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synced 2025-02-11 06:05:49 +00:00
small changes
This commit is contained in:
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ module divsqrt(
input logic XNaNE, YNaNE,
input logic DivStartE,
input logic StallM,
input logic StallE,
input logic StallE,
output logic DivStickyM,
output logic DivBusy,
output logic DivDone,
@ -34,18 +34,18 @@ module srt(
input logic clk,
input logic DivStart,
input logic DivBusy,
input logic [`FMTBITS-1:0] FmtE,
input logic [`FMTBITS-1:0] FmtE,
input logic [`NE-1:0] Xe, Ye,
input logic XZeroE, YZeroE,
input logic [`DIVLEN-1:0] X,
input logic [`DIVLEN-1:0] Dpreproc,
input logic [$clog2(`NF+2)-1:0] XZeroCnt, YZeroCnt,
input logic NegSticky,
input logic [`DIVLEN-1:0] X,
input logic [`DIVLEN-1:0] Dpreproc,
input logic [$clog2(`NF+2)-1:0] XZeroCnt, YZeroCnt,
input logic NegSticky,
output logic [`QLEN-1-(`RADIX/4):0] Quot,
output logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] NextWSN, NextWCN,
output logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] StickyWSA,
output logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] FirstWS, FirstWC,
output logic [`NE+1:0] DivCalcExpM,
output logic [`NE+1:0] DivCalcExpM,
output logic [`XLEN-1:0] Rem
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ module srt (
logic qp, qz, qn; // quotient is +1, 0, or -1
logic [`NE-1:0] calcExp;
logic calcSign;
logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] X, Dpreproc, C, F, AddIn;
logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] X, Dpreproc, C, F, S, SM, AddIn;
logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] WS, WSA, WSN, WC, WCA, WCN, D, Db, Dsel;
logic [$clog2(`XLEN+1)-1:0] intExp, dur, calcDur;
logic intSign;
@ -90,8 +90,9 @@ module srt (
// If only implementing division, use divide otfc
// otfc2 #(`DIVLEN) otfc2(clk, Start, qp, qz, qn, Quot);
// otherwise use sotfc
creg sotfcC(clk, Start, C);
sotfc2 sotfc2(clk, Start, qp, qn, C, Quot, F);
creg sotfcC(clk, Start, Sqrt, C);
sotfc2 sotfc2(clk, Start, qp, qn, Sqrt, C, Quot, S, SM);
fsel2 fsel(qp, qn, C, S, SM, F);
// Adder input selection
assign AddIn = Sqrt ? F : Dsel;
@ -214,11 +215,16 @@ module fsel2 (
// Generate for both positive and negative bits
assign FP = ~S & C;
assign FN = SM | (C & (~C << 2));
assign FZ = {(`DIVLEN+4){1'b0}};
assign FZ = '0;
// Choose which adder input will be used
assign F = sp ? FP : (sn ? FN : FZ);
if (sp) F = FP;
else if (sn) F = FN;
else F = FZ;
// assign F = sp ? FP : (sn ? FN : FZ);
@ -266,17 +272,18 @@ module sotfc2(
input logic clk,
input logic Start,
input logic sp, sn,
input logic Sqrt,
input logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] C,
output logic [`DIVLEN-2:0] Sq,
output logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] F
output logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] S, SM
// The on-the-fly converter transfers the square root
// bits to the quotient as they come.
// Use this otfc for division and square root.
logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] S, SM, SNext, SMNext, SMux;
logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] SNext, SMNext, SMux;
flopr #(`DIVLEN+4) SMreg(clk, Start, SMNext, SM);
mux2 #(`DIVLEN+4) Smux(SNext, {4'b0001, {(`DIVLEN){1'b0}}}, Start, SMux);
mux2 #(`DIVLEN+4) Smux(SNext, {3'b000, Sqrt, {(`DIVLEN){1'b0}}}, Start, SMux);
flop #(`DIVLEN+4) Sreg(clk, SMux, S);
always_comb begin
@ -292,9 +299,6 @@ module sotfc2(
assign Sq = S[`DIVLEN] ? S[`DIVLEN-1:1] : S[`DIVLEN-2:0];
fsel2 fsel(sp, sn, C, S, SM, F);
@ -302,11 +306,12 @@ endmodule
module creg(input logic clk,
input logic Start,
input logic Sqrt,
output logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] C
logic [`DIVLEN+3:0] CMux;
mux2 #(`DIVLEN+4) Cmux({1'b1, C[`DIVLEN+3:1]}, {6'b111111, {(`DIVLEN-2){1'b0}}}, Start, CMux);
mux2 #(`DIVLEN+4) Cmux({1'b1, C[`DIVLEN+3:1]}, {5'b11111, Sqrt, {(`DIVLEN-2){1'b0}}}, Start, CMux);
flop #(`DIVLEN+4) cflop(clk, CMux, C);
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