#!/bin/bash allProgramRadixFile="FunctionRadix" index=0 for objDumpFile in "$@"; do # get the lines with named labels from the obj files. # 64 bit addresses listOfAddr16=`egrep -i '^[0-9]{16} <[0-9a-zA-Z_]+>' $objDumpFile` # 32 bit addresses listOfAddr8=`egrep -i '^[0-9]{8} <[0-9a-zA-Z_]+>' $objDumpFile` listOfAddr=`echo "$listOfAddr16" "$listOfAddr8"` # parse out the addresses and the labels addresses=`echo "$listOfAddr" | awk '{print $1}'` labels=`echo "$listOfAddr" | awk '{print "\""$2"\"", "-color \"SpringGreen\","}' | tr -d '<>:'` echo "$addresses" > $objDumpFile.addr # need to add some formatting to each line numLines=`echo "$listOfAddr" | wc -l` prefix=`yes " 16#" | head -n $numLines` midfix=`yes "# " | head -n $numLines` # paste echos each of the 4 parts on a per line basis. #-d'\0' sets no delimiter temp=`paste -d'\0' <(echo "$prefix") <(echo "$addresses") <(echo "$midfix") <(echo "$labels")` # remove the last comma temp2=${temp::-1} echo "radix define Functions {" > $objDumpFile.do echo "$temp2" >> $objDumpFile.do echo " -default hex -color green" >> $objDumpFile.do echo "}" >> $objDumpFile.do # now create the all in one version # put the index at the begining of each line allAddresses=`paste -d'\0' <(printf "%04x" "$index") <(echo "$addresses")` printf "%04x%s" "$index" "$addresses" >> $allProgramRadixFile.addr index=$(($index+1)) done