#! /usr/bin/python3 import sys, fileinput sys.stderr.write("reminder: parse_gdb_output.py takes input from stdin\n") csrs = ['fcsr','mcause','mcounteren','medeleg','mepc','mhartid','mideleg','mie','mip','misa','mscratch','mstatus','mtval','mtvec','pmpaddr0','pmpcfg0','satp','scause','scounteren','sepc','sie','sscratch','sstatus','stval','stvec'] # just for now, since these CSRs aren't yet ready to be checked in testbench-linux list(map(csrs.remove, ['fcsr','mhartid','pmpcfg0','pmpaddr0','mip'])) #output_path = '/courses/e190ax/busybear_boot_new/' #output_path = '/courses/e190ax/buildroot_boot/' output_path = sys.argv[1]+'/' print(f'output dir: {output_path}') instrs = -1 try: with open('{}parsedPC.txt'.format(output_path), 'w') as wPC: with open('{}parsedRegs.txt'.format(output_path), 'w') as wReg: with open('{}parsedMemRead.txt'.format(output_path), 'w') as wMem: with open('{}parsedMemWrite.txt'.format(output_path), 'w') as wMemW: with open('{}/intermediate-outputs/unfixedParsedCSRs.txt'.format(output_path), 'w') as wCSRs: firstCSR = True curCSRs = {} lastRead = '' currentRead = '' readOffset = '' lastReadLoc = '' readType = '' lastReadType = '' readLoc = '' lineOffset = -1 lastRegs = '' curRegs = '' storeReg = '' storeOffset = '' storeLoc = '' storeAMO = '' lastAMO = '' lastStoreReg = '' lastStoreLoc = '' for l in fileinput.input('-'): l = l.split("#")[0].rstrip() if l.startswith('=>'): # Begin new instruction instrs += 1 storeAMO = '' if instrs % 10000 == 0: print(instrs,flush=True) # Instr in human assembly wPC.write('{} ***\n'.format(' '.join(l.split(':')[1].split()[0:2]))) if '\tld' in l or '\tlw' in l or '\tlh' in l or '\tlb' in l: currentRead = l.split()[-1].split(',')[0] if len(l.split()[-1].split(',')) < 2: print(l) readOffset = l.split()[-1].split(',')[1].split('(')[0] readLoc = l.split()[-1].split(',')[1].split('(')[1][:-1] readType = l.split()[-2] if 'amo' in l: currentRead = l.split()[-1].split(',')[0] readOffset = "0" readLoc = l.split()[-1].split('(')[1][:-1] readType = l.split()[-2] storeOffset = "0" storeLoc = readLoc storeReg = l.split()[-1].split(',')[1] storeAMO = l.split()[-2] if '\tlr' in l: currentRead = l.split()[-1].split(',')[0] readOffset = "0" readLoc = l.split()[-1].split('(')[1][:-1] readType = "0" # *** I don't see that readType or lastReadType are ever used; we can probably get rid of them if '\tsc' in l: storeOffset = "0" storeLoc = l.split()[-1].split('(')[1][:-1] storeReg = l.split()[-1].split(',')[1] if '\tsd' in l or '\tsw' in l or '\tsh' in l or '\tsb' in l: s = l.split('#')[0].split()[-1] storeReg = s.split(',')[0] if len(s.split(',')) < 2: print(s) print(l) if len(s.split(',')[1].split('(')) < 1: print(s) print(l) storeOffset = s.split(',')[1].split('(')[0] storeLoc = s.split(',')[1].split('(')[1][:-1] lineOffset = 0 elif lineOffset != -1: lineOffset += 1 if lineOffset == 1: # Instr in hex comes one line after the instruction wPC.write('{}\n'.format(l.split()[-1][2:])) # As well as instr address wPC.write('{}\n'.format(l.split()[0][2:].strip(":"))) elif lineOffset <= (1+32): # Next 32 lines are the Register File if lastRead == l.split()[0]: readData = int(l.split()[1][2:], 16) #readData <<= (8 * (lastReadLoc % 8)) <-- this was used to make byte and half-word instructions match what the bus unit sees in RV64. However, it is no longer needed because the testvectors are now compared against what the hart sees (not what the bus unit sees). wMem.write('{:x}\n'.format(readData)) if readLoc == l.split()[0]: readLoc = l.split()[1][2:] if storeReg == l.split()[0]: storeReg = l.split()[1] if storeLoc == l.split()[0]: storeLoc = l.split()[1][2:] if lineOffset > (1+1): # Start logging x1 onwards (we don't care about x0) curRegs += '{}\n'.format(l.split()[1][2:]) #elif "pc" in l: # wPC.write('{}\n'.format(l.split()[1][2:])) if any([csr == l.split()[0] for csr in csrs]): if l.split()[0] in curCSRs: if curCSRs[l.split()[0]] != l.split()[1]: if firstCSR: wCSRs.write('---\n') firstCSR = False wCSRs.write('{}\n{}\n'.format(l.split()[0], l.split()[1][2:])) else: wCSRs.write('{}\n{}\n'.format(l.split()[0], l.split()[1][2:])) curCSRs[l.split()[0]] = l.split()[1] if '-----' in l: # end of each cycle if curRegs != lastRegs: if lastRegs == '': wReg.write(curRegs) else: for i in range(32): if curRegs.split('\n')[i] != lastRegs.split('\n')[i]: wReg.write('{}\n'.format(i+1)) wReg.write('{}\n'.format(curRegs.split('\n')[i])) break lastRegs = curRegs if lastAMO != '': if 'amoadd' in lastAMO: lastStoreReg = hex(int(lastStoreReg[2:], 16) + readData)[2:] elif 'amoand' in lastAMO: lastStoreReg = hex(int(lastStoreReg[2:], 16) & readData)[2:] elif 'amoor' in lastAMO: lastStoreReg = hex(int(lastStoreReg[2:], 16) | readData)[2:] elif 'amoswap' in lastAMO: lastStoreReg = hex(int(lastStoreReg[2:], 16))[2:] else: print(lastAMO) exit() #print('lastStoreReg {}\n'.format(lastStoreReg)) #print('lastStoreLoc '+str(lastStoreLoc)) wMemW.write('{}\n'.format(lastStoreReg)) wMemW.write('{:x}\n'.format(int(lastStoreLoc, 16))) if storeReg != '' and storeOffset != '' and storeLoc != '' and storeAMO == '': storeLocOffset = int(storeOffset,10) + int(storeLoc, 16) #wMemW.write('{:x}\n'.format(int(storeReg, 16) << (8 * (storeLocOffset % 8)))) wMemW.write('{}\n'.format(storeReg[2:])) wMemW.write('{:x}\n'.format(storeLocOffset)) if readOffset != '' and readLoc != '': wMem.write('{:x}\n'.format(int(readOffset,10) + int(readLoc, 16))) lastReadLoc = int(readOffset,10) + int(readLoc, 16) lastReadType = readType readOffset = '' readLoc = '' curRegs = '' lineOffset = -1 lastRead = currentRead currentRead = '' lastStoreReg = storeReg lastStoreLoc = storeLoc storeReg = '' storeOffset = '' storeLoc = '' lastAMO = storeAMO except (FileNotFoundError): print('please give gdb output file as argument')