] C[`DIVCOPIES-1:0];
/* verilator lint_on UNOPTFLAT */
logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] WSN, WCN;
logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] D, DBar, D2, DBar2;
logic [`NE+1:0] Qe;
logic [$clog2(`XLEN+1)-1:0] intExp;
logic intSign;
logic [`QLEN-1:0] QMMux;
logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] CMux;
logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] SMux;
// Top Muxes and Registers
// When start is asserted, the inputs are loaded into the divider.
@ -83,13 +88,13 @@ module srt(
assign NextWCN = {WCA[`DIVCOPIES-1][`DIVLEN+1:0], 2'b0};
mux2 #(`DIVLEN+4) wsmux(NextWSN, {3'b000, ~XZeroE, X}, DivStart, WSN);
mux2 #(`DIVLEN+4) wsmux(NextWSN, X, DivStart, WSN);
flopen #(`DIVLEN+4) wsflop(clk, DivStart|DivBusy, WSN, WS[0]);
mux2 #(`DIVLEN+4) wcmux(NextWCN, {`DIVLEN+4{1'b0}}, DivStart, WCN);
flopen #(`DIVLEN+4) wcflop(clk, DivStart|DivBusy, WCN, WC[0]);
flopen #(`DIVLEN+4) dflop(clk, DivStart, {4'b0001, Dpreproc}, D);
flopen #(`NE+2) expflop(clk, DivStart, Qe, QeM);
flopen #(`DIVLEN+4) dflop(clk, DivStart, Dpreproc, D);
mux2 #(`DIVLEN+4) Cmux({2'b11, C[`DIVCOPIES-1][`DIVLEN+3:2]}, {5'b11111, Sqrt, {(`DIVLEN-2){1'b0}}}, DivStart, CMux);
flop #(`DIVLEN+4) cflop(clk, CMux, C[0]);
// Divisor Selections
// - choose the negitive version of what's being selected
@ -102,8 +107,9 @@ module srt(
genvar i;
for(i=0; $unsigned(i)<`DIVCOPIES; i++) begin : interations
divinteration divinteration(.D, .DBar, .D2, .DBar2,
.WS(WS[i]), .WC(WC[i]), .WSA(WSA[i]), .WCA(WCA[i]), .Q(Q[i]), .QM(QM[i]), .QNext(QNext[i]), .QMNext(QMNext[i]));
divinteration divinteration(.D, .DBar, .D2, .DBar2, .Sqrt,
.WS(WS[i]), .WC(WC[i]), .WSA(WSA[i]), .WCA(WCA[i]), .Q(Q[i]), .QM(QM[i]), .QNext(QNext[i]), .QMNext(QMNext[i]),
.C(C[i]), .S(S[i]), .SM(SM[i]), .SNext(SNext[i]), .SMNext(SMNext[i]));
if(i<(`DIVCOPIES-1)) begin
if (`RADIX==2)begin
assign WS[i+1] = {WSA[i][`DIVLEN+1:0], 1'b0};
@ -111,9 +117,12 @@ module srt(
end else begin
assign WS[i+1] = {WSA[i][`DIVLEN+1:0], 2'b0};
assign WC[i+1] = {WCA[i][`DIVLEN+1:0], 2'b0};
assign C[i+1] = {2'b11, C[i][`DIVLEN+3:2]};
assign Q[i+1] = QNext[i];
assign QM[i+1] = QMNext[i];
assign S[i+1] = SNext[i];
assign SM[i+1] = SMNext[i];
@ -123,16 +132,27 @@ module srt(
flopenr #(`QLEN) Qreg(clk, DivStart, DivBusy, QNext[`DIVCOPIES-1], Q[0]);
flopen #(`QLEN) QMreg(clk, DivBusy, QMMux, QM[0]);
assign Qm = NegSticky ? QM[0][`QLEN-1-(`RADIX/4):0] : Q[0][`QLEN-1-(`RADIX/4):0];
flopr #(`DIVLEN+4) SMreg(clk, DivStart, SMNext[`DIVCOPIES-1], SM[0]);
mux2 #(`DIVLEN+4) Smux(SNext[`DIVCOPIES-1], {3'b000, Sqrt, {(`DIVLEN){1'b0}}}, DivStart, SMux);
flop #(`DIVLEN+4) Sreg(clk, SMux, S[0]);
if(NegSticky) Qm = SM[0][`QLEN-1-(`RADIX/4):0];
else Qm = S[0][`QLEN-1-(`RADIX/4):0];
if(NegSticky) Qm = QM[0][`QLEN-1-(`RADIX/4):0];
else Qm = Q[0][`QLEN-1-(`RADIX/4):0];
assign FirstWS = WS[0];
assign FirstWC = WC[0];
if (`DIVCOPIES == 1)
assign StickyWSA = {WSA[0][`DIVLEN+2:0], 1'b0};
assign StickyWSA = {WSA[1][`DIVLEN+2:0], 1'b0};
expcalc expcalc(.FmtE, .Xe, .Ye, .XZeroE, .XZeroCnt, .YZeroCnt, .Qe);
@ -145,8 +165,12 @@ module divinteration (
input logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] D,
input logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] DBar, D2, DBar2,
input logic [`QLEN-1:0] Q, QM,
input logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] S, SM,
input logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] WS, WC,
input logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] C,
input logic Sqrt,
output logic [`QLEN-1:0] QNext, QMNext,
output logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] SNext, SMNext,
output logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] WSA, WCA
/* verilator lint_on UNOPTFLAT */
@ -154,6 +178,8 @@ module divinteration (
logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] Dsel;
logic [3:0] q;
logic qp, qz;//, qn;
logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] F;
logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] AddIn;
// Qmient Selection logic
// Given partial remainder, select quotient of +1, 0, or -1 (qp, qz, pm)
@ -166,7 +192,8 @@ module divinteration (
if(`RADIX == 2) begin : qsel
qsel2 qsel2(WS[`DIVLEN+3:`DIVLEN], WC[`DIVLEN+3:`DIVLEN], qp, qz);//, qn);
end else begin
qsel4 qsel4(.D, .WS, .WC, .q);
qsel4 qsel4(.D, .WS, .WC, .Sqrt, .q);
fgen4 fgen4(.s(q), .C, .S, .SM, .F);
if(`RADIX == 2) begin : dsel
@ -184,16 +211,18 @@ module divinteration (
// Partial Product Generation
// WSA, WCA = WS + WC - qD
assign AddIn = Sqrt ? F : Dsel;
if (`RADIX == 2) begin : csa
csa #(`DIVLEN+4) csa(WS, WC, Dsel, qp, WSA, WCA);
csa #(`DIVLEN+4) csa(WS, WC, AddIn, qp, WSA, WCA);
end else begin
csa #(`DIVLEN+4) csa(WS, WC, Dsel, |q[3:2], WSA, WCA);
csa #(`DIVLEN+4) csa(WS, WC, AddIn, |q[3:2], WSA, WCA);
if (`RADIX == 2) begin : otfc
otfc2 otfc2(.qp, .qz, .Q, .QM, .QNext, .QMNext);
end else begin
otfc4 otfc4(.q, .Q, .QM, .QNext, .QMNext);
sotfc4 sotfc4(.s(q), .Sqrt, .C, .S, .SM, .SNext, .SMNext);
@ -220,40 +249,3 @@ module csa #(parameter N=69) (
assign out2 = {in1[N-2:0] & (in2[N-2:0] | in3[N-2:0]) |
(in2[N-2:0] & in3[N-2:0]), cin};
module expcalc(
input logic [`FMTBITS-1:0] FmtE,
input logic [`NE-1:0] Xe, Ye,
input logic XZeroE,
input logic [$clog2(`NF+2)-1:0] XZeroCnt, YZeroCnt,
output logic [`NE+1:0] Qe
logic [`NE-2:0] Bias;
if (`FPSIZES == 1) begin
assign Bias = (`NE-1)'(`BIAS);
end else if (`FPSIZES == 2) begin
assign Bias = FmtE ? (`NE-1)'(`BIAS) : (`NE-1)'(`BIAS1);
end else if (`FPSIZES == 3) begin
case (FmtE)
`FMT: Bias = (`NE-1)'(`BIAS);
`FMT1: Bias = (`NE-1)'(`BIAS1);
`FMT2: Bias = (`NE-1)'(`BIAS2);
default: Bias = 'x;
end else if (`FPSIZES == 4) begin
case (FmtE)
2'h3: Bias = (`NE-1)'(`Q_BIAS);
2'h1: Bias = (`NE-1)'(`D_BIAS);
2'h0: Bias = (`NE-1)'(`S_BIAS);
2'h2: Bias = (`NE-1)'(`H_BIAS);
// correct exponent for denormalized input's normalization shifts
assign Qe = ({2'b0, Xe} - {{`NE+1-$unsigned($clog2(`NF+2)){1'b0}}, XZeroCnt} - {2'b0, Ye} + {{`NE+1-$unsigned($clog2(`NF+2)){1'b0}}, YZeroCnt} + {3'b0, Bias})&{`NE+2{~XZeroE}};
@ -31,16 +31,25 @@
`include "wally-config.vh"
module srtpreproc (
input logic clk,
input logic DivStart,
input logic [`NF:0] Xm, Ym,
output logic [`DIVLEN-1:0] X,
output logic [`DIVLEN-1:0] Dpreproc,
input logic [`NE-1:0] Xe, Ye,
input logic [`FMTBITS-1:0] Fmt,
input logic Sqrt,
input logic XZero,
output logic [`NE+1:0] QeM,
output logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] X,
output logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] Dpreproc,
output logic [$clog2(`NF+2)-1:0] XZeroCnt, YZeroCnt,
output logic [`DURLEN-1:0] Dur
// logic [`XLEN-1:0] PosA, PosB;
// logic [`DIVLEN-1:0] ExtraA, ExtraB, PreprocA, PreprocB, PreprocX, PreprocY;
logic [`DIVLEN-1:0] PreprocA, PreprocX;
logic [`DIVLEN-1:0] PreprocB, PreprocY;
logic [`NF-1:0] PreprocA, PreprocX;
logic [`NF-1:0] PreprocB, PreprocY;
logic [`NF+3:0] SqrtX;
logic [`NE+1:0] Qe;
// assign PosA = (Signed & SrcA[`XLEN - 1]) ? -SrcA : SrcA;
// assign PosB = (Signed & SrcB[`XLEN - 1]) ? -SrcB : SrcB;
@ -49,23 +58,22 @@ module srtpreproc (
// ***can probably merge X LZC with conversion
// cout the number of leading zeros
lzc #(`NF+1) lzcA (Xm, XZeroCnt);
lzc #(`NF+1) lzcB (Ym, YZeroCnt);
lzc #(`NF+1) lzcX (Xm, XZeroCnt);
lzc #(`NF+1) lzcY (Ym, YZeroCnt);
// assign ExtraA = {PosA, {`DIVLEN-`XLEN{1'b0}}};
// assign ExtraB = {PosB, {`DIVLEN-`XLEN{1'b0}}};
// assign PreprocA = ExtraA << zeroCntA;
// assign PreprocB = ExtraB << (zeroCntB + 1);
assign PreprocX = {Xm[`NF-1:0]<<XZeroCnt, {`DIVLEN-`NF{1'b0}}};
assign PreprocY = {Ym[`NF-1:0]<<YZeroCnt, {`DIVLEN-`NF{1'b0}}};
assign PreprocX = Xm[`NF-1:0]<<XZeroCnt;
assign PreprocY = Ym[`NF-1:0]<<YZeroCnt;
assign X = PreprocX;
assign Dpreproc = PreprocY;
assign SqrtX = Xe[0] ? {3'b110, ~XZero, PreprocX} : {2'b11, ~XZero, PreprocX, 1'b0};
assign X = Sqrt ? {SqrtX, {`DIVLEN-`NF{1'b0}}} : {3'b000, ~XZero, PreprocX, {`DIVLEN-`NF{1'b0}}};
assign Dpreproc = {4'b0001, /*Int ? PreprocB : */PreprocY, {`DIVLEN-`NF{1'b0}}};
assign Dur = (`DURLEN)'(`FPDUR);
// assign intExp = zeroCntB - zeroCntA + 1;
// assign intSign = Signed & (SrcA[`XLEN - 1] ^ SrcB[`XLEN - 1]);
// radix 2 radix 4
// 1 copies DIVLEN+2 DIVLEN+2/2
@ -76,6 +84,52 @@ module srtpreproc (
// r = 1 or 2
flopen #(`NE+2) expflop(clk, DivStart, Qe, QeM);
expcalc expcalc(.Fmt, .Xe, .Ye, .Sqrt, .XZero, .XZeroCnt, .YZeroCnt, .Qe);
module expcalc(
input logic [`FMTBITS-1:0] Fmt,
input logic [`NE-1:0] Xe, Ye,
input logic Sqrt,
input logic XZero,
input logic [$clog2(`NF+2)-1:0] XZeroCnt, YZeroCnt,
output logic [`NE+1:0] Qe
logic [`NE-2:0] Bias;
logic [`NE-1:0] SExp, SXExp;
logic [`NE+1:0] DExp;
if (`FPSIZES == 1) begin
assign Bias = (`NE-1)'(`BIAS);
end else if (`FPSIZES == 2) begin
assign Bias = Fmt ? (`NE-1)'(`BIAS) : (`NE-1)'(`BIAS1);
end else if (`FPSIZES == 3) begin
case (Fmt)
`FMT: Bias = (`NE-1)'(`BIAS);
`FMT1: Bias = (`NE-1)'(`BIAS1);
`FMT2: Bias = (`NE-1)'(`BIAS2);
default: Bias = 'x;
end else if (`FPSIZES == 4) begin
case (Fmt)
2'h3: Bias = (`NE-1)'(`Q_BIAS);
2'h1: Bias = (`NE-1)'(`D_BIAS);
2'h0: Bias = (`NE-1)'(`S_BIAS);
2'h2: Bias = (`NE-1)'(`H_BIAS);
assign SXExp = Xe - (`NE)'(`BIAS);
assign SExp = {1'b0, SXExp[`NE-1:1]} + Bias;
// correct exponent for denormalized input's normalization shifts
assign DExp = ({2'b0, Xe} - {{`NE+1-$unsigned($clog2(`NF+2)){1'b0}}, XZeroCnt} - {2'b0, Ye} + {{`NE+1-$unsigned($clog2(`NF+2)){1'b0}}, YZeroCnt} + {3'b0, Bias})&{`NE+2{~XZero}};
assign Qe = Sqrt ? {2'b0, SExp} : DExp;
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// srt.sv
// Written: David_Harris@hmc.edu 13 January 2022
// Modified: cturek@hmc.edu June 2022
// Modified: cturek@hmc.edu July 2022
// Purpose: Combined Divide and Square Root Floating Point and Integer Unit
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ module testbench;
// Equip Int test or Sqrt test
assign Int = 1'b0;
assign Sqrt = 1'b1;
assign Sqrt = 1'b0;
// Divider
srt srt(.clk, .Start(req),
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ module testbench;
testnum = 0;
errors = 0;
$readmemh ("sqrttestvectors", Tests);
$readmemh ("testvectors", Tests);
Vec = Tests[testnum];
a = Vec[`mema];
{asign, aExp, afrac} = a;
@ -697,7 +697,7 @@ module testbenchfp;
fcmp fcmp (.Fmt(ModFmt), .OpCtrl(OpCtrlVal), .Xs, .Ys, .Xe, .Ye,
.Xm, .Ym, .XZero, .YZero, .CmpIntRes(CmpRes),
.XNaN, .YNaN, .XSNaN, .YSNaN, .X, .Y, .CmpNV(CmpFlg[4]), .CmpFpRes(FpCmpRes));
divsqrt divsqrt(.clk, .reset, .FmtE(ModFmt), .XmE(Xm), .YmE(Ym), .XeE(Xe), .YeE(Ye),
divsqrt divsqrt(.clk, .reset, .FmtE(ModFmt), .XmE(Xm), .YmE(Ym), .XeE(Xe), .YeE(Ye), .SqrtE(1'b0), .SqrtM(1'b0),
.XInfE(XInf), .YInfE(YInf), .XZeroE(XZero), .YZeroE(YZero), .XNaNE(XNaN), .YNaNE(YNaN), .DivStartE(DivStart),
.StallE(1'b0), .StallM(1'b0), .DivSM(DivSticky), .DivBusy, .QeM(DivCalcExp),
.EarlyTermShiftM(EarlyTermShift), .QmM(Quot), .DivDone);
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