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// loggers.sv
// Written: Rose Thompson rose@rosethompson.net
// Modified: 24 July 2024
// Purpose: Wraps all the synthesizable rvvi hardware into a single module for the testbench.
// A component of the Wally configurable RISC-V project.
// Copyright (C) 2021 Harvey Mudd College & Oklahoma State University
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH SHL-2.1
// Licensed under the Solderpad Hardware License v 2.1 (the “License”); you may not use this file
// except in compliance with the License, or, at your option, the Apache License version 2.0. You
// may obtain a copy of the License at
// https://solderpad.org/licenses/SHL-2.1/
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, any work distributed under the
// either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
// and limitations under the License.
module rvvitbwrapper import cvw::*; #(parameter cvw_t P,
parameter MAX_CSRS = 5,
parameter logic [31:0] RVVI_INIT_TIME_OUT = 32'd4,
parameter logic [31:0] RVVI_PACKET_DELAY = 32'd2)(
input logic clk,
input logic reset,
output logic RVVIStall,
input logic mii_tx_clk,
output logic [3:0] mii_txd,
output logic mii_tx_en, mii_tx_er,
input logic mii_rx_clk,
input logic [3:0] mii_rxd,
input logic mii_rx_dv,
input logic mii_rx_er
logic valid;
2024-08-06 23:34:46 +00:00
logic [72+(5*P.XLEN) + MAX_CSRS*(P.XLEN+16)-1:0] rvvi;
localparam TOTAL_CSRS = 36;
// pipeline controlls
logic StallE, StallM, StallW, FlushE, FlushM, FlushW;
// required
logic [P.XLEN-1:0] PCM;
logic InstrValidM;
logic [31:0] InstrRawD;
logic [63:0] Mcycle, Minstret;
logic TrapM;
logic [1:0] PrivilegeModeW;
// registers gpr and fpr
logic GPRWen, FPRWen;
logic [4:0] GPRAddr, FPRAddr;
logic [P.XLEN-1:0] GPRValue, FPRValue;
logic [P.XLEN-1:0] CSRArray [TOTAL_CSRS-1:0];
// axi 4 write data channel
logic [31:0] RvviAxiWdata;
logic [3:0] RvviAxiWstrb;
logic RvviAxiWlast;
logic RvviAxiWvalid;
logic RvviAxiWready;
logic tx_error_underflow, tx_fifo_overflow, tx_fifo_bad_frame, tx_fifo_good_frame, rx_error_bad_frame;
logic rx_error_bad_fcs, rx_fifo_overflow, rx_fifo_bad_frame, rx_fifo_good_frame;
logic MiiTxEnDelay;
logic EthernetTXCounterEn;
logic [31:0] EthernetTXCount;
assign StallE = dut.core.StallE;
assign StallM = dut.core.StallM;
assign StallW = dut.core.StallW;
assign FlushE = dut.core.FlushE;
assign FlushM = dut.core.FlushM;
assign FlushW = dut.core.FlushW;
assign InstrValidM = dut.core.ieu.InstrValidM;
assign InstrRawD = dut.core.ifu.InstrRawD;
assign PCM = dut.core.ifu.PCM;
assign Mcycle = dut.core.priv.priv.csr.counters.counters.HPMCOUNTER_REGW[0];
assign Minstret = dut.core.priv.priv.csr.counters.counters.HPMCOUNTER_REGW[2];
assign TrapM = dut.core.TrapM;
assign PrivilegeModeW = dut.core.priv.priv.privmode.PrivilegeModeW;
assign GPRAddr = dut.core.ieu.dp.regf.a3;
assign GPRWen = dut.core.ieu.dp.regf.we3;
assign GPRValue = dut.core.ieu.dp.regf.wd3;
assign FPRAddr = dut.core.fpu.fpu.fregfile.a4;
assign FPRWen = dut.core.fpu.fpu.fregfile.we4;
assign FPRValue = dut.core.fpu.fpu.fregfile.wd4;
assign CSRArray[0] = dut.core.priv.priv.csr.csrm.MSTATUS_REGW; // 12'h300
assign CSRArray[1] = dut.core.priv.priv.csr.csrm.MSTATUSH_REGW; // 12'h310
assign CSRArray[2] = dut.core.priv.priv.csr.csrm.MTVEC_REGW; // 12'h305
assign CSRArray[3] = dut.core.priv.priv.csr.csrm.MEPC_REGW; // 12'h341
assign CSRArray[4] = dut.core.priv.priv.csr.csrm.MCOUNTEREN_REGW; // 12'h306
assign CSRArray[5] = dut.core.priv.priv.csr.csrm.MCOUNTINHIBIT_REGW; // 12'h320
assign CSRArray[6] = dut.core.priv.priv.csr.csrm.MEDELEG_REGW; // 12'h302
assign CSRArray[7] = dut.core.priv.priv.csr.csrm.MIDELEG_REGW; // 12'h303
assign CSRArray[8] = dut.core.priv.priv.csr.csrm.MIP_REGW; // 12'h344
assign CSRArray[9] = dut.core.priv.priv.csr.csrm.MIE_REGW; // 12'h304
assign CSRArray[10] = dut.core.priv.priv.csr.csrm.MISA_REGW; // 12'h301
assign CSRArray[11] = dut.core.priv.priv.csr.csrm.MENVCFG_REGW; // 12'h30A
assign CSRArray[12] = dut.core.priv.priv.csr.csrm.MHARTID_REGW; // 12'hF14
assign CSRArray[13] = dut.core.priv.priv.csr.csrm.MSCRATCH_REGW; // 12'h340
assign CSRArray[14] = dut.core.priv.priv.csr.csrm.MCAUSE_REGW; // 12'h342
assign CSRArray[15] = dut.core.priv.priv.csr.csrm.MTVAL_REGW; // 12'h343
assign CSRArray[16] = 0; // 12'hF11
assign CSRArray[17] = 0; // 12'hF12
assign CSRArray[18] = {{P.XLEN-12{1'b0}}, 12'h100}; //P.XLEN'h100; // 12'hF13
assign CSRArray[19] = 0; // 12'hF15
assign CSRArray[20] = 0; // 12'h34A
// supervisor CSRs
assign CSRArray[21] = dut.core.priv.priv.csr.csrs.csrs.SSTATUS_REGW; // 12'h100
assign CSRArray[22] = dut.core.priv.priv.csr.csrm.MIE_REGW & 12'h222; // 12'h104
assign CSRArray[23] = dut.core.priv.priv.csr.csrs.csrs.STVEC_REGW; // 12'h105
assign CSRArray[24] = dut.core.priv.priv.csr.csrs.csrs.SEPC_REGW; // 12'h141
assign CSRArray[25] = dut.core.priv.priv.csr.csrs.csrs.SCOUNTEREN_REGW; // 12'h106
assign CSRArray[26] = dut.core.priv.priv.csr.csrs.csrs.SENVCFG_REGW; // 12'h10A
assign CSRArray[27] = dut.core.priv.priv.csr.csrs.csrs.SATP_REGW; // 12'h180
assign CSRArray[28] = dut.core.priv.priv.csr.csrs.csrs.SSCRATCH_REGW; // 12'h140
assign CSRArray[29] = dut.core.priv.priv.csr.csrs.csrs.STVAL_REGW; // 12'h143
assign CSRArray[30] = dut.core.priv.priv.csr.csrs.csrs.SCAUSE_REGW; // 12'h142
assign CSRArray[31] = dut.core.priv.priv.csr.csrm.MIP_REGW & 12'h222 & dut.core.priv.priv.csr.csrm.MIDELEG_REGW; // 12'h144
assign CSRArray[32] = dut.core.priv.priv.csr.csrs.csrs.STIMECMP_REGW; // 12'h14D
// user CSRs
assign CSRArray[33] = dut.core.priv.priv.csr.csru.csru.FFLAGS_REGW; // 12'h001
assign CSRArray[34] = dut.core.priv.priv.csr.csru.csru.FRM_REGW; // 12'h002
assign CSRArray[35] = {dut.core.priv.priv.csr.csru.csru.FRM_REGW, dut.core.priv.priv.csr.csru.csru.FFLAGS_REGW}; // 12'h003
rvvisynth #(P, MAX_CSRS, TOTAL_CSRS) rvvisynth(.clk, .reset, .StallE, .StallM, .StallW, .FlushE, .FlushM, .FlushW,
.PCM, .InstrValidM, .InstrRawD, .Mcycle, .Minstret, .TrapM,
.PrivilegeModeW, .GPRWen, .FPRWen, .GPRAddr, .FPRAddr, .GPRValue, .FPRValue, .CSRArray,
.valid, .rvvi);
packetizer #(P, MAX_CSRS, RVVI_INIT_TIME_OUT, RVVI_PACKET_DELAY) packetizer(.rvvi, .valid, .m_axi_aclk(clk), .m_axi_aresetn(~reset), .RVVIStall,
.RvviAxiWdata, .RvviAxiWstrb, .RvviAxiWlast, .RvviAxiWvalid, .RvviAxiWready);
eth_mac_mii_fifo #("GENERIC", "BUFG", 32) ethernet(.rst(reset), .logic_clk(clk), .logic_rst(reset),
.tx_axis_tdata(RvviAxiWdata), .tx_axis_tkeep(RvviAxiWstrb), .tx_axis_tvalid(RvviAxiWvalid), .tx_axis_tready(RvviAxiWready),
.tx_axis_tlast(RvviAxiWlast), .tx_axis_tuser('0), .rx_axis_tdata(), .rx_axis_tkeep(), .rx_axis_tvalid(), .rx_axis_tready(1'b1),
.rx_axis_tlast(), .rx_axis_tuser(),
// status
.tx_error_underflow, .tx_fifo_overflow, .tx_fifo_bad_frame, .tx_fifo_good_frame, .rx_error_bad_frame,
.rx_error_bad_fcs, .rx_fifo_overflow, .rx_fifo_bad_frame, .rx_fifo_good_frame,
.cfg_ifg(8'd12), .cfg_tx_enable(1'b1), .cfg_rx_enable(1'b1));
flopr #(1) txedgereg(clk, reset, mii_tx_en, MiiTxEnDelay);
assign EthernetTXCounterEn = ~mii_tx_en & MiiTxEnDelay;
counter #(32) ethernexttxcounter(clk, reset, EthernetTXCounterEn, EthernetTXCount);