module fma2( input logic [63:0] FInput1M, input logic [63:0] FInput2M, input logic [63:0] FInput3M, input logic [2:0] FrmM, input logic [105:0] ProdManM, input logic [161:0] AlignedAddendM, input logic [12:0] ProdExpM, input logic AddendStickyM, input logic KillProdM, input logic [3:0] FOpCtrlM, input logic XZeroM, YZeroM, ZZeroM, input logic XInfM, YInfM, ZInfM, input logic XNaNM, YNaNM, ZNaNM, output logic [63:0] FmaResultM, output logic [4:0] FmaFlagsM); logic [51:0] XMan, YMan, ZMan, WMan; logic [10:0] XExp, YExp, ZExp, WExp; logic XSgn, YSgn, ZSgn, WSgn, PSgn; logic [105:0] ProdMan2; logic [162:0] AlignedAddend2; logic [161:0] Sum; logic [162:0] SumTmp; logic [12:0] SumExp; logic [12:0] SumExpMinus1; logic [12:0] SumExpTmp, SumExpTmpMinus1, WExpTmp; logic [53:0] NormSum; logic [161:0] NormSumTmp; logic [8:0] NormCnt; logic NormSumSticky; logic SumZero; logic NegSum; logic InvZ; logic ResultDenorm; logic Sticky; logic Plus1, Minus1, Plus1Tmp, Minus1Tmp; logic Invalid,Underflow,Overflow,Inexact; logic [8:0] DenormShift; logic ProdInf, ProdOf, ProdUf; logic [63:0] FmaResultTmp; logic SubBySmallNum; logic [63:0] FInput3M2; logic ZeroSgn, ResultSgn; // Set addend to zero if FMUL instruction assign FInput3M2 = FOpCtrlM[2] ? 64'b0 : FInput3M; // split inputs into the sign bit, mantissa, and exponent for readability assign XSgn = FInput1M[63]; assign YSgn = FInput2M[63]; assign ZSgn = FInput3M2[63]^FOpCtrlM[0]; //Negate Z if subtraction assign XExp = FInput1M[62:52]; assign YExp = FInput2M[62:52]; assign ZExp = FInput3M2[62:52]; assign XMan = FInput1M[51:0]; assign YMan = FInput2M[51:0]; assign ZMan = FInput3M2[51:0]; // Calculate the product's sign // Negate product's sign if FNMADD or FNMSUB assign PSgn = XSgn ^ YSgn ^ FOpCtrlM[1]; // Addition // Negate Z when doing one of the following opperations: // -prod + Z // prod - Z assign InvZ = ZSgn ^ PSgn; // Choose an inverted or non-inverted addend - the one is added later assign AlignedAddend2 = InvZ ? ~{1'b0,AlignedAddendM} : {1'b0,AlignedAddendM}; // Kill the product if the product is too small to effect the addition (determined in assign ProdMan2 = KillProdM ? 106'b0 : ProdManM; // Do the addition // - add one to negate if the added was inverted // - the 2 extra bits at the begining and end are needed for rounding assign SumTmp = AlignedAddend2 + {55'b0, ProdMan2,2'b0} + {162'b0, InvZ}; // Is the sum negitive assign NegSum = SumTmp[162]; // If the sum is negitive, negate the sum. assign Sum = NegSum ? -SumTmp[161:0] : SumTmp[161:0]; // Leading one detector logic [8:0] i; always_comb begin i = 0; while (~Sum[161-i] && $unsigned(i) <= $unsigned(9'd161)) i = i+1; // search for leading one NormCnt = i+1; // compute shift count end // Normalization // Determine if the sum is zero assign SumZero = ~(|Sum); // Determine if the result is denormal assign ResultDenorm = $signed(SumExpTmp)<=0 & ($signed(SumExpTmp+13'd52)>=0); // Determine the shift needed for denormal results assign SumExpTmpMinus1 = SumExpTmp-1; assign DenormShift = ResultDenorm ? SumExpTmpMinus1[8:0] : 9'b0; // Normalize the sum assign NormSumTmp = SumZero ? 162'b0 : Sum << NormCnt+DenormShift; assign NormSum = NormSumTmp[161:108]; // Calculate the sticky bit assign NormSumSticky = (|NormSumTmp[107:0]); assign Sticky = AddendStickyM | NormSumSticky; // Determine sum's exponent assign SumExpTmp = KillProdM ? {2'b0, ZExp} : ProdExpM + -({4'b0, NormCnt} - 13'd56); assign SumExp = SumZero ? 13'b0 : ResultDenorm ? 13'b0 : SumExpTmp; // Rounding // round to nearest even // {NormSum[1], NormSum[0], Sticky} // 0xx - do nothing // 100 - tie - Plus1 if NormSum[2] = 1 // - don't add 1 if there was supposed to be a subtraction by a small number that didn't happen // 101/110/111 - Plus1 // round to zero - do nothing // - subtract 1 if a small number was supposed to be subtracted from the positive result // round to -infinity - Plus1 if negitive // - don't add 1 if there was supposed to be a subtraction by a small number that didn't happen // - subtract 1 if a small number was supposed to be subtracted from the positive result // round to infinity - Plus1 if positive // - don't add 1 if there was supposed to be a subtraction by a small number that didn't happen // - subtract 1 if a small number was supposed to be subtracted from the negitive result // round to nearest max magnitude // {NormSum[1], NormSum[0], Sticky} // 0xx - do nothing // 100 - tie - Plus1 // - don't add 1 if there was supposed to be a subtraction by a small number that didn't happen // 101/110/111 - Plus1 // Deterimine if the result was supposed to be subtrated by a small number assign SubBySmallNum = AddendStickyM&InvZ&~NormSumSticky; always_comb begin // Determine if you add 1 case (FrmM) 3'b000: Plus1Tmp = NormSum[1] & (NormSum[0] | (Sticky&~(~NormSum[0]&SubBySmallNum)) | (~NormSum[0]&~Sticky&NormSum[2]));//round to nearest even 3'b001: Plus1Tmp = 0;//round to zero 3'b010: Plus1Tmp = WSgn & ~(SubBySmallNum);//round down 3'b011: Plus1Tmp = ~WSgn & ~(SubBySmallNum);//round up 3'b100: Plus1Tmp = (NormSum[1] & (NormSum[0] | (Sticky&~(~NormSum[0]&SubBySmallNum)) | (~NormSum[0]&~Sticky)));//round to nearest max magnitude default: Plus1Tmp = 1'bx; endcase // Determine if you subtract 1 case (FrmM) 3'b000: Minus1Tmp = 0;//round to nearest even 3'b001: Minus1Tmp = SubBySmallNum;//round to zero 3'b010: Minus1Tmp = ~WSgn & SubBySmallNum;//round down 3'b011: Minus1Tmp = WSgn & SubBySmallNum;//round up 3'b100: Minus1Tmp = 0;//round to nearest max magnitude default: Minus1Tmp = 1'bx; endcase end // If an answer is exact don't round assign Plus1 = Sticky | (|NormSum[1:0]) ? Plus1Tmp : 1'b0; assign Minus1 = Sticky | (|NormSum[1:0]) ? Minus1Tmp : 1'b0; // Compute rounded result assign {WExpTmp, WMan} = {SumExp, NormSum[53:2]} - {64'b0, Minus1} + {64'b0, Plus1}; assign WExp = WExpTmp[10:0]; // Sign calculation // Determine the sign if the sum is zero // if product underflows then use psign // otherwise // if cancelation then 0 unless round to -inf // otherwise psign assign ZeroSgn = Underflow & ~ResultDenorm ? PSgn : (PSgn^ZSgn ? FrmM == 3'b010 : PSgn); // is the result negitive // if p - z is the Sum negitive // if -p + z is the Sum positive // if -p - z then the Sum is negitive assign ResultSgn = InvZ&(ZSgn)&NegSum | InvZ&PSgn&~NegSum | ((ZSgn)&PSgn); assign WSgn = SumZero ? ZeroSgn : ResultSgn; // Select the result assign FmaResultM = XNaNM ? {XSgn, XExp, 1'b1,XMan[50:0]} : YNaNM ? {YSgn, YExp, 1'b1,YMan[50:0]} : ZNaNM ? {ZSgn, ZExp, 1'b1,ZMan[50:0]} : Invalid ? {WSgn, 11'h7ff, 1'b1, 51'b0} : // has to be before inf XInfM ? {PSgn, XExp, XMan} : YInfM ? {PSgn, YExp, YMan} : ZInfM ? {ZSgn, ZExp, ZMan} : Overflow ? {WSgn, 11'h7ff, 52'b0} : Underflow & ~ResultDenorm ? {WSgn, 63'b0} - {63'b0, (Minus1&AddendStickyM)} + {63'b0, (Plus1&AddendStickyM)} : KillProdM ? {ZSgn, ZExp, ZMan} - {63'b0, (Minus1&AddendStickyM)} + {63'b0, (Plus1&AddendStickyM)}: // has to be after Underflow {WSgn,WExp,WMan}; // Set Invalid flag for following cases: // 1) Inf - Inf // 2) 0 * Inf // 3) any input is a signaling NaN assign ProdOf = (ProdExpM >= 2047 && ~ProdExpM[12]); assign ProdInf = ProdOf && ~XNaNM && ~YNaNM; assign Invalid = (XNaNM&~XMan[51]) | (YNaNM&~YMan[51]) | (ZNaNM&~ZMan[51]) | ((XInfM || YInfM || ProdInf) & ZInfM & (XSgn ^ YSgn ^ ZSgn)) | (XZeroM & YInfM) | (YZeroM & XInfM); // Set Overflow flag if the number is too big to be represented assign Overflow = WExpTmp >= 2047 & ~WExpTmp[12]; // Set Underflow flag if the number is too small to be represented in normal numbers assign ProdUf = KillProdM & ZZeroM; assign Underflow = SumExp[12] | ProdUf; // Set Inexact flag if the result is diffrent from what would be outputed given infinite precision assign Inexact = Sticky|Overflow| (|NormSum[1:0]); // Combine flags // - FMA can't set the Divide by zero flag // - Don't set the underflow flag if the result is exact assign FmaFlagsM = {Invalid, 1'b0, Overflow, Underflow & Inexact, Inexact}; endmodule