These ibm tests can be included in the riscv-ctg tests generation command, along with riscof.
The tests which are currently breaking due to overflow errors are : ibm2,ibm3,ibm4,ibm5,ibm6,ibm7,ibm8,ibm10,ibm11,ibm12,ibm13,ibm14,ibm15,ibm16,ibm17,ibm18,ibm19,ibm20,ibm22
These tests cannnot generate Quad tests yet due to underlying errors.
Changes Made : in riscv-isac -> This dataset consists of 10 IBM floating point tests generators for Quads
riscv-ctg-> This folder consists of the CTG tool which is responsible for generating the assembly files for Quads by using the in riscv-isac. CGF files were added for each of the IBM floating point tests.
riscof -> The riscof directory in Wally was changed to include some Quad precision template files for compilation. Along with modification of scripts and yaml files to support FLEN=128
Start by installing riscv-ctg via the following commands :
cd $WALLY/tests/wally-riscv-arch-test/riscv-test-suite/rv64i_m/Q/riscv-ctg
pip3 install --editable .
Once installed, generate the assembly files in the tests directory{cvw/tests/wally-riscv-arch-test/riscv-test-suite/rv64i_m/Q/riscv-ctg/tests} for the specific opcode by running this command :
You should now see some assembly tests pertaining to your selected opcode in the tests directory(cvw/tests/wally-riscv-arch-test/riscv-test-suite/rv64i_m/Q/riscv-ctg/tests).
To finally generate the SAIL signatures and dut/ref log/assembly files, RISCOF will be used to compile our generated tests from CTG.
The following command will invoke riscof and generate a riscof-work directory with all the selected tests and log files, SAIL signatures and dis-assembly files.