This commit is contained in:
bbracker 2021-07-19 17:11:49 -04:00
commit 45b78dd8b3
6 changed files with 52 additions and 32 deletions

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@ -23,11 +23,11 @@ TestCase = namedtuple("TestCase", ['name', 'cmd', 'grepstr'])
# edit this list to add more test cases
configs = [
cmd="vsim -do -c > {}",
grepstr="loaded 100000 instructions"
# name="busybear",
# cmd="vsim -do -c > {}",
# grepstr="loaded 100000 instructions"
cmd="vsim -do -c > {}",

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@ -34,9 +34,10 @@ module pmpadrdec (
input logic [7:0] PMPCfg,
input logic [`XLEN-1:0] PMPAdr,
input logic PAgePMPAdrIn,
input logic NoLowerMatchIn,
// input logic NoLowerMatchIn,
input logic FirstMatch,
output logic PAgePMPAdrOut,
output logic NoLowerMatchOut,
// output logic NoLowerMatchOut,
output logic Match, Active,
output logic L, X, W, R
@ -47,7 +48,7 @@ module pmpadrdec (
logic TORMatch, NAMatch;
logic PAltPMPAdr;
logic FirstMatch;
// logic FirstMatch;
logic [`PA_BITS-1:0] CurrentAdrFull;
logic [1:0] AdrMode;
@ -69,16 +70,30 @@ module pmpadrdec (
// verilator lint_off UNOPTFLAT
logic [`PA_BITS-1:0] Mask;
genvar i;
//genvar i;
// create a mask of which bits to ignore
assign Mask[1:0] = 2'b11;
assign Mask[2] = (AdrMode == NAPOT); // mask has 0s in upper bis for NA4 region
for (i=3; i < `PA_BITS; i=i+1) begin:mask
assign Mask[i] = Mask[i-1] & PMPAdr[i-3]; // NAPOT mask: 1's indicate bits to ignore
// generate
// assign Mask[1:0] = 2'b11;
// assign Mask[2] = (AdrMode == NAPOT); // mask has 0s in upper bis for NA4 region
// for (i=3; i < `PA_BITS; i=i+1) begin:mask
// assign Mask[i] = Mask[i-1] & PMPAdr[i-3]; // NAPOT mask: 1's indicate bits to ignore
// end
// endgenerate
prioritycircuit #(.ENTRIES(`PA_BITS-2), .FINAL_OP("NONE")) maskgen(.a(~PMPAdr[`PA_BITS-3:0]), .FirstPin(AdrMode==NAPOT), .y(Mask[`PA_BITS-1:2]));
assign Mask[1:0] = 2'b11;
// *** possible experiments:
/* PA < PMP addr could be in its own module,
preeserving hierarchy so we can know if this is the culprit on the critical path
Should take logarthmic time, so more like 6 levels than 40 should be expected
update mask generation
Should be concurrent with the subtraction/comparison
if one is the critical path, the other shouldn't be which makes us think the mask generation is the culprit.
Hopefully just use the priority circuit here
// verilator lint_on UNOPTFLAT
assign NAMatch = &((PhysicalAddress ~^ CurrentAdrFull) | Mask);
@ -87,8 +102,6 @@ module pmpadrdec (
(AdrMode == NA4 || AdrMode == NAPOT) ? NAMatch :
assign FirstMatch = NoLowerMatchIn & Match;
assign NoLowerMatchOut = NoLowerMatchIn & ~Match;
assign L = PMPCfg[7] & FirstMatch;
assign X = PMPCfg[2] & FirstMatch;
assign W = PMPCfg[1] & FirstMatch;

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@ -55,12 +55,9 @@ module pmpchecker (
// Bit i is high when the address falls in PMP region i
logic EnforcePMP;
logic [7:0] PMPCfg[`PMP_ENTRIES-1:0];
logic [`PMP_ENTRIES-1:0] Match; // PMP Entry matches
logic [`PMP_ENTRIES-1:0] Match, FirstMatch; // PMP Entry matches
logic [`PMP_ENTRIES-1:0] Active; // PMP register i is non-null
logic [`PMP_ENTRIES-1:0] L, X, W, R; // PMP matches and has flag set
// verilator lint_off UNOPTFLAT
logic [`PMP_ENTRIES-1:0] NoLowerMatch; // None of the lower PMP entries match
// verilator lint_on UNOPTFLAT
logic [`PMP_ENTRIES-1:0] PAgePMPAdr; // for TOR PMP matching, PhysicalAddress > PMPAdr[i]
genvar i,j;
@ -70,9 +67,9 @@ module pmpchecker (
.PAgePMPAdrIn({PAgePMPAdr[`PMP_ENTRIES-2:0], 1'b1}),
.NoLowerMatchIn({NoLowerMatch[`PMP_ENTRIES-2:0], 1'b1}),
.Match, .Active, .L, .X, .W, .R);
.FirstMatch, .Match, .Active, .L, .X, .W, .R);
prioritycircuit #(.ENTRIES(`PMP_ENTRIES), .FINAL_OP("AND")) pmppriority(.a(Match), .FirstPin(1'b1), .y(FirstMatch)); // Take the ripple gates/signals out of the pmpadrdec and into another unit.
// Only enforce PMP checking for S and U modes when at least one PMP is active or in Machine mode when L bit is set in selected region
assign EnforcePMP = (PrivilegeModeW == `M_MODE) ? |L : |Active;

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// Written: & 7 April 2021
// Modified: Teo Ene 15 Apr 2021:
@ -30,8 +30,10 @@
`include "wally-config.vh"
module tlbpriority #(parameter ENTRIES = 8) (
module prioritycircuit #(parameter ENTRIES = 8,
parameter FINAL_OP = "AND") (
input logic [ENTRIES-1:0] a,
input logic FirstPin,
output logic [ENTRIES-1:0] y
// verilator lint_off UNOPTFLAT
@ -40,11 +42,19 @@ module tlbpriority #(parameter ENTRIES = 8) (
// generate thermometer code mask
genvar i;
assign nolower[0] = 1;
assign nolower[0] = FirstPin;
for (i=1; i<ENTRIES; i++) begin:therm
assign nolower[i] = nolower[i-1] & ~a[i-1];
// verilator lint_on UNOPTFLAT
assign y = a & nolower;
if (FINAL_OP=="AND") begin
assign y = a & nolower;
end else if (FINAL_OP=="NONE") begin
assign y = nolower;
end // *** So far these are the only two operations I need to do at the end, but feel free to add more as needed.
// assign y = a & nolower;

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@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ module tlblru #(parameter TLB_ENTRIES = 8) (
logic AllUsed; // High if the next access causes all RU bits to be 1
// Find the first line not recently used
tlbpriority #(TLB_ENTRIES) nru(~RUBits, WriteLines);
prioritycircuit #(.ENTRIES(TLB_ENTRIES), .FINAL_OP("AND")) nru(.a(~RUBits), .FirstPin(1'b1), .y(WriteLines));
// Track recently used lines, updating on a CAM Hit or TLB write
assign WriteEnables = WriteLines & {(TLB_ENTRIES){TLBWrite}};

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@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ module clint (
always_ff @(posedge HCLK or negedge HRESETn)
if (~HRESETn) begin
MSIP <= 0;
MTIMECMP <= (64)'(-1);
MTIMECMP <= (64)'(0);
// MTIMECMP is not reset
end else if (memwrite) begin
if (entryd == 16'h0000) MSIP <= HWDATA[0];
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ module clint (
always_ff @(posedge HCLK or negedge HRESETn)
if (~HRESETn) begin
MSIP <= 0;
MTIMECMP <= (64)'(-1);
MTIMECMP <= (64)'(0);
// MTIMECMP is not reset
end else if (memwrite) begin
if (entryd == 16'h0000) MSIP <= HWDATA[0];