/////////////////////////////////////////// // // Written: me@KatherineParry.com // Modified: 7/5/2022 // // Purpose: unpack input // // A component of the Wally configurable RISC-V project. // // Copyright (C) 2021 Harvey Mudd College & Oklahoma State University // // MIT LICENSE // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this // software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software // without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, // publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons // to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or // substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, // INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS // BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, // TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE // OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// `include "wally-config.vh" module unpackinput ( input logic [`FLEN-1:0] In, // inputs from register file // input logic En, // enable the input input logic [`FMTBITS-1:0] Fmt, // format signal 00 - single 01 - double 11 - quad 10 - half output logic Sgn, // sign bits of XYZ output logic [`NE-1:0] Exp, // exponents of XYZ (converted to largest supported precision) output logic [`NF:0] Man, // mantissas of XYZ (converted to largest supported precision) output logic NaN, // is XYZ a NaN output logic SNaN, // is XYZ a signaling NaN output logic Zero, // is XYZ zero output logic Inf, // is XYZ infinity output logic ExpNonZero, // is the exponent not zero output logic FracZero, // is the fraction zero output logic ExpMax // does In have the maximum exponent (NaN or Inf) ); logic [`NF-1:0] Frac; //Fraction of XYZ logic ExpZero; logic BadNaNBox; if (`FPSIZES == 1) begin // if there is only one floating point format supported assign BadNaNBox = 0; assign Sgn = In[`FLEN-1]; // sign bit assign Frac = In[`NF-1:0]; // fraction (no assumed 1) assign ExpNonZero = |In[`FLEN-2:`NF]; // is the exponent non-zero assign Exp = {In[`FLEN-2:`NF+1], In[`NF]|~ExpNonZero}; // exponent. Denormalized numbers have effective biased exponent of 1 assign ExpMax = &In[`FLEN-2:`NF]; // is the exponent all 1's end else if (`FPSIZES == 2) begin // if there are 2 floating point formats supported //***need better names for these constants // largest format | smaller format //---------------------------------- // `FLEN | `LEN1 length of floating point number // `NE | `NE1 length of exponent // `NF | `NF1 length of fraction // `BIAS | `BIAS1 exponent's bias value // `FMT | `FMT1 precision's format value - Q=11 D=01 S=00 H=10 // Possible combinantions specified by spec: // double and single // single and half // Not needed but can also handle: // quad and double // quad and single // quad and half // double and half assign BadNaNBox = ~(Fmt|(&In[`FLEN-1:`LEN1])); // Check NaN boxing // choose sign bit depending on format - 1=larger precsion 0=smaller precision assign Sgn = Fmt ? In[`FLEN-1] : In[`LEN1-1]; // extract the fraction, add trailing zeroes to the mantissa if nessisary assign Frac = Fmt ? In[`NF-1:0] : {In[`NF1-1:0], (`NF-`NF1)'(0)}; // is the exponent non-zero assign ExpNonZero = Fmt ? |In[`FLEN-2:`NF] : |In[`LEN1-2:`NF1]; // example double to single conversion: // 1023 = 0011 1111 1111 // 127 = 0000 0111 1111 (subtract this) // 896 = 0011 1000 0000 // sexp = 0000 bbbb bbbb (add this) b = bit d = ~b // dexp = 0bdd dbbb bbbb // also need to take into account possible zero/denorm/inf/NaN values // extract the exponent, converting the smaller exponent into the larger precision if nessisary // - if the original precision had a denormal number convert the exponent value 1 assign Exp = Fmt ? {In[`FLEN-2:`NF+1], In[`NF]|~ExpNonZero} : {In[`LEN1-2], {`NE-`NE1{~In[`LEN1-2]}}, In[`LEN1-3:`NF1+1], In[`NF1]|~ExpNonZero}; // is the exponent all 1's assign ExpMax = Fmt ? &In[`FLEN-2:`NF] : &In[`LEN1-2:`NF1]; end else if (`FPSIZES == 3) begin // three floating point precsions supported //***need better names for these constants // largest format | larger format | smallest format //--------------------------------------------------- // `FLEN | `LEN1 | `LEN2 length of floating point number // `NE | `NE1 | `NE2 length of exponent // `NF | `NF1 | `NF2 length of fraction // `BIAS | `BIAS1 | `BIAS2 exponent's bias value // `FMT | `FMT1 | `FMT2 precision's format value - Q=11 D=01 S=00 H=10 // Possible combinantions specified by spec: // quad and double and single // double and single and half // Not needed but can also handle: // quad and double and half // quad and single and half // Check NaN boxing always_comb case (Fmt) `FMT: BadNaNBox = 0; `FMT1: BadNaNBox = ~&In[`FLEN-1:`LEN1]; `FMT2: BadNaNBox = ~&In[`FLEN-1:`LEN2]; default: BadNaNBox = 1'bx; endcase // extract the sign bit always_comb case (Fmt) `FMT: Sgn = In[`FLEN-1]; `FMT1: Sgn = In[`LEN1-1]; `FMT2: Sgn = In[`LEN2-1]; default: Sgn = 1'bx; endcase // extract the fraction always_comb case (Fmt) `FMT: Frac = In[`NF-1:0]; `FMT1: Frac = {In[`NF1-1:0], (`NF-`NF1)'(0)}; `FMT2: Frac = {In[`NF2-1:0], (`NF-`NF2)'(0)}; default: Frac = {`NF{1'bx}}; endcase // is the exponent non-zero always_comb case (Fmt) `FMT: ExpNonZero = |In[`FLEN-2:`NF]; // if input is largest precision (`FLEN - ie quad or double) `FMT1: ExpNonZero = |In[`LEN1-2:`NF1]; // if input is larger precsion (`LEN1 - double or single) `FMT2: ExpNonZero = |In[`LEN2-2:`NF2]; // if input is smallest precsion (`LEN2 - single or half) default: ExpNonZero = 1'bx; endcase // example double to single conversion: // 1023 = 0011 1111 1111 // 127 = 0000 0111 1111 (subtract this) // 896 = 0011 1000 0000 // sexp = 0000 bbbb bbbb (add this) b = bit d = ~b // dexp = 0bdd dbbb bbbb // also need to take into account possible zero/denorm/inf/NaN values // convert the larger precision's exponent to use the largest precision's bias always_comb case (Fmt) `FMT: Exp = {In[`FLEN-2:`NF+1], In[`NF]|~ExpNonZero}; `FMT1: Exp = {In[`LEN1-2], {`NE-`NE1{~In[`LEN1-2]}}, In[`LEN1-3:`NF1+1], In[`NF1]|~ExpNonZero}; `FMT2: Exp = {In[`LEN2-2], {`NE-`NE2{~In[`LEN2-2]}}, In[`LEN2-3:`NF2+1], In[`NF2]|~ExpNonZero}; default: Exp = {`NE{1'bx}}; endcase // is the exponent all 1's always_comb case (Fmt) `FMT: ExpMax = &In[`FLEN-2:`NF]; `FMT1: ExpMax = &In[`LEN1-2:`NF1]; `FMT2: ExpMax = &In[`LEN2-2:`NF2]; default: ExpMax = 1'bx; endcase end else if (`FPSIZES == 4) begin // if all precsisons are supported - quad, double, single, and half // quad | double | single | half //------------------------------------------------------------------- // `Q_LEN | `D_LEN | `S_LEN | `H_LEN length of floating point number // `Q_NE | `D_NE | `S_NE | `H_NE length of exponent // `Q_NF | `D_NF | `S_NF | `H_NF length of fraction // `Q_BIAS | `D_BIAS | `S_BIAS | `H_BIAS exponent's bias value // `Q_FMT | `D_FMT | `S_FMT | `H_FMT precision's format value - Q=11 D=01 S=00 H=10 // Check NaN boxing always_comb case (Fmt) 2'b11: BadNaNBox = 0; 2'b01: BadNaNBox = ~&In[`Q_LEN-1:`D_LEN]; 2'b00: BadNaNBox = ~&In[`Q_LEN-1:`S_LEN]; 2'b10: BadNaNBox = ~&In[`Q_LEN-1:`H_LEN]; endcase // extract sign bit always_comb case (Fmt) 2'b11: Sgn = In[`Q_LEN-1]; 2'b01: Sgn = In[`D_LEN-1]; 2'b00: Sgn = In[`S_LEN-1]; 2'b10: Sgn = In[`H_LEN-1]; endcase // extract the fraction always_comb case (Fmt) 2'b11: Frac = In[`Q_NF-1:0]; 2'b01: Frac = {In[`D_NF-1:0], (`Q_NF-`D_NF)'(0)}; 2'b00: Frac = {In[`S_NF-1:0], (`Q_NF-`S_NF)'(0)}; 2'b10: Frac = {In[`H_NF-1:0], (`Q_NF-`H_NF)'(0)}; endcase // is the exponent non-zero always_comb case (Fmt) 2'b11: ExpNonZero = |In[`Q_LEN-2:`Q_NF]; 2'b01: ExpNonZero = |In[`D_LEN-2:`D_NF]; 2'b00: ExpNonZero = |In[`S_LEN-2:`S_NF]; 2'b10: ExpNonZero = |In[`H_LEN-2:`H_NF]; endcase // example double to single conversion: // 1023 = 0011 1111 1111 // 127 = 0000 0111 1111 (subtract this) // 896 = 0011 1000 0000 // sexp = 0000 bbbb bbbb (add this) b = bit d = ~b // dexp = 0bdd dbbb bbbb // also need to take into account possible zero/denorm/inf/NaN values // convert the double precsion exponent into quad precsion always_comb case (Fmt) 2'b11: Exp = {In[`Q_LEN-2:`Q_NF+1], In[`Q_NF]|~ExpNonZero}; 2'b01: Exp = {In[`D_LEN-2], {`Q_NE-`D_NE{~In[`D_LEN-2]}}, In[`D_LEN-3:`D_NF+1], In[`D_NF]|~ExpNonZero}; 2'b00: Exp = {In[`S_LEN-2], {`Q_NE-`S_NE{~In[`S_LEN-2]}}, In[`S_LEN-3:`S_NF+1], In[`S_NF]|~ExpNonZero}; 2'b10: Exp = {In[`H_LEN-2], {`Q_NE-`H_NE{~In[`H_LEN-2]}}, In[`H_LEN-3:`H_NF+1], In[`H_NF]|~ExpNonZero}; endcase // is the exponent all 1's always_comb case (Fmt) 2'b11: ExpMax = &In[`Q_LEN-2:`Q_NF]; 2'b01: ExpMax = &In[`D_LEN-2:`D_NF]; 2'b00: ExpMax = &In[`S_LEN-2:`S_NF]; 2'b10: ExpMax = &In[`H_LEN-2:`H_NF]; endcase end // Output logic assign FracZero = ~|Frac; // is the fraction zero? assign Man = {ExpNonZero, Frac}; // add the assumed one (or zero if denormal or zero) to create the significand assign NaN = (ExpMax & ~FracZero)|BadNaNBox; // is the input a NaN? assign SNaN = NaN&~Frac[`NF-1]&~BadNaNBox; // is the input a singnaling NaN? assign Inf = ExpMax & FracZero; // is the input infinity? assign Zero = ~ExpNonZero & FracZero; // is the input zero? endmodule